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KPC CMS Type Of Work Assessment

HSE Management System Requirements


Date of Assessment : 6 April 2017 Location : DMM Workshop Road 9, Sangatta

Rating*) Keterangan Score +)

A Dokumen tersedia dan memenuhi kriteria & standar OHSAS18001, ISO 14001 dan KPC Prima Nirbhaya 2
B Dokumen tersedia namun ditemukan kekurangan dan belum memenuhi OHSAS, ISO 14001 & KPC Prima Nirbhaya 1
C Dokumen tidak tersedia. 0
N/A Kriteria saat dilakukan Assessment tidak relevan N/A

HSE Management System Compliance evaluation

Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Rating *) Score +)
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

1.1 General Requirements 1) Apakah perusahaan memiliki sistem manajemen DMM sudah memiliki sistem manajemen HSE yang
HSE yang terdokumentasi? terdokumentasi (observasi pada saat visit ke lokasi A 2
workshop DMM di road 9).

1.2 HSE Policy 2) Apakah perusahaan memiliki dokumen HSE policy Belum ada dokumen Kebijakan K3L di lokasi
yang ditandatangani oleh top management dari workshop road 9, dokumen ada di kantor DMM di C 0
organisasi? Murung
3) Apakah HSE policy secara memadai memuat HSE policy sudah memuat komitmen untuk
komitmen untuk mencegah cedera, penyakit akibat kerja mencegah cedera, penyakit akibat kerja serta
serta pencemaran lingkungan? pencemaran lingkungan, Namun belum memuat A 2
sistem management pengamanan

4) Apakah HSE policy memuat komitmen untuk patuh HSE policy sudah memuat komitmen untuk patuh
kepada peraturan hukum dan persyaratan lainnya yang kepada peraturan hukum dan persyaratan lainnya
harus ditaati terkait dengan resiko-resiko K3L dari yang harus ditaati terkait dengan resiko-resiko K3L A 2
5) Apakah HSE policy ditinjau ulang secara berkala? HSE policy ditinjau ulang setiap 2 tahun
A 2
1.3 HSE Planning
1.3.1 Hazard Identification, risk 6) Apakah sudah dibuat dokumen identifikasi bahaya, Sudah ada dokumen HIRADC dan ERA terkait
assessment and determining controls penilaian resiko serta penetapan kontrol yang relevan dengan aktivitas pemeliharaan kendaraan, masih
dengan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan sesuai kontrak? bersifat umum belum memasukkan aktifitas terkait A 2
(dapat berupa dokumen HIRA, ERA, Risk register / Risk perawatan Triton
7) Apakah Elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah
Limbah B3 sudah dicakup dalam dokumen identifikasi B3 sudah dicakup dalam dokumen identifikasi bahaya A 2
bahaya di atas?

1.3.2 Legal and Other 8) Apakah sudah dilakukan identifikasi legal dan SKT bukti menyusul, belum ada
Requirements persyaratan lainnya yang mengikat organisasi sesuai 0
dengan aktifitas yang relevan dengan kontrak?
9) Apakah dokumen idnetifikasi legal dan persyaratan Documen di tinjau ulang oleh admin jakarta
lainnya ditinjau ulang secara berkala?

1.3.3 Objective, Target and 10) Apakah perusahaan secara formal menetapkan Perusahaan secara formal telah menetapkan tujuan
Programme(s) tujuan dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang HSE A 2
11) Apakah system sudah memastikan bahwa untuk HSE program dan indikator keberhasilan untuk
mencapai tujuan dan sasaran HSE objective maka harus mencapai tujuan dan sasaran HSE objective telah
dibuat HSE program dan menetapkan indikator dibuat A 2
12) Apakah system bisa memastikan bahwa HSE system untuk memastikan bahwa HSE program
program ditinjau ulang dan diperbarui secara berkala & ditinjau ulang dan diperbarui secara berkala & A 2
terencana? terencana sudah ada
1.4 Implementation and Operation

1.4.1 Resources, roles, 13) Apakah sudah dibuat strruktur operasional teknis Strruktur operasional teknis dan struktur organisasi
responsibility, accountability and dan struktur organisasi K3L? K3L masih digabung B 1
14) Apakah perusahaan menyediakan sumberdaya K3L DMM telah menyediakan 1 orang safety koordinator
yang memadai untuk menjamin terselenggaranya agar pengelolaan HSE secara memadai sesuai scope
pengelolaan HSE secara memadai sesuai scope pekerjaan dapat dilakukan A 2
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan?

15) Apakah sudah terdapat deskripsi tugas untuk Deskripsi tugas untuk Mekanik dan Purchasing &
jabatan operasional (Manager, Supervisor, Engineer, Planner saja yang sudah ada sementara yang lainnya
Operator, etc) dan pengelola K3 dan Lingkungan tidak ditemukan di DMM workshop road 9 B 1
(HSE/Safety Coordinator, Safety Officer dll) dilingkungan

Page 1 of 10
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Rating *) Score +)
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

1.4.2 Competence, Training and 16) Apakah sudah dibuat analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Mekanik sudah dibuat
awareness sesuai dengan semua jabatan dan keterpaparan resiko namun untuk posisi yang lainnya tidak ditemukan B 1
kesehatan serta keselamatan kerja? bukti TNA di DMM workshop road 9
17) Apakah sudah terdapat bukti rekaman pelatihan Record training ada dan sertifikat training ada
yang sudah pernah diikuti oleh karyawan? A 2
18) Apakah sudah ada kriteria minimum penerimaan Kriteria penerimaan Mekanik, Purchasing & Planner
karyawan unutk setiap posisi, mencakup aspek teknis dan sudah ada didalam job description dan SOP A 2

1.4.3 Communication, participation 19) Apakah sudah terdapatr metode komunikasi Metode komunikasi melalui safety talk dan
and Consultation tentang kesadaran K3L kepada karyawan? pemasangan safety banner A 2
20) Apakah sudah terdapat bukti kampanye K3L di Bukti kampanye K3L sudah ada seperti safety banner
lingkungan organisasi? yang dipasang di workshop A 2

21) Apakah program keasadaran sudah mencakup Program keasadaran sudah mencakup elemen FPE,
elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah atau OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah A 2
yang relevan dengan aktifitas organisasi?

