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Review article

Supported by a grant from Zeneca Pharmaceuticals

Clinical evaluation of asthma

James T C Li, MD* and Edward J OConnell, MD

Objective: The purpose of this article is to review the medical history and ing, shortness of breath, chest tight-
physical examination of the asthmatic patient. ness, and cough. What is the evidence
Data Sources: English references identified from relevant articles and book that these, indeed, are the most impor-
chapters, experts, and MEDLINE search, using asthma, physical diagnosis, and tant symptoms of asthma, and how of-
medical history. ten are these symptoms described by
Study Selection: Clinical studies of the medical history or physical examination individuals with asthma? It is very dif-
in subjects with respiratory disease were selected for review. ficult or impossible to offer an accurate
Results: Symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty in taking a answer to this question. However, pub-
deep breath suggest asthma, while symptoms such as gasping, smothering or air lished studies of symptoms of asthma
hunger suggest alternative diagnoses. Symptoms of asthma correlate poorly with can shed some light on this issue and
airway obstruction in one-third to one-half of asthmatic patients. Respiratory signs provide guidance for the differential
such as wheezing, breath sound intensity, forced expiratory time, accessory muscle diagnosis of asthma.
use, respiratory rate and pulsus paradoxus correlate roughly with airway obstruction. In one study, 53 patients with a va-
However, clinicians disagree on the presence or absence of respiratory signs 55% to riety of cardiopulmonary disorders in-
89% of the time. Furthermore, physicians correctly predict pulmonary function cluding asthma were asked to select
based on history and physical examination only about half the time, and correctly descriptions of their sensation of
diagnose asthma based on the clinical examination 63% to 74% of the time. breathlessness from a list of 19 de-
Conclusions: The medical history and physical examination are moderately scriptors.1 Analysis of the responses
effective in diagnosing asthma and estimating its severity. Objective measures of suggested that individuals with asthma
lung function are necessary for the accurate diagnosis of asthma. were more likely to select descriptors
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996;76:114. such as My breath does not go out all
the way, My chest feels tight, I
INTRODUCTION history and examination of the patient cannot take a deep breath, and My
The clinical evaluation of a new patient with asthma or possible asthma, an ex- breathing requires more concentra-
with asthma or possible asthma begins ample of which is shown in Table 1. tion. Individuals with asthma and in-
with a medical history, proceeds to a Rather, we will show how published dividuals with chronic obstructive pul-
physical examination of the patient, and clinical studies can guide the medical monary disease both selected the
often concludes with selected laboratory history and physical examination in descriptor My breathing requires ef-
studies. A careful and comprehensive asthma. We will point out where evi- fort or My breathing is heavy. On
medical history is essential for the diag- dence is lacking and when reliance on the other hand, individuals with
nosis and management of asthma. clinical judgement alone is required. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
In this review, we will draw from The four major issues we will address use descriptors such as I am gasping
clinical studies, experiences, and obser- are (1) What are the symptoms of for breath, I cannot get enough air,
vations to provide an evidentiary frame- asthma? (2) How do symptoms of and My breathing requires more
work for the clinical evaluation of asthma correlate with the degree of air- work while individuals with asthma
asthma. This review is not intended as a way obstruction? (3) How accurate is the did not. Similarly, individuals with
comprehensive exposition of the medical physical examination in asthma? and (4) congestive heart failure were more
How good are physicians at diagnosing likely to select descriptors such as I
asthma and estimating its severity? feel that my breath is rapid, I feel
Division of Allergic Diseases and Internal that I am smothering, My breathing
Medicine* and Pediatric Allergy and Immunol- WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS is heavy, and I feel a hunger for
ogy, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, OF ASTHMA? more air while individuals with
Minnesota. Descriptors asthma did not. Thus, individuals with
Received for publication February 27, 1995.
Accepted for publication in revised form June Most clinicians would agree that the asthma use somewhat different terms
24, 1995. major symptoms of asthma are wheez- to describe their symptoms compared

