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A la hora de hacer redacciones, lo ms importante es planificarse; para empezar debemos plasmar todas las ideas que se nos ocurran relacionadas con el
tema de la redaccin en lo que se llama BRAINSTORMING, es decir, tormenta de ideas. De aqu nos saldr un dibujo similar a una araa (tendremos un
crculo central con flechas saliendo de l donde anotar ideas).
En el crculo escribiremos el tema de la redaccin y en las flechas las distintas ideas que nos surgen relacionadas con dicho tema.
Una vez hecho esto, pasamos a buscar en el diccionario las palabras que creemos vamos a utilizar y no sabemos su significado.
Por ltimo, observamos las ideas de la araa y las separamos por temas para estructurar la redaccin en prrafos (cada prrafo tratar una o dos ideas, y
siempre habr un prrafo de introduccin y uno de conclusin). Para ordenar estos prrafos y las ideas dentro del prrafo, usaremos alguna de las expresiones
y conjunciones que aparecen a continuacin, con las que uniremos frases que no sern muy complicadas ni muy largas (as evitaremos liarnos y tener ms
fallos de los normales). Cuando hayamos alcanzado un buen nivel de ingls escrito, podremos lanzarnos a escribir composiciones con estructuras ms
Una vez terminada la redaccin, nos fijaremos en haber usado durante toda la composicin el mismo tiempo verbal, o en caso de que fuera necesario usar
varios, que los hemos usado correctamente. Recordad que ya sabis formar muchos tiempos verbales, y que una redaccin con TO BE, TO HAVE GOT, y el
Presente Simple es muy pobre para vuestro nivel. Por ltimo repasaremos buscando fallos gramaticales CONCRETOS; no es recomendable que volvis a leer
la redaccin buscando errores, ya que acabis de escribirla vosotros mismos y, por supuesto, consideris que lo que habis escrito es correcto. Por eso
deberais buscar fallos concretos de vuestra propia lista de errores comunes.
Adems de todo esto, es muy importante para hacer una buena redaccin la estructura. Deberais intentar facilitar al corrector su tarea, y una buena estructura
y el uso de prrafos hacen ms sencillo entender las ideas que queris transmitir. Recordad que tenis que dejar mrgenes y escribir lo ms limpio que os sea
A continuacin encontrareis una lista de CONNECTORS que deberais usar en vuestras composiciones y tambin una lista de los errores de gramtica bsica
que ms comnmente cometen los alumnos.
Before Before that
Previously Formerly
While As I
Meanwhile At the same time
During At the very time/moment
After Following
When Then
As soon as Afterwards
On that occasion The moment/the minute/the time that
Later Once
In the mean time Till then
Since then By the time
Indicating addition:
In addition Also
Furthermore As well
Moreover/what is more Too
Besides On top of that
Indicating a parallel:
Again Equally
In the same way Similarly
Contrasts and alternatives:
On the contrary Alternatively
By contrast Still
Even so Though
However Yet
Instead Thats why
Nevertheless Otherwise
Therefore Nonetheless
On the one hand/on the other hand

According As a result
Consequently So
Therefore Thereby
Linking adjuncts after conjunctions:
And besides And therefore
But still
General relational situations:
Just in case In case
Because/as Although/even though
So that If/as long as/provided that
Unless Unfortunately
Fortunately/luckily Funnily/strangely enough
Believe it or not Actually/in fact/in actual fact
In other words/that is to say
First paragraph:
Firstly First of all
To begin with Begins with
The first step is The first stage is
Second paragraph:
Secondly Next/Then
Later/After this The next step is
The next stage is The following stage is
Last paragraph:
In conclusion Id like to say Finally
Finishes with Concludes with
Let me now sum up To sum up
The last step is The last stage is
Before hand/ Before this Previously/earlier
During At the same time/simultaneously
In a sentence Briefly/to put it briefly
I think that/I believe that
It is my view that/ I would say that + expressing
In my opinion/As I see it opinion
As far as Im concerned


In order to +INF Although/Even though

On the one hand On the other hand/on the contrary
As a result In addition
Since However
So / So that As (= while)
By that time Meanwhile
Regardless of Despite/In spite of (the fact that)


NEVER TRANSLATE DIRECTLY FROM SPANISH. Structures are not the same and, unluckily, you havent got the same knowledge of Spanish
and English. Try adapting your ideas in Spanish to a more simple level so you are able to work with them in English as well.
-S of third person singular for verbs in the present simple.

Adjectives in English NEVER take -s to form the plural.

All adjectives are placed before the noun they go with.

All compounds of SOME and ANY are considered third person singular.

THIS / THAT are singular words. THESE / THOSE are plural.

Be careful with False Friends. ACTUALLY does not mean ACTUALMENTE but REALMENTE.

MODAL VERBS are followed by an infinitive without TO.

ALL sentences in English have a subject.

PEOPLE is plural.


No double negation in a sentence.

Avoid contractions when writing; they are too informal.

Be careful with the structure of the sentence.



DIE (vb) / DEAD (adj.) / DEATH (noun).

ENOUGH + noun / adjective + ENOUGH.

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