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Korean J. Food Sci. An.

Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 369~376(2013)



Effect of Heat-Treat Methods on the Soluble Calcium Levels

in the Commercial Milk Products
Sung-Ho Yoo, Seung-Bum Kang, Jin-Ho Park, Kyung-Sang Lee, Jin-Man Kim1, and Sung-Sik Yoon*
Division of Biological Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Wonju 220-710, Korea
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea

Milk is well known to be rich in some nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins. In particular, absorption
and bioavailability of calcium receive lots of attention because calcium is very little absorbed until it is changed to the ion-
ized form in the intestine. In this study, concentration of the soluble calcium was determined in the commercial bovine milk
products, which were processed by different heat-treatment methods for pasteurization. As for general constituents, lactose,
fat, protein, and mineral were almost same in the liquid milk products by different processors. Ultrafiltration of the skimmed
milk caused little change in the permeate as for lactose content but both fat and protein decreased. pH values ranges from
6.57-6.62 at room temperature and slightly increase after centrifugation, 10,000 g, 10 min. Rennet-coagulation activity was
the lowest in the ultra high temperature (UHT-)milk compared to the low temperature long time (LTLT-) and high tempera-
ture short time (HTST-)milk products. Each bovine milk products contains 1056.5-1111.3 mg/kg of Ca. The content of sulf-
hydryl group was the lowest in raw milk compared to the commercial products tested. For the skimmed milks after ultrafil-
tration with a membrane (Mw cut-off, 3 Kd), soluble Ca in the raw milk was highest at 450.2 mg/kg, followed by LTLT-milk
336.4-345.1 mg/kg, HTST-milk 305.5-313.3 mg/kg, UHT-milk 370.3-380.2 mg/kg in the decreasing order. After secondary
ultrafiltration with a membrane (Mw cut-off, 1 kD), total calcium in raw milk had a highest of 444.2 mg/kg, and those in the
market milk products. As follow: UHT-milk, 371.3 to 378.2 mg/kg; LTLT-milk, 333.3 to 342.2 mg/kg; HTST-milk 301.9 to
311.2 mg/kg in a decreasing order.
Key words: bovine milk, heat-treat method, soluble calcium, sulfhydryl group, ultrafiltration (UF)

Introduction et al. 1993; Lee and Kim, 2002; Park and Lee, 2002). Now
that market milk contains about 1,000-1,200 mg of calcium
As a natural food rich in nutrients such as protein, cal- per kg, and cheese and yogurt provide more calcium than
cium, phosphorus and vitamins, milk has energy required market milk, the fermented dairy products are of great
for human activities and nutrients needed for building up significance as an effective dietary source of calcium.
the human body and metabolism (Chai, 1988). In particu- Calcium present in milk is actually divided into two
lar, rich calcium content in milk prevents dietary fat from types of the colloidal calcium and the soluble calcium.
being absorbed and is dedicated to inhibit cholesterol According to the earlier reports, about two thirds of the
absorption in collaboration with plant-origin phytosterols calcium is colloidal and the rest is soluble form, taking up
in the alimentary track. When the calcium intake from approximately 10 percent. The calcium phosphates found
dietary source increases, it exerts to lower the serum cho- in milk is saturated in terms of the phosphates and mostly
lesterol as well as fat level. However, when the calcium insoluble (Holt and Jenness, 1984; Neville et al. 1994).
intake is insufficient, it adversely affects the bone growth The raw bovine milk usually contains pathogenic micro-
and maintenance, resulting in osteoporosis or bone frac- organisms and also active enzymes, which frequently
ture and also vulnerability to various diseases such as high hamper digestion and absorption of milk. Accordingly, it
blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia (Kim, 1993; Lee becomes a common process that the raw milk goes through
the heat-treatment as a safety measure (Lee, 1999). Once
the raw milk has been heat- treated, it is able to destroy
*Corresponding author: Sung-Sik Yoon, Division of Biological
the inherent microorganisms and extend the shelf life
Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Wonju 220-710,
Korea. Tel: 82-33-760-2251, Fax: 82-33-760-5576, E-mail: after production. There are three types of heat-treatment process of raw milk for sterilization purpose: the low tem-

