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Comment on Why Engineers Make Great CEOs.

As stated from the articles initial opening phrase:

Theyre detail-oriented, analytical, and trained in systematic problem-solving.
Engineers basic qualities make them good candidates for the top.

Obviously, engineering programs are basically a practical discipline that involve the
designing, analysis and testing of multiple systems. Engineers have rigorous background in
problem-solving and logical analysis, making them very ideal in innovation and entrepreneurship.
As regards to the company framework and management, engineers usually lead the conceptual
design, which most probably is the heart of what a company has to offer.
In some cases, it might be that engineers may lack the communication and leadership
skills to run an effective workflow in a company. However, through Engineering Management, an
engineer could be able not just to conceptualize and pitch ideas, but also could handle a
management position as well.
Moreover, the time-pressured and highly technical problems that engineers encounter
requires challenging analytical skills, which is very important when it comes to pursuing a
managing role. Engineers also strive for efficiency and optimization, which are key elements to
have a successful company. In fact, according to the American Society for Quality Survey1, mental
skills including analytical thinking, organizational skills, and problem-solving were key attributes
in order to run a successful enterprise.
In a nutshell, engineers are normally good with detail and numbers. They value both
quality and quantity. They have the right attributes as to becoming great CEOs.

McFadden, C. 2017. Top 5 Reasons Why Engineers Make the Best CEO's. Interesting

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