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 1

with individuals who have chronic ob- Table 1. The Medical History in Asthma
structive pulmonary disease or conges- I. Symptoms
tive heart failure. It is worth pointing A. Quality
out that wheezing and cough were not 1. Description
included on the dyspnea questionnaire. a. wheeze, breathlessness, cough, chest tightness, etc.
In a similar way, another study an- 2. Onset
alyzed a dyspnea questionnaire con- 3. Progression
B. Provoking or triggering factors
sisting of 45 descriptors of breathing
1. Exercise
discomfort from 169 patients with car- a. timing, duration, severity
diopulmonary disorders.2 Ninety-two b. effect on work, school, recreation
percent of asthmatic patients selected 2. Infection
the descriptor I feel wheezy, 83% a. frequency, severity
selected I feel short of breath or re- b. response to treatment
lated descriptors, and 81% selected 3. Allergens
My chest feels tight. The percentage a. season
of affirmative responses to these three b. animals, pets
descriptors were 76%, 82%, and 68%, c. occupational
d. risk factors for dust mite exposure
respectively, for chronic obstructive
e. related to hobbies, recreation
pulmonary disease and 28%, 54%, and f. associated rhinoconjunctivitis
41%, respectively, for cardiac disease. g. previous allergy testing
Thus, almost all patients with asthma 4. Irritant
include wheezing as one of their symp- a. fumes, dust, pollution
toms compared with about three out of b. smoking
four patients with chronic obstructive c. environmental smoke
pulmonary disease and about three out 5. Cold air
of ten patients with heart disease. It a. exercise in cold air
may be useful, then, for the physician 6. Medications
a. beta-adrenergic blocking agents
to elicit the description of respiratory
b. aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
symptoms from the patient in order to c. medications for co-morbid medical condition
form a differential diagnosis. Of 7. Emotional/stress
course, a detailed and comprehensive a. hyperventilation
medical history would include much b. panic attacks
more than simply a description of 8. Foods
symptoms, such as associated symp- a. sulfites
toms (eg, chest pain), and triggering or C. Alleviating factors
alleviating factors. 1. Rest, avoidance of physical activity
Interestingly, physiologic study of 2. Avoidance of allergens, irritants
3. Medications
dyspnea suggests that the descriptor
a. timing and duration (eg, beta-adrenergic agonists, corticosteroids)
My breath does not go out all the b. immunotherapy
way is associated with an increased II. Assessment of Severity
functional residual capacity (ie, pul- A. Severity of symptoms
monary hyperinflation) rather than air- 1. Frequency, number of episodes per day or week
way obstruction.35 Deliberate hyper- 2. Duration
ventilation is associated with the 3. Description of typical exacerbation
descriptor I feel hunger for more air 4. Response to treatment
or I cannot get enough air which B. Limitations of daily activity
might be helpful in differentiating 1. Walking, distance, pace
2. Stairs, number of flights
asthma from the hyperventilation syn-
3. Exercise, sports
drome.3 4. Sleep disturbance, early morning symptoms
Virtually all clinicians will recog- 5. Daily activity
nize that there is a wide variation in C. Hospitalizations
how patients perceive and describe 1. Number, frequency, length of stay
their symptoms of asthma. Studies an- 2. Intubation
alyzing the ability of individuals with 3. Intensive care
asthma to detect or describe resistive (continued on next page)
loading find significant variation


Table 1. Continued among individuals.6 8 A few generali-
D. Emergency visits zations, however, can be made.
1. Number, frequency First, when the perception of exter-
2. Provoking factors nal resistive loading and induced bron-
3. Other unscheduled visits chospasm are compared, there is a
E. Days lost from work or school greater sense of dyspnea with broncho-
1. School or work performance spasm at any given level of resistance.6
F. Medication requirements
This suggests that airway resistance
1. Systemic coriticosteroid use
2. Beta-adrenergic agonist use
alone is not responsible for all asth-
a. number of puffs per day matic symptoms and that other physi-
b. number of canisters per month ologic derangements such as hyperin-
3. Inhaled corticosteroid, nedocromil, cromolyn use, theophylline, ipratropium flation or inflammation may be
4. Changes in medication requirements contributory.
G. Tests Second, psychologic status can af-
1. Previous or home peak flow measurements fect the description of respiratory
2. Previous spirometry symptoms. On one hand, individuals
III. Associated and Co-Morbid Medical Conditions with psychologic profiles of anxiety
A. Rhinitis
and dependency exhibit decreased per-
B. Sinusitis; nasal polyposis
C. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ception of airway obstruction.8 On the
D. Gastroesophageal reflux other hand, respiratory symptoms such
E. Eczema as wheeze and dyspnea are correlated
F. Heart disease with anxiety, anger, and depression in
G. Hypertension patients without respiratory disease.9
H. Glaucoma Third, a study of 21 individuals with
I. Psychiatric disorder asthma showed that 19 subjects re-
IV. Current Medications ported increased inspiratory rather than
A. Asthma medications expiratory difficulty following metha-
B. All other medications
choline bronchoprovocation.5 Physio-
C. Non-prescription medications
D. Alternative medicine therapy
logic correlation suggested that the in-
V. Immunizations crease in inspiratory capacity (ie,
A. Childhood pulmonary hyperinflation) correlated
B. Influenza better with symptoms than the change
C. Pneumococcus in FEV1 (ie, airway obstruction). This
VI. Psychosocial sense of inspiratory dyspnea may be a
A. Residence result of increased inspiratory muscle
1. Slab construction, ventilation elastic loading caused by hyperinfla-
2. Humidity tion. A review of 119 patients experi-
3. Heating, cooling systems
encing acute asthma showed that 71%
4. Carpets, furnishings
5. Pets, hobbies
of patients found breathing air in more
6. Factors for dust mite, cockroach, rodents difficult compared with 19% who
7. Change in residence, previous residencies found breathing out more difficult.10
8. Other household members Interestingly, 78% of doctors surveys
B. Occupation thought that their asthmatic patients
1. Current and previous found expiration more difficult.10
a. building, location Fourth, a study of 28 asthmatic in-
b. daily activity dividuals undergoing allergen bron-
c. exposure to allergen and irritants choprovocation suggests that per-
C. School
ceived breathlessness is closely related
1. Performance
2. Phobia
to the rate of fall in FEV1 rather than
3. Physical education the absolute degree of airway obstruc-
4. Relationship with peers, teachers tion.11 Asthmatic individuals thus de-
D. Hobbies scribed a stronger sense of dyspnea
1. Animals during the rapid fall in FEV1 during the
2. Exposure early asthmatic response and lower de-
3. Hobbies of family members grees of dyspnea during the slower fall
(continued on next page) of FEV1 of the late asthmatic response.

