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Lesson Plan

School : MAN Banyuwangi

Subject : English
Grade Semester :1
Class :X
Topic : Narrative text
Time Allocation : 2 x 45minutes
Skills : Reading

A. Core Competence
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,
peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan
pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai
permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial
dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam
pergaulan dunia
3. Memahami ,menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian
yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara
mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Basic Competence
No Basic Competence Indicator
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat
mempelajari bahasa Inggris
sebagai bahasa pengantar
komunikasi International yang
diwujudkan dalam semangat
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku
tanggung jawab, peduli,
kerjasama, dan cinta damai,
dalam melaksanakan
komunikasi fungsional.
3.9 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, Menunjukkan motivasi
struktur teks, dan unsur untuk mengembangkan
kebahasaan pada teks naratif kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.
sederhana berbentuk fabel, Mengidentifikasi cerita
sesuai dengan konteks narasi/ legenda berbahasa
penggunaannya Inggris.
Mengidentifikasi unsur
bahasa dalam cerita.
Mengidentifikasi struktur
teks cerita narasi.
Mengidentifikasi kata-
kata dalam cerita narasi yang
Mengidentifikasi pesan
keteladanan dalam kisah/ cerita
yang ditonton berjudulMalin
Menyusun paragraph acak
dari teks naratif ke dalam teks
narrative yang baik dan benar.

4.13 Menangkap makna teks naratif Mencari video cerita narrative

lisan dan tulis berbentuk dari berbagai sumber dan
legenda sederhana. menyalin unsur struktur dari
teks naratif dan pesan moral
dalam bentuk tulisan.

C. Learning Objectives
During and after the learning process students can :
1. Identify linguistic elements in the narrative story
2. Find the main idea, details, and specific information
3. Giving a message in a narrative story titled Malin Kundang
4. Creating a narrative story based on pictures series given
5. Develop random paragraphs into the correct narrative text
6. Finding video narratives from different source
7. Jot down all the elements of narrative structure and moral message in
the narrative stories created video with handwritten.

D. Method and learning model

- Observation
- Discussion
- Discovery learning

E. Media, Tools, and References

- Power Point about Narrative text
- Malin Kundang video story
- Pictures

F. Learning Activities
NO. Activities Description of activities Time Allocation
1 Introduction - Greeting 10 Minutes
- Pray
- Check attendance
- Teachers give a little
introduction about the
material first meeting
and showed pictures
of the narrative.
- Students to guess the
type of text is being
2 Core - Observation 70 Minutes
Activities 1. Students listen to
2. While viewing the
video, the students
identify the
structure of the
text in the story
3. Students identify
the elements of
language /
grammar in the
video narration
- Questioning
1. Students listen to
2. Students answer
questions about
teachers in the
3. Students answer
questions about the
teachers' moral
message in the
4. Teacher discusses
the narrative
(orientation and
- Exploring
1. Students in groups
sort of random
paragraphs of text
into a narrative
that is correct
2. Students in groups
create narratives of
pictures series
3. Students in groups
to analyze the
structure of the
text, elements of
linguistic and
moral messages in
the story.
- Associating
1. Student
individually seek
narrative story he
knows (his
favorite) from
various sources
and to give the
message of each

- Communicating
1. Each group
appoints a
representative to
present their
thoughts in front of
the class
the narrative text
content, text
structure and
2. Students from
other groups
provide feedback
on what is done by
his friend.
3. Other group do
assessment of a
collection of
stories that have
been analyzed on
the message in the
story created.

3 Closing - Students and teachers 10 Minutes

Activities confirm the special
phrases that often
appear in the story

- Students in groups on
the instruction of
teachers working at
home to look for the
video narrative from
various sources and
then copy structure
elements of narrative
and moral messages
with handwriting.
- Delivering the
learning goals will

G. Evaluation
1. Attitude assessment
a. Valuation techniques : self-assessment
b. Form of Self-Assessment Instrument : self assessment form
No. Students Receptiveness Tolerance Discipline Integrity Teamwork Responsible

A : always consistent
B : consistent
C : began to consistently
D : less consistent
E : very less consistent

