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1) Describe and compare the origin stories of the Lakota, Hopi and Wintu



During the summer Lakotas would run around the black hills because they
believe in a mythical foot race that involves two legged and a four legged
animals. To the Lakotas, the race will be the determination who is the
strongest and wisest.

Other than that they also believe that the Tower is created by their God to
save a group of children freeing an angry bear. It is considered sacred to the
Indians climbing of someone's church.

The Lakotas practice sun dance which takes place during the summer. They
consider the sun dance as their rituals especially in the month of June and
they use a pipe that was presented by a mysterious woman to use it as ways
to pray to God. They called the mysterious woman as the white buffalo calf


Hopi settled in a place called Sipapuni Grand Canyon.

The Hopis believe in a spirit guardian of the place whose name is Massaw.
Other than that they believe that by praying at shrines it will allow them to
open the path towards the spiritual world. The Hopis cultural practices are
based on corn, water and ritual. The shrine is a scared site for them because
their ancestors left a trailing mark for them a long time ago. The place that
was settled by Hopis were now taken by the government and was used for
mining. It is a worry for the Hopis because the water/ pipeline is important
for them for their rituals.


Wintu is based at the south of Mt Shasta, McCloud River. They have healing
ceremonies for a thousand years. The problem that Wintu tribe had to go
through was that the western culture fought to have a ski resort at their place
but they hesitate because Mt Shasta is a sacred place for them.

Wintu has believe in spiritual entities which are in a form of plants, animals,
mountain and a sacred spring. Other than that, when babies are born, some of
them are selected by the shamans to become a healer.

Wintu lost their land during the Gold Rush event and the miners and settlers
took the place. In addition, their population decreases because the
government paid to kill the Indians.

2) Listen for descriptions of 'religion' and use of land, How does language
used by Native Americans and EuroAmericans show understandings of
the relationship between religion the land?

There are a lot of differences between how Native Americans and Westerners
defines religion. To the Native Americans they believe that places such as
spring and shrines are considered to be their church. They will find it rude for
the westerners to exploit their 'church' by sunbathing by the spring because it
is where the tribes pray to their God. Westerners do not think it is offensive
because in their culture, those places are considered as recreational places for

3) How does Vine Deloria contrast the Euro and Native

American worldviews?

Vine Deloria talks about how people in the western are more materialistic.
Western people believe that God came based on past events while the Native
Americans refers land or people as their God.
Based on the documentary, the way western religion practice are opposite of
wha native Americans are practicing. For example, when the interviewer
asked about the Devil's Tower to a local person, Vine Deloria, she mentioned
that it was a majestic sight she has ever seen but to them it is not a church
where you go to pray.

She also states that our species has a lot of ways of defining things.
The problem with the American society is that they prioritize more on the
rights of the society instead of responsibilities of a society which thus, creates
a problem between them and the natives who practice or have a different
culture than them.

4) Did any of the 'history' presented in this film surprise you?

It is amazing that there are a lot of difference on how we and the Native
Americans are seeing things. One for the information that interest me the
most is when the documentary explains about the ritual that practiced by the
Lakotas. I never knew that the month of June is important to them because it
is the month where they practice their religious activities such as the sun
dance. It is also amazing to me how we can still compromise with them by
closing the place during that time of the month to respect their believes.

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