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 3

Table 1. Continued
fectively ruled out the presence of
E. Education
1. Level of general education
asthma while a positive methacholine
2. Level of asthma education challenge indicated a 74% chance that
3. Need for additional asthma education the cough was caused by asthma. In
F. Financial this same study, 14 of 45 or 29% of
1. Health insurance patients presenting with chronic cough
2. Impact on patient and family finances were diagnosed as having cough
G. Patient perceptions caused by asthma. Importantly, this
1. Concerns, fears, current understanding of medical problem and other studies19,20 show that inter-
2. Concerns, fears, current understanding of family or significant others pretation of the medical history is not
3. Impact of medical problem on patient, life, family
very effective at predicting the pres-
H. Psychiatric and personality
1. Anxiety, dependence
ence or absence of bronchial hyperre-
2. Depression sponsiveness. For patients with
3. Rebelliousness chronic cough, a concomitant history
4. Marital or family discord of dyspnea increased the likelihood
5. Somatization that the cough was caused by asthma
6. Physical, psychologic, sexual abuse, current or previous by tenfold.15 A history of wheezing,
7. Major psychiatric disorder cough with respiratory tract infection,
VII. Family History and a previous diagnosis of asthma
A. Asthma were not significantly linked to asth-
B. Respiratory diseases
ma-induced cough in this study.
C. Allergy, rhinitis, eczema
D. Marital status
Cough, therefore, can be an impor-
E. Marital and family discord tant symptom of asthma. Cough in-
F. Impact of medical problem on family duced by respiratory infections, cold
air and exercise, along with nocturnal
cough, may be suggestive of asthma.
Although the presence of dyspnea in
Collectively, these observations Cough may be the primary or sole addition to cough is suggestive of
suggest that wheezing, shortness of presenting symptom of some chil- asthma, a previous diagnosis of
breath, and chest tightness are indeed dren or adults with asthma.13,14 A re- asthma, a history of wheezing, the du-
important symptoms of asthma. Fur- view of cough symptoms in 32 chil- ration of cough, and personal or family
thermore, an accurate medical history dren with asthma whose primary history of allergy are not helpful in
should include elicitation of the symp- symptom was chronic cough showed predicting whether or not chronic
tom descriptors, which may be helpful that cough was triggered by an upper cough is caused by asthma.15,17 A long-
in differentiating asthma from chronic respiratory tract infection in 100% of term follow-up study of 78 adults who
obstructive pulmonary disease, con- patients, the cough was exercise-in- underwent diagnostic methacholine
gestive heart failure, and hyperventila- duced in 78%, the cough was noctur- challenge suggests that individuals
tion. Symptoms of asthma are caused nal in 72%, and was induced by cold who had a positive methacholine chal-
by pulmonary hyperinflation as well as air in 44% of patients.13 lenge were more likely to develop
airway obstruction, and a high rate of The idea that cough can be the sole symptoms of chest tightness, wheez-
change in airway obstruction, charac- symptom of patients with asthma is ing, and dyspnea.18 Interestingly, de-
teristic of many asthmatic patients, closely linked to the demonstration of velopment of cough was not correlated
may result in heightened perception of nonspecific bronchial hyperrespon- with the results of the previous metha-
breathlessness. Finally, individuals siveness in these individuals.14 17 The choline bronchial challenge. These re-
with anxious and dependent personal- definitive diagnosis of the cause of a sults together suggest that a careful
ity traits may display a decreased sen- chronic cough, however, may take medical history will not be sufficient to
sation of airway obstruction. This lat- years to elucidate or may never be establish whether or not asthma is the
ter finding clearly has important fully understood in individual pa- major cause of chronic cough for many
clinical significance since patients with tients.18 Recognizing these limitations, patients. The methacholine bronchial
asthma who have decreased perception the authors of one study estimated that challenge is a useful test for many of
of airway obstruction or hypoxia are at the methacholine bronchial challenge these patients, although close fol-
risk for fatal and nearly fatal asthma.12 had a negative predictive value of low-up and assessing the response to
Chronic cough is an important 100% and a positive predictive value therapy are also very important.
symptom for many patients with of 74% for chronic cough caused by Asthma may cause other symptoms
asthma, although by convention is asthma.15 In other words, in this study such as chest pain, particularly in chil-
not considered a form of dyspnea. a negative methacholine challenge ef- dren. While most studies suggest that


