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Deforestation is logging forest is used as a new land. But now in our country was often
occurring deforestation. The of result the deforestation bring bad impact for nature and human.
Because people do deforestation due to the bad economic situation so that they choose
the logging of forests in the wild so they get the money quickly.
The impact of deforestation is very large especially for the environment, among others,
flooding, landslides, erosion and so on. Moreover, it can affect the animals living in the forest,
they will lose their habitat or residence so they will go to the local community.
When deforestation is done continuously, the trees that there in the forest can't do its
function e.g. when its rained no tree roots that absorb the water, that could cause flooding or
Thus when we do deforestation to serve as the new land, don't forget to replant or reforestation in
order to make the existing trees in the forest are able to perform their functions.

Nama : Nurul Rahmah Dian Adawiyah (25)

: Enai Medhira (12)

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