1.4.4 Documentation 22) Apakah ada system penyimpanan dokumen dan System penyimpanan dokumen dan records yang
records yang terkait dengan pengelolaan K3L? terkait dengan pengelolaan K3L sudah ada dalam A 2
format hard copy dan soft copy
23) Bagaimana proses pengesahan, tinjau ulang, Dokumenn K3L yang diperiksa saat audit di DMM
pembaruan dokumen yang ada serta memastikan versi workshop sudah tersedia, namun belum ada A 2
dokumen yang relevan yang tersedia di tempat kerja? monitoing masa berlaku atau jadwal review

1.4.5 Operational Controls 24) Apakah sudah tersedia prosedur kerja yang relevan Sudah ada SOP dan pedoman kerja pemeliharaan
dengan semua aktifitas organisasi khususnya pekerjaan kendaraan di DMM workshop, Pembuatan SOP
yang akan dilakukan? maintenance Triton menyusul setelah mendapatkan
manual book Triton dari Mitsubishi dan rencananya
service sheet dan form pre start Triton menggunakan A 2
sheet service & Form pre start APV, Special Tool
terkait perawatan Triton belum tersedia

25) Apakah sudah ada bukti prosedur disosialisasiikan Bukti sosialisasi pada saat safety talk ada
kepada karyawan terkait? A 2
26) Apakah terdapat metode analisa keselamatan kerja JSA jarang dibuat oleh Mekanik
jika satu pekerjaan belum tercover dalam prosedur? (jika
pekerjaan dilakukan di lapangan, menggunakan alat kerja C 0
yang baru dll).
27) Apakah prosedur yang ada sudah sesuai dengan Prosedur yang sudah ada perlu direview ulang agar
persyaratan KPC? Apakah perlu upaya besar agar sesuai dengan persyaratan KPC, terutama
prosedur internal organisasi dapat menyesuaiakan dengan pelaksanaan dan pembuatan JSA, PTO terkait SOP B 1
persyaratan KPC? yang ada di lakukan oleh Supv, transport Sdr. Ginting

1.4.6 Emergency Preparedness 28) Apakah terdapat prosedur keadaan darurat Prosedur keadaan darurat yang ada di DMM
and Response khususnya terkait aktifitas perusahaan: kebakaran, workshop: Kebakaran mesin, tumpahan limbah B3,
tumpahan limbah B3, tersengat listrik, bekerja di tersengat listrik dan pengoperasian kendaraan Note:
ketinggian, ruang terbatas dsb ? Assembly area terhalang oleh area parkir LV, belum di A 2
sediakan radio komunikasi di workshop DMM road 9

29) Apakah organisasi secara formal sudah mempunyai Petugas keselamatan kerja: fire warden & first aider
petugas keselamatan kerja: fire warden & first aider? sudah ada A 2

1.5 Checking & Evaluation

1.5.1 Performance Measurement 30) Apakah ada program inspeksi (harian, mingguan Program inspeksi (harian, mingguan dan bulanan)
and Monitoring dan bulanan) dan/atau kalibrasi peralatan kerja yang dan/atau kalibrasi peralatan kerja yang digunakan A 2
digunakan oleh organisasi? sudah ada
31) Apakah sertifikat dan bukti kalibrasi masih berlaku? Sertifikat dan bukti kalibrasi masih berlaku, kalibrasi
torque wrent di dealer TOYOTA A 2

1.5.2 Incident investigation, 32) Apakah ada prosedur pelaporan keadaan bahaya Prosedur pelaporan keadaan bahaya atau prosedur
nonconformity, corrective and atau prosedur pelaporan kerusakan fasilitas / kendraan / pelaporan kerusakan fasilitas / kendraan / peralatan
preventive action peralatan kerja sampai langkah tindak lanjut selesai kerja sampai langkah tindak lanjut sudah ada A 2

1.5.3 Internal Audit 33) Apakah organisasi sudah menerapkan program Internal audit belum ada
internal audit yang mencakup aspek K3L? C 0

Overall Rating of OHS Management System 79%

Page 2 of 10
KPC CMS Type Of Work & Technical Assesment
HSE Management System & Technical Recommendation and time table

Name of Contractor :PT. Daya Mandiri Multipratama (DMM)

Date of Assessment : 6-Apr-17 Location : Workshop road 9

From Award 1st Three Months 2nd Three Months 3rd Three Months 4th Three Months
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

1.1 General Requirements 1) Apakah perusahaan memiliki sistem manajemen DMM sudah memiliki sistem manajemen HSE yang DMM memiliki sistem manajemen HSE yang terdokumentasi
HSE yang terdokumentasi? terdokumentasi (observasi pada saat visit ke lokasi
workshop DMM di road 9). DMM telah melakukan gap analysis terkait pemenuhan SMKP dan membuat rencana

