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how can you maintain resilience in your academic community

Despite having challenges in the academic community, I make sure that I nurture a positive view
in myself and developing confidence in my ability to solve problems and trusting my instincts helps build
resilience. It is also important to take decisive actions, rather than detaching completely from problems
and stresses and wishing they would just go away. Good relationships with faculty members and
employees are also essential. Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to
you strengthens resilience.

Make connections. Good relationships with close family members, friends or others are important.
Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you strengthens resilience.
Some people find that being active in civic groups, faith-based organizations, or other local groups
provides social support and can help with reclaiming hope. Assisting others in their time of need also can
benefit the helper.
Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. You can't change the fact that highly stressful
events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to these events. Try looking beyond
the present to how future circumstances may be a little better. Note any subtle ways in which you might
already feel somewhat better as you deal with difficult situations.
Accept that change is a part of living. Certain goals may no longer be attainable as a result of adverse
situations. Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you focus on circumstances that
you can alter.
Move toward your goals. Develop some realistic goals. Do something regularly even if it seems like a
small accomplishment that enables you to move toward your goals. Instead of focusing on tasks that
seem unachievable, ask yourself, "What's one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in
the direction I want to go?"
Take decisive actions. Act on adverse situations as much as you can. Take decisive actions, rather than
detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away.
Look for opportunities for self-discovery. People often learn something about themselves and may
find that they have grown in some respect as a result of their struggle with loss. Many people who have
experienced tragedies and hardship have reported better relationships, greater sense of strength even
while feeling vulnerable, increased sense of self-worth, a more developed spirituality and heightened
appreciation for life.
Nurture a positive view of yourself. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting
your instincts helps build resilience.
Keep things in perspective. Even when facing very painful events, try to consider the stressful situation
in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective. Avoid blowing the event out of proportion.
Maintain a hopeful outlook. An optimistic outlook enables you to expect that good things will happen in
your life. Try visualizing what you want, rather than worrying about what you fear.
Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Engage in activities that you enjoy
and find relaxing. Exercise regularly. Taking care of yourself helps to keep your mind and body primed to
deal with situations that require resilience.
Additional ways of strengthening resilience may be helpful. For example, some people write about
their deepest thoughts and feelings related to trauma or other stressful events in their life. Meditation and
spiritual practices help some people build connections and restore hope.
The key is to identify ways that are likely to work well for you as part of your own personal strategy for
fostering resilience.
2. how do your admirable values influences other people

Taking into account personal values and beliefs

One of the responsibilities of workers is that we do not impose our own values and beliefs on
the people we work with. That is, that we dont provide options and services based on what
we feel is right, but that we work with people in relation to what is right for them. We should
always remember that it is their life and only they should make decisions about how they
should live their life.
If you try to impose your own moral values on clients, you are likely to make them feel
judged and to damage their self-worth. Moreover, they are likely to reject you and to reject
your values too. If you are able to accept your clients, with whatever values they have, you
may well find that as time passes they move closer to you in their beliefs. This is inevitable
because we are, whether we like it or not, models for our clients and we have a
responsibility to be good models.
Regardless of who the client is, and regardless of his or her behaviour, he or she deserves to
be treated as a human being of worth. If you respect your clients, they will, through feeling
valued, be given the optimum conditions in which to maximise their potential as individuals.
It is essential that you are aware of your own values and beliefs so that you do not impose
them (deliberately or unintentionally) on the people you are working with.

Professional values
In order to leave your personal values out of the client/worker relationship, you need to
aware of the impact they may have when you come across clients that do not behave in
ways that you agree withthat is, clients who have different values and beliefs to you. You
may find that with such clients you become judgemental or notice that you are encouraging
clients to make a decision that reflects what you think they should do (based on your values
and beliefs) rather than working with the client to come up with their own ideas about how
to resolve the issue.
That is why it is so important to have ethical standards, so that we are operating by a
professional set of guidelines, not what we personally think is right or wrong.

Activity: Professional values

What would you consider to be the values and attitudes that are critical for
someone who works in the community services industry?

