Anda di halaman 1dari 3

ANATOMY I. The tasks of practical figure tests.

1. Task: Histology
1. sarcomer
2. Haversian canal
3. osteon
4. axon
5. simple squamous epithelium
6. apocrin
7. cardiac muscle
8. urothelium
9. hyaline cartilage
10. lose connective tissue

2. task: The main parts of human skeletal system. Human blood.

1. fibula
2. clavicle
3. femur
4. humerus
5. sacrum
6. eosinophil granulocyte
7. thrombocyte
8. erythrocyte
9. lymphyocyte
10. neutrophil granulocyte

3. task: Circulatory System I. - Heart

1. tunica intima
2. right atrium
3. cordae tendineae
4. tricuspid valve
5. pulmonary artery/pulmonary trunc
6. inferior vena cava
7. left ventricle
8. valva aortae
9. apex
10. sinotrial node

4. task:Circulatory System Vascular

1. internal carotid artery
2. brachiocephalic trunc
3. abdominal aorta
4. femoral artery
5. right subclavian artery
7. portal vein
8. external iliac vein
9. median cubital vein
10. external jugular vein

5. task: Lymphatic system. Respiratory System

1. thoracic duct
2. afferent lymphatic vessel
3. venous angle
4. maxillary sinus
5. larynx
6. left main bronchus
7. mediastinum
8. parietal pleura
9. alveoli
10. trachea

6. task: Osteology and Syndesmology I. Structure of bones, their connections and characterization of joints.
1. synostosis
2. joint capsule
3. proximal epiphysis
4. sphenoid bone
5. occipital bone
6. mandible
7. parietal bone
8. foramen magnum
9. scala media
10. lambdoid suture

7. task: Osteology and Syndesmology II. Spine.Vertebra. Chest.

1. lumbal vertebrae
2. cervical vertebrae
3. vertebral foramen
4. spinous process
5. sternum
6. manubrium
7. costa
8. floating ribs
9. sacrum
10. thoracic vertebrae

8. task: Osteology and Syndesmology III. Shoulder girdle and joints. Upper extremity bones and joints. Pelvic
girdle. Lower extremity bones and joints
1. scapula
2. glenoid cavity
3. surgical neck
4. radius
5. olecranon
6. acetabulum
7. ilium
8. ischium
9. inguinal ligament
10. patella

9. task: Myology I. General Myology. Head muscles. Neck muscles. Back muscles. Abdominal muscles.
1. orbicularis oris
2. masseter
3. sternocleidomastoid
4.latissimus dorsi muscle
5.trapezius muscle
6. external abdominal oblique
7. linea alba
8. rectus abdominis
9. temporalis
10. transversus abdominis
10. task: Myology II. Chest muscles. Shoulder girdle muscles. Upper extremity muscles. Pelvic muscles.
Gluteal muscles. Thigh muscles. Leg muscles
1. diaphragm
2. pectoralis major
3. deltoid muscle
4. biceps brachii
5. triceps brachii
6. serratus anterior
7. gluteus maximus
8. quadriceps femoris
9. semitendinosus
10. gastrocnemius

11. task: Excretory system. Kidney.

1. renal hilum
2. ureter
3. renal cortex
4. interlobular artery
5. arcuate veins
6. minor calix
7. proximal convoluted tubule
8. glomerular capsule
9. efferens arteriole
10. loop of Henle

12. task: Digestive system. Structure of gastrointestinal wall. Larynx. Pharynx . Esophagus
1. parotid gland
2. pharynx
3. oesophagus
4. submandibular gland
5. oral cavity
6. mucosa
7. muscularis mucosae
8. intestinal villi
9. serosa
10. sublingual gland

13. task: Digestive system II. From the stomach to the rectum.
1. gaster??
2. pancreas
3. liver
4. duodenum
5. spleen
6. jejunum
7. ileum
8. appendix
9. transverse colon
10. rectum

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