1.2 HSE Policy 2) Apakah perusahaan memiliki dokumen HSE Belum ada dokumen Kebijakan K3L di lokasi
policy yang ditandatangani oleh top management dari workshop road 9, dokumen ada di kantor DMM di DMM memiliki dokumen HSE policy yang ditandatangani oleh top management dari
organisasi? Murung organisasi

3) Apakah HSE policy secara memadai memuat HSE policy sudah memuat komitmen untuk HSE policy secara memadai telah memuat komitmen untuk mencegah cedera, penyakit
komitmen untuk mencegah cedera, penyakit akibat kerja mencegah cedera, penyakit akibat kerja serta akibat kerja serta pencemaran lingkungan diantaranya terkait dengan waste management,
serta pencemaran lingkungan? pencemaran lingkungan oil trap system, oil bunding dan penanganan waste oil

4) Apakah HSE policy memuat komitmen untuk HSE policy sudah memuat komitmen untuk patuh
patuh kepada peraturan hukum dan persyaratan lainnya kepada peraturan hukum dan persyaratan lainnya HSE policy memuat komitmen untuk patuh kepada peraturan hukum dan persyaratan
yang harus ditaati terkait dengan resiko-resiko K3L dari yang harus ditaati terkait dengan resiko-resiko K3L lainnya yang harus ditaati terkait dengan resiko-resiko K3L dari organisasi
5) Apakah HSE policy ditinjau ulang secara berkala? HSE policy ditinjau ulang setiap 2 tahun
HSE policy ditinjau ulang secara berkala
1.3 HSE Planning
1.3.1 Hazard Identification, 6) Apakah sudah dibuat dokumen identifikasi Sudah ada dokumen HIRADC dan ERA terkait
risk assessment and bahaya, penilaian resiko serta penetapan kontrol yang dengan aktivitas pemeliharaan kendaraan DMM membuat dokumen identifikasi bahaya, penilaian resiko serta penetapan kontrol yang
determining controls relevan dengan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan sesuai relevan dengan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan sesuai kontrak (dapat berupa dokumen
kontrak? (dapat berupa dokumen HIRA, ERA, Risk HIRA, ERA, Risk register / Risk profile, Health Risk profile)
register / Risk profile)
7) Apakah Elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon Elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah
dan Limbah B3 sudah dicakup dalam dokumen B3 sudah dicakup dalam dokumen identifikasi bahaya Elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah B3 sudah dicakup dalam dokumen
identifikasi bahaya di atas? identifikasi bahaya di atas

1.3.2 Legal and Other 8) Apakah sudah dilakukan identifikasi legal dan Belum ada identifikasi legal requirement.
Requirements persyaratan lainnya yang mengikat organisasi sesuai DMM melakukan identifikasi legal dan persyaratan lainnya yang mengikat organisasi sesuai
dengan aktifitas yang relevan dengan kontrak? dengan aktifitas yang relevan dengan kontrak

9) Apakah dokumen idnetifikasi legal dan Belum ada identifikasi legal requirement.
Dokumen idnetifikasi legal dan persyaratan lainnya ditinjau ulang secara berkala
persyaratan lainnya ditinjau ulang secara berkala?

1.3.3 Objective, Target and 10) Apakah perusahaan secara formal menetapkan Perusahaan secara formal telah menetapkan tujuan
Programme(s) tujuan dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang HSE DMM secara formal menetapkan tujuan dan sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam bidang

11) Apakah system sudah memastikan bahwa untuk HSE program dan indikator keberhasilan untuk
mencapai tujuan dan sasaran HSE objective maka harus mencapai tujuan dan sasaran HSE objective telah System untuk memastikan tercapainya tujuan dan sasaran HSE objective harus dibuat
dibuat HSE program dan menetapkan indikator dibuat berupa HSE program dan ditetapkan indikator keberhasilannya
12) Apakah system bisa memastikan bahwa HSE system untuk memastikan bahwa HSE program
program ditinjau ulang dan diperbarui secara berkala & ditinjau ulang dan diperbarui secara berkala & System bisa memastikan bahwa HSE program ditinjau ulang dan diperbarui secara berkala
terencana? terencana sudah ada & terencana

1.4 Implementation and

1.4.1 Resources, roles, 13) Apakah sudah dibuat strruktur operasional teknis Struktur operasional teknis dan struktur organisasi
responsibility, accountability dan struktur organisasi K3L? K3L masih digabung
and authority Sudah dibuat strruktur operasional teknis dan struktur organisasi K3L

Sudah ada PJO yang memiliki sertifikat pengawas operational pratama (minimal) dan
sudah mengikuti training SMKP

14) Apakah perusahaan menyediakan sumberdaya DMM telah menyediakan 1 orang safety koordinator
K3L yang memadai untuk menjamin terselenggaranya agar pengelolaan HSE secara memadai sesuai scope
DMM menyediakan sumberdaya K3L yang berpengalaman dan memadai untuk menjamin
pengelolaan HSE secara memadai sesuai scope pekerjaan dapat dilakukan
terselenggaranya pengelolaan HSE secara memadai sesuai scope pekerjaan yang akan
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan?