Respecting the beliefs, attitudes and values of others
Everyone is entitled to their own values, attitudes and beliefs. It is important to accept and
respect that other people may well have different attitudes, values and beliefs than you. We
do not have the right to expect that others change their values, attitudes and beliefs just
because they are different to ours.
It is quite possible that you may face situations at work that either challenge or compromise
your own values, attitudes or beliefs when working to support people with a disability.
It is not always easy to avoid communicating your beliefs and values to clients, but it is
something you need to be very aware of. It can be very easy to influence clients in subtle
ways. Simple things like body language, gestures, the way you say something, or even
actions, can give a client the impression you agree or disagree with their values or beliefs.
A disability support worker, Sally, was assisting Harry, a client, to decide what movie he was going to
see on the weekend. Harry loved horror films. Sally hated them. During the conversation Sally shook
her head every time Harry pointed to a horror film in the paper. In the end Harry decided to go and
see a comedy. Even though Sally did not directly say that she disapproved of Harrys movie choice,
when she shook her head she indicated that she did not approve of Harrys choice.
The support you give to clients should be, as much as possible, in line with their values,
attitudes and beliefs, while also in line with your community services organisation and the

3. does your good character help you in your teaching profession

Teachers are responsible for teaching specified standards of academics. We have our course objectives,
our teaching strategies, our standards, and our college and career readiness goals. We have our lessons and our
curriculums, all outlining the specific academic criteria we are responsible for passing on to our students.

But morality, in addition to raw academics, plays an important role in society. It raises an important question, Who
is responsible for teaching morality? Is it societys responsibility, including teachers, to pass on the virtues of
civilized life to the next generation? Or is this strictly within parents purview to oversee? Who gets to decide which
morals get attention and which dont?

Some communities have their established character-building programs incorporated into their schools and
community life. My community abides by Character Counts, an ethics initiative founded upon six virtues of
character. Does your school have a moral education component that you incorporate into your teaching

Why Teaching Strategies that Employ Morality Matter

If you were to hand someone $1 million, is that person now rich? Well, perhaps for the moment they are. But we all
know the real determination of wealth is not how you get money, but what you do with it. Do they have the
background and training to help them keep and grow that money, or will they squander it away within a year?

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I think of education along the same lines. Education is valuable, but getting one is not the issue. What a student
does with their education is what counts. Will they squander it away? Will they further invest in their learning? Will
they apply their knowledge? Will they use it to make the world a brighter place or a darker one? Morality is in part
responsible for helping students best apply their education for their own personal benefit and the benefit of their
surrounding society.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education. When we consider
what a complete education includes, Dr. Kings words of advice help us understand that pure intelligence isnt
enough. Its the content of ones character that helps to ultimately determine the choices and actions an individual
will ultimately take. Dr. King also compared education without morals to a Ship without a compass.

Multiple studies have linked the implementation of character education in schools to the improved academic
performance of students. A 2003 study of 600 California schools states that character education Reduced office
referrals, improved attendance and test scores, increased skills for conflict resolution, lessening of risky behavior,
and overall improved school climate and civility. Another 2005 study determined that the most commonly affected
outcomes included positive impacts on socio-moral cognition, pro-social and behavioral attitudes, and problem-
solving skills, among many other areas.

Theres little doubt that including some kind of character or moral education in addition to strict academics positively
influences students. The question then is not if we should include discussion and education of morality in schools,
but how.

Linking Morality to Academics

There are a number of formal ethics and character programs available to assist schools and communities with the
moral development of their youth. If youre interested in exploring programs to potentially implement in your
organization, consider adopting Character Counts or another formally developed program that fits the desires of
your community.

Rick Weissbourd posits in his Moral Teachers, Moral Students article that Educators influence students' moral
development not simply by being good role models but also by what they bring to their relationships with students
day to day. Moral education can happen from formal school programs or, as Weissbourd recommends, from
improved teacher training. But for the time being, however, think more directly about how you as a teacher can
positively impact the moral development of your students on a day-to-day basis.

Teach Positive Behaviors. One of the first ways that you, as an educator, bring moral education into your
classroom is by directly speaking about positive behaviors. Sometimes we assume that students know the correct,
moral thing to do in any given moment. But do not allow this assumption to cause you to overlook the opportunity to
make Teachable moments out of situations in your classroom. Openly share with students what the right thing to
do is, and engage them in a discussion that challenges them to evaluate for themselves what seems the most
appropriate course of action.

