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Unit 4 Study Guide-2015

Conflicts in the Colonies/Causes of the American Revolution

Directions: Answer the questions below. You will need the following handouts to complete this study guide:
Reading Guide #4: French and Indian War
Rising Tension in the Colonies PowerPoint notes
Values and Principles of American Democracy Tree Map
Matrix for Understanding Colonial Unrest handout
Hierarchy of Colonial Government Pyramid/Tension Between England and its Colonies ( back of Study Guide)
Declaring Independence/Matrix of Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence handout
Your textbook also has information in Chapter 3 (p.100-104 only) and all of Chapter 4
My website page: Causes of the Revolution has additional handouts/and copies of these handouts/notes.

I. Vocabulary: Define and explain the significance of the following terms

Boycott propaganda repeal tyranny imports exports mercantilism
Mecklenburg Resolves monopoly loyalist patriot Edenton Tea Party

II. People: Identify and explain the significance of the following historic figures:
Samuel Adams Samuel Prescott Paul Revere Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson
John Locke King George III Crispus Attucks John Adams Thomas Paine
III. Main Ideas and Critical Thinking:
1. Describe the similarities between the colonial governments and the English government.
2. For most of the colonial period, the colonists considered themselves to be loyal subjects of Great Britain. Why do you
think they felt this way? What happened to change the feelings of many colonists?
3. How did American colonists express their dissatisfaction with the monopoly on tea trade in America? What was
Great Britains Response?
4. Explain the meaning of natural rights.
5. Who were the Sons of Liberty? What was their purpose? Describe their tactics.
6. Describe the events leading to the Boston Massacre. Why was it called a massacre if only five people died?
7. Describe the events of the Boston Tea Party. Who organized it and carried out the plan? What did Great Britain do
to the colonies to punish them? Why was this a devastating punishment?
8. What was the First Continental Congress? What did the Congress vote to do? What did the Congress agree to do if
their complaints were not addressed?
9. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? What does the Declaration say people have a right to do
if a government is destructive of their rights?
10. What do you think was meant from the phrase, All men are created equal? In 1776 who was included? Who was
not? Who is included today?

Additional Info:
Be able to label the 13 colonies (matching like last time) AND
Know the land claims of North America in 1763. Be able to identify on a map which areas were owned by France,
Britain, and Spain. (Your powerpoint notes have this information).

Land Claims: North America 1763

2. This line is called:

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