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Abril Lopez

Mrs. Dougherty

Period # 5


Excel Lesson 8

Section A. Define the following vocabulary (18 pts):

1. Function; A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations.

2. Syntax; Syntax is an order that must be followed.

3. Argument; An argument is what contains information.


5. Colons; A colon is something that separates individual values.

6. Commas; A comma is something that separates individual values

7. AutoSum; AutoSum is a command that allows you to automatically return the results for a


8. Function Library; A great way to explore functions.

9. Insert Function Command; This command can be used to easily enter or select more than one


Sections B. Explain how to do the following (6 pts):

1) Create a basic function in Excel: To create a basic function you select where you want the

answer to appear, type the equals sign then the function name, enter the cells for the argument,

then press enter.

2) Use the Insert Function Command: Select the cell where you want the answer to appear, click

the insert function command, the dial box will appear and you will have to type the description

of the function. Next you review the results to find the function you want. When the function

argument dialog box appears, insert the cursor in the first field then enter or select the cells you

want. Repeat this but in the next field. Click ok and your done.

Section C. Critical Thinking (8 pts) - answer in question in paragraph format (at least 5-6


1) How are colons and commas used in Excel when writing arguments? In an argument,

individual values or cell reference inside the parentheses must be separated by colons or

commas. Even though they are both used for this, they can be used for one specific thing. Colons

can be used to create a reference to a range of cells. Commas can be used to separate individual

value, cell reference, and ranges. If there is more than one argument they must be separated by a


2) Which Excel functions would a small business owner use often? Explain how and why.

Teachers could use Excel daily, it is a good way to be organized. Some teachers could use for

attendance, test results, events that need planning, etc. A P. E coach could use Excel often by

calling attendance, remembering what to do in warm-ups or practice drills, notes on other teams,

weaknesses to improve in his own team and almost everything else that he needs to take note on.

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