Be a Role Model. Its not just what you say; its what you do that counts. As one of the few adults in the life of a
child, its important that you use your conduct to model for students what an ethical professional looks like. Make
sure that you do the right thing and conduct yourself along the highest moral standards. Judge fairly, practice
honesty and respect, share, demonstrate responsibility, and allow students to see how you embody these
characteristics in and out of the classroom.

Connect It to Your Content. Sometimes learning certain content is straightforward learning. But look for those
opportunities where aspects of your content raise the moral question or connect to character issues. Students enjoy
being challenged to think critically about themselves, and connecting ethical discussions to your content both
reinforces their content knowledge and their characters.

Talk with Parents. Your students are important to you, but you are not the sole adult interested in your students
moral development. Share your aspirations of your students characters with parents, converse with parents about
how students are doing academically and ethically, and always make sure you allow parents to remain in the
drivers seat of their childrens character development.

How Does Character Education Help Academics?

So what does this have to do with academics? After all, if youre responsible for make sure your students achieve up
to the proscribed academic standards, then why waste valuable talking about character?

If you look at a list of elements covered by most character education programs even informal ones driven by
individual teachers youll notice a strong intersection between good characters and good students. Consider how
improvements in each of these areas could resultantly produce a positive impact on a students academic

Respect towards others

Personal responsibility
Conflict resolution
Better attendance
Calm articulation
Community contributions

When students are regularly exposed to discussion of these virtuous characteristics and encouraged to assume
these qualities, it will result in fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, better homework completion,
decreases in bullying and exclusion, declines in conflicts between students and teachers, more mature understand
of tasks, comfort and ownership in the classroom, and other positive elements that impact student learning.

Benjamin Franklin stated that ... Nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth
in wisdom and virtue. As we equip our students with powerful educations, our participation in the development of
their moral characters helps to ensure that they will participating in a more positive learning environment in their
youth and preserve a mature community in their adulthood.

Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by

speech, writing, or signs-American College Dictionary.
The word communication has many ramifications. It is basically a process of interaction
with the people and their environment. Through such interactions, two or more individuals
influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other. Such interactions take place
through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and
expressions. In organizations, communication is a continuous process of giving and
receiving information and to build social relationships.

The word communication is derived from the Latin word communism, which means
common, because commonness of understanding is an essential component of all kinds
of communications, more particularly in organizational communication. Without common
understanding, communication in organizations creates more misunderstandings and
people may become directionless. Today, we talk about a shared vision in organizations.
To develop a shared vision, we need effective communication mechanisms.

Even for day-to-day operational issues, communication plays a great role in clarifying
doubts and in making the efforts of the people result oriented. What is important for us is
to understand that in our ancient texts, we have enough reference of non-verbal
communication between man, nature, and animals. Communication with nature and
animals was considered the best way to reinforce learning in the Indian gurukul system of
learning. Therefore, communication is as old as our civilization. Even in pre-civilization
days, non-verbal communication was in existence between man, nature, and animals.

In organizations, however, language-based or verbal communication is more important.

With language, communication within and outside the organizations became much more
effective and global. With market globalization, the English language has been accepted
as a medium of communication even by the countries such as China, Japan, Russia,
France, and Germany, whose considered policy was to communicatewhile trading with
the various countries of the worldin their own languages, but that did not work well.
Therefore, with language, communication in organizations becomes much more simple
and meaningful.

To ensure that you are able to convey your message effectively, you need to communicate properly
with the other person. If you are not capable of communicating your message loud as well as clear to
the other individual, he/ she will not be able to perceive the true meaning as well as motive behind
your message.Communication plays a vital role in our everyday life with each one of us making use
of different methods of communication for conveying our messages and for understanding the
messages of others as well. We can also simply define communication as the act of exchanging
expressions, information as well as thoughts.
Why good communication skills are important?

