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Mention the following numbers (sebutkan nomer2 berikut ini)

13A 11Z 20T 30H 15E 8Q

15U 50I 70C 17K 51B 31R

53O 57W 54N 90F 19X 80J

18U 100V 110L 115Y 120D 1000G

Stop !! .. Dont continue if you are still mistaken in this section (Berhenti, jangan lanjut kalau
anda masih keliru pada bagian ini)

Lets continue .....

Secion I : Pronunciation


time Note : Bunyi plossive (letup)ada 3 yaitu [k, p, t]
tom semua kata yang diawali bunyi itu meletup. Tentu
cat saja tidak mungkin meletup untuk yang diikuti de
talk ngan bunyi mati contoh : crow
port Bahasa terjadi secara alami, dimana pemakai baha
cart sa mencari mudahnya. Jadi .. enjoy aja

Notice the following

Tom is my cat
Tammy is my cow
What time is it?
Look, ten little Indian boys
Section II : Speaking

Personal Identity (identitas diri)

Look at the picture, and listen carefully (amati gambar ini, dan dengarkan dengan hati2)

Handoyo Rina
21 11
a college student a student
Jl Bawal No. 1 Jl Pari No.2
021-4396330 No Phone Number

Practice 1 : Answer these questions completely (Jawablah pertanyaan2 ini dgn lengkap)

Practice 2 :

Your name : ..........................

Age (umur) : ..........................
Job (pekerjaan) : ..........................
Home address : ..........................
Phone number : .........................

Practice 3 :
Answer the following questions user your own data (Jawab pertanyaan ini gunakan
data anda sendiri)

1. Is your name John? 6. whats your job?

2. What is your name? 7. Is your address Jl Bawal?
3. Are you 20 years old? 8. Whats your address?
4. How old are you? 9. Is your phone number 123456?
5. Are you a doctor? 10. What is your phone number?

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