asthma is an important cause of chest HOW DO ASTHMATIC decreased 54% of the time and FEV1
pain in about 20% of children present- SYMPTOMS CORRELATE was decreased 36% of the time. When
ing with chest pain, one study demon- WITH AIRWAY patients recovering from acute asthma
strated exercise-induced airway ob- OBSTRUCTION? were studied, pulmonary function was
struction in 73% of such children.21 The preceding review shows that the only between 40% and 50% of pre-
symptoms of wheeze, shortness of dicted normal values when symptoms
Respiratory Questionnaires
breath, chest tightness, and cough are disappeared.34 Collectively, these ob-
Epidemiologic surveys have used re- servations clearly show that one-third
spiratory questionnaires to estimate the important in asthma. How well or how
poorly symptoms of asthma correlate to one-half of asthmatic patients under-
prevalence of respiratory symptoms estimate the severity of asthma when
and to correlate these symptoms with with asthma severity is a different
question entirely. This issue has great judged by symptoms alone. Appar-
cardiopulmonary disease states. In one ently, the perception of asthma cannot
such survey,22 59% of patients with a clinical significance since management
decisions in asthma are founded in be learned, inasmuch as home record-
new diagnosis of asthma reported ing of peak expiratory flow rates does
wheezing compared with 19% of con- large part on the physicians estimate
of the severity of asthma. With few not improve the subjective assessment
trol patients, and 31% of patients with of asthma severity.35 Nor does the use
a new diagnosis of asthma reported exceptions, the evidence to date clearly
indicates that asthmatic symptoms cor- of symptom questionnaires improve
shortness of breath with wheezing the perception of airway obstruction.36
compared with only 6% of controls. Of relate poorly with the degree of airway
obstruction for a significant proportion Perhaps one-third to one-half of asth-
interest, 69% of asthmatic patients re- matic patients can successfully esti-
ported symptoms of rhinitis compared of asthmatic patients; hence, objective
measurement of airway obstruction is mate their degree of airway obstruc-
with 39% of control patients. These tion. One study of ten asthmatic
same data showed that individuals who essential for these individuals.
subjects showed that a symptom diary
reported any wheeze or shortness of In one study, 255 individuals with
was superior to daily peak flow moni-
breath with wheezing were seven times asthma estimated the severity of symp-
toring in detecting exacerbations of
more likely to have asthma compared toms of asthma using a visual analog
with those who did not. Individuals scale while measurements of peak ex-
These findings together are impor-
who reported rhinitis were more than piratory flow rate were taken at the
tant because poor perception of asthma
three times more likely to have asthma same time.29 Sixty percent of patients may be a risk factor for fatal asthma.
compared with those who did not. A showed no significant correlation be- Patients with histories of nearly fatal
history of rhinitis may be moderately tween subjective asthma scores and asthma show reduced chemosensitivity
useful in the diagnosis of asthma. peak expiratory flow rate measure- and blunted perception of dyspnea.12
Reported wheezing is found in up to ments. Study of 82 patients with Psychiatric disease and psychologic
30% of survey populations22 and per- asthma undergoing methacholine bron- disturbances are also important risk
sistent wheezing is present in about chial challenge showed that 15% of factors for fatal asthma.38 Such patients
10% of children.23 Similar studies sug- patients were unable to subjectively may also have blunted perceptions of
gest that dyspnea is present in 5% to detect reverse airway obstruction (50% airway obstruction.7
25% of the general population.24 26 A predicted or lower).30 A similar study
study of 1,392 male workers using a of asthmatic patients undergoing bron- HOW ACCURATE IS THE
standardized respiratory questionnaire choprovocation showed that although PHYSICAL EXAMINATION IN
showed that individuals reporting symptoms of breathlessness were sta- ASTHMA?
wheezing or breathlessness, and espe- tistically correlated with FEV1 (r 5 If symptoms of asthma correlate
cially those with both symptoms, were .88),31 there was a large variation in the poorly with airway obstruction in a
more likely to show a low PC20 when severity of breathlessness for any par- significant proportion of asthmatic pa-
undergoing a methacholine bronchial ticular degree of airway obstruction. tients, is the physical examination an
challenge. The symptom of chest tight- Study of patients with nocturnal accurate and inexpensive way to eval-
ness was not independently correlated asthma shows that the increase in air- uate asthma severity? There is a rough
with bronchial hyperresponsiveness.27 way obstruction in the early morning correlation between the presence of
Another study showed that wheeze hours may go undetected in one-third wheezing on physical examination and
and attacks of shortness of breath of patients.32 the severity of airflow obstruction.39 41
with wheeze were independently pre- In another study, 20 children with Although loud wheezing is associated
dictive of asthma.28 Surveys using re- asthma were studied over a 16-week with greater airway obstruction, the
spiratory questionnaires confirm that period with symptom scores, peak ex- degree of correlation between wheez-
the symptom of wheezing or wheezing piratory flow readings, and measure- ing and airway obstruction is modest
combined with shortness of breath are ment of FEV1.33 During asymptomatic and there is great variability.39,40 These
highly suggestive of asthma. periods, peak expiratory flow rate was and other studies suggest that wheez-

