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Name: Grace Hickey

Title: Bullying

Grade: Kindergarten

Concept/Topic: Bullying

Time Needed: 30-40 minutes

Backward Design Approach: Where are you going with your


Identify Desired Results/Learning Outcome/Essential Question:

This lesson plan will address the concept of bullying and provide students

with what is bullying vs what is not bullying. The goals I want the students to

reach is that they can tell two ways that someone is bullying (they should

just be able to say this verbally) and that they know at least two ways to

build friendship. Students should be able to identify what bullying is and how

they can deal with a bully. Students should also be able to say different ways

that they can build friendship instead of being a bully.

Ensuring Lesson supports district and state goals

NCSCOS Standards:

K.MEH.1 Remember the association of healthy expression of emotions,

mental health, and healthy behavior.

K.ICR.1 Understand healthy and effective interpersonal communication and

relationships. RL.K.1 With prompting and support,

ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

RL.K.4 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about words

in a text that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading

activities with purpose and understanding. W.K.2 Use a combination of

drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in

which they name what they are writing about and supply some information

about the topic.

Assessment Plan:

Students will have to come up with ideas of what bullying is and what being

a good friend is, they will have to come up with their own sentences. The

students will have to decide as a group if a picture is something that a bully

would do or if the character is doing something that is building friendship.

They will be asked questions throughout the book to see if they understand

who is bullying and how they are bullying. After this, students will go back to

their seats and have to write out something based on a picture that depicts

kids building friendship. For example, if there is a picture of kids playing

together students can write out playing together or taking turns. The

students will also have a couple pictures on their page and they need to

determine if that is a form of bullying. The students should also be able to

state (does not have to be written out) how someone should respond to a

bully and what the bully could have done differently. The teacher should hear
students say and explain what bullying is and what the person could have

done instead of bullying.

Meeting the student where they are:

Prior Knowledge/Connections:

Students have had prior knowledge on some things that are not okay to do

and things that are okay to do in the classroom. They have had lessons with

guidance that talk about what it means to be a good friend, but this lesson

will deeper their understanding of bullying. After taking a survey a couple of

students talked about how they were bullied so it is important to make every

student aware of what is bullying and what is not bullying. To help students

make the connections it is important to bring up bullying scenarios that they

may see daily, this way they can connect it to what they already know and

get a deeper understanding. If it is not things that they may see they may

not get that deeper level of understanding. This is an important concept to

teach to young students because over 3.2 million students are victims of

bullying each year (11 facts about bullying). The only way to decrease

bullying is to make students aware of it and showing them different actions

they can take instead of bullying. It is extremely important for students to

feel like you are there for them if there is a bully because over 67% of

students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying students need to

feel like teachers will be there for them and by teaching them about bullying
they are more likely to feel like you are there to listen (11 facts about


Lesson Introduction/Hook:

To start the lesson read the book The Recess Queen by Alexis ONeill and

Laura Huliska-Beith. This is a read aloud that opens up the idea of bullying

in a way that keeps students engaged and really focused on the meaning of

the book.


This lesson plan allows for differentiation/same-action for many different

reasons. For starters, the students are all hearing the same book so they are

getting the same background knowledge, it is not dependent on their reading

level. Then when students decide if the pictures are bullying/not bullying

they will do a thumbs up or down to let me know this means every student is
able to come up with their own answer and not just follow what everyone

else is saying. Different students will have the chance to come up and put

the sentence where they think it belongs on a big piece of paper. Lastly,

when the students break up and go back to their seats there will be sentence

structures for students who need them and there is a picture that will help

them come up with ideas, it provides a visual for English Language Learners

and for students who struggle with writing(their sentences do not have to be

perfect as long as they can tell you what the sentence is saying). For

students that have a hard time writing the teacher can ask them verbally for

the answer that way the teacher knows they are comprehending.

Lesson Development:

The students will sit on the carpet for a read aloud. also ask the

students What does it mean to be a bully? Write these characteristics

on a big piece of paper or on the board.

The teacher should introduce the book by saying what it is called and

then asking the students what do you think this story is going to be

about? (students should answer only all on a couple) Read the book

and periodically stop and ask questions based off of the book- is she

being nice to the other students? How do you know that? What

could she have done differently? how did the new student stop Jean

from being mean?

After the book, ask the students if they can think of any more

characteristics of what it means to be a bully (write them down if there

is more).

Tell the students that we are going to go over some pictures that depict

bullying or friendship and you want them to tell you if the person is

being a bully or not. If they are being a bully have the students give

you a quiet thumbs down, if they are not being a bully have them give

you a quiet thumbs up.

Call on one of the students and ask why they said that have them

come up and put it under the correct column (bullying vs. friendship). If

there is an example of bullying ask the students what the bully could

have done differently instead of being mean.

After this is complete show the students the work sheet they are going

to work on. Explain to students that there is a picture that shows kids

being nice to each other and building friendship, then they would have

to write a sentence describing what the picture is showing. (Show the

students an example of a booklet that is already done but leave them

room for creativity). The teacher should be walking around and asking

questions like How should you respond to a bully? and how are the

kids building friendship?

At the end reiterate that bullying is not okay and that if they get

bullied/see someone being bullied they should tell an adult. (collect

their papers to see if they have an understanding of bullying).

Specific Questioning:

What could the bully have done differently?

How should you respond to a bully?

What does it mean to be a bully?

What do you think this story is going to be about?

Is she being nice to the other students?

What could she have done differently?

How did the new student stop Jean from being mean?

How can you build friendship?

New Vocabulary:

Bullying- use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone),

typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

Characteristic- a feature or quality belonging typically to a person,

place, or thing and serving to identify it.

Differently- in a way that is not the same as another or as before.

Mean- unkind, spiteful, or unfair.

Queen- A female ruler

Sassy- lively and bold

Ask the students if they know these words while reading the book because

most of them are in the book, if not tell the students what they mean.

Concluding the Lesson/Closure/Debriefing:

Students will wrap up their writing assignment and in order to reiterate

bullying ask a couple students to answer what bullying is. After this tell

students to talk to adults if they are being bullied or if they see someone else

being bullied. This allows the students to know that you are there if they

need you and that the feel comfortable talking to any adult if they do not

want to come directly to you.


Big sheet of paper (multiple pieces)

Marker to write on that paper

The Recess Queen book

Handout/mini book with room for sentences, drawings, and mini

pictures depicting bullying/not bullying

Slips of paper that have sentences of students being bullies and some

that are not being bullies

Poster to put those slips on with two columns one for bullies one for

non bullies.

Bullet list of warning signs of a child being a bully/being bullied.

Teaching Behavior Focus:

Lesson and Unit Planning and Presentation

Follow-Up Activities/Parent Involvement

Send home a letter that says you talked about bullying in class and that

guardians should reiterate bullying to the students. To utilize this new

information, students will be more aware of what bullying is and can come to
an adult if necessary. Guardians should tell students that they can go to

them if they are being bullied or if they see someone being bullied. Lastly,

the teacher can send home a bullet list of warning signs of a student being

bullied/ if they are being a bully.


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