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Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research


Vol. 67, January 2008, pp. 36-42

DM make up water reduction in thermal power plants using Six Sigma

DMAIC methodology
Prabhakar Kaushik1* and Dinesh Khanduja2
Mechanical Engineering Deptt, N C College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat 132 107
Mechanical Engineering Deptt, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 136 119

Received 11 May 2007; revised 22 October 2007; accepted 24 October 2007

Six Sigma DMAIC (define, measure, analysis, improve, control) methodology has been applied to a process industry
seeking energy conservation, taking a specific case of a thermal power plant. DM (De-mineralize) water in these plants is an
expensive input material. It has been found that 0.1% increase in DM make up water consumption increases generation cost by
Rs 82.82 lakhs per annum. In present study, implementation of Six Sigma project recommendations brought down mean make
up water from 0.90% to 0.54% of MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating), accruing with it a comprehensive energy savings of
nearly Rs 304.77 lakhs per annum.

Keywords: CTQ, DM, DMAIC, Process industry, Six Sigma

Introduction from raw water are substantial. Mostly, all gas based
Six Sigma (SS) methodologies improve quality and TPPs are operating on one module of combined cycle
produce large cost savings1-9. Kumar4 noted that SS has power plant, which consists of two gas turbines, two heat
found place primarily in manufacturing industries as a recovery steam generators and a steam turbine (Fig. 1).
quality tool. In process industries, no such convenience DM water is used for steam generation through gas based
is available. Working fluid in process industries may not combined cycle power plant. With in this closed cycle of
be visible and its quality is measured by pressure, DM water, DM water make up cycle is required to
temperature and flow measurement. In manufacturing compensate for the losses incurred in water-steam cycle
industries, production is already operating at 1-2 sigma due to evaporation, start up and shut down venting, valve
level and by applying SS methodology, it can be raised passing and blow downs. DM make up water enters in a
up to 5-6 sigma levels. In process industries, there are condenser at atmospheric temperature that is heated over
many sub- processes that operate even at negative sigma 500C for raising steam. Flow meter is used to measure
level because of being secondary in nature. So in process day cycle make up water as percentage of feed water
industries, a quantum jump in sigma value by application flow. Each 0.1% increase in cycle make up water
of SS tools cannot be expected and it is found that the increases generation cost by Rs.82.82 lakhs per annum,
improvement potential is maximum up to 2-3 sigma which includes cost of heat loss, extra water and
levels. consumption of chemicals.
Present work is an initiative to implement SS in a Hence, the main customer CTQ (Critical to quality)
thermal power plant (TPP). selected for SS implementation is to conserve energy by
reducing DM makeup water requirement at TPP.
Six Sigma Application in Thermal Power Plants A Presently, makeup water consumption at TPP is around
Case Study 0.9-2.0% of MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating). In
In TPP, optimisation of cycle make up water [De- comparison, other combined cycle power plants of the
mineralize (DM) water] consumption process involves same rating have been able to achieve DM water cycle
substantial cost. Escalating water charges from water consumption of the order of 0.5-0.7%.
supply department and cost of production of DM water
*Author for correspondence To study all possible variations of water consumption,
E-mail: 6 months data of cycle make up water consumption has

L.P. Steam 5kg /cm
20 0C S team Turbine
G as
GT Gener ator I Gene rator
~ 570C H .P. Steam 156 MW
GT - 1 H RSG - 1

L.P. Stea m
Flue gases 76 k g / cm
52 8C
GT Gener ator II
570C LPS T
~ GT - 2 H RSG - 2
Ex h aust H .P. Steam D M W ater
Mak e u p
ABBR. D escription

GT G as T urbine HO T W ELL Hot

HRS G H eat Recovery St eam G enerat or C old Water Water
VTB Vert ical T ube B oiler for
H.P. S te am H igh P ressure St ea m C ondensing C ondensate
L.P. S te am Low P ressure St eam Extra ction Pump
HPS T H igh P ressure St ea m T urbine
LPS T Low P ressure St eam T urbine De ae rator
B oiler Fee d Pu mp

Fig. 1 Systematic block diagram of combined cycle power plant

Fig. 2 Flow diagram of methodology adopted

to be collected. Cycle make up water consumption has are specified and selected based on water consumption
to be converted in terms of percentage of MCR of feed pattern existing in the best power plants around.
water flow so that this methodology can be applied to
other power plants. As it is not possible to reduce cycle Implementation of Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology
make up water consumption to zero and minimum is A five-step improvement cycle using SS organizations
the best, LST (lower specification limit) cannot be fixed (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control;
for water consumption. Hence, only USL (upper DMAIC) has been successfully implemented in TPP to
specification limit) of 0.7% and target value of 0.5% reduce DM make up water reduction (Fig. 2).

