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THW (This House Would) Allow Human Cloning (PRO) Adham Rizki

Ananda (Farmasi 2017)

There are two types of cloning, Reproductive Cloning and Therapeutic Cloning.
Reproductive Cloning in general is the creation of an individual who has identical nuclear
genetic material (DNA) to an existing human being, while Therapeutic Cloning is a process by
which stem cells are extracted from a cloned embryo, so it doesnt produce a human being.
Cloning that we are going to discuss is the reproductive cloning one. The most famous and the
first cloning that published publicly is the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1997 by Ian Wilmut
together with his colleagues. The technique used to produce Dolly is known as nuclear
transfer, where the nucleus from a somatic cell was fused with an unfertilised egg from which
the nucleus had been removed. This method of procreation is asexual, as it does not need one
person of each sex in order to produce a child. As the time goes on, many scienctist are trying
to do human cloning and some of them claimed they had succeed on it. Due to the large number
of experiments in human cloning it causes international organisations, like WHO or UNESCO,
againts human cloning. Despite the pros and contras toward Human Cloning, I believe Human
Cloning is necessary, as long as it is implemented with a right mechanism.
So in order to make sure Human Cloning will be implemented properly it should be managed
only by an international organisation specially made to regulate everything about Human
Cloning. So there will be no one other than this organisation can perform or experimenting on
human cloning. There should be a regulation too, that contain a standard for whom Human
Cloning can be performed, a standard for the purpose of the cloning, and if a public wants to
do Human Cloning they should pay the amount of money and they do it by their own consent.
The money from it can be used for the advancement of the organisation and experiment, also
can be used for those who need it by giving it to UNESCO.
With Human Cloning it can help us to achieve a better world with advanced technology.
In 2008 Japanese scientists managed to create clones from the bodies of mice which had been
frozen for 16 years, it meants there is a possibility where we could clone all those geniuses and
revolutionary thinker back. We can clone Einstein with his brain thats being preserved in a
museum, we can also discover all the Davincis code by bringing them back with huma cloning.
Moreover I believe all these geniuses will gladly continuing their discoveries for a better world.
So thats why we should allow human cloning because it will help us to achieve a world with
a better and more modern technology.
Human Cloning can help us discover a cure for rare diseases. One of the reasons on why
there is still disease that has not been found the cure yet is because there is no samples willing
to sacrifice themself to be a experimental material. A disease is called as a rare disease not
without a reason, its because only some people experience it, it meants there is only a little
sample of those diseases. Thats why cloning play a big role on discovering the cure for these
kind of diseases, with human cloning we can clone these patients and then taking a lot of sample
and doing some of the experiments to discover the cure. I know it sounds inhuman, but we
must face the reality that if we want to achieve something there will be some sacrifice needed.
Imagine all the troubles and the victims it takes for us to wait until the cure being discovered
without cloning. Even in order to find the cure for Tuberculosis(TBC) it takes a lot of sacrifice
and experiments, which takes a lot of victims. Thats why Human Cloning shouldnt get
banned, because it help us to cure all the diseases.
As long as the customer is ok to get cloned, there is no need for us to prohibit them. As I
said in the mechanism that if someone wants to do human cloning, they should tell the reason
on they want to do it, so that the organisation can decide whether they pass to do human cloning
or not, they also should do it by their own consent, and they should pay the amount of money,
which of course its not a small amount of money, so we can tell these people who wants to do
it is not for messing around. In the end we didnt have any right to stop them to do it, as long as
the reason why they do it is ok as in the regulation. Also up until now there is no evidence that
there will be any harm made towards the customer, even if the possibility of human cloning is
still low thats why we should make a regulation for this and allow human cloning, so that it
can be improved and become a perfect and complete.
So thats why in the end we must allow Human Cloning, because we need Human Cloning to
make this world becomes better. Human Cloning will not give any harm, instead it will help us
to achieve a better world with better techonlogy and better health service.

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