2. Knowledge
a) type / valuation techniques : writing test / portopolio
b) form of instruments : analysis

Scoring guidelines
No. Answer Score
1 Mentioning 1 character in the story 1
2 Mentioning 2 character in the story 2
3 Mentioning 3 character in the story 3
4 Mentioning 4 or more characters in 4
the story

NO Answer Score
1 Writing a story but there's wrong 1
spelling and no message
2 Writing the story and the message is 2
not correct and incorrect spelling
3 Writing the right story but the 3
message is incorrect
4 Wrote the story and the message 4
properly with correct spelling

3. Portfolio scoring guidelines

Subject :
Duration :
Students Name :
Class / Grade :

No. Basic Competence Criteria Information

Writing Content Mesage Creativity

(1 10) (0 10) (0 10) (0 10)
1 Menginterpretasikan
cerita legenda

Score max 1 :4
Score max 2 :4
Score max 3 :4
Score max 4 :4
Score max 5 (40: 10) :4
maximal value = 20 X 5 = 100
1. Match the picture with the paragraph !





Once upon a time in a village in North Sumatera, there was

a farmer named Toba. He lived alone in a small house. His
parents had passed away. To fulfill his daily needs, Toba
got from his rice field and garden. The local population
knew him as a kind guy. In addition, he was also known
as helping handed man.

One day, Toba went fishing in a river. After a long waiting,

he felt something pulling his fishing road. He pulled it as
strong as he could. Apparently, there was a big fish hooked
at his fishing hook.
Toba brought that big fish home right away. When he
arrived at home, he placed the fish. Then he went out to look
for firewood. However, when he went back home, he did
not find the fish. But, how surprised he was seeing a
beautiful girl sitting on a chair. He really fell in love with
her. Toba told her his feeling and asked her to marry him.
The beautiful girl told him that she would only agree to be
his wife if he promised to keep the secret of her origin. Toba
agreed, then they were married and lived happily in Tobas

God blessed Toba and his wife a son. They called him
Samosir. They loved him very much. As his mother always
spoiled him with all that he wanted, Samosir grew to be a
bad boy.

One day, Toba was so angry at Samosir, because Samosir

had eaten all his lunch. Toba hit his son again and again.
You are a crude boy. You are just an insolent fish
descent!, Toba snapped at his son.

Samosir cried and ran home right away. When he arrived

home, he sadly told his mother that he had been hit by his
father. He also told her what his father told him about his
mothers origin. His mother was deeply sad on hearing her
sons story. Her husband had broken his vow.

Tobas wife asked her son to run to the hill which was not
far from their house and she went out from her house. From
the distance, she saw her son already reached the hill. She
ran to a river. Suddenly the weather was changing. Clouds
were covering that area, thunders were crushing and rain
was falling down heavily. Tobas wife jumped into the
river, then turned into a big fish. The water now greatly
When Toba saw the weather was changing, he tried to save
his life. Unfortunately, it was all too late. The water came
to him, took him away, then he was drowned . No one
could see him again. At the moment Tobas place became
a large lake. People then called it as TOBA LAKE.

2. Fill in gaps in the sentences below and organize them into a story
A. He (be).. very poor, so he really (want).. to be a rich
B. One day, in the midst of their meditation, they (hear) the
voice of god calling them
C. Once upon a time in Pasundan West Java, there (be) a man
called Kabayan
D. It (seem) that it (be)..impossible for them to agree.
Kabayan (want). to wish a great amount of money, but his wife
(think). they should wish for abundant supply of rice.
E. He and his wife (decide). to go to Mountain Gede to spend
some time for praying, fasting and meditating, so that their wish to
become rich might be granted
F. Finally Kabayan (become) so annoyed with his wife that he
said, I wish god would turn you into a monkey !.
G. Kabayan and his wife then (have). a long discussion about
what they should wish for.
H. His wish (be). promptly granted, but with these two wishes
Kabayans chance to ask for wealth (be). Gone
I. Therefore he and his wife (remain). poor as long as they lived.
J. Kabayan (regret).. his words very much, then he (wish)
that his wife would become herself again.
K. Immediately Kabayans wish (be) granted, and he (see)
his wife transformed into a monkey before his very eyes.
L. . Kabayan!, said the voice. I grant you two wishes. Only two.
You had better talk it over with your wife before you make them.
3. Look for the video narrative from various sources and then copy
structure elements of narrative and moral messages with handwriting.

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