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MKB 32



Nama : Francisca Putri Bestari

NIM : 1401217
Dosen : Tri Harist, ST
Tanggal Penyerahan : Jumat, 10 November 2017


Flash/Binary Cycle Geothermal Power Plant disebut juga sebagai

combined-cycle. Tujuan nya yaitu mengoptimalkan efisiensi siklus termal dengan
menggabungkan sumber entalpi hidrotermal yang tersedia di bawah permukaan
dengan memanaskan mereka dalam steam ketika air panas yang ditolak
digunakan untuk memanaskan hidrokarbon atau ammonia pada siklus biner.

G : Generator; ST : Steam Turbine; OT: Organic Turbine; CWP: Cooling Water


Sebuah plant siklus flash/biner menggunakan kombinasi dari flash dan

teknologi biner. Porsi dari fluida geothermal (185oC < T < 220oC) yang mana
flashes untuk pemanasan dibawah dikurangi tekanan adalah yang pertama
dikonversi sebagai listrik dengan pemanasan turbin backpressure. Pemanasan
bertekanan rendah yang keluar dari turbin backpressure dikondensasi dalam
system biner.

A double flash system uses two flashes separating systems in order to

generate more steam from the geothermal liquid and increase cycle output. The
cycle starts with high temperature fluid extracted from a geothermal source to a
high pressure separator (HPS) for flashing. The HPS produces a saturated steam
that enters the high pressure turbine and the remaining brine is directed into a
secondary low pressure separator (LPS). Reducing the flashing pressure increases
the mixture quality in the LPS, which results in higher steam production. Low
pressure saturated steam is mixed with the steam flow exhausted from the high
pressure turbine and the resulting steam flow is directed to the low pressure
turbine and produces more electricity. Steam that is exhausted from the low
pressure turbine will then be compressed and injected back to the ground. In a
flash system, separator pressure has a significant effect on the amount of power
generated from the system and the flashing pressures also influence double flash
cycle significantly. In order to optimize one design, the value of parameters versus
cost of operations should be taken into account.

A double flash system is able to achieve better energy utilization than a

single flash cycle, which means that the application has a higher efficiency. At the
same geofluid conditions, double flash systems are able to give you a higher
capacity. That being said, since this is a more complex system the application of
such technology would not be economically feasible for some applications


a. Geothermal Vent
A deep well is drilled into the surface of the well to extract hot water from the
geothermal source called geothermal vent.
b. Stream Tank
Water from the geothermal source is taken into the tank where some of it is
converted into the steam and some into the boiling water.
c. High Pressure Separator
Steam tank have boiling water and high pressure steam together at same
place. High pressure separator separates the steam from the water and
forwards the steam to the turbine and water toward low pressure separator.
d. Low Pressure Separator
Boiling water from the high pressure separator in move to the low pressure
separator after passing through the throttling valve. Low pressure separator
separates the low pressure steam from the boiling water.
e. Turbine
Steam turbines are used to produce the electricity from steam. Steam are
introduce at two points, high pressure steam is introduce at first stage and low
pressure steam is introduce at few stages back from the first stage.
f. Condense
Steam which passes from the turbine is still at very high pressure and that
pressure is reduce by condenser and steam is converted into the water.

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