370 Korean J. Food Sci. An., Vol. 33, No. 3 (2013)

perature-long time (LTLT, 30 min at 65oC), the high tem- Table 1. Heat-treatments methods on raw milk and some com-
perature-short time (HTST, 15 s at 72oC), and the ultrahigh mercial bovine milk products
temperature (UHT, 2-4 s at 135oC) methods (Woo and Methods of
Symbol* Temperature
Maeng, 1998). heat-treatment Time
These pasteurization and sterilization processes affect None (Raw milk) R - -
in various ways on the sensory and nutritional quality of A 63 30 min
Low temperature
milk (In and Jung, 2001). Sandhu (1973) reported that the B 63 30 min
long time (LTLT)
total calcium content in the heat-treated milk products C 63 30 min
was not changed, while Burton (1984) claimed that heat- Hight temperature D 72 15 s
short time (HTST) E 72 15 s
ing processes of milk influenced the balance of calcium
F 130 2s
salts in its distributions, resulting the reduced soluble cal- Ultra high temperature
G 130 2s
cium contents because the ionic calcium combined with (UHT)
H 130 2s
the phosphates or the denatured proteins turns into the *R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha,
colloidal calcium form while the calcium moves to the E: Denmark, F: Seoul milk, G: Maeil, H: Namyang
inside of casein micelles, reduced the content of the ultra-
filtrable calcium accordingly. Depending on the heat- sure the content of the soluble calcium. The ultrafiltration
treatment processes, the soluble calcium and the ionic module (Model 3622, Vision Scientific, Korea) mounted
calcium are shifted into the casein micelles along with the with a cellulose membrane was used and the ultrafiltra-
structural changes of milk proteins, and consequently the tion was carried to collect the permeates, which were sub-
total soluble calcium content decreases (Woo and Maeng, jected to analysis. As for ultrafiltration membranes (MA
1998). Pouliot et al. (1989) reported that soluble calcium 01821, Millipore, USA), two kinds of membranes, high
reduced when raised the temperature up to 90oC. There (Mw cut-off 30 kD) and low molecular (Mw cut-off 10
are several papers that the relative ratios between the kD), were used, depending on the molecular weight of pro-
ionic calcium and the soluble calcium content is changed teins to be removed.
by heat treatments, resulted that physicochemical proper-
ties of milk change. But it still remains uncertain about Determination of crude protein content
calcium distributions according to the heat-treatment me- This was carried out according to the official AOAC
thods applied to the processing milk. method (1995) and the content of crude protein was cal-
Therefore, this study was performed in order to com- culated by the formula below with the use of the conver-
pare the soluble calcium content and physicochemical pro- sion factor (6.38).
perties as a function of heat-treatment on the commercial ( V1 V2 ) F Conversion Faxtor
- 100
Crude protein ( % ) = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
liquid milk products produced by such methods as LTLT-, E
HTST- and UHT- methods currently adopted by the dome- E = sample volume (mg)
stic milk processors. F = titre of 0.1 N HCl
V1 = Volume (mL) of 0.1 N HCl consumed for the
Materials and Methods samples
V2 = Volume (mL) of 0.1 N HCl consumed for the
Commercial milk products used blank test
The liquid milk products used in this experiment were
purchased at superstores and marketing agencies in Korea. Determinantion of fat concentration
Conditions for pasteurization of each product are listed in Fat was determined using the Rse-Gottlieb method
Table 1. Non-homogenized raw milk was supplied by Dairy- (AOAC, 1995).
zen Inc. (Wonju) and raw farm milk was transferred to this
laboratory within an hour. To remove milk fat, the centrif- Determination of lactose concentration
ugal separation (Supra 28K, Hanil, Korea) was conducted HPLC (Waters Alliance System 2690, USA) was used in
for 10 min at 10,000 rpm before experiments. the quantitative analysis of lactose as the operational condi-
tions shown in Table 2. Each of 5 mL sample was taken
Ultrafiltration of skimmed milk and mixed well with 30 mL of deionized water to mess
Ultrafiltration of skimmed milk was conducted to mea- up to 50 mL with acetonitrile, and then centrifugated (J2-

