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Guess God's Gone Golfing

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Copyright 2014 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

A Testicular Introduction

Let's talk about God, and Golf In doing so, for the sake of this discussion, please allow
me the liberty of referring to Golf as a game and to God as An Ultimate Creative Source Point
Of Origin Of All Existencea generic entity1 without masculinity, femininity, name, or divine
sacred-utterances written down by the hand of man as holy-writings, leading to the
establishment of religious faiths.
Why God and Golf? Simple When one dares breach or mention the topic of God,
such mention often evokes violent reactions from intellectually scholarly men who, otherwise,
deem themselves reasonable, peaceful, and gentle souls, while venting their frustrations, quite
often, upon a poor, little, innocent ballin whacking it with a club Yes, without doubt, God
and Golf are a couple that go hand in hand, for they both bring men to acts of violence
In fact, this humble average Joe of a man would speculateblatantly disregarding
historical accounts in favor of something more humorously sought afterthat, Golfffff, was
the faint, gurgling, sound issuing forth from the lips of that very first person to ever get whacked
in the gonads by someone who held an opposing opinion And a club ...
Shall we take out our little putters and whack each others' balls into the intellectually
perceived holes of this discussion? Putter in hand? Let's go boys! A bit of humor has
set this stage, and now we must take on roles as actors in a more serious play
But first, a short bio-intermission ...


1 Please Note: No offense is intended towards or against any religious faith or affiliation.
The Whys Of My Warped Mentality

I present myself as an average Joe sort of fellow, but are any of us, really, average, ho-
hum, hum-drum? Fact is, I am down right odd, neither intelligent or wise, stuck helplessly in
that no man's land somewhere between moron and peon. I ain't 'tupid, few people truly are,
though we all find ourselves saying and doing stupid things from time to time. But, I am
opinionated, and I am obsessively obsessive in obsessively expressing my obsessively obsessive
opinionated opinions.
As a teenager I devoured every page of Darwin's, Origin Of The Species. I breathed, ate,
and slept anything related to Science, accepting Science Fiction as though it, too, were
scientifically true. I awaited aliens to come find me and sweep me away to fantastic worlds, at
warp speeds to make a mere tortoise of that of light's, to live forever in a civilization perfected
beyond anything mankind's imagination could ever hope to achieve or conceive. I loved Science
and History, with the proof in my grades. I hated Math and English, with the proof in those
grades too.
I read a variety books, from the history of America to Tolstoy's War & Peace; to
biographies of Khrushchev, Kennedy, and Eisenhower; to Sci Fi greats like Asimov, Clarke,
Leinster, Heinlein, Bradbury, and Brunner.
I waited for that spacecraft that never came. I believed in Science, but Science, it
seemed, was a qualitatively analytical and logical search for answers, and not a handy dandy
package containing all of the answers all of the time, as my teenage mind so eagerly sought
Then, there was Star Trek, and I thought for a while that I, and all humanity, was saved.
The television series aired fantastic tales of man's journeys into the wilds of the galaxies, having
put an end to war on earth to only find it again in the far reaches of space. Each episode
presented a dilemma which Science and its technology overcame through the cunning of
mankind, personified as Captain James T. Kirk, and his faithful companions. Nothing really
changed from the world I lived in, except the time period, the technology, and the planet where
all these things fictionally took place. Men continued to live, and die. Eventually, as the TV
series evolved into Movies, even James T. Kirk had to face death and, for that, Science had no
I read the Bible, as in cover to cover, over many years of in depth study. I found
Religion. I also found some answers, or so it seemed at the time. I made a less than warp speed
shift from Baptist, to Charismatic, to a Hebrew mindset, always reasoning that historical
records and religious accounts should and must support one another, and when it appears that
they do not, then one or the others' validity is likely to be found to be in error or factually false.
Many years down the road, I came to the opinionated conclusion that Religion left as
many answers unanswered as did the field of Science, for both are in reality based upon trust
and belief: one upon sacredly inspired (alleged inerrant) pages of instructions on God,
Creation, life, living, death, and the hereafter, the other upon sacred pages of compilations of
deductions of experimental test results, with both firmly attesting to the correctness and
accuracy of their views held forth as being truth.
In instances of debating things in the here and now world around us, both can point to
nature in touting their side of an argument. Religion 2 can point to a newborn child in awe of
the wonders of God's creation, viewing the child as evidence of God's unseen existence, while
Science3 points at the same child in awe of the wonders of a life form that proves undeniably
that life exists upon the earth, and so must exist elsewhere in the universe, but does not view any
direct evidence to indicate the possibility of a God who initially created all lifeon earth or
elsewhereand, hence, created the child.