Communication can be both one way as well as two way depending on the number of individuals who
are a part of the process. It is very important to have a good two way communication between your
team, organization and even family members so that you are able to deliver your message and also
get a chance to find out their apt response. One way communications usually have an individual
communicating his/ her thoughts to the other person while the other person is simply listening to the
message being conveyed to him. In other cases, one way communications are also seen
in televisions as well as radios where the information is imparted to an individual or a large number of
individuals via the satellite communication system with the people having no other pivotal role other
than simply listening to the information.

The relevance of a two- way communication is usually seen in the case of speaking to people face to
face. This is the case when two individuals are talking to each other and here an individual stops in
between his sentences to get an appropriate response from the person he is talking to. In a two- way
communication, both the parties are required to be equally involved so that the other person does not
feel like he/ she is not being heard properly. Two way communications also hold relevance in the
case of face to face as well as telephonic interviews when both the interviewer as well as the
candidate are required to maintain healthy, direct as well as active communication with each other. In
these cases, there is also the need for both the parties to maintain constant eye contact with each

7 Cs of effective communication:

Communication is the sole source of conveying our thoughts and dilemmas with other people.
Through the use of healthy communication, almost all kinds of problems can be solved since all the
parties involved are provided with a chance to put forward their thoughts as well as they are also
assured that they are being heard during all points of time throughout the course of the process of
communication. Whether professionally or personally, there is always the need to maintain a healthy
and open- minded communication with people around you. Last but not the least, communication is
an art which brings two individuals closer in the long run while also enabling them to understand each
others thoughts easily.

Communication is the foundation for sharing information between people

to ensure that everything is understood and can be acted upon. Without
good communication, missions fail and others can not help to fulfill the
mission. Another reason communication is important is because you
leave others out of the loop and they can not inform higher the proper
status of what is going on.
Communication as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary is
the exchange of thoughts, expressions, and or information. This is the
basis of all communications.
Communication among individuals, teams, units, and
organizations is essential to efficient and effective mission
accomplishment. Two-way communication is much more effective than
one-way communication. Mission accomplishment depends on
information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up
and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally
among adjacent organizations.
The Army has only one chain of command. Through this chain of
command, leaders issue orders and instructions and convey policies. A
healthy chain of command is a two way communications channel. Its
members do more than transmit orders; they carry information from within
the unit or organization back up to its leaders. They furnish information
about how things are developing, notify the leader of problems, and
provide requests for clarification and help. Leaders at all levels use the
chain of command to keep their people informed and render assistance.
They continually facilitate the process of gaining the necessary
clarification and solving problems.
The downfall of communication can lead to mission failure and
this can not be the case when the mission of any kind fails due to poor
communication. Poor communication between leaders and subordinates
and vise versa is essential to all mission accomplishments.

Communication is the foundation for sharing information between people

to ensure that everything is understood and can be acted upon. Without
good communication, missions fail and others can not help to fulfill the
mission. Another reason communication is important is because you
leave others out of the loop and they can not inform higher the proper
status of what is going on.
Communication as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary is
the exchange of thoughts, expressions, and or information. This is the
basis of all communications.
Communication among individuals, teams, units, and
organizations is essential to efficient and effective mission
accomplishment. Two-way communication is much more effective than
one-way communication. Mission accomplishment depends on
information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up
and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally
among adjacent organizations.
The Army has only one chain of command. Through this chain of
command, leaders issue orders and instructions and convey policies. A
healthy chain of command is a two way communications channel. Its
members do more than transmit orders; they carry information from within
the unit or organization back up to its leaders. They furnish information
about how things are developing, notify the leader of problems, and
provide requests for clarification and help. Leaders at all levels use the
chain of command to keep their people informed and render assistance.
They continually facilitate the process of gaining the necessary
clarification and solving problems.
The downfall of communication can lead to mission failure and
this can not be the case when the mission of any kind fails due to poor
communication. Poor communication between leaders and subordinates
and vise versa is essential to all mission accomplishments.

Communication is the process of establishing meaningful relationships among human beings. Part of communication is used to share
information, thoughts and feelings between each other. Effective communication ensures whether the transmitted contents are
received and understood by someone in the way they were intended. Also the common goal of effective communication includes
creating a general perception, changing behaviours and acquiring correct information. Many people think that communication is
easy. It is not just about talking. There are many other things involved with effective communication such as gesture, proper body
language, expressions and listening. Communication should not only be mistaken for information sharing only. Effective
communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults in all walks of life and at any
age whether it be with relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, associates or even total strangers. Also, effective language skills are
essential for children to access the curriculum. Effective communication in a school is capable to facilitate talent, creative thinking, a
change in attitude etc. It is extremely important that pupils learn the value of team work and co-operation from the early stages of
their lives.