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 5

ing during inspiration and expiration, way obstruction.49 51 Decreased breath The presence of pulsus paradoxus is
loudness of wheezing and prolonged sound intensity presumably is caused associated with severe obstructive lung
duration of wheezing during the respi- by a combination of decreased acoustic disease including asthma.59,60 A study
ratory cycle are associated with greater transmission through the lung and of 93 patients with asthma showed that
airway obstruction.39,40,42,43 Wheezing chest wall combined with decreased a pulsus paradoxus was associated
during forced exhalation apparently inspired and expired lung volumes and with a peak expiratory flow rate of
does not correlate with airway obstruc- flow rates. 33% of predicted values on average.59
tion or bronchial hyperresponsive- The forced expiratory time is mea- Similarly, the respiratory rate corre-
ness.40,44 sured by instructing the subject to in- lates modestly (r 5 .42) with peak
The stethoscope and human ear to- hale maximally and then exhale force- expiratory flow rates in patients with
gether limit the usefulness of wheezing fully through a completed forced vital acute asthma.61
as a measure of airway obstruction. capacity maneuver. The examiner Auscultation at the mouth or trachea
Analysis of recorded lung sounds times the exhalation maneuver and shows that wheezing may be transmit-
shows that there is a good correlation records a forced expiratory time. Com- ted much better through the airways
between the duration of wheezing dur- parison of forced expiratory time and than across the chest wall.62 Wheez-
ing the breath cycle and the FEV1 (r 5 FEV1 shows that a prolonged forced ing over the neck, particularly when
.89).42,43 Another computer-assisted expiratory time of six seconds or predominantly inspiratory, suggests
lung sound analysis showed that lung longer is associated with increased air- stridor and upper airway obstruction,
sound mapping correctly classified way obstruction.52,53 As a test for ob- rather than asthma.63
about 70% of subjects with a variety of structive airway disease, the forced ex- In summary, the presence of wheez-
cardiopulmonary disorders such as in- piratory time has a sensitivity of 74% ing, the duration of wheezing as a pro-
terstitial pulmonary fibrosis, chronic to 92% and a specificity of 43% to portion of the breath cycle, inspiratory
obstructive pulmonary disease, con- 75%.52,53 and expiratory wheezing, and the loud-
gestive heart failure, and pneumonia.45 Individuals with chronic obstructive ness of wheezing all correlate roughly
Lung sound analysis of asthmatic chil- pulmonary disease and emphysema with airway obstruction. The intensity
dren undergoing bronchoprovocation may exhibit a constellation of physical of breath sounds and the forced expi-
showed that wheezing detected by lung findings that is somewhat different ratory time both correlate reasonably
sound analysis was much more sensi- from asthma. Increased resonance to well with airway obstruction. Both
tive at detecting airway obstruction percussion, excavation of the supracla- pulsus paradoxus and a rapid respira-
than respiratory symptoms or wheez- vicular fossa, tracheal tug, and acces- tory rate are associated with severe
ing on auscultation.46 Auscultated sory muscle activity correlate signifi- airway obstruction. Despite the statis-
wheezes during bronchoprovocation cantly with airway obstruction in tically significant correlation of these
are not as sensitive as direct measure- patients with chronic obstructive lung respiratory signs with airflow obstruc-
ment of FEV1, however.47 disease.49,50,54,56 As described above, tion, it is nevertheless very difficult for
Since auscultation for wheezing in the forced expiratory time and breath clinicians to estimate airway obstruc-
the office and hospital setting is gen- sound intensity correlate reasonably tion accurately based on the physical
erally confined to auscultation with the well with objective measures of air- examination alone. One reason for this
stethoscope, we conclude that there is flow obstruction.49,51 A study of 31 pa- is the correlation of physical signs with
only a rough correlation between tients with chronic obstructive pulmo- measures of airflow obstruction is not
wheezing and airway obstruction. nary disease showed that of patients always close enough to be clinically
Most clinicians would agree that sig- with severe obstruction (FEV1 one liter important. Another important reason is
nificant airway obstruction can be or less), 100% used accessory muscles, the wide observer variability of skill in
present in the absence of wheezing on 70% had wheezing, 62% had dimin- the physical examination of the chest.
examination. ished breath sounds, and 44% had in- One study of interobserver variabil-
The respiratory signs of breath creased resonance to percussion.57 In ity in eliciting physical signs in exam-
sound intensity and forced expiratory contrast, among patients with milder ination of the chest showed that a
time have both been correlated with obstruction (FEV1 . 1.1 L) approxi- group of four physicians agreed with
airway obstruction. Examination of mately 39% showed accessory muscle the presence or absence of a physical
183 patients referred to a pulmonary use, 30% had wheezing, 21% had di- sign only 55% of the time.64 Fortu-
function laboratory showed that breath minished breath sounds, and 14% had nately, the presence or absence of
sound intensity correlated with mea- increased resonance to percussion.57 In wheezing seemed somewhat more re-
surements of FEV1.48 Other studies of asthmatic children, severe airway ob- liable than other respiratory signs since
physical findings in chronic obstruc- struction correlates with accessory physicians were in complete agree-
tive pulmonary disease support the ob- muscle use, although prolonged expi- ment 63% of the time. In a separate
servation that reduced intensity of ration and wheezing predicted airway study of intraobserver and interob-
breath sounds is associated with air- obstruction poorly.58 server variability, there was disagree-