Conclusions Of My Mental Contusions

I have never had a problem with another person's opinion, though I might readily find
that I disagree with that opinion, in sharing my opinion in regards their opinion. There is a
proper and polite way to express ones opinion. It is my desire to do so here within this article,
in hopes of leaving no one to feel they have been offended or maligned.
Reality attests that men would much rather discuss Golf, than discuss God. This reality
can be easily be evidenced in the astute PhD and the lowly ditch digger alike, though the ditch
digger is less apt to have opportunity to take his violent urges out in a friendly game of Golf,
forced to find that pleasure in the swinging of a pick or the shoveling of a shovel.
So, where in the world has God gone? Is He off playing golf somewhere in the far
reaches of the universe? Why can't we find Him? Does He exist? Did He ever exist? Does He,
or did He ever, give a rat's ass if we know of His existence, or believe He really exists? If He
does exist, is His existence dependent upon our belief or disbelief, our search or failure to
search for evidence of His all too surreal reality ofin stark realityexisting? I would tend to
think not ...
2 A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or
agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

3 Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on
evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using
mathematics as a tool); Evidence; Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses; Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or
conclusions drawn from facts or examples; Repetition; Critical analysis; Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment.
Whether one believes there is a God or not, the universe clearly did not pull itself out of
its own arse, much like a rabbit pulling itself out of a magicians hat. The universe is here, we
are in it, and we do exist, though how much longer man shall exist, short of destroying himself
or the planet he inhabits, remains to be seen.
Religion will say, There must be a God, because rabbits do exist. Science will say,
Yes, rabbits exist, but where is the hat they were pulled from? My simple mind reasons that if
rabbits existboth Religion and Science agree they dothen there must be a hat from which it
was pulled and, therefore, originated. Find the hat, and you are one step closer to finding God
An Ultimate Creative Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence.
Before you good folks who hold to an atheistic point of view get your intellectual
underwear in a wad, allow me the privilege of sharing that I do try my best to exercise my mind
as a free-thinker4. I am quite willing to accept the possibility that every religious belief I ever
attained or held as being truth was man-created fiction set forth as false hope for mankind. In
fact, I am positive that the hand of man has tampered with the texts of what ever event or events
are said to have set the wheels of our popular Religions in motion. Man's hands are seldom
idle. And men do need hope, all men. Evil men always use human needs as power to manifest
and materialize their own positions of power.
This stated, I am ultimately willing to accept the reality that there is no God as is most
often thought of and personified by the world's religions. However, every iota of my very being
reassures me that there absolutely, undeniably, irrefutably, must be a GodAn Ultimate
Creative Source Point Of Origin Of All Existencesomewhere beyond the horizons of our
present ability to see, touch, feel, taste, and comprehend.
If you are an atheist, are you also a free-thinker? Are you willing to concede the
possibility that perhaps there really is a GodAn Ultimate Creative Source Point Of Origin Of
All Existenceother than those personifications given to man by the world's popular Religions?
Quite often, those who proclaim their atheism adamantly cling to Science as possessing
all answers available, while belittling and mocking Religion, not realizing that Atheism is a
religion in and of itselfa God-less religion centered around mankind's self sufficiency, and
often fueled by harbored anger directed at organized religious establishments and, or, (in some
cases) towards whatever life events a nonexistent God failed to intervene in, in a satisfactory
manner to the person who does not believe in the very nonexistent God he or she is angry at.
So, how did mankind come to inhabit this planet? Science relies upon the Theory of
Evolution as a methodical means of explaining away man's existence upon this earth in lieu of
accepting or discussing any possibilities of the existence of a God.
I have yet to witness Science producing any creature upon this earth actually evolving
into a completely new and different creature. There are, however, more than ample examples of
creatures adapting to their given environments, but a snake always remains a snake, a walking
catfish is always considered a fish, a bird always remains a bird, a flying squirrel is always
considered a squirrel, a monkey always remains a monkey, an ape always remains an ape and
to date, the Missing Link that could and would irrefutably connect ape to man and man to ape
4 Free-thinker: a person who forms his or her own opinions about important subjects (such as religion and politics) instead of accepting what other
people say.
thus forever changing evolution from theory to substantiated Scientific and historical fact
continues to elusively evade discovery through fossil or skeletal remains, or a live and living
specimen. Regardless of the number of ancient grave sites Archaeologists and Anthropologists
desecrate and dishonor, a man always remains a man, though his skin may be darker or paler,
his frame bulkier or frailer, his facial features more or less prominenta man has yet to be
found who is becoming something other than a man. Unless, of course, undergoing surgery at
the hand of man in seeking a sex change, and that my friends does not qualify as evidence to
support evolution as anything but a theory.
Are there holes in my thinking, perhaps? I am told so, but I have yet to be told in a
conclusive and convincing manner what those holes may be. I would gladly accept evolution as
fact if hard, conclusive, evidence were ever to be presented. Instead, what we have is theories
of how evolutiona theorytook place, based upon Scientific data gathered on events that took
place millions of years ago with no Scientist, or anyone for that matter, there to witness and
affirm and confirm these events as proof in support of evolution.
Many will attest that man is linked to primitive bacteria through DNA. The fact that all
living things possess DNA does not accurately support evolution as a reality, rather than a
theory, as neither does the fact that all living things on earth are carbon based life forms. If
such were true, then perhaps it could be easily said that all life, including mankind, descended
from a chunk of pure carbon. Such a statement would, hence, immediately set men to laying
ancestral claims of descending from purer forms of carbon than other men, with some claiming
to have evolved from diamonds, while others merely evolved from a lowly chunk of coal.
Do I refuse to accept evolution as fact for religious reasons? Not at all. I simply do not
see anymore evidence of evolution as being fact, than I see Jesus as being anything more than
an extraordinary man who lived and died for what he believed in, who continues to lie in his
grave until this very day. It took time to see through the inconsistencies to be found within the
teachings of Religion, just as it took time to see through the inconsistencies to be found within
the teachings of evolution.
So, how did the universe come to arrive at the bus stop of existence? Is the Big Bang
Theory just that, a mere theory? Strangely enough, I find myself more willing to accept a
possible Big Bang explanation for all of existence, than I do mankind's existence as a result of
millions of years of evolution. However, if the universe sprang into existence as a result of the
emanation of a single point of light, then what, where, or who, did that point of light emanate
from, because when you find the source of that emanation you have, thus, found GodAn
Ultimate Creative Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence-- the Creator of all that is and will
ever be, regardless of who/what/it/he/she turns out to be in the reality of such a discovery, and
also regardless of man's concepts and perceptions of such An Ultimate Creative Source Point
Of Origin Of All Existence.