A school is a place where the pupils learn that they have to communicate with other fellow pupils to get work done. It is in the
school that the students learn that their ideas, opinions and efforts are valued and that they are active members of the society.
Effective communicators must be able to look at things from different perspectives. This enables you to see things from a different
view point, helping to build trust and show respect for another persons feelings on a situation. It also shows that you are interested
in what someone has to say and will listen without judgement to both sides of a story. If someone...


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Character Education Programs

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Character Education Programs

One of the most important things to parents is that their child grows up to be a
caring, healthy human being. Parents were actually asked what the most important
Click Here
thing they wanted for their children was. The most common response, given by
48% of the parents, was making sure their child grows up to be a moral person.

( A good way to ensure this is by

implementing character educationprograms. With the increase in violence in young
people today, character education programs are a great way to teach people
various good and useful morals. Character education programs are exactly how
they sound; they are designed to build ones character throughout childhood so
that the individual is able to make good decisions in life. Character education
programs are intended to handle aggressive behaviors, build self-esteem, resolve
conflicts peacefully, encourage diversity tolerance, practice core values and
promote character education ( The effect of
character education programs on students behavior will be addressed.

Character education programs are designed to help with many issues such as
aggressive behavior, life skills, conflict and violence, safety, diversity tolerance and
most of all, they exist in order to help build ones character. Effective character
education programs need to include many main beliefs.

It is said that Character education promotes core ethical values as the basis of
good character. This means that some values which include caring, honesty,
fairness, responsibility, and respect for self and others are all essential to building
character education. The hope is that schools that implement character education
programs look at these values as obligations for the student to uphold.

The second thing that character education needs to have is thinking, emotion, and
behavior. The point here is to help people understand the difference between what
is right and wrong, good and bad, and to use those good values throughout their

In schools using character education, intentional, proactive, and comprehensive

approaches are used to follow the values of good character. The intentional
approach and proactive approach try to develop character, and the comprehensive
approach uses every feature of schooling. For example, it would use the
environment in and surrounding the school to try and build character. It would also
make sure that the bus driver for the school bus is in good character. The general
idea is to make sure that good character can be found everywhere a student goes;
good character needs to be shown around them on a daily basis so they believe
that it is the norm.

Another important concept of character education is that the school needs to

promote character education by being in good character itself. This includes all
parts of the school including cafeterias. If a lunch lady was being disrespectful, it
would not promote a good value for use in character education. Its goal is to
become a moral community. If most of the students are acting in good behavior,
most of the other students will do the same. On the contrary, if most students are
being disruptive, it is likely that another student will join in and mold to that
generally speaking, students tend to imitate what they see their peers doing.

The fifth element of character education is that in order for a student to gain good
values, they need to have the opportunity for it. The student needs to learn from
real life experiences. Team building games that incorporate a vast amount of team
work is a great way to gain this type of experience to promote good values. Group
projects are also a good way to promote values because the students have to
work together and cooperate with each other in order to reach a common goal.

Success is an important part of a students academic career. Character education

programs promote the success of the student. The program works to keep them
challenged and help them succeed. I have noticed that students tend to work
harder for a teacher that they like and know would help them if they needed it. For
example, I am doing horrible in my biology class. I am thankful that my teacher is
always willing to help me, and for this reason I try harder. If I did not like the
teacher and they were not willing to help me, I likely would not work as hard. It is
believed by some that in a caring classroom and school where students feel liked
and respected by their teachers and fellow students, students are more likely to
work hard and achieve.
The next point says that character education programs should teach students that
they should do the right thing, simply because it is the right thing to do. Many
people nowadays get rewarded for doing the right thing. For example, some
people help others just to get the tip out of it. Character education programs
should teach them to do things for their inner feeling, and the internal reward that
what they are doing is right, and they should feel good about what they are doing.
The internal satisfaction should be all that is needed in order to provide
satisfaction. If a person helps an old lady cross the street, he/she does not get any
external reward from that. The reward is simply the knowledge that he/she did
what was right.

