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Disusun Oleh :

Nama Group : Reksa Utami

Andy Silviasyam
M. Gilang Fadilah
Romi Rojali

TAHUN AJARAN 2017-2018
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

We from grouf of five well fresent that banned smoking in public space I will introduce the
members of my group that is

Reksa utami as People to 1

Cindi Silvia Syam as People to second

Nunu as People to 3

M. Gilang Fadilah as People to 4

Saepudin as People to 5

Romi Rojadi as People to 6

Cigarettes are rolls or rous of tobacco that are raled or wrapped in paper leaves or corn
husk as big as little finger 8-10 cm long usually sucked some one after burned tipnya cigarette is
a dangerous chemicals factory


There are about 43,5 milion smokers in the us sotely in the same country 4,5% of man
and 17,3 of women are smoker (1) cigarette is undeniable everywhere in modern society just
about every convenient stores newsletter kioks and supermarkets sell tobacco cigarette industry
is an industry that has a size of few hundreds of billion dollars in some occasions.cigarettes are
also hand made with rolling paper and cigarettes and cigarette is so abundant in quantitiy it is
very unrealistie to enforce a cigarette ban passing of the ban would primarily to enforce a
cigarette is so abudunt in quantity it is very unrealistic to enforce a cigarette bun passing of the
band would primarily be unrealistic giant tobacco companies worth bilions nd billions would
oppose the ben with every resource they can afford for the sake of argument lets assume tobacco
companies decided to forsake their lucrative business and became

Argument II

These are some mild examples it is understanduble why this idea of banning cigarette
emerged but h is evident that haim of cigarette is being well-informad to smokers them selves as
well already.

Smokers are restricted in many ways so that they do not haum thers by law smoking in
ari plane is forbidden many public bathrooms haveno smoking signs must restaurants forbid
smoking too. Free down of smoker is already restricted to a level so that they canot of smokers is
already restricted to a level so that they canot cause grave damage to others any father actions
against smokers would be persecting and demaning the freedom of about 20% of a national in
the case of usa it is a choice of lifestyle and a personal freedom low can prevents smokers from
harming outhers but law cannot steps further and stop responsible adult from harming them
selvers attemting to help smokers from harming them selvers can be done with a better
acternative of which also fits the principle of democracy if a goverment troly almy do protect
smokers they should consider something that is againts the spirit of democrazy and is unenfor
ceable in the first place but consider compaign againts smoking the pupuse of buning cigarette
seem aimless

Argument III

The fundamental purpose of banning smoking seem to be wissing not only this. There are also
practical harms of banning cigarette as shown above agartlel industry is a gigantic industry that
brings billions of profil to tobacco compakes top 6 tobaco companles in us added up together
generated about 346,2 billion of market revenue and they propiled about 35.1 billion in 2010 (3)
banning cigarette would place countries employers of a huge industry out of work harm of
cigarette companies going bankrupt is not only limited to pusonal loss of employers thriving
tobacco industry resulted in astrowical amount of tax revenue when an industry that trives
cokipses annual tax revenue of about 17 billion will disappear as soon as total ban on smoking
cames intro action ay the tobacco comes intro action all the tobace companies with disappear
along with 17 billion of tax reverive


Banning cigarette is urealistic adoling on to that there are issues with individual rights
and freedom of banning smoking it this ban is tobe passed but on top such a problematic action
there are also practical harm caused by such action there problems that total ban on smoking
carries are too signifiat total ban is a problem to address all I am proud to appose a ban that
demeans freedom hurts a country elonomy and is meffective

1. Why do you agree that smoking is anowed in the community

2. What are the aduantages when smoking in public areas?
3. What will you do when smoking is realesed in the general area ?

Question from grouf three

1. What is the reason your group agrees if smoking in public places is anowed an not
pronitied ?
2. What is the positive impact if smoking in public place is anowed ?
3. What is your conclusion if smoking is anowed in a public place ?


1. Because smoking can be self harmful which will cause various diseases for example
throat cances fetus
2. Reduce the risk of asthma and premature birth
3. Sary consulitin we will read nex

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