Close Encounters Of The Arthur C. Clarke Kind

About now some astute reader will eagerly interject Arthur C. Clarke's, 2001 A Space
Odyssey, scenario or something akin to it. In fact, it shall not be the first time that I have had a
person respond to my views by stating they believed that aliens visited the earth in the distantly
ancient past, and either put man upon this planet or altered the DNA of more primitive
creatures, such as apes, to produce what has become mankind. Is such a scenario possible? Of
course it is, anything is possible to a free-thinker.
However, this visitation alteration (via introduction of an extraterritorial life form or by
DNA adjustment of an existing life form) upon distantly ancient planet earth scenario leaves
other questions to be answered, questions which those who introduce this scenario in the first
place may seek to avoid, consciously or subconsciously, in the very act of introducing it. The
short and sweet underlying motive? To divert our attention (or their own) and exploratory
direction away from the goal of finding GodAn Ultimate Creative Source Point Of Origin Of
All Existenceperhaps, club in hand, putting planets into black holes.
You see, if some distantly ancient alien arrival and intervention should one day be
proven to be the origin of how man came to be, or how man came to be on this planet, I can
readily accept such a proven discovery. Yet, I have found that most people who use this
scenario of justifying man's existence are doing so in an attempt to avoid further discussion of
the possibility or reality of a GodAn Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence.
Actually what is taking place is, these well intended folks are settling for less than all that
can be discovered within the mysterious depths of the universe. For, if aliens put us here or
altered our DNA, then some very important and pertinent questions arise: Where did these
aliens come from, as in how did they originate? How did they become so intelligent? Did they
develop their intelligence on their own (alien evolution?), or did they, too, experience some
distantly ancient intervention upon their own world? What impact would such a scenario, if
proven true, have upon the relevancy of the Theory of Evolution?
Whether speaking of past visitations, or if aliens arrived tomorrow, will their existence
disprove the existence of a Godor tend to support it in reality of the fact that they, as we do,
exist and came to exist somehow, not pulling themselves out of their own arses (assuming they
have arses), just as neither the universe or mankind upon this earth did? Will they possess
knowledge of the concepts of God as taught by our popular religions, or will they have religious
concepts of their own? If not, will that disprove the existence of a GodAn Ultimate Source
Point Of Origin Of All Existenceor will it simply prove the existence of a God that is not as
earth-personal as Religion has wished to characterize God as? Will they embrace us as fellow
brothers of the universe, or destroy us as vermin? Will the reality of their existence bring a
touch of salvation to the world, through the sharing of their advanced technology, or end the
world as we know it?
Assuming we survive, my last question is (upon the proven reality of alien existence) do
we stop our search for the ultimate source of our own existence with the discovery of the reality
of theirs? Or do we reason, quite logically, that both, we and they, may have originated from
the same ultimate source? Have we no desire at all to continue the quest of knowing how we
came to exist in continuing to seek out the most ultimate of ultimate sources possible? Is that
not what Science and Religion claim to be all about? Will we stop short of knowing all that
may, one day, be known?
To do so is comparative to man one day finding a cure for cancer to then stop short of
seeking a cure for death. Such a path is illogical and unscientific for those who believe
themselves to be science minded, and most hypocritical for those religious who claim to seek the
salvation of eternal lives. The fact of the matter? Religion, quite possibly, fears finding out that
there is no God as per its concepts, and Science, quite possibly, fears finding out that there
really is a God, regardless of anyone's concepts.
Again, I am willing to concede and set aside all man-taught-religious concepts of who
God is/was/expects of us, period, but I firmly believe that there absolutely must be An Ultimate
Creative Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence.