ment about physical findings of the accuracy of 66% based on the medical pulmonary function studies in pa-
chest 11% to 26% of the time.65 Fur- history, physical examination, and tients with asthma or other respira-
ther, medical students demonstrated chest radiograph.68 These patients were tory diseases. One study of hospital-
better self-consistency than pulmonary seen at a subspecialty clinic and were ized asthmatic patients showed that
specialists. Rhonchi (low pitched evaluated by board certified pulmo- physicians were able to estimate the
wheezes)66 and wheezes64 66 seem nologists. A similar study based in a peak expiratory flow rate to within
more reliably detected than other respi- general internal medicine clinic 20% of the measured value only 44%
ratory signs. These studies suggest that showed that internists were able to di- of the time based on physical exam-
physicians agree on the presence or agnose patients with dyspnea correctly ination alone. The correlation coeffi-
absence of physical signs of the respi- 74% of the time.69 cient was 0.66.76 In a similar study,
ratory system 55% to 89% of the Study of the medical history in physicians referring patients for pul-
time.57,64 66 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monary function tests were asked to
Although physicians are moderately suggests that independent predictors of predict the nature of the ventilatory
successful in eliciting respiratory obstructive airway disease from the defect (eg, obstructive, restrictive,
signs, there is considerable disagree- clinical examination were patient re- normal) and estimate the severity of
ment among observers when the same ported wheezing, auscultated wheez- the abnormality.77 Physicians cor-
patients are examined, and even signif- ing, number of years the patient had rectly predicted airway obstruction in
icant variation when a single observer smoked cigarettes, forced expiratory 81% of cases. On the other hand,
examines the same patient on multiple time, and peak expiratory flow rate.70 61% of the tests gave a result that the
occasions. Nevertheless, most clini- A similar study suggested that a previ- physicians predicted as being un-
cians would agree that the pulmonary ous diagnosis of chronic obstructive likely, and physicians were unable to
examination is important for patients pulmonary disease, 70 pack year predict reversibility of airflow ob-
with asthma or possible asthma. For smoking history, and diminished struction in patients with obstructive
example, the presence of wheezing breath sounds on examination sug- lung disease. Similar conclusions
would suggest clinically important air- gested the diagnosis of chronic ob- were reached in a study of 71 chil-
way obstruction, although the absence structive pulmonary disease.71,72 A dren presenting to an emergency
of wheezing would not rule it out. study of patients admitted to the hos- room with acute asthma.78 Based on
In one clinical study, investigators pital for dyspnea showed that the re- the medical history and physical ex-
trained actresses to simulate a new pa- ferring physicians diagnoses were amination, physicians were moder-
tient with asthma.67 The chest was not correct only 66% of the time.73 ately successful in predicting FEV1
examined in 61% of 74 consultations. A study of 162 patients with pos- (correlation coefficient 0.47). On the
We suggest that all new patients with sible work related asthma suggests other hand, the addition of spirome-
asthma or possible asthma should un- that the type and timing of respira- try results in a pulmonary medicine
dergo a careful examination of the chest tory symptoms was modestly useful continuity clinic altered the clinical
and lungs. Although there is no direct in differentiating occupational management plan in only 5% of pa-
evidence to indicate that physical exam- asthma from asthma that was not tients.79 Patients with severe lung
ination of the chest results in improved work related.74 For example, symp- dysfunction or deteriorating clinical
patient outcomes, clinicians should be toms at work were reported by 91% status benefited most from spirome-
aware of the benefits and limitations of of patients with occupational asthma try.
the pulmonary examination. and 86% of patients without occupa- Physicians are also only moder-
tional asthma. Improvement of ately successful in predicting non-
HOW GOOD ARE PHYSICIANS symptoms on weekends or on holi- specific bronchial hyperresponsive-
AT DIAGNOSING ASTHMA AND days were reported by 77% and 88%, ness. In a study of 34 patients
ESTIMATING ITS SEVERITY? respectively, of patients with occupa- evaluated for unexplained wheezing,
While it may be useful or interesting to tional asthma and 56% and 76%, re- the clinical history was only moder-
understand the clinical implications of spectively, by patients without occu- ately successful in predicting the re-
symptoms of asthma and to appreciate pational asthma. The investigators sults of a methacholine bronchial
the limitations of the pulmonary exam- estimate that the predictive value of challenge.80 A previous diagnosis of
ination, physicians reach clinical im- a history suggesting occupational asthma predicted bronchial hyperre-
pressions based on the complete med- asthma was 63%. These findings are activity 62% of the time; a history of
ical history and physical examination. consistent with the observation that past wheezing, 35% of the time; and
There has been some study of the di- occupational asthma may be cor- expiratory wheezing on examination,
agnostic usefulness of the medical his- rectly diagnosed only 12% of the 43% of the time. A separate study of
tory in patients with asthma. One study time.75 51 patients with possible asthma and
prospectively evaluated 85 patients Physicians are only moderately normal spirometry showed that phy-
with dyspnea and found a diagnostic successful in predicting the results of sicians were able to predict the re-