Table 2. Operating conditions of HPLC for lactose analysis in Table 3. Optimum operational conditions for determination
the commercial milk products of calcium by ICP
Items Conditions Items Conditions
Instruments Waters Alliance System 2690 (Waters, USA) Wave length 317.93 nm
Column Carbohydrate (Waters, USA) Nebulisation pressure 1.0 bar
Detector RI Entrance slit 20
Flow rate 1.4 mL/min Exit slit 80
Injection volume 250 g Increment 0.004 nm
Mobile phase Pure water 25%, acetonitrile 75% Generator power 1,000 W
sample gas flow rate 0.7 L/min
Plasma gas flow rate 12 L/min
21M/E, Beckman, USA) at 10,000 rpm at 35oC for 10 min. Auxilary gas flow rate 0 L min
The supernatant went through the membrane filter (a 0.45 Nebulisation flow rate 0.02 L/min
m PVDF filter, Gelman Lab, USA), which was used for
lactose analysis. Sugar standard solution (Sigma, USA) is used as a sample solution. Standard solution was prepared
prepared to be 0.1-0.5% (w/w), which was adjusted to for calcium at the concentrations of 1, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 mg/
100 mL of final volume by adding acetonitrile. 100 mL (Table 3).

Ash content Statistical analysis

Five gram of milk sample was incinerated at 550oC and Data of the experiments were statistically treated with
the ash content was calculated according to the AOAC the use of Statistic Analysis System (SAS Ver. 9.2 Program)
method (1995). and verified with Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

Rennet coagulation test Results and Discussion

The method described by McMahon et al. (1984) was
slightly modified for rennet coagulation test. Briefly, each General ingredients
of 5 mL milk sample was poured into the plastic test tube, Table 4 shows the analysis data of general ingredients
added the rennet enzyme (Christian Hansen, Denmark) after removing fat from the milk samples. Protein concen-
up to 5% (v/v) of the final concentration and incubated at tration was ranged 2.98 to 3.03%, fat 0.99 to 1.05%, lac-
35oC. After 30, 60, and 90 min, it was tilted at a fixed tose 4.69 to 4.78% and ash 0.62 to 0.66%. Judging from
angle on the flat surface and took photos of apparent vis- the data of little differences between the measured values
cosity of the clotted milk in the test tube. for each ingredient, it appears that the heating time and
temperature to the milk do not affect the content of respec-
Measurements of sulfhydryl group (SH) tive general ingredients. After ultrafiltration of the skim-
Sulfhydryl groups in the milk proteins were measured med milk samples above, the results of general ingredients
by a modification method reported previously (Torovaz- in the samples prepared by using the high molecular mem-
quez and Regenstein, 1989). 0.05 mL of the skimmed milk brane (Mw cut-off 30 kD) and the low molecular mem-
was dissolved in 2 mL of Tris-glycine buffer solution (dis- brane (Mw cut-off 10 kD) as shown in Table 5 and 6. Pro-
solved 20 g Tris, 13.5 g glycine, and 6 g EDTA into 1 L tein levels of the permeates passed through the primary
distilled water and adjusted to pH 8.0) and 2.5 mL of 5 M ultrafiltration was 0.49 to 0.57% and fat 0.45 to 0.52%,
guanidine hydrochloride, adjusted the final volume to 5 showing a greater reduction in both ingredients than those
mL with distilled water. of non-ultrafiltrated samples. The contents of lactose and
ash, on the other hand, showed no major changes as ex-
Analysis of soluble calcium pected. The permeates through the secondary ultrafiltra-
An Inductively Coupled Plasma analysis system (Opti- tion were 0.28 to 0.33% for protein and 0.17 to 0.22% for
ma 3300XL, Perkin Elmer, USA) was utilized for quanti- fat, which substantially decreased compared to those in
tation. The pre-treatment was conducted according to the the permeates through the primary ultrafiltration only, but
official AOAC method (1995). About 2 g of sample was the contents of lactose and ash had no major change, as
taken into the melting vessel, incinerated in the electric fur- expected. High molecular weight components fail to pen-
nace at about 550oC, diluted at the appropriate level with etrate the membrane in the process of ultrafiltration, mea-
distilled water and the diluted solution of HCl, which was sured at a very low level in the permeates, whereas low-
372 Korean J. Food Sci. An., Vol. 33, No. 3 (2013)