S up plier In put P rocess O utp ut C u stom e r

DM O p e ra tion R e d u ction in
M a ke U p W a te r T h e rm a l
P la n t and M a ke U p
C o n su m p tion P o we r
M a in te n a n ce W a te r
D a ta M a n a ge m e n t
p ra ctice s C o n su m p tion

Th in kin g C u sto m e r
S a tisfactio n &
R e la tio n sh ip

6 S igm a
M e th o d olo gy Flow

Fig. 3 High-level process map for cycle make up water consumption

Make up water before in %age

1 .5 0
Make up water before in %age

1 .2 5

1 .0 0

0 .7 5

0 .5 0
1 20 40 60 80 100 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80
Ob s e r v a t io n
N u m b e r o f r u n s a b o u t m e d ia n : 92 N u mb er o f ru n s u p o r d o w n : 119
E x p e c te d n u m b e r o f r u n s: 91 .824 18 E x p e c te d n u m b e r o f r u n s: 12 1.00 000
L o n g e st r u n a b o u t m e d ia n : 7 L o n g e st r u n u p o r d o w n : 4
A p p r o x P - V a lu e fo r C lu ste r in g : 0 .510 45 A p p r o x P - V a lu e fo r T r e n d s: 0.36 191
A p p r o x P - V a lu e fo r M ix tu r e s: 0 .489 55 A p p r o x P - V a lu e fo r O sc illa tio n : 0.63 809

Fig. 4 Run chart of make up water before

Define comes out to be 2.75% and 0.00% and put the percentage
In define phase, High level process map- a SIPOC study variation to be 2.75%, which is less than 10%,
(Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) diagram, indicating that flow meter was correct.
was drawn for cycle make up water consumption
(Fig. 3). Analyse
Data is analysed and causes of problem are
Measure discovered4 using following tools:
In cycle make up water consumption at TPP, make
up water flow is measured by a flow meter. To perform a) Run Chart
Gauge R&R study9 on this process, another flow meter Run chart was drawn from data collected for day cycle
of tested accuracy and characteristics needs to put in make up water from TPP measured through flow meter.
series to the installed flow meter. Two persons (operators From the results found using Minitab, P-values (Fig. 4)
in shift) were needed to perform this experiment. Sample for clustering (0.51045), trend (0.36191), oscillation
size was 10 and two readings were taken on each sample, (0.63809) and mixtures (0.48955) come out to be more
thereby making a total of 40 readings. From the results than the significance level (0.05), indicating not any
of Gauge R & R study, repeatability and reproducibility special cause of variation in data.

Target USL
Process Data Within
LSL * Overall
Target 0.50000
USL 0.70000 Potential (Within) C apability
Sample Mean 0.90945 Z.Bench -0.75
SampleN 182 Z.LSL *
StDev (Within) 0.27796 Z.USL -0.75
StDev (O v erall) 0.26475 C pk -0.25
C C pk 0.24
O v erall C apability
Z.Bench -0.79
Z.USL -0.79
Ppk -0.26
C pm 0.14

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

O bserv ed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. O v erall Performance
PPM>USL 763736.26 PPM>U SL 774435.70 PPM>USL 785564.80
PPMTotal 763736.26 PPMTotal 774435.70 PPMTotal 785564.80

Fig. 5 Process capability analysis of make up water before implementing

DMAIC methodology

Improper Adjustment of
S WAS Sampling Valves Passing of Drain & vent valves

Late closing of Vaccum pump overflow Leakages from HP/LP pipelines

Drain & Vent
Valves during Boiler Startup flanges & piping s
Passing due to under
Sampling Valve s remaining sizing of actuators
open after collection of samples
Sample drains remained opened Passing of valves due to improper MAKE UP
during Shutdown boiler limit switch setting
Frequency of boiler Longer running with boiler tube
hydraulic tests Leakage Tube Leakages
Higher no. of sample Blow down opening for Silica
collection in SWAS & conductivity test Gland Leakages from
pump s


