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Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

Exercise Prescription Number 1

Students Name: Victoria Stock

Clients Name: Tina Taylor Age: 55

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
Predicted maximal oxygen consumption: 40.73 ml/kg/min
(Use value from pretest to best represent the clients VO2MAX)

A. Steady State
Mode(s): Walking or Biking
Frequency (List specific days): Twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday)
Resting HR: 68 BPM Predicted maximal heart rate (220-age): 165 BPM

Steady state intensity range: 45% to 65%

Karvonen formula: MHR RHR x (intensity %) + RHR = Target or exercise heart rate

Lower end or range: 165 BPM 68 BPM x (45%) + 68 BPM = 112 BPM
Upper end or range: 165 BPM - 68 BPMx (70%) + 68 BPM = 136 BPM

Exercise HR range: 112 bpm to 131 bpm

RPE range: 11 to 13

Duration: 40 minutes per session, (80 minutes total)

Warm up:
Walk at a heart rate ranging from 83-91 BPM or at an RPE of 8-9

Cool Down:
Walk at a heart rate ranging from 74-83 BPM or at an RPE of 7-8
2. Muscular Fitness
BW: Body weight
RB: Resistance Band
*One rep is equal to one down and back of the length of the McKenna Aerobics Room

Machine or Muscle Group(s) Weight Sets Rep Range Days of the Week
Equipment Put in
the intended order
1. Dumbbell Bench Chest 5lbs 3 8-10 Tuesday

2. Shrugs Back 5lbs 3 8-10 Tuesday

3. Dumbbell Biceps Biceps 5 lbs 3 8-10 Tuesday


5. Triceps Extensions Triceps 5lbs 3 8-10 Tuesday

6. Is, Ys, and Ts Shoulders BW 3 8-10 Tuesday

7. Band shoulder press Shoulders RB 3 6-8 Tuesday

8. Band shoulder Shoulders RB 3 6-8 each Tuesday

rotation (external and arm

9. Flutter Kicks Abs BW 3 30 seconds Tuesday

10. Bird Dog Abs BW 3 5 each side Tuesday
11*. Walking lunges Quads 5lbs (each 3 2 reps* Thursday
12. Squats Quads BW 3 8-10 Thursday

13. Box step ups Quads BW 3 6-8 Thursday

15. Leg presses Quads 25 lbs 3 6-8 Thursday

16. Leg curls Hamstrings 25lbs 3 6-8 Thursday

17. Bosu hip bridge Hamstrings/Glutes BW 3 6-8 Thursday

18. Bosu crunches Abs BW 3 10-12 Thursday

19. Bosu reverse Abs BW 3 10-12 Thursday

3. Flexibility
Frequency (List specific days): Three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and one day of choice)

Timing Circle those that apply: after warm-up during session after cool-down

On your day of choice, stretch once in the morning and once in the evening

Repetitions: 2 times (each side)

Duration of Stretch: 20 seconds
Intensity: To the point of moderate discomfort
Describe/list stretches:

Quad pulls: Stand with one foot firmly on the floor, using the wall to balance. Grab your ankle and bring your foot
upwards. Hold to the point of moderate discomfort.

Hamstring stretch: There are many options for stretching this muscle. Do what is most comfortable for your back.
o Sit at the edge of your seat and dip low into the stretch. You should feel this in the back of your leg.
Hold to the point of moderate discomfort.
Calf stretch: Find a wall and plant one foot firmly and farther behind the other. Extend your body weight forward
and hold the stretch.


Shoulder stretch: Reach your arm across your chest and pull using the opposite arm. Hold to the point of moderate


Neck Stretch: DO NOT ROLL! Tilt your head one way and hold to the point of moderate discomfort. Switch sides.
Cat and Camel Stretch: (Back): Breathe in deeply and extend your back upward. Continue to breathe. Hold for 20
seconds and then curve your back inward. Hold for twenty seconds and then repeat.

4. Body Composition

As previously discussed, one of your goals is to lose fifteen pounds. Monitoring your diet as well as
keeping up with your exercise prescription can alter body composition. It is important to note that healthy
weight loss will not have rapid results. Normal weight loss is around one to two pounds a week, however, at
the end of this program (which is in roughly ten weeks), that can be anywhere from ten to twenty pounds! The
tests I used to determine your body composition were your skinfold measurements, body mass index, and
waist circumference.
Skinfold measurements were taken privately and in seven different areas of the body. They were
measured at the chest, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, abdomen, midaxillary, chest, and thigh. Your body fat
percentage was calculated to be 21.5% and was ranked in the 80th percentile and under the good category.
Your body mass index, otherwise known as your BMI, takes into account your height and weight. This can be
found by dividing your weight by height squared. Your BMI was measured to be 26 kg/m2, which is slightly
overweight. Your waist circumference was measured at 35 inches or 89 centimeters. This is considered a good
measurement for your age. Body compositions are great indicators of your overall health. Improvements can
be made and noticed in the time we are working together so long as you are willing to put in the effort.
In order to lose the desired weight, we will gradually work our way up to 150 minutes of physical
activity each week or possibly more. We will combine cardiovascular and resistance training to meet your
physical activity goals. Also, weight loss is more than strictly just exercising or strictly just changing your diet.
Though I am by no means a dietician, I do know enough to be able to convey that it goes hand in hand with
exercising to meet your weight loss goals. A great and resourceful website that can help you reach your weight
loss goal is: On MyPlate, it details how you can make small changes to
improve your diet while still providing your desired variety.

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