Table 4. General compositions of raw milk and some commercial milk products
Amount (%)
Method Symbol*
Protein Fat Lactose Ash
Raw milk R 3.010.03a 0.990.01d 4.710.06a 0.660.01a
A 3.020.02a 1.010.01bcd 4.770.05a 0.620.0c
Low temperature long time
B 3.030.04a 0.990.01 d
4.770.06a 0.630.02bc
C 3.030.04a 1.000.01 bcd
4.690.03a 0.640.02bc
Hight temperature short time D 3.030.06a 0.990.01 d
4.760.04a 0.660.01a
(HTST) E 3.010.06a 1.020.01 bc
4.780.05a 0.620.02c
F 2.990.04a 1.030.02 ba
4.690.04a 0.630.0bc
Ultra high temperature
G 3.020.02a 1.020.02 bc
4.690.03a 0.620.02a
H 2.980.09a 1.050.02 a
4.750.04a 0.650.02a
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, E: Denmark, F: Seoul , G: Maeil, H: Namyang
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

Table 5. General compositions of permeates obtained by ultrafiltration(Mw cut-off 30 kD membrane)

Content (%)
Methods Symbol*
Protein Fat Lactose Ash
Raw milk R 0.570.01a 0.470.01d 4.680.07a 0.650.02a
A 0.500.00b 0.510.01a 4.650.06a 0.610.01b
Low temperature long time
B 0.490.01b 0.520.02a 4.590.11a 0.600.01b
C 0.560.02a 0.480.0dc 4.590.11a 0.620.0ba
Hight temperature short time D 0.490.02b 0.470.0d 4.590.08a 0.650.02a
(HTST) E 0.500.01b 0.450.02e 4.610.02a 0.620.02ba
F 0.490.02b 0.490.0bc 4.650.05a 0.620.0ba
Ultra high temperature
G 0.560.01a 0.510.01a 4.660.10a 0.620.02ba
H 0.570.02a 0.520.0a 4.650.07a 0.620.02ba
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, E: Denmark, F: Seoul, G: Maeil, H: Namyang
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

Table 6. General compositions of permeate obtained by ultrafiltration (Mw cut-off 10 kD membrane)

Content (%)
Methods Symbol*
Protein Fat Lactose Ash
Raw milk R 0.320.0a 0.220.0a 4.450.07a 0.640.0a
A 0.330.01a 0.210.01ba 4.490.05a 0.610.0ba
Low temperature long time
B 0.280.01c 0.200.01 bc
4.470.07a 0.600.0b
C 0.280.0c 0.190.0 dc
4.490.05a 0.620.0ba
Hight temperature short time D 0.290.0bc 0.180.0 de
4.460.05a 0.630.0ba
(HTST) E 0.280.01c 0.170.01 e
4.470.07a 0.620.0ba
F 0.310.0ba 0.200.0 c
4.490.08a 0.610.0ba
Ultra high temperature
G 0.310.0ba 0.210.01 ba
4.450.02a 0.620.0ba
H 0.320.01a 0.200.01 bc
4.490.02a 0.610.0ba
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, E: Denmark, F: Seoul, G: Maeil, H: Namyang
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

molecular weight lactose goes easily through the mem- filtered milk than that of general skim milk, colloidal cal-
brane, resulted in the similar content each other. After cium were thought to be almost removed.
ultrafiltration, the contents of fat, protein and non-fat milk
solids of the permeates were in the very low level, pH Measurement
whereas lactose was the similar results to the previous Table 7 indicates the pH values of the skim milk differ-
report by Chon et al. (2012) that lactose drew no big dif- ently heat-treated and their permeates through primary
ference in the contents between raw milk, concentrated ultrafiltration membrane (Mw cut-off 30 kD) and second-
milk, and UF-permeate. Based on the results that there ary ultrafiltration membrane (Mw cut-off 10 kD). The raw
was a greater reduction in content of protein in the ultra- milk prior to ultrafiltration and the pH value of pasteur-