Fig. 6 Fishbone diagram

b) Process Capability analysis c) Fish-bone Diagram

Process capability analysis was performed using Using expert experience and critical analysis of actual
Minitab to draw curve for cycle make up water from combined cycle at site, a fish bone diagram drawn
TPP measured through flow meter (Fig. 5). Z- bench (Fig. 6) to find causes of more DM water consumption
sigma value of process was found to be -0.75 and existing during combined cycle.
DPMO level of the process comes out to be 774435.70, d) Bar Chart
which is remarkably high and shows that there are a lot Actual DM water wastage from different points was
of opportunities for improvement in the process. measured or approximated where no measurement was



of contribution
Percent of contribution

Contribution, %




Fig. 7 Bar chart to show causes percentage contribution

Target USL
P rocess D ata W ithin
LS L * O v erall
Target 0.50000
USL 0.70000 P otential (Within) C apability
S am ple M ean 0.54066 Z.B ench 1.63
S am pleN 61 Z.LS L *
S tD ev (Within) 0.09767 Z.U S L 1.63
S tD ev (O v erall) 0.15382 C pk 0.54
C C pk 0.68
O v erall C apability
Z.B ench 1.04
Z.LS L *
Z.U S L 1.04
P pk 0.35
C pm 0.42

0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12

O bserv ed P erform ance E xp. Within P erform ance E xp. O v erall P erform ance
P P M < LS L * P P M < LS L * P P M < LS L *
P P M > U S L 65573.77 P P M > U S L 51389.17 P P M > U S L 150114.21
P P M T otal 65573.77 P P M T otal 51389.17 P P M Total 150114.21

Fig. 8 Process capability analysis of make up water after implementing DMAIC methodology

possible. Based upon measurement results, bar chart was gap between operation and chemistry staff and casual
drawn and resultant causes with their percentage approach of some of the staff were identified and action
contribution were found to have biggest impact on cycle plans were prepared to tackle such problems (Table 1).
make up water consumption (Fig. 7).
Improve In this stage, new process considerations are
In SWAS (Steam water analysis system), periodic documented and frozen into systems so that the gains
awareness and training of lab analysts, communication are permanent. All possible related causes of specific

Table 1Action Plan (Improve and Control Phase)

Recommendation proposed Status

1 All lab analysts to be individually interacted to emphasize the Implemented

importance of closure of SWAS valves after sample collection.

2 Six month periodic training cum awareness program for lab analysts to First program
be conducted to make them aware of the importance of DM water loss. already

3 Instructions to be pasted on SWAS panel for closure of sample valves Implemented

each time after sample collection.

4 Operation staff to be instructed to cross check from time to time the Implemented
position of SWAS sampling valves in their routine rounds Instructions
being followed

5 As an improvement measure, the frequency of blow down opening to Implemented

be changed from weekly to fortnightly

6 To avoid the loss of DM water due to vaccum pump overflow, Implemented

solenoid makeup valves of both the seal water tanks to be adjusted
properly for both low and high level settings.

7 Q uarterly checking of solenoid valves of both seal water tanks to be Implemented

carried out.
8 To detect the problem of seal water tank overflow at the earliest, in the Implemented
log sheet of the operator, the daily checking of seal water tanks to be
Included in the
included. log sheet

9 The leakages identified from HP/LP pipelines, valve passing to be To be

attended during next shutdown. implemented
10 The glands of all the pumps with excessive leakages to be tightened Implemente d

11 A schedule to be prepared to check/tighten (if required) the glands of Implemented

all the pumps fortnightly.