Memastikan hal diatas terlaksana salah satunya dengan tidak menggabungkannya dengan
fungsi supervisi dan warehouse

15) Apakah sudah terdapat deskripsi tugas untuk Deskripsi tugas untuk Mekanik dan Purchasing &
jabatan operasional (Manager, Supervisor, Engineer, Planner saja yang sudah ada sementara yang lainnya Sudah terdapat deskripsi tugas untuk jabatan operasional (Manager, Supervisor, Engineer,
Operator, etc) dan pengelola K3 dan Lingkungan tidak ditemukan di DMM workshop road 9 Operator, etc) dan pengelola K3 dan Lingkungan (HSE/Safety Coordinator, Safety Officer
(HSE/Safety Coordinator, Safety Officer dll) dilingkungan dll) dilingkungan organisasi

1.4.2 Competence, Training 16) Apakah sudah dibuat analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Mekanik sudah dibuat
and awareness sesuai dengan semua jabatan dan keterpaparan resiko namun untuk posisi yang lainnya tidak ditemukan Sudah dibuat analisa kebutuhan pelatihan sesuai dengan semua jabatan dan keterpaparan
kesehatan serta keselamatan kerja? bukti TNA di DMM workshop road 9 resiko kesehatan serta keselamatan kerja

17) Apakah sudah terdapat bukti rekaman pelatihan Record training ada
Sudah terdapat bukti rekaman pelatihan yang sudah pernah diikuti oleh karyawan
yang sudah pernah diikuti oleh karyawan?
18) Apakah sudah ada kriteria minimum penerimaan Kriteria penerimaan Mekanik, Purchasing & Planner
karyawan unutk setiap posisi, mencakup aspek teknis sudah ada didalam job description dan SOP Sudah ada kriteria minimum penerimaan karyawan untuk setiap posisi, mencakup aspek
dan K3L? teknis dan K3L

1.4.3 Communication, 19) Apakah sudah terdapatr metode komunikasi Metode komunikasi melalui safety talk dan
Sudah terdapat metode komunikasi tentang kesadaran K3L kepada karyawan
participation and Consultation tentang kesadaran K3L kepada karyawan? pemasangan safety banner
20) Apakah sudah terdapat bukti kampanye K3L di Bukti kampanye K3L sudah ada seperti safety banner
lingkungan organisasi? yang dipasang di workshop Sudah terdapat bukti kampanye K3L di lingkungan organisasi

21) Apakah program keasadaran sudah mencakup Program keasadaran sudah mencakup elemen FPE,
elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah atau OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah Program keasadaran sudah mencakup elemen FPE, OHE, GSE, Hydrocarbon dan Limbah
yang relevan dengan aktifitas organisasi? atau yang relevan dengan aktifitas organisasi

1.4.4 Documentation 22) Apakah ada system penyimpanan dokumen dan System penyimpanan dokumen dan records yang
Ada system penyimpanan dokumen dan records yang terkait dengan pengelolaan K3L
records yang terkait dengan pengelolaan K3L? terkait dengan pengelolaan K3L sudah ada
23) Bagaimana proses pengesahan, tinjau ulang, Dokumenn K3L yang diperiksa saat audit di DMM
pembaruan dokumen yang ada serta memastikan versi workshop sudah tersedia Sudah ada system terkait proses pengesahan, tinjau ulang, pembaruan dokumen yang ada
dokumen yang relevan yang tersedia di tempat kerja? serta memastikan versi dokumen yang relevan yang tersedia di tempat kerja

1.4.5 Operational Controls 24) Apakah sudah tersedia prosedur kerja yang Sudah ada SOP dan pedoman kerja pemeliharaan Pekerjaan yang relevan dengan semua aktifitas organisasi sudah diidentifikasi
relevan dengan semua aktifitas organisasi khususnya kendaraan di DMM workshop
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan? Sudah tersedia prosedur kerja yang relevan dengan semua aktifitas organisasi khususnya
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan
25) Apakah sudah ada bukti prosedur Bukti sosialisasi pada saat safety talk ada
Sudah ada bukti prosedur disosialisasiikan kepada karyawan terkait
disosialisasiikan kepada karyawan terkait?
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

26) Apakah terdapat metode analisa keselamatan JSA jarang dibuat oleh Mekanik Sudah terdapat metode analisa keselamatan kerja jika satu pekerjaan belum tercover
kerja jika satu pekerjaan belum tercover dalam dalam prosedur (jika pekerjaan dilakukan di lapangan, menggunakan alat kerja yang baru
prosedur? (jika pekerjaan dilakukan di lapangan, dll).
menggunakan alat kerja yang baru dll).
Terdapat bukti pembuatan JSA
27) Apakah prosedur yang ada sudah sesuai dengan Prosedur yang sudah ada perlu direview ulang agar
persyaratan KPC? Apakah perlu upaya besar agar sesuai dengan persyaratan KPC, terutama Prosedur yang ada sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan KPC, termasuk didalamnya Manual
prosedur internal organisasi dapat menyesuaiakan pelaksanaan dan pembuatan JSA dan JSA
dengan persyaratan KPC?