Table 7. pH values in raw milk and some commercial milk products

Methods Symbol*
Skimmed milk Ultrafiltration (30 kD) Ultrafiltration (10 kD)
Raw milk R 6.620.01a 6.690.01a 6.690.02a
A 6.620.02a 6.670.01b 6.670.0bc
Low temperature long time
B 6.620.0a 6.670.01b 6.680.0ba
C 6.620.0a 6.660.01cb 6.660.0bc
Hight temperature short time D 6.620.0a 6.690.01a 6.690.02a
(HTST) E 6.620.01a 6.670.01b 6.670.0bc
F 6.570.01c 6.640.01d 6.650.02c
Ultra high temperature
G 6.580.0cb 6.650.01cd 6.650.01c
H 6.590.0b 6.650.01cd 6.660.0bc
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, E: Denmark, F: Seoul, G: Maeil, H: Namyang
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

ized milk products (HTST- and LTLT-milk) was 6.62, on the other hand, was considerably reduced in coagula-
showing no difference in pH values. The UHT milk, how- tion activity, compared to other samples where the coag-
ever, was 6.57 to 6.59 of a relatively lower pH. The pH of ulation state of the UHT-treated milk after 90 min incu-
all treatments through primary and secondary ultrafiltra- bation significantly dropped in rennet coagulation activity
tion returned 6.64 to 6.69, resulted in slightly higher pH than those of raw milk, HTST-, and LTLT-treated milk.
than non-ultrafiltrated samples. The reason that the pH These results hold a similar tendency to others work (Ham
slightly increased following the ultrafiltration is explained et al., 2008) that coagulation activity of raw milk was the
mainly due to the fact that part of minerals slipped out most effective at 60 min after adding rennet to the UHT-
into the permeate. This result is similar to the one form treated milk and raw milk was far more effective than
the previous study (On-Nom et al., 2010) that pH value UHT-treated milk in terms of milk coagulation.
slightly goes up when milk is ultrafiltrated. As for the mechanism addressing milk coagulation, phe-
nylalanine (105)-methionine (106) of -casein is sensitive
Rennet coagulation test to proteolytic enzyme rennet. Accordingly, stability of ca-
Fig. 1 shows the results of milk coagulation experiment sein micelle decreases and gets coagulated when this pep-
after adding rennet to each sample and incubated for 30, tide bond is digested. If heated at high temperature, how-
60, 90 min, respectively. After every 30 min following addi- ever, the sensitivity of -casein to rennet reduce in coa-
tion of rennet, milk coagulation was measured, resulted gulation strength because enzyme action is hindered as a
that raw milk was confirmed to have the most effective result of the complex between -lactoglobulin and -
compared to other samples, and additional incubation of casein (Lucey, 1995). Sterilization process of raw milk is
90 min has little change on the apparent coagulation state known to have a critical effect on the balance of calcium
of HTST- and UHT-treated milk used. The UHT-treat milk, phosphate and the balance of colloidal calcium phos-
phate-k-casein complex. When the ratio between soluble
calcium and colloidal calcium increases, clotting time by
rennet extends. Therefore, when soluble calcium is added,
it was suggested that the clotting time of milk can be
shortened by complementing the amount of calcium ion
lost by heat treatment (Kim et al., 2011).

Measurement of sulfhydryl group

The sulfhydryl group in intact milk proteins becomes
Fig. 1. Results of the rennet coagulation test on raw milk and activated and concomitant changes of its tertiary structure
some commercial milk products after incubation for during heat treatment. When heat is applied to milk, vol-
30(1), 60(2), and 90(3) min, respectively. A1-A3: Raw atile sulfide compounds are formed to generate the cooked
milk, B1-B3: LTLT (Low temperature long time)
flavor as a off-flavor as some sulfur-containing amino acids
treated milk, C1-C3: HTST (Hight temperature short
time) treated milk, D1-D3: UHT (Ultra high tempera- liberate the sulfhydry groups (Jaddou and Pavey, 1978).
ture) treated milk. When milk proteins are contacted to heat, it tends to cause
374 Korean J. Food Sci. An., Vol. 33, No. 3 (2013)

Table 8. Contents of the sulfhydryl group of raw milk and

some commercial milk products
Sulfhydryl group
Methods Symbol*
(M/g protein)
Raw milk R 2.710.09c
A 3.220.10ba
Low temperature
B 3.300.08ba
long time (LTLT)
C 3.230.05ba
Hight temperature D 3.330.09ba
short time (HTST) E 3.390.11a
F 3.380.14a
Ultra high temperature
G 3.350.09a
H 3.290.13ba
Fig. 2. Non-denaturation polyacrylamide gel electrophorosis
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, (ND-PAGE) of defatted raw milk and some commer-
E: Denmark,F: Seoul, G: Maeil, H: Namyang cial milk products defatted. A: Raw milk, B: LTLT
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly (Low temperature long time) treated milk, C: HTST
different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05). (Hight temperature short time) treated milk, D: UHT
(Ultra high temperature) treated milk.

