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Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Behaviour Difficulties: some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Behaviour: Difficulties (examples):

Attention and Focus easily distracted by auditory/visual stimuli
does not remain on task
task avoidance

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Behaviour: Interventions (examples):

Attention and Focus Reward/chores/duties
Pre-arranged signal
Preferred seating
Reward system – ex. 5 min. colouring, etc.
Behaviour log – stickers
Frequent breaks
Subtle redirection and cues
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Behaviour Difficulties: some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Behaviour: Difficulties (examples):

Social Conflict with Peers Is not accepted by peers
Responds inappropriately to peers comments

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Behaviour: Interventions (examples):

Social Conflict with Peers Group work (with peers that are more accepting/good role model, etc.)
Teach self advocacy skills (through read alouds or drama/improv, explicit
teaching, social stories, etc.
Model good behaviours (teacher showing them what they expect from
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Behaviour Difficulties: some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Behaviour: Difficulties (examples):

Task Completion rushes through work with little or no regard to accuracy or quality of work.
doesn’t make appropriate use of time provided for tasks
does not follow directions
reluctant to try new tasks

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Behaviour: Interventions (examples):

Task Completion Chunk in smaller tasks – peer editing
Use a timer, checklist
Write directions on board, reward, have clear expectations
Positive reinforcement, pair them with a strong student
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Behaviour Difficulties: some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Behaviour: Difficulties (examples):

Motivation Does not complete tasks
Does not participate in group activities
Does not participate in whole group discussions

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Behaviour: Interventions (examples):

Motivation Topics of interest check lists
Pairings rewards
Classroom jobs and routines group competition
Stamp card incentive
Positive praise
Group roles and tasks
Start small and work up to group discussions
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Behaviour Difficulties: some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Behaviour: Difficulties (examples):

Anger fights with other students
is easily angered or annoyed
agitates and provokes peers to a level of response
fights with other students
Others: Verbal fighting with admin
Throws items/objects

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Behaviour: Interventions (examples):

Anger Time out/send to admin
Stress release activity
Thermometer card (levels of anxiety)
Safe place/safe person
Exit card
Explore anger management strategies – self monitoring
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Learning Difficulties: Some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Learning Difficulty Difficulties (examples):

Oral Language/Listening Not understanding concepts (before, after, during)
Able to only follow first part of instructions
Difficulty “finding” the right words
Weak vocabulary

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Learning Difficulty Interventions (examples):

Oral Language/Listening Word wall highlighting
Step-by-step on board
Limit amount
Allow for processing time
Pre-teach: provide an overview
Assistive technology, thesauraua
Pairing, rotation
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Learning Difficulties: Some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Learning Difficulty Difficulties (examples):

Decoding/Fluency Difficulty matching sounds and letters
Laborious decoding
Difficulty with Phonics patterns
Guesses at words based on first sounds

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Learning Difficulty Interventions (examples):

Decoding/Fluency Flashcards – visual and verbal (practice), creating groups or a game with
the whole class
Break it down into chunks
Work on the same story – repetition
Paired with stronger reading buddies
Assistive technology
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Learning Difficulties: Some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Learning Difficulty Difficulties (examples):

Comprehension Focuses on “wrong” part of text
Can explain the outcome, but not the “why”
Brings up irrelevant information when making connections
Cannot retell the story sequentially

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Comprehension Interventions (examples):

Oral Language/Listening Circle key words/highlight
“No-Glamour” series resource
Redirect conversation, offer choices of answers
Storyboard (draw pictures), SMART ideas (computer program)
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Learning Difficulties: Some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Learning Difficulty Difficulties (examples):

Written Expression Poor concepts of print
Not able to write letters corresponding to sounds


Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Learning Difficulty Interventions (examples):

Written Expression Kurzweil
Card games
Computer games
Tier 1 Intervention Chart

Learning Difficulties: Some difficulties you may have seen occurring on a consistent basis.

Learning Difficulty Difficulties (examples):

ESL omits words
forgets concepts and vocabulary from one day to the next
easily distracted
difficulty following directions

Interventions: Note any interventions you may try as a classroom teacher.

Learning Difficulty Interventions (examples):

ESL Chunk activities, talk slower
Focus on visuals – visual anchor charts
Personal dictionary (ongoing)
Collaboration with other teachers
Preferential seating
Private redirecting signals
Ipods, headphones if on IEP

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