1.4.6 Emergency 28) Apakah terdapat prosedur keadaan darurat Prosedur keadaan darurat yang ada di DMM
Preparedness and Response khususnya terkait aktifitas perusahaan: kebakaran, workshop: Kebakaran mesin, tumpahan limbah B3, Terdapat prosedur keadaan darurat khususnya terkait aktifitas perusahaan: kebakaran,
tumpahan limbah B3, tersengat listrik, bekerja di tersengat listrik dan pengoperasian kendaraan tumpahan limbah B3, tersengat listrik, bekerja di ketinggian, ruang terbatas dsb
ketinggian, ruang terbatas dsb ?
29) Apakah organisasi secara formal sudah Petugas keselamatan kerja: fire warden & first aider
mempunyai petugas keselamatan kerja: fire warden & sudah ada Organisasi secara formal sudah mempunyai petugas keselamatan kerja: fire warden & first
first aider? aider

1.5 Checking & Evaluation

1.5.1 Performance 30) Apakah ada program inspeksi (harian, mingguan Program inspeksi (harian, mingguan dan bulanan)
Measurement and Monitoring dan bulanan) dan/atau kalibrasi peralatan kerja yang dan/atau kalibrasi peralatan kerja yang digunakan Terdapat program inspeksi (harian, mingguan dan bulanan) dan/atau kalibrasi peralatan
digunakan oleh organisasi? sudah ada kerja yang digunakan oleh organisasi
31) Apakah sertifikat dan bukti kalibrasi masih Sertifikat dan bukti kalibrasi masih berlaku
berlaku? Terdapat bukti hasil inspeksi, sertifikat dan bukti kalibrasi yang masih berlaku

1.5.2 Incident investigation, 32) Apakah ada prosedur pelaporan keadaan bahaya Prosedur pelaporan keadaan bahaya atau prosedur Terdapat prosedur pelaporan keadaan bahaya atau prosedur pelaporan kerusakan
nonconformity, corrective and atau prosedur pelaporan kerusakan fasilitas / kendraan / pelaporan kerusakan fasilitas / kendraan / peralatan fasilitas / kendraan / peralatan kerja sampai langkah tindak lanjut selesai dilakukan.
preventive action peralatan kerja sampai langkah tindak lanjut selesai kerja sampai langkah tindak lanjut sudah ada
dilakukan? Pelaporan bahaya sudah diterapkan secara sistematis

1.5.3 Internal Audit 33) Apakah organisasi sudah menerapkan program Internal audit belum ada
Organisasi sudah menerapkan program internal audit yang mencakup aspek K3L
internal audit yang mencakup aspek K3L?

Compliance evaluation
Technical Requirements Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
(Comments by Assessor)
Company has proven experience in similar services:
Contractor has proven performed similar work preferable in Contractor has performed existing work on KPC site
Company Competencies N/A
mining, personel have experience to support similar work or (Small Bus Elf and Suzuki APV)
have proven quality system

Competencies compliance to equipment to be maintained: Dedicated 1 experience Safety Officer/specialist

50% Contractor's employee has sufficient experieced
More than or equal to 50% Contractor's employee has
in equipment to be maintained and fullfill technical
sufficient experieced in equipment to be maintained and Has training needs analysis for all employees & positions (Management & supervisory staff,
competencies (especially for 2WD) mechanics, auto-electricians, welders, planners, purchasing officers, etc.)
fullfill technical competencies

Training or competency development program has established & implemented

(The training/competency development program cover on the job training/coaching &
practical activities to allow trainees gain both skills & experience needed for the
competency development)
Competency is used in considering promotion & salary increase
Performance assessment done by qualified staff and address technical aspect. The
performance assessment results reviewed and used for further employee development
Competencies to support maintenance activity:
Contractor has 1 specialist/workshop & maintenance Has specific training program that address technology advancement in the vehicle types
Contractor has 1 specialist that related to equipment to be
coordinator that related to equipment to be maintained and/or maintenance tools & equipment used (e.g. special tools, diagnostic
maintained. Contractor's LV has Master mechanic or tools/equipment, etc)
qualyfied service advisor
There is a staff (e.g. trainer) that available as resource person for the craftspeople as a
referrence when they face with technical problems
There is suficient senior mechanic and specialist that meet the criteria (skill, knowledge and
experience). KPC could asses the competency for those person.

On site Management Qualification:

Contractor has qualified, focus and decision maker site Contractor plan to have qualified, focus and decision
There is selection criteria used for recruitment & promotion and has been reviewed or
Management, Supervision & manager (have 5 years experience on workshop) and maker site supervisor (have more than 5 years
bench marked to have qualified, focus and decision maker site supervisor (have 5 years
Personel supervisor with sufficient experience (have 5 years experience on workshop) in relevant tasks, in mining experience on workshop) in relevant tasks, preferable in mining environment.
experience) in relevant tasks, preferable in mining environment.
Executor Mechanical, Electrical, There is selection criteria used for recruitment & promotion and has been reviewed or
Welding/FabricationCompetency: Contractor's main employee has good understanding bench marked to have qualified mechanics/technician (have suitable years experience on
Contractor's main employee has good understanding about about mechanical maintenance (2WD) workshop & field), preferable in mining environment.
mechanical maintenance The ratio 1:8 fullfilled within 3 months after contract awarded
There is formal written test used to test the specialist (craftsmanship) knowledge and also
practical test used to test skills & experiences
No. of overall Man Power: There is formal organisation structure from top management down to the shop floor people.
They plan minimum :1 Mgr operational, 1 workshop
Minimum : 1 Mgr, 1 Supv, 1 Safety Officer, 1 Admin, 1 (Project Manager, Safety Coord, Kor Site, Ware house/inventory, planner, Kepala Mekanik
coordinator, 3 Mekanik, 1 Planner, Mechanic 1: 8 unit
Customer Service, Mechanic 1: 8 unit LV , 2 operational shop & field, mekanik, helper, washer, etc)
LV + admin & safety coordinator The ratio 1:8 fullfilled within 3 months after contract awarded
Personnel Administration Management Software, there is computer system used for
managing the personnel administration that can retrieve easily all employee ecords/data
(e.g training record)
There is formal supervisor available for all shift rosters at the shop floor. The current
supervisor ratio is good to have sufficient control.
There is a system to ensure that line supervisors have sufficient supervisory as well as
technical knowledge and skills
There is formal observation program (by supervisor or trainer) to observe the craftspeople
performing vehicle service or maintenance tasks and the results is used in the formal
performance assessment and/or personnel development plan/program.
Accountabilities & responsibilities are clearly defined for all positions within the organization
and communicated to all position holders