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 7

sults of a methacholine challenge test examination, chest radiograph, and should have office spirometry per-
successfully only 39% of the time.81 spirometry demonstrated that 17% had formed, at minimum, for initial as-
When chest physicians were asked to undiagnosed asthma83; hence, asthma sessment.86 We support this recom-
predict the result of a histamine bron- is commonly unrecognized in both mendation. Some asthma experts
chial challenge in a group of patients adults and children. suggest that the peak expiratory flow
with possible asthma, there was no rate can substitute for measurement
correlation at all between physician pre- CONCLUDING COMMENTS of FEV1 for patients with asthma.
dictions (based on a medical history and Physicians should recognize the limi- Indeed, there is ample evidence to
physical examination) and bronchial tations of the medical history and show that the peak expiratory flow
hyperresponsiveness.19 Another study physical examination even when con- rate and FEV1 are closely correlated
showed that patient responses on a med- ducted by an expert. An unbiased de- in asthma.87,88 These studies also
ical history questionnaire could not pre- scription of symptoms of asthma may show that there is a significant vari-
dict bronchial responses to histamine.20 be more effectively elicited through ation in peak expiratory flow rate for
These studies together support the open-ended questions such as Please a given measurement of FEV1, typi-
notion that the medical history and describe your symptoms, rather than cally in the range of 620%.86 Fur-
physical examination are useful and directed questions such as Do you ther, the peak expiratory flow rate is
moderately successful in diagnosing have wheezing or shortness of breath? often misleading when chronic ob-
asthma and estimating its severity. To a limited extent, symptom descrip- structive pulmonary disease or re-
Chest specialists and internists can be tors such as wheezing and chest tight- strictive lung disease is present.
expected to diagnose asthma correctly ness may suggest asthma, although a Measurement of the peak expiratory
about two-thirds or three-quarters of full medical history should include flow rate with a peak flow meter is less
the time. At the same time, these pub- triggering and alleviating factors, re- expensive than measurement of FEV1
lished observations highlight the limi- sponse to treatment, and associated with spirometry; however, misdiagno-
tations of the clinical evaluation of symptoms. sis of asthma and underestimating se-
asthma, even by specialists. Measures Physical examination of the chest, verity of asthma are costly as well.
of lung function, in particular spirom- especially for the presence and quality Further studies are needed to deter-
etry with response to bronchodilator, of wheezing has moderate predictive mine whether measurement of pulmo-
are needed to confirm a diagnosis of value in diagnosing asthma and esti- nary function actually results in inter-
asthma. mating the degree of airway obstruc- vention that improves symptoms, lung
These limitations become apparent tion. Additional respiratory signs such function, frequency of hospitalizations,
in studies of undiagnosed asthma. A as breath sound intensity and forced or days missed from work or school.
survey of 14,127 patients showed that expiratory time may be useful. Physi- Further studies may elucidate the rela-
physician-diagnosed asthma was re- cians should be familiar with the phys- tive advantages of peak flow measure-
ported by 6.1% of patients, but that ical signs of other causes of dyspnea ment and spirometry.
undiagnosed asthma that was active such as chronic obstructive pulmonary We recommend that physicians car-
within the previous year was reported disease, congestive heart failure, hy- ing for patients with asthma continue
by 3.3% of patients.82 This suggests perventilation, and foreign body aspi- to develop their interviewing and phys-
that one-third of asthmatic patients ration. ical examination skills. At the same
have not been properly diagnosed. An- A detailed medical history and phys- time, the best care of the asthmatic
other report suggests that 17% of pa- ical examination of the patient with patient includes spirometry at the time
tients with unexplained dyspnea may possible asthma leads to the correct of initial diagnosis and monitoring of
have asthma.83 A study of 179 children diagnosis about three quarters of the pulmonary function through periodic
who reported at least one episode of time, even by asthma specialists. Be- spirometry and peak expiratory flow
wheezing showed that only 21 children cause it is impossible to identify mis- rate measurements.
had been diagnosed with asthma,84 in- diagnosed patients prospectively, addi-
cluding 11 of 31 children who experi- tional studies such as peak expiratory REFERENCES
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al. Comparison of peak expiratory spiratory function in asthma. Respira- Rochester, MN 55905
flow and FEV1 admission criteria for tion 1987;52:2233.