12 For on line sealing of HP steam leakages, annual maintenance contract To be

to be awarded implemented

identified problem from analysis phase were tackled and recommendation brought up the sigma level to 1.63 with
shut out in control phase (Table 1). DPMO level of 51389.17 (an improvement of
723046.53) and mean of the process reduced to
Results 0.54066% (an improvement of 0.368% mean), which is
Cycle make up water consumption was 0.9% MCR, equivalent to monitory saving of Rs 304.77 lakhs per
which is equivalent to Rs 745 lakhs (Rs.82.820.9%) annum (Fig. 8). A few more agreed recommendations
per annum (Appendix I). Application of project are still to be implemented during plant shutdown.

Estimated saving from the project after implementation References

of all recommendations is expected to be Rs 331.2 lakhs 1 Coronado R & Antony J, Critical success factors for the
per annum with mean make up water expected to come implementation of six sigma projects in organization, TQM
down (< 0.5%), which is substantial for any organization. Mag, 14 (2002) 92-99.
2 Henderson K M & Evans J R, Successful implementation of
Conclusions Six Sigma: benchmarking: general electric company,
Study proves that firms that successfully implement Benchmarking Int J, 7 (2000) 260-282.
Six Sigma perform better in virtually every business 3 Kapur K C & Feng Q, Integrated optimisation models and
category, including return on scales, return on strategies for the improvement of the Six Sigma process, Int J
Six Sigma and Comp adv, 1 (2005) 210-228.
investment, employment growth and stock value growth.
4 Kumar P, Six Sigma in manufacturing, Prod J, 43 (2002) 196-
Higher consumption of DM water is found to be a big 202.
problem in a thermal power plant. The causes for more 5 Mahanti R & Antony J, Confluence of Six Sigma simulation
DM water consumption are SWAS, problem of valve and software development, Manag Aud J, 20 (2005) 739-762.
passing, vacuum pump overflow etc. SWAS makes a 6 Mathew H, Barth B & Sears B, Leveraging Six Sigma discipline
big impact having 33% contribution for DM water to drive improvement, Int J Six Sigma Comp Adv, 1 (2005)
consumption. Further, some actions are recommended 121-133.
to reduce the consumption of DM water. Application of 7 Pandey P S, Neuman R & Cavanagh R R, The Six Sigma Way:
How GE, Motorola and Other Top Companies are Honing their
Six Sigma project recommendations brought up the
Performance (McGraw Hill, New York) 2000.
sigma level to 1.63. Estimated saving from the project
8 Park S H, Six Sigma for productivity improvement: Korean
after implementation of all recommendations is expected business corporations, Prod J, 43 (2002) 173-183.
to be around Rs 331.2 lakhs per annum with mean make 9 Raisinghani M S, Ette H, Pierce R, Cannon G & Dariply P,
up water is expected to come down below 0.5%, which Six Sigma: concepts, tools, and applications, Ind Manag Data
is substantial for any organization. Sys, 105 (2005) 491-505.


Cost calculations of loss on account of 0.1% make up water

Loss due to make up water consumption
Water is heated in boiler from 27C at atmosphere pressure to superheated steam at 528C and 76kg/cm2

Heat loss
Enthalpy of water at 27C (atmosphere pressure) = 113.25 KJ/kg
Enthalpy of superheated steam at 528C and 76kg/cm2 = 3472.74 KJ/kg
Loss in enthalpy = 3472.74 -113.25 = 3459.49 KJ/kg = (3459.49 1000) / 4.18 Kcal/m3 = 827629.1866 Kcal/m3
Equivalent loss in power = 827629.1866 / 1965 = 421.185 KWh/m3
(Considering Heat Rate as 1965 Kcal/ KWh for combined cycle)
Equivalent loss in monetary term = Rs 4.00 421.185 = Rs 1684.74 per m3
(Considering Rs. 4.00 per unit (KWh))
Cost of DM water = Rs 22.00 per m3

Total loss on account of make up water =Heat loss + water loss = Rs 1684.74 per m3 + Rs 22.00 per m3 = Rs 1706.741 per

Losses on account of 0.1% make up water

Total flow in boiler per annum = [(231(HP) + 46 (LP)) 2 (Boiler)] 24 h 365 days = 4853040 m3
Water quantity for 0.1% make up = (0.1 4853040)/ 100 = 4853.04 m3 per annum
Therefore, loss on account of 0.1% make up water = 4853.04 Rs 1706.74 = Rs 8282882.343 = Rs 82.82 lakhs approx per

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