Contractor capacity: Contractor has office and workshop on site has spare There is review of the work rosters to minimise errors due to fatigue, especially for the
Contractor has spare capacity (15%) if they get the contract capacity more than 15% workshop & crews that working for 24 hours

There is a system to ensure that every employee gets sufficient day offs as regulated by the
Contractor capability to fulfill capacity: Get the additional resourrces to fullfill Company requirement to maintain equipments as per
From experience Contractor capable to get additional
Contractor capable to get additional resourrces less than 3 agreed number and time table (less than 3 months)
resourrces less than 3 months to fullfill Company
months to fullfill Company requirement to maintain The number of mechanic to equipment ratio 1:8, strongly recommended to have another
requirement to maintain equipments 15% spare capacities
Work Management: The Project Manager, Operation Manager and Site Coordinator that dedicated for this
Contractor has simple customer service, process
Contractor has robust customer service, process workflow, contract posses experience related to the Maintenance Management System/Planning &
workflow, field crew (need to be confirm) Scheduling and has experience as Workshop head/leader
field crew and response time target
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

Strategy & Planning:

The organization use work orders for vehicle maintenance work activities with the priorities
set for maintenance job tasks. The system for requesting, planning and estimating work
orders available.

The organization record information from a work orders into vehicle maintenance history

Craftspeople assigned to job tasks based on their specialized knowledge and abilities (e.g.
auto-electric, welding, engine trouble shooting, repair & adjusting)

Back-logging system used for planning repair of non-critical defects and Non-emergency
jobs well-planned before work begins

There is criteria for contractors selection to handle specific job or excessive workloads such
as for air conditioner maintenance, tyre and welding/fabrication

Maintenance planners function is available to plan and prepare scheduled maintenance

works including to prepare parts for major repairs and overhauls

Regular Inspection & Servicing:

Craftspeople perform regular inspection of all vehicles maintained, record & report defects
found during the inspection. Defect report is used in the planning for next service.

There is a clear guideline on critical defects/faults to be repaired immediately

The pre-maintenance inspection is performed and followed up. If non-critical defects/faults

are found, these are recorded and reported for planning of the next service/overhaul

Use of Manufacturers Manuals & Specifications:

manufacturers manuals & specifications is available in the workplace and used as
reference in the maintenance program.

There is suficient personnel received training from OEM on product specific maintenance
Management System requirements and/or manuals.

There is a program/system to ensure that vehicle maintenance is performed according to

the manufacturers manuals & specifications.

Recording of Vehicle Maintenance History:

There is a system used to keep records of maintenance history of every vehicle maintained
(history kept in computer or hard copies)

Individual vehicle maintenance history is easily accessible, e.g. for accident investigation

There is a system or program to track critical component live & to track the personnel
carried out specific maintenance work on nominated vehicle

Testing, Commissioning & Quality Control:

There is a function/position for quality assurance/control to check every single vehicle to be
released from the workshop.

Performance and road drive test performed on every single vehicle to be released as per
procedure for conducting performance and road drive test

Specific checklist is used for performance and road drive test (or pre-release inspection
checklist) that cover all aspects in the KPC Vehicle Commissioning Inspection.

Planning Control Software:

The organization use a computerized system for maintenance activities that effectively
implemented & able to produce the expected outcomes. (Strongly recommended)

Performance Monitoring & Reporting:

There is a program to monitor maintenance performance (e.g. physical availability,
Reliability Management: breakdown frequency, MTTR, MTBF) that reviewed by the management regularly.
Contractor has maintenance strategy for equipment
Contractor has maintenance strategy for equipment with
with PM and km record to prepare maintenance and The maintenance performance review been communicated to all maintenance personnel as
predictive or conditioning monitoring system and continous feedback to their works
continous improvement program
improvement program
The maintenance performance been formally reported and reconciled with the custodian
No. of overall Asset/Equipment: Contractor owned equipment for operation 1 Mobile Equipment for operation is available:
Equipment and Facilities OWNED equipment for operation shall be minimum 4 (4 Service, 1 backup, 1 Innova (2 WD), 1 (4 WD), 1 minimum 4 (4 WD), 1 (2WD),
WD), 1 (2WD), preferable with 1(Recovery Truck ) (2WD), and no Recovery Truck 1 Recovery Truck (owned or rent)

Design & Purchase Specifications:

There is specification or criteria used for selecting and purchasing maintenance tools &

Equipment Compliance to KPC requirement: There is sufficient numbers of special tools and equipment available for the vehicle
80% in Good Condition
80% in Good Condition maintenance works (e.g. torques wrenches, timing lights, exhaust emission gas tester,
wheel balancer, wheel alignment, engine monitoring system, engine tuner, brake
measurement, etc).

There is authorization process implemented for purchasing maintenance tools & equipment.

Regular Inspection & Maintenance of Tools & Equipment:

All tools and equipment are numbered and registered, and regular inspection program
implemented to ensure all tools and equipments are in good condition in the work places
and tool storage rooms.

