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1. A driven pile of 0.6m diameter is driven into 3 layers of soil profile as shown
in figure. Find the safe vertical compressive load carrying capacity of the pile.
D = 0.6m

=17 KN/m3 2m Loose sand

Sat = 20 KN/m3 3m =30

Sat = 19 KN/m3 6m Medium clay

C = 75 KN/m2

Sat = 21 KN/m3 7m Dense sand



Qu = Qb + Qf1 + Qf2 + Qf3

Qu = Qb(sand) + Qf(sand) + Qf(clay) + Qf(sand)

Qb(sand) = Ap [ 0.5DN + PDNq ]

where :

AP = /4 D2

= (3.14 / 4) x 0.62

= 0.2827m2 .

at pile tip = = (21 - 9.81)

= 11.19 KN/M3

From IS 6403: 1981

N from Table 1

35 48.03
40 109.41

For = 38

N = 48.03 + ((109.41 48.03)/5)x 3

= 84.86

From Fig.1, IS:2911

Nq = 90

PD = Effective vertical stress at pile tip

Critical Depth
30 15D
40 20D

PD = (19 9.81)x4.4 + (21 9.81)x7

= 118.766 KN

Qb(sand) = Ap (0.5DN + PDNq)

= 0.283 [(0.5x0.6x11.19x84.86) + (118.766 x 90)]

= 3105.59 KN.

Qf1 = Qf(Sand)

= K PDi tan Asi

For = 30, K=1

PDi = Effective Vertical Stress at Mid Height at Layer 1

= (17x2) + (20-9.81) x (2.5-2)

= 39.095 KN

Asi = DL

= 3.14x0.5x5

= 9.42m2

= ( Note 4, IS 2911)

Tan = Tan30

Qf1 = K PDi tan Asi

= 1x39.05x Tan30x9.42

= 212.37 KN

Qf2 = Qf (Clay) = 2 C2 As2

From fig.2, IS 2911

2 = 0.61

As2 = DL

= 3.14x0.6x6

= 11.304 m2

Qf2 = 2 C2 As2

= 0.61 x 75 x 11.304

= 517.158KN

Qf3 = K PDi tan Asi

For = 38

IS 2911 , Note 3

K = 1+((2-1)/5)x8

= 1.8

PD3 = (17x2) +[( 21-9.81)x3]+[(19-9.81)x6]+[(21-9.81)x3.5]

= 158.875 KN

As3 = DL

= 3.14x0.6x7

= 13.188 m2

Qf3 = K PDi tan Asi

= 1.8x158.875xTan38x13.1888

= 2946.26 KN

Qu = Qb(sand) + Qf(sand) + Qf(clay) + Qf(sand)

= 3105.59+212.37+517.158+2946.26

= 6781.378 KN

Qsafe = Qu/Factor of safety

= 6781.378 / 2.5

Qsafe = 2712.55 kN
2. A bored pile of 0.7 diameter is driven into 3 layers of soil profile as shown in
figure. Find the safe vertical compressive load carrying capacity of the pile.

D = 0.7m

=19 KN/m3 7m Medium clay

C = 50 KPa

Sat = 21 KN/m3 5m Medium sand


Sat = 20 KN/m3 6m Stiff clay

C = 100 KPa


Qu = Qb(Stiff Clay) + Qf(Medium Clay) + Qf(Medium Sand) + Qf(Stiff Clay)

Qb(Stiff Clay) = Ap Nc cp

Ap = /4 D2

= 3.14/4 x 0.72

= 0.385 m2

Nc = 9 (From IS 2911 part 1/sec2)

Cp = 100 KPa

Qb(Stiff Clay) = Ap Nc cp

= 0.385x9x100

=346.5 KN

Qf(Medium Clay) = 1 C1 As1

1 = 0.9 ( From Fig.2 IS 2911)

As1 = DL

= 3.14x0.7x7

= 15.386 m2

Qf(Medium Clay) = 1 C1 As1

= 0.9x50x15.386

= 692.37 KN

Qf(Medium Sand) = = K PDi tan Asi

From IS 2911 (Part 1/ Sec 2)

IS 2911 PART-I ( Bored Cast In-situ

Concrete Piles)


Value of K for 36

K= 1+[(1.5-1)/10]x6

K = 1.3

PD2 = (19x7)+2.5(21-9.81)

= 160.975 KN

As2 = DL

= 3.14x0.7x5
= 10.99 m2

Qf(Medium Sand) = K PDi Tan Asi

= 1.3x160.975xTan36x10.99

= 1670.94 KN

Qf(Silt Clay) = 3 C3 As3

3 = 0.43 (From Fig.2 , IS 2911)

As3 = DL

= 3.14x0.7x6

= 13.188 m2

Qf(Silt Clay) = 3 C3 As3

= 0.43x100x13.188

= 567.084 KN

Qu = Qb(Stiff Clay) + Qf(Medium Clay) + Qf(Medium Sand) + Qf(Stiff Clay)

= 346.5+692.37+1670.94+567.084

= 3276.894 KN

QSafe = Qu/F.O.S

= 3276.894/2.5

QSafe = 1310.76 kN
3. A driven pile of 0.6m diameter is driven into three layers of soil profile as
shown in figure.

