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Technology Integration Form COLLABORATION

Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Level: Technology/Resource Type:
Collaborize Classroom All ages, particularly
middle school-H.S. Application Software Device Website
Source: (Web address, company name, etc.)

Associated Learning Standard(s): The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that. List any ISTE-S standards that
seem to naturally align with the selected resource.
This tool is generally applicable with most Anchor Standards of writing and reading but for ISTE-S, Digital Citizen is a huge
standard since students will be required to respond to each other with respect and support, Empowered Learner because
students will be utilizing this tool as well as other computer sources to reinforce their learning.

Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
This tool is an online discussion board. A teacher can make an account and have students sign up as well. Teachers can create
discussion boards to simulate an in-person classroom discussion, outside of class, and can have students respond to discussions.
There are four types of discussions for teachers to post and then have students answer, a yes/no and justify, a multiple-choice
option, vote and suggest, as well as a simple forum. Topics can be made by teachers or can be copied from the websites library of
topics. Topics are available from every subject matter and can be sorted by grade as well. Teachers can assign discussion boards
to specific classes, or all classes.


How might you integrate this resource in a lesson plan to promote collaboration among students in your classroom, or among
students and others outside of the classroom?

For any subject, this technology tool could be useful to promote deeper thinking on topics discussed in class. This could be used
as a participation category in a gradebook, which would be helpful for those who have trouble participating in class, especially for
those who have anxiety regarding public speaking. This could also allow students to bring ideas together for projects, while the
teacher is able to oversee their progress. Students could piggy-back ideas off of each other to develop topics for papers, projects,
get feedback for assignments etc. Discussion boards have been effective for me personally and I think its a resource that should
be utilized more in middle school and high school.

Value-Added Rating Scale

3 2 1

The integration idea described: The integration idea described: The integration idea described:

aligns to content standards aligns to content standards aligns to content standards

transforms a lesson in a way that would enhances a lesson; likely to serves as a nice supplement to a lesson
be impossible or very difficult without it; increase student engagement and but wouldnt necessarily play a critical
very likely to increase student engagement support mastery of the concept(s) role within the lesson
and contribute to mastery of the will most likely be used by the will most likely be used by the teacher
concept(s) students directly during a lesson (e.g., a demonstration)

optimal in a student-centered
environment where students are active
and engaged in learning content

Based on the value-added rating scale above, how would you rate the technology integration you described, using the
selected resource?
Explain your rating based on the rubric indicators.
This tool would be a 2-3 due to it not being required for lessons but for its ability to enhance lessons and increase student
engagement. I think it will align to standards as well as being able to transform lessons that will make students really engaged and
grasp concepts more fully. Students will be able to be the active participants and nurture each other and possibly learn from each
other in a discussion where some students may feel more comfortable in sharing, due to it being behind a screen.

This template has been adapted from the following resources:

Christie, A., (2007). Dr. Alice Christies 6C Model for Evaluating Apps. Retrieved from
ISTE, (2012). iste.netss Advancing Digital Age Learning. Retrieved from
LearnZillion, Inc. (July 2014). TeachFest Guide | Mathematics. Retrieved from
Schrock, K., (2011-14). Critical Evaluation of a Content-Based IPAD/IPOD APP. Retrieved from

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