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Point of View Notes Name: Class Period: Date:

Complete your notes using this link: Listen and look for answers in the video.
1. First Person Point of View: (write the definition here) _________________________________________
2. Examples (fill in the blanks):
a. ______did this.
b. He said to ______.
c. He shook ______ hand.
3. Two advantages of first person PoV are
a. It is the type of narration that most resembles how a story is told in __________ life.
b. You get a strong sense of the narrating characters ________________ .
4. A first-person reliable narrator tells the story in a way that is ________________ and
5. True or False: Most first person narrators are reliable.
6. A first-person unreliable narrator doesnt tell the ________________and ________________story.
7. In ________________ first person narration different parts of the story are told by different characters.
8. True or False: A first person narrator is always the main character.
9. Traditionally, most stories used to be _________________________.
10. Third Person Point of View: (write the definition here) _________________________________________
11. A third-person omniscient narrator can know ____________ the ______________ wants them to know.
12. A third-person omniscient narrator is like an all-knowing ________.
13. True or False: The narrator and the author are the same person.
14. A third-person limited narrator is not a character in the story and only knows what the __________
_______________ knows.
15. A third-person objective narrator ________ whats happening, but doesnt know what ___________ is
_____________, and does not give _____________ about whats happening.
16. A third-person objective narrator lets you, the reader, __________ whats going on beneath surface like
you would in real life.
17. Second Person Point of View: (write the definition here) _______________________________________
18. Lamb to Slaughter has which kind of narrator?
A. First-person reliable B. First-person unreliable C. Third-person omniscient D. Third-person limited
E. Third-person objective

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