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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

I would like to introduce my self, my name is fitri rahmaniani, the representative of faculty of
medicine, university of riau, at this chance i was being as prime ministery of government.

First Affirmative

1. Define key terms

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today the affirmative team will be arguing that
technology is harming and impacting on our relationships. Technology is ubiquitous and
surround us all; our team will be discussing how modern day devices such as tv, phones,
tablets and the internet has increases societal, filial and relational problems on our world
and how these impacts have a significantly greater negative impact than a positive one.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today the goverment team will be arguing that ration
of end of life care is absolutly need to implement and to keep as indonesia project. Ration in
end of life care is defined as allocation of money that goverment gave to indonesian people
who have pass their productive age. Our team will be discussing how this era developing in
three burding disease is impacting on people, especially in end of their life. And also we will

2. Introduce the team line

Technology does harm our relationships because it is addictive, dangerous and disasterous
to our world

Ration to end of life care is important because it is helpful and safe our old people in this
country because not all of them have power to keep on doing a job.

3. Outline the team split

I will be arguing two points; intially how technology is impacting immensely on our children
and teenage relationships and secondly how social media is certainly not social at all and
shoulb be limited greatly in its use. Our second speaker will be presenting how technology
negatively impacts on lives of adults and how TV, gaming and streaming technologies have
assisted in the deterioriation of our social world.
I will be arguing two points; initially how ration to end of life care is important on guarantee
comfortable life of end of life indonesian people. And secondly how ration to end of life is
certainly not force and bothering government money. Our deputy prime minister will be
presenting how ration of end of life care advantages on lives of adults and how end of life of
people need help with money to support their life like their health

4. Elaborate and present your arguments

Children are spending too much time using technology : a behind the news survey revealed
that 56 % of children spend two hours or more on technology outside of school hour; a
whopping 10 % admit to at least four hours in front of the screen. This number is
consistently increasing as children grow woth research by the longitudinal study of
australian children identifying that kids aged 6-7 watch on average. 150 minutes of TV each
day compared to the staggering 250 minutes of 12-13 years olds. These statistics would not
be so shocking if it were not for the longlasting impacts with ever increasing cases of mental
health disorder (20%-according to a 2010 research) and behavior problems (15% according
to a 2015 study) we cannot ignore this global catastrophy any longer. Technolgy is harming
our children, our future, our world

Ration in end of life care is helpful and needness by our future, our world

First negative speaker

1. Respond to the firts affirmative speakers definition

Before we present our arguments the negative team will contend the definition presented
by the affirmative speaker. Our opposition proposed that technology harming our
relationships should be defined as technology simply having a negative impact in some way,
shape or form no matter how small. We contend that this definition is unrealistic and that in
its place we should define the topic as technology having a greater negative impact on
relationships than positive ones. This allows for the teams to debate not simply that
technology can be harmful, which logically anything can be, but to debate whether the
positives or negatives outweigh each other
Before we present our arguments, the opposition team will contend the definition
presented by the prime ministry. Our opposition proposed that ospec culture brings more
harm than good should be defined as ................, shape or form no matter how small. We
contend that this definition is unrealistic and that in its place we should define the topic as
first project in new school which is defined new school and gave information of school
simply having a negative impact in some way. So that government team dont give us a
realistic and logic definition on this motion. And need to re-thinking once more to stand on
right side to face this motion.

2. Rebuttal of first affirmatives arguments

The first speaker for the affirmative put forward on argument that children are spending too
much time with technology; whilst our team does not doubt that children do spend a larger
amount of time with technology than their parents did. We argue that this is a logical
development as technology has advanced to improve and enhance the lives of children.
Simply spending time with technology does not that technology is harmful. In fact I would
like to cite a study which found students who used a literacy and numeracy app had average
test results of 80%. These children aged 4-5 learnt invaluable skills in recognising letters,
sounds and numbers through the emergent literacy assessment app.

The prime minister of goverment put forward on argument that ospec culture are activity to
give new student with introduce them teacher and so own, culture as habit which has senior
and junior, senior is always right, junior is always wrong and if senior is wrong, back to first
rule, they may bitter junior to use jengkol, cartoon even if they was stupid things to do.
Junior should do whatever their senior want just because they felling fear. Fatality effect of
ospec culture that shown from public media.
; whilst our team does not doubt that .......... we argue that this is a logical development as
school has advanced to improve and enhance the lives of new member of student in a
school. Simply remaining and implementing ospec does not that ospec culture is harmful. In
fact i would like to cite a study which found students who have learned much from another
student (read as senior student) will have much more power to face their academic activity
smoothly because of they have known they school so well.
3. Outline the team line
Technology is not to blame for harming our relationships; individuals, culture and society
must bear the responsibility for any neglaction of relationships, not technology. Technology
has added and contributed greatly to the development of academids, culture and ease of
lifestyle that we have today.

Ospec cultur is not to blame for harming new students. Individuals of student who doesnt
have a good manner must bear the responsibility for any neglaction of that harm, not ospec
culture. Ospec culture has added and contributed greatly to the development of academic,
culture and ease way to face their new school that we have today.
4. Introduce the team split
I will be arguing two points; initially how social media hal helped to develop and enhance
our relationships and secondly, how culture, not technology, is in fact to blame for societal
problems. Our second speaker this evening will be arguing about how technology has
actually improved connectedness in society and how individual people are to blame for
relational issues, as opposed to technology.

I will be arguing two points; innitially how ospec culture in indonesia helped to develop and
enhance the new student for their new school, how individuals, not people, is in fact to
blame for societal problems. Our deputy of prime minister this morning will be arguing
about how about how ospec culture has actually improved
5. Present arguments
Social media, is beyond a doubt, a lynchpin in modern technology an communications.
Worldwide there are 1.86 billion monthly active users of facebook and 100 million daily
twitter users. These people are spending time connecting, communicating and enhancing
their lives. With a push of a botton we can talk to a friend in New York, see photos of our
cousins newborn baby and connect with potential employers. Our team do not doubt that
face to face communication is best; but it is not always possible. PEW Research Center found
that 43% of internet users are more likely to be trusting of others. More shocking was that
they discovered that instead of the averade 2 people non-internet users confided in; social
media users felt comfortable sharing with 9 friends in average. Facebook and technology
enhanced and encouraged closer and more intimate relationships.

Second speaker

1. Re-define the definition

Before i present my arguments and rebuttals I will be contending once more the definition
of this debate. Our opposition proposed that technology harming our relationships should
be defined as technology simply having a negative impact in some way, shape or form; no
matter how small. We contend that this definition is inaccurate and that in its place we
should define the topic as technology having a greater negative impact on relationships that
positive ones. This definition is far more reasonable as it allow for the debate to consider the
positives and negatives of
2. Rebuttal
The first speaker of the opposition contended that children are spending too much time with
technology; whilst our team does not doubt that children do spend a larger amount of time
with technology than their parents did, we argue that this is a logical development as
technology has advanced to improve and enhance the lives of children. Simply spending
time with technology does not prove it is harful. In fact technology can improve lives; in one
studey children aged 4-5 used the emergent literacy assessment app and improved their test
results to 80%. Another study ...
3. Present main arguments
Social media, is beyound a doubt, a lynchpin in modern technology and communications.
Worldwide there are 1.86 billion monthly active users of facebook and 100 million daily
twitters users. These people are spending time connecting, communicating and enhancing
their lives. With a push of a button we can talk to a friend in New York, see photos of our
cousins newborn baby and connect with potential employers. PEW Research Centre found
that instead of the average 2 people non-internet users confided in; social media users
shared intimate details of their lives with 9 people technology encouraged relationships to

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