CME Examination
Identification N 016-001
Questions 120, Li JTC and EJ OConnell. 1996;76:114.
CME Test Questions B. Only 5% of chest pain in 8. Which of the following lung
children is caused by sounds are called continuous
1. Which of the following chest asthma. adventitious sounds?
symptoms is most closely as- C. Chest pain is rarely de- A. Expiratory wheezes
sociated with congestive heart scribed in exercise-induced B. Inspiratory rales
failure? asthma. C. Expiratory rales
A. My breath does not go out D. Chest tightness is rarely de- D. Fine crackles
all the way. scribed in exercise-induced E. Coarse crackles
B. I cannot take a deep breath. asthma. 9. As a test of airway obstruc-
C. I feel wheezy. E. Lipid screening is recom- tion, a prolonged forced expi-
D. I feel that I am smothering. mended. ratory time has a sensitivity of
E. I cannot take a deep breath. 5. The prevalence of wheezing in about
2. What percentage of patients the general population is about A. 5% or less
with chronic obstructive pul- A. 5% or less B. 10% to 25%
monary disease admit to B. 10% to 25% C. 50% to 65%
wheezing? C. 50% to 65% D. 75% to 90%
A. 100% D. 75% to 90% E. 99%
B. 75% E. Prevalence studies of 10. Which of the following signs
C. 50% wheezing have not been is associated with obstructive
D. 25% conducted
lung disease?
E. 0% 6. Which of the following is as-
A. Decreased breath sound in-
3. Which of the following state- sociated with nearly fatal
ments about the symptom of asthma?
B. Tracheal tag
inspiratory dyspnea is true? A. Wheezing
B. Use of home peak flow di- C. Increased resonance to per-
A. Associated with increased cussion
PEFR D. Pulsus paradoxus
C. Increased use of inhaled
B. Associated with decreased E. All of the above
RV/TLC ratio 11. When physicians evaluate pa-
D. Increased use of inhaled
C. Rarely described during a corticosteroids tients for unexplained dyspnea
positive methacholine E. Reduced chemosensitivity about what percentage of the
bronchial challenge to hypoxia time do they reach the correct
D. Rarely reported by patients 7. Which of the following char- diagnosis based on the medi-
experiencing acute asthma acteristics about wheezing is cal history and physical exam-
E. Reported by the majority of associated with increased air- ination?
patients experiencing acute way obstruction? A. 5% to 15%
asthma A. Wheezing during exercise B. 25% to 35%
4. Which of the following state- B. Low pitched wheezing C. 45% to 55%
ments about chest pain in chil- C. Low intensity wheezing D. 65% to 75%
dren is true? D. Wheezing during inspira- E. 95% to 100%
A. About 20% of chest pain in tion and expiration 12. Which of the following com-
children is caused by E. Wheezing with forced ex- ponents of the medical history
asthma. halation is an independent predictor of

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 13

obstructive lung disease in D. 60% to 70% of predicted lation (forced vital capacity
adults? normal values maneuver)
A. Fatigue E. 80% to 90% of predicted D. A drop in systolic blood
B. Exercise intolerance normal values pressure of 5 mm or greater
C. Significant smoking his- 16. Which of the following respi- during inspiration
tory ratory signs does not have a E. A drop in systolic blood
D. Chest pain statistically significant associ- pressure of 5 mm or greater
E. Family history of emphy- ation with FEV1 or PEFR? during a Valsalva maneu-
sema A. Breath sound intensity ver
13. Deliberate hyperventilation is B. Forced expiratory time 19. For adult patients with asthma
most likely to produce which C. Wheezing or suspected asthma, The Na-
of the following symptoms? D. Increased resonance to per- tional Asthma Education Pro-
A. I feel hunger for more air. cussion gram Expert Panel Report rec-
B. I cannot take a deep breath. E. Bibasilar fine crackles ommends spirometry
C. My chest feels tight. 17. All of the following have a A. For all patients, at initial
D. My breath does not go out statistically significant corre- assessment
all the way. lation with severe airway ob- B. For patients with moderate
E. My breathing requires or severe asthma only, at
struction except
more concentration. initial assessment
A. Wheezing throughout the
14. In children whose primary C. Every three months for pa-
respiratory cycle
symptom is chronic cough, tients with moderate or se-
B. Forced expiratory time
upper respiratory tract infec- vere asthma
tions trigger cough in what greater than two seconds D. Every six months for pa-
percentage of patients? C. Excavation of the supracla- tients with moderate or se-
A. 10% to 20% vicular fossa vere asthma
B. 30% to 40% D. Pulsus paradoxus E. Every six months for pa-
C. 50% to 60% E. Respiratory rate tients with severe asthma
D. 70% to 80% 18. The major finding in pulsus 20. For adult patients with known
E. 90% to 100% paradoxus is asthma, the National Asthma
15. When patients recovering A. A drop in systolic blood Education Program Expert
from acute asthma in the hos- pressure of 10 mm or Panel Report recommends
pital are studied, symptoms of greater during exhalation strong consideration of home
asthma disappear when pul- (normal tidal breathing) peak flow monitoring for
monary function is B. A drop in systolic blood A. All patients
A. 0% to 10% of predicted pressure of 10 mm or B. Patients with moderate and
normal values greater during inspiration severe asthma
B. 20% to 30% of predicted (normal tidal breathing) C. Patients with severe asthma
normal values C. A drop in systolic blood only
C. 40% to 50% of predicted pressure of 10 mm or D. Patients taking salmeterol
normal values greater during forced exha- E. Patients taking nedocromil


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Answers to CME examinationAnnals of Allergy,

Asthma, & Immunology, December 1995 (Identification
No 015-012) Spector SL. Leukotriene inhibitors and an-
tagonists in asthma. Ann Allergy, Asthma, & Immunol
1995; 75:46374.
1. d 6. e 11. b 16. a
2. c 7. c 12. e 17. c
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4. a 9. d 14. b 19. c
5. e 10. e 15. d 20. b

VOLUME 76, JANUARY, 1996 15

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