D = 0.6m

Sat =20.5 KN/m3 6m Medium sand


Sat = 20 KN/m3 7m Soft clay
C = 15 KPa

Sat = 21 KN/m3 8m Dense sand


Qu = Qb ( Qf1 + Qf2 )+ Qf3

Qu = Qb(sand) ( Qf(sand) + Qf(soft clay) ) + Qf(sand)

Qb(sand) = Ap (0.5DN + PDNq)

where AP = /4 D2
= (3.14/4)x0.62

= 0.283m2 .

Water table is located at ground level.

At 3rd Layer sat=21 kN/m3 = 39

From IS 6403: 1981

N from Table 1

35 48.03
40 109.41

For =39

N = 48.03 + ((109.41 48.03)/5)x4

= 97.13

From Fig.1, IS:2911(part-1 sec 3)

Nq = 100

PD = Effective vertical stress at pile tip

Critical Depth
30 15D
40 20D
Critical Depth is 19.5D

PD = (21 9.81)x8 + (20 9.81)x3.7

= 127.22 KN

Qb(sand) = Ap (0.5DN + PDNq)

= 0.283 [(0.5x0.6x(21 9.81)x97.13) +(127.22 x 100)]

Qb = 3692.60 KN.

Qf1 = Qf(Sand)

= K PDi tan Asi

For = 35, K=1.5 From Fig.1, IS:2911(part-1 sec 3)

PDi = Effective Vertical Stress at Mid Height at Layer 1

= (20.5-9.81)x3

= 32.07 KN

Asi = DL

= 3.14x0.6x6

= 11.31m2

= ( IS 2911 (part-1 sec 3) Note 4)

Tan = Tan35

Qf1 = K PDi tan Asi

= 1.5x32.07x Tan35x11.31

= 380.96 KN

Qf2 = Qf (Clay)

= 2 C2 As2

From fig.2, ( IS 2911 (part-1 sec 3)

2 = 1

As2 = DL

= 3.14x0.6x7

= 13.19 m2
Qf2 = 2 C2 As2

= 1x15x13.19

= 197.85 kN

Qf3 = K PDi tan Asi

For = 39 IS 2911 , Note 3

K = 1+((2-1)/10)x9

= 1.9

= ( IS 2911 (part-1 sec 3) Note 4)


PD3 = 6x( 2.5-9.81)+(20-9.81)x7+(21-9.81)x4

= 180.23 KN

As3 = DL

= 3.14x0.6x8

= 15.08 m2

Qf3 = K PDi tan Asi

= 1.9x180.23xTan39x15.08

= 4181.68 KN

Qu = Qb(sand) ( Qf(sand) + Qf(clay) )+ Qf(sand)

=3692.60 (380.96+197.85)+4181.68 = 7295.47 KN

Qsafe = Qu/Factor of safety

= 7295.47 / 2.5

Qsafe = 2918.18 kN
4. Find the lateral load on given pile.

1m = e wooden pile (300 mm * 300 mm)

Mu = 100 kN-m

E = 109 N /m2

Preloaded clay

5m = L qu = 240 kN/m2



d = 0.3 m

As the given soil is preloaded clay

qu=240 kN/m2

Mu=100 kNm

E=109 N/m2

We can use R factor

I.S. 2911 ,Part-1 , C-2.3.2

E = 109 N/m2 = 103 MN/m2

I = 6.75 x 10-4 m4.

k1= 43.2 x 103 kN/m3 [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-1 , Table 4 ]

K=28.3 x 103 kN/m3




Checking weather pile is long pile or short pile.

As L > 3.5R ; 5 > 3.5*0.53

It is a long (elastic) pile [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-1 , Table 5 ]

From I.S. 2911, Part-1/sec-1, C-4 ,

From depth of fixity chart free headed pile


e/R = 1.89

z/R = 1.4

z = 0.742 depth of fixity.

Depth of fixity z = 0.742 m

According to I.S. 2911, Part-1/sec-1, C-4.3

Given Mu = 100 kNm.