a structural change, exposed the inside SH groups to the

outside, therefore the amounts of SH group is consequently market milk products and raw milk. have shown that the
influenced by the time and the temperature applied, com- raw milk contained the highest value of 1,111 mg/kg, and
position of raw milk, initial acidity, oxygen content, and product H (UHT- treated) was the lowest value of 1,056
storage conditions (Klostermeyer, 1976). As shown in mg/kg. No significant difference (p<0.05) was found in
Table 8, the values for SH groups in the commercial milk each sample as for the total calcium content. A similar ten-
products (symbol A to H) were measured to be 3.22-3.39, dency was found in the earlier report, claimed that heat
while the value of raw milk was 2.71, which is signifi- treatment has no influence on the total calcium content in
cantly lower than in the heat-treated samples. This result milk (Sandhu, 1973). For determination of soluble cal-
indicates the structural change in milk proteins probably cium, ultrafiltration was conducted with the primary (Mw
took place even by means of pasteurization or steriliza- cut-off 30 Kd) and the secondary membrane (Mw cut-off
tion process. To confirm the structural changes in casein 10 kD) in order were carried out, resulted that the total
according to heat treatment, non-denaturation polyacryla- calcium content was between 27.4 and 41%. This result
mide gel electrophorosis (ND-PAGE) was performed. was very similar to the values previously reported by
However, the banding pattern was all identical to those of Miguel et al. (2004) that the soluble calcium of UHT
the denatured samples on polyacrylamide gel electropho- milk accounts for 24 to 37% of the total calcium content.
resis (Fig. 2). Total calcium contents in the market milk products were
as follows: UHT-milk was 370.3 to 380.2 mg/kg; LTLT-
Determination of total calcium and soluble calcium milk, 336.4 to 345.1 mg/kg; HTST-milk, 305.5 to 313.3
As shown in Table 9, content of the total calcium in the mg/kg. After secondary ultrafiltration, total calcium in raw

Table 9. Concentrations of total and soluble calcium in raw milk and some commercial milk products
Soluble calcium (mg/mL)
Methods Symbol* Total calcium (mg/mL)
by UF membrane (30 kD) by UF membrane (10 kD)
Raw milk R 1111.321.3a 450.23.5a 442.26.7a
A 1087.217.8a 336.42.4 e
Low temperature long time
B 1091.121.9a 337.23.4 ed
C 1099.58.2a 345.14.0 d
Hight temperature short time D 1100.440.8a 305.51.8 f
(HTST) E 1101.231.3a 313.36.5 f
F 1086.48.2a 375.44.1 cb
Ultra high temperature
G 1104.340.8a 370.34.7 c
H 1056.524.5a 380.24.1 b
*R: Raw milk, A: Ildongfoodis, B: Konkuk, C: Pasteur, D: Sangha, E: Denmark, F: Seoul, G: Maeil, H: Namyang
Means with the different letter in same column are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

milk had a highest of 444.2 mg/kg, and those in the mar- 5. Ham, J. S., Shin, J. H., Noh, Y. B., Jeong, S. G., Han, G. S.,
ket milk products: UHT- milk, 371.3 to 378.2 mg/kg; LTLT- Chae, H. S., Yoo, Y. M., Ahn, J. N., Lee, W. K., and Jo, C.
milk, 333.3 to 342.2 mg/kg; HTST-milk 301.9 to 311.2 (2008) Chemical and microbiological quality, capillary elec-
trophoresis pattern, and rennet coagulation of UHT-treated
mg/kg in a decreasing order. It appears that the content of
and irradiated milk. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 17, 58-65.
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perature above 130oC was applied for sterilization. While Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 77, 275-282.
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tendency was drawn to a previous study reported that the and Ha, W. K. (2011) Milk Processing Technology. Yuhansa,
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2 s at 120oC than in the one heat-treated for 15 s at 85oC. 10. Kim, S. H. (1993) Ca nutrition and osteoporosis in Korea. Kor.
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(Received 2013.2.12/Revised 2013.6.12/Accepted 2013.6.19)

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