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Anas Shami

Nablus-Palestine 0595773528 (


Bachelor of Computer Engineer

An Najah University 2012-2016


Full stack web developer

Endeavor from 2016-7-1 to 2016-8-15

Work on a single project (devoo) using cakephp as back-end and Jquery as front-end and
websockets to add real-time features.

Software Engineering

Infinite Tiers from 2017-4-15 - Now

Dealling with WCS technologies, DB administration and server mentinance.


Java (Very Good) CakePHP (Good) Angular js (Good)

C/C++(Very Good) JS (Very Good) Python (Beginner)
PHP (VeryGood) Node js (Good) IOS / Android (Good)


OCE Platform

An Najah University -Graduation Project 2016

My graduation project which aim to help Software/Computer Engineering students by compile and
execute codes, solve homeworks that prepared for course by the instructor and do exams, The
technologes we were used are Nodejs as back-end and Angularjs as front-end with Mysql database.

Pregnant Clinic

Freelance website 2017

I build a website that organize the pregnant meetings with registeration system which makes review
process easy and flexible,For this poject i use pure php with mysql database.

Simple File Processing with java GUI

Freelance website 2014

The main reason to make this desktop application that you can manage your simple library which
can be updated by add, edit, remove books.


IEEXtreme 8,9,10 : Programming contest around the wolrd for 24H of solving problems.
ACM 2016 : Programming contest that test students abilites with problem solving using (c++, java) for 2
Palestine Olympics 2 : Palestine olympics of programming such like ieeextreme but locally between
palestinian university
Google Hash Code : Programming contest from google

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