Actual bending moment

MF = H(e+z) For Free Head Pile

By reduction factor chart [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-1 , Figure:4A ]

For e/R = 1.89

m = 0.59
M = m x H(e+z)

100 = 0.59x H(1+0.742)

H = 97.29 kN.

The ultimate lateral load on pile is 97.3 kN

5. Design the size and reinforcement for a bored cast in situ pile of structural
capacity of 90 tonns, using M25 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.

Solution :


Structural capacity of Pile Qs= 90 tonns

= 90 x 104 N

Estimation of allowable concrete stress fc =fck /4 = 25/4 = 6.25 N/mm2

Determination of pile diameter for 90 tonn capacity

(90*104)/6.25 = D2/4

D= 428.189 mm

Nearest commercial Size is D=450mm

Estimation of steel

For bored cast in-situ piles the minimum required longitudinal steel should be
0.4% [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-2 , Cl. 6.11 ]

Area of steel = (*4502*0.4)/(4*100)

= 636.17 mm2

Area of steel =637 mm2

Estimation of laterals

Provide laterals 6 mm @ 150 mm centre to centre ( Laterals should not be palced

at less than 150 mm)

[ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-2 , Cl. 6.11 ]

Specification for mix proportion

The minimum cemet content is 400 kg/m3 for bored pile and use necessary
plastisizer to get slump value 150mm to 180mm at the time of pouring.

[ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-2 , Cl. 7.3 ]

The requires pile diameter is 450mm

And area of steel is 637 mm2

6. Design reinforce concrete pre cast pile of section 400mm X 400mm of length
12 m fully embedded in clay having undrained cohesion(c) of 20kPa and
transmitting the load by end bearing. The pile as to carry an axial load by 750kN


Given Length of pile L=12m

Dimensions of pile B=400 mm, Square pile

Undrained cohesion c= 20 kPa

The length of pile is maximum 50 times of least width.

[ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-3 , Cl. 6.11.4 ]

Length of given pile is less than allowed length.

Maximum legth of pile is allowed for given cross section is 20 m. but given pile
length is 12m.
Estimation of steel

Percentage of steel is 1.25% [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-2 , Cl. 6.12.1 ]

Assume nominal cover length is 40 mm then , if we using minimum 8mm dia

laterals and 20 mm dia longitudinal rods the actual cover legth from center to
centre of steel is D= 8+10+40= 60 mm .

Cover length is 60 mm.

Area of steel according to minimum percentage 1.25

As= 1.25% x cross sectional area of pile

= (1.25*400*400)/100

As =2000 mm2

Using 4 bars of 25 mm diameter gives 1963.5 mm2area

Percentage of steel As = = 1.22 < 6 %

(Maximum allowed steel percentage in columns IS 456, C-26.5.1)

Load carrying capacity of column pile

Pu=0.4fck(Ac-As) + 0.67fckAs


Pu=2126 kN

P (allowable) = 2126/1.5 = 1417 KN say 140 tons.

The maximum load carrying capacity of pile is more than given load carried by pile

Hence safe .

Check for hoisting and handling moments and shear:

Maximum moments on handling occurs when the pile is picked up at one end.
M = WL/8

W= 0.42x 25 x 12 = 48 kN

Mu= (1.5*48*12)/8 = 108 KNm (required)

Moment of resistance on steel beam theory (neglecting concrete)

= 0.87*(2000/2)*415*(400-120)

= 101.1 kNm


Hence safe in handling moment [ I.S. 2911 ,Part-1/sec-3 , Table 1 ]

Detail links over length of pile:

Distribute links as follows:
3D from ends 0.6% of volume of concrete
3D (transition) 03% of volume of concrete
Balance at centre 0.2%
Links for 3D at ends = 3 x400 = 1200 mm should be 0.6%
Calculate for 0.6%
Volume =(.6*400*400*1200)/100 =1152x103 mm3
Cover to center of link = 88 mm; area of 8 mm dia bar= 50.3 mm2
Vol. of each lateral = (400 88) x 4 x 50.3 = 67.77x 103 mm3
Number of laterals required =(1152/67.77) =18.35 19
Spacing =(1152/19) =63mm
As spacing is less than 150 mm, we may use 12 mm dia. bar. (Maximum spacing
allowed is width of pile = 300 mm).

Area of 12 mm dia bar = 113.09 mm2 = 114mm2

Vol. of each lateral = (400 88) x 4 x 114 = 142.27x 103 mm3
Number of laterals required =(1152/142.27) =8.09 8
Spacing =(1152/8) =150mm.
Reinforcement required for given pile is 4 bars of 20mm diameter length of pile
8 no of 12mm dia laterals.

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