All of the adults in the school system must adhere to the values of character
education in order to pass them on to the students. The adults are the authority
figures that the students look up to, so if the adults are doing something wrong; it
is likely that the students will follow. All of the adults need to be role models for the
children to look up to. Also, the adults can promote good values by doing what the
students are supposed to do. If the students have to work in groups and get along,
they should see the adults doing the same. In addition, the school should have
regular meetings to discuss the positive and negative aspects of how the character
education program is working.

Leadership comes in many forms throughout the schoolthis includes the

students themselves, as well as the teachers and administrators. Both the
students and the staff should act as leaders, and continually promote good
leadership qualities. The principals are the most obvious leaders of the school, but
teachers are often times in charge of various groups and activities, just as
students are appointed to leadership positions in a wide range of student-run
groups (the most common being student council).

The Character education program goes way beyond what goes on inside the
school. Parents also need to be heavily involved in order to promote the same
good values that the school is trying to promote. The school and the parents
should be in touch with each other to find out how to encourage these values to
make sure their kids turn into ethical individuals. It is critical that there is
continuous collaboration between the teachers and the parents, because both are
responsible for teaching the kids the proper value system.

Lastly, the character education programs in the schools should be evaluated in

order to provide proper feedback. Students should be able to view their opinions
on how things are working out in their school. Also, any individuals working in the
school should constantly be promoting or adhering to the goals of character
education. In addition, the programs effectiveness should be noted. This can be
noted by looking at whether the attendance of the students has increased or
decreased, how many fights there were in their school in comparison to the
number of fights in some other schools, the amount of vandalism in and around
the school, the amount of drugs that are being used, and a wide range of other
things. (

Promoting character education is not easy, and there could be ways that it should
not be promoted. For example, certain methods to promote ones character have
been deemed ineffective. The following methods have also been found to be
ineffective in promoting character in youth: lecturing and moralizing, authoritative
teaching styles, externally derived codes of ethic, and setting the ethics agenda
without involving students in the process.

A simple, yet effective, way to determine the way a large group of people feel
about a certain issue is to take a survey. In this case a survey was given in a
community in order to show what traits were valued within that community.
Parents and teachers within the community agreed on the issue when they both
decided that respect for self, others, and property, honesty, and self-
control/discipline were the most important values.

Surveys are not the only method used to determine the overall consensus of a
group; another method is simply to complete an evaluation. In this particular case
an evaluation was conducted to determine whether or not character education
programs were effective. The results of the evaluation concluded that the overall
effect on cognitive outcomes and performance was positive. However, the results
were mixed and inconclusive when it came to dealing with the behavioral
outcomes. In this evaluation it was determined that the curriculum actually had
seven major components (all of which being different universal ethical values) that
needed to be addressed: courage, loyalty, justice, respect, hope, honesty, and
love. According to the evaluation, once these seven issues were addressed, the
character education program would be a success.

As shown above, character education programs seem to be a great way to build a

moral community. By using the 11 components listed throughout the paper, school
systems can build character for the students by incorporating the value system in
everyday life.

Works Cited

Bulach, Cletus R. "Implementing a Character Education Curriculum and Assessing

Its Impact on Student Behavior.." Clearing House 76 (2002).

Character Education. <http://>.

Flay, Brian R. Positive Youth Development Requires Comprehensive Health

Promotion Programs . <>.

Gholar, Cheryl. Character Education: Creating A Framework for Excellence.

University of Illinois. <>.

Growing Responsible, Respectful Children.


Leming, James S. "Tell Me a Story: an evaluation of a literature-based character

education programme.." Journal of Moral Education 29 (2000): 413-428.

McDaniel, Annette K. Character Education: Developing Effective Programs. Apr.

1998. <>.

Starr, Linda. One Character Education Program That Works! 01 Feb. 1999.

The Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education .


Thomas, Ronald S. Assessing Character Education: Paradigms, Problems, and

Potentials. <http://www.lions->.

How to Cite this Page

MLA Citation:
"Character Education Programs." 08 Oct 2016

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