A Fetus Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

Yet, perhaps, there is no God after all, if unnecessarily aborting our unborn children is
not a grievously wrong thing to do. For if failing to feed an overpopulated world is the root of
the current line of reasoning for supporting abortion, that situation can easily be remedied by
simply taking the grain that the U.S. alone uses in making alcoholic beverages (not speaking of
prohibition but simple logic regarding proper priorities) and instead use it to feed the hungry,
the starving and the dying.
Abstinence is an abortion free preventative. If not abstinence, then marriagewith a
man shouldering up his responsibilitiesis the next best option for preventing abortion. If these
two options fail, then adoption should always come to mind before any thoughts of abortion,
always bearing in mind that a mother's safety and life are paramount to that of her unborn
child's, though a woman's natural instinct to protect her child almost always take precedence
over fears for her own life, or so it once was in a time, long agoa far better time in my humble
Most of us would agree that to remove any child from a safe and protected, nurturing,
environment, and expose that child to a clearly unsafe environment and elements that will very
likely bring about its death, is tantamount to murder. If we know of a certainty that the child
will die, then how can it be defined as anything else, but murder?
Evolutionists will now avidly tout about, gene pools and mutations and, survival of the
fittest, as if abortion is somehow intrinsically essential to preserving and prolonging the reign
of mankind upon the earth. I wish to reply to such statements by posing a question: Is the topic
of abortion about animals or about humans? If humans, then we must ask ourselves if the only
genes to be concerned with are those which determine us as perfect physically fit specimens, or
whether we should be equally concerned with preserving a gene pool that exhibits
characteristics of compassion in protecting, preserving, and prolonging human lives? If
animals only, then the fact of reality remains that, though animals may kill their young after
birth or allow them to die in instinctively preserving the stronger of the litter, they do not
remove their unborn offspring from their wombs and terminate their lives. Such an act is
clearly not one of nature, but is contrary to nature.
It is very convenient for those of us who are here and alive to claim the rights and power
of determining who else shall take that first breath upon this earth in joining civilization and
society. If there truly is such a serious population problem that we must deny others the
opportunity to live, then perhaps those of us who have livedus older and decrepit old fogies
should offer up our seat upon the Ferris Wheel of Life so that abortion can be avoided in giving
new life a chance to experience life as we have experienced it. Science Fiction has already
considered this option, more or less, in the movie Logan's Run 5. The question is, which us of
wishes to give up our seat? To do so would be considered a most selfless act. Unnecessary
abortion, on the other hand, is a most selfish act. The abortion issue is not about rights, but
about doing that which is right.


Science & Religion Adversaries or Allies?

What do Religion and Science have in common? Both seek and assert to possess
answers. Where both Religion and Science go wrong lies in their confident assertions they hold
in claims of possessing truths that may yet be revealed and proven as untrue
My findingsin speaking for me, myself, and Iin my humble yet highly obsessive
opinionated opinion? Science is also a religion in and of itself, becauselike Religion, though
using a different approachScience attempts to explain the hows of how we came to be here,
and what the future of our existence upon this planet holds for us in relation to the universe
around us, but simply shies away from any questions as to why we are here, and where we go
from here upon our deaths. I think it ironic that Science Fiction coined the Star Trek TV series
introductory phrase, ... To boldly go where no man has gone before, and yet is not so bold as
to venture into that realm of where men goour conscious awareness of existenceupon
closing our eyes in death.
In summing up, could evolution be fact and not theoretical fiction? I am readily willing
to accept that fact if real and conclusive evidence ever pops up. My question would be: Are
you, as a supporter and believer in evolution, willing to accept that, perhaps, evolution is
nothing more than a reasonable sounding theory at best? Are we willing to remain free-
thinkers no matter the outcome? Are we willing to agree to disagree until the day factual reality
allies us in whatever the truth may be revealed to be, be it the proven existence or nonexistence
of God, or the proven or disproved reliability of evolution as an ongoing process of life upon
this earth?

(Written December 6th, 2014)

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