Defective/substandard tools and equipment has been tag out and/or removed from service
for repair or disposal

Calibration & Certification:

If there are any tools/equipment requiring calibration and certification (e.g. torques
wrenches, timing ights, exhaust emission gas tester, wheel balancer, wheel alignment,
engine monitoring system, engine tuner, compressors/pressure vessels, crane), the
calibration and certification was performed as per standard requirements (government
and/or manufacturers requirements).

The person who conduct the callibration must have suficient knowledge and skills in
calibration works and/or proper certificate (when required).

Owned calibration equipment has been calibrated or certified.

Controls of Specially Fabricated Tools:

If there are any special tool internally fabricated, the designer must have sufficient
knowledge and skills to make the calculation & design (prefer an Engineer or certified

All fabricated tool must be registered, and assessed before used to identify potential
negative impact to the quality of vehicle maintenance works.

All fabricated tool must be inspected regularly and recorded

May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

Recovery Tools & Equipment:

The suitable recovery tools & equipment must be available when required. The recovery
tools & equipment are safe for both personnel and the vehicles.

The recovery tools & equipment meet with relevant standards (KPC and/or government

The recovery procedures is available and used

All relevant personnel has been trained in using the recovery tools & equipment and follow
the recovery procedures

Plan Task Observation was conducted to see the implementation of the procedure

Building & Facilities Sufficiency:

All buildings & facilities are sufficient to handle all vehicles to be maintained. All buildings &
Facilities, Tools, etc: facilities well constructed and well laid out (consideration should be given to people &
equipment movement, safe & efficient access, effects of hazardous material, noise, etc)
Contractor has workshop in any location (preferable willing
Contractor has office and workshop on site (5 stall)
to have workshop on site) with minimum 5 stall, two way
has spare capacity more than 15% There is sufficient spaces for maintenance works, storage of parts, tools, and equipment
trunking radio, tools (special & general) & workshop and parking area for service line, ready line, staff & visitors
equipment etc
There is sufficient facilities for pollution prevention & controls (e.g. oil storage with proper
bund, oil trap system, absorbent, etc)

Regular Inspection & Maintenance of Building & Facilities:

An efficient system is implemented to ensure all buildings & facilities regularly inspected &
maintained, all sub-standard findings properly record and followed up.

There is a system to ensure that damages or defects to the buildings & facilities reported
and repaired sufficiently

The buildings & facilities condition reflect a good inspection & maintenance, kept clean &

Lighting & Illumination:

all work & storage areas sufficiently illuminated both during the day and night shifts and
additional lighting tools/equipment available for working underneath the vehicles. all is
covered under the building & facility inspection.

There is a survey to ensure sufficient lighting & illumination

Vehicle Hoist, Ramp and/or Pit Structure:

There are suficient vehicle hoisting equipment, ramp or pit structure installed to allow easy
access underneath the vehicle

The vehicle hoisting equipment, ramp or pit structure is in the good condition and used

The people know how to safely use it, there is specific safe work procedure that sufficiently
cover all safety risk aspects

Contamination Controls:
The concept of contamination controls and its impacts to quality of vehicle maintenance
works understood by the vehicle maintenance management & supervisory staff.

There is effectively managed programs that has been implemented to control or minimize

Technical Assitance from dealer/manufacturer: Support from dealer or manufacturer to obtain

Posses a commitment letter from dealer or other part supplier
Technical Support Support from dealer or manufacturer to obtain genuine part genuine part or technical assitance including training
There is a document contains the financial authority of highest level on site.
or technical assitance including training (need to be confirm)
Design & Purchase Specifications:
Parts Sourcing & Availability: A defined criteria is available for purchasing parts and manufacturers specification is used
Part continuity to Company. Contractors capable to for ordering and purchasing of critical parts
Part continuity to Company. Contractors capable to get
get spare part from dealer and other sources that has
spare part from dealer and other sources that has same There is a policy for using genuine parts only (for critical parts) and posses custodian
same quality as OEM.
quality as OEM. Contractor are fully supported by dealer. approval if there is part purchased out of this policy

Ordering System:
A critical parts is ordered and purchased from authorised suppliers only.

A purchasing officers is trained in the use of relevant parts books and part numbers on the
purchase orders.

In the case that genuine/manufacturer parts are not available and equivalent compatible
parts are to be used, special authorization is required.

There is flow process for ordering part to ensure minimum impact on unit downtime icluding
the policy for emergency order

Receiving & Quality Control:

There is dedicated receiving person/counter for the parts from suppliers and the person
know how to check for quality and originality of parts.

There is a procedure for rejecting sub-standard/non-genuine parts from suppliers and the
person know what to do with sub-standards/non-genuine parts received from suppliers.

Storage & Delivery:

Special spare parts storage room and person are available with sufficient place for storing
all spare parts on stock. This storage room is locked and access limited to authorised staff

first in - first out system used to manage the stocks; minimum-maximum stock
Contractor has inventory system that count part determined for effective support to the maintenance program and yet cost effective for the
Inventory System:
availability by excel only, min-max, component company
Contractor has inventory system that count part availability,
management tracing, inventory KPI (need to be
min-max, component management tracing, inventory KPI Spare parts store accessible during the back shifts. If not, the craftspeople should obtain
spare parts during the back shifts.

Spare part is stored in the way that damages and contamination can be prevented

The maintenance personnel should have the authority to reject sub-standard parts received
from the store or purchasing staff and report to the supervision

Part Supply Control Software:

Parts ordering & storage/inventory is computerized and connected to suppliers for easier
ordering process(strongly recommended)
KPC CMS Type Of Work & Technical Assesment
HSE Management System & Technical Recommendation and time table

Name of Contractor :PT. Daya Mandiri Multipratama (DMM)

Date of Assessment : 6-Apr-17 Location : Workshop road 9

From Award 1st Three Months 2nd Three Months 3rd Three Months 4th Three Months
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

1.2 HSE Policy 2) Apakah perusahaan memiliki dokumen HSE Belum ada dokumen Kebijakan K3L di lokasi
policy yang ditandatangani oleh top management dari workshop road 9, dokumen ada di kantor DMM di DMM memiliki dokumen HSE policy yang ditandatangani oleh top management dari
organisasi? Murung organisasi

1.3.2 Legal and Other 8) Apakah sudah dilakukan identifikasi legal dan Belum ada identifikasi legal requirement.
Requirements persyaratan lainnya yang mengikat organisasi sesuai DMM melakukan identifikasi legal dan persyaratan lainnya yang mengikat organisasi sesuai
dengan aktifitas yang relevan dengan kontrak? dengan aktifitas yang relevan dengan kontrak

9) Apakah dokumen idnetifikasi legal dan Belum ada identifikasi legal requirement.
Dokumen idnetifikasi legal dan persyaratan lainnya ditinjau ulang secara berkala
persyaratan lainnya ditinjau ulang secara berkala?
1.4.1 Resources, roles, 13) Apakah sudah dibuat strruktur operasional teknis Strruktur operasional teknis dan struktur organisasi
responsibility, accountability dan struktur organisasi K3L? K3L masih digabung
and authority Sudah dibuat strruktur operasional teknis dan struktur organisasi K3L

Sudah ada PJO yang memiliki sertifikat pengawas operational pratama (minimal) dan
sudah mengikuti training SMKP

15) Apakah sudah terdapat deskripsi tugas untuk Deskripsi tugas untuk Mekanik dan Purchasing &
jabatan operasional (Manager, Supervisor, Engineer, Planner saja yang sudah ada sementara yang lainnya Sudah terdapat deskripsi tugas untuk jabatan operasional (Manager, Supervisor, Engineer,
Operator, etc) dan pengelola K3 dan Lingkungan tidak ditemukan di DMM workshop road 9 Operator, etc) dan pengelola K3 dan Lingkungan (HSE/Safety Coordinator, Safety Officer
(HSE/Safety Coordinator, Safety Officer dll) dilingkungan dll) dilingkungan organisasi
1.4.2 Competence, Training 16) Apakah sudah dibuat analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Analisa kebutuhan pelatihan Mekanik sudah dibuat
and awareness sesuai dengan semua jabatan dan keterpaparan resiko namun untuk posisi yang lainnya tidak ditemukan Sudah dibuat analisa kebutuhan pelatihan sesuai dengan semua jabatan dan keterpaparan
kesehatan serta keselamatan kerja? bukti TNA di DMM workshop road 9 resiko kesehatan serta keselamatan kerja

26) Apakah terdapat metode analisa keselamatan JSA jarang dibuat oleh Mekanik Sudah terdapat metode analisa keselamatan kerja jika satu pekerjaan belum tercover
kerja jika satu pekerjaan belum tercover dalam dalam prosedur (jika pekerjaan dilakukan di lapangan, menggunakan alat kerja yang baru
prosedur? (jika pekerjaan dilakukan di lapangan, dll).
menggunakan alat kerja yang baru dll).
Terdapat bukti pembuatan JSA
27) Apakah prosedur yang ada sudah sesuai dengan Prosedur yang sudah ada perlu direview ulang agar
persyaratan KPC? Apakah perlu upaya besar agar sesuai dengan persyaratan KPC, terutama Prosedur yang ada sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan KPC, termasuk didalamnya Manual
prosedur internal organisasi dapat menyesuaiakan pelaksanaan dan pembuatan JSA dan JSA
dengan persyaratan KPC?
1.5.3 Internal Audit 33) Apakah organisasi sudah menerapkan program Internal audit belum ada
Organisasi sudah menerapkan program internal audit yang mencakup aspek K3L
internal audit yang mencakup aspek K3L?
On site Management Qualification:
Contractor has qualified, focus and decision maker site Contractor plan to have qualified, focus and decision
There is selection criteria used for recruitment & promotion and has been reviewed or
Management, Supervision & manager (have 5 years experience on workshop) and maker site supervisor (have more than 5 years
bench marked to have qualified, focus and decision maker site supervisor (have 5 years
Personel supervisor with sufficient experience (have 5 years experience on workshop) in relevant tasks, in mining experience on workshop) in relevant tasks, preferable in mining environment.
experience) in relevant tasks, preferable in mining environment.
Work Management: The Project Manager, Operation Manager and Site Coordinator that dedicated for this
Contractor has simple customer service, process
Contractor has robust customer service, process workflow, contract posses experience related to the Maintenance Management System/Planning &
workflow, field crew (need to be confirm) Scheduling and has experience as Workshop head/leader
field crew and response time target

Strategy & Planning:

The organization use work orders for vehicle maintenance work activities with the priorities
set for maintenance job tasks. The system for requesting, planning and estimating work
orders available.

The organization record information from a work orders into vehicle maintenance history

Craftspeople assigned to job tasks based on their specialized knowledge and abilities (e.g.
auto-electric, welding, engine trouble shooting, repair & adjusting)

Back-logging system used for planning repair of non-critical defects and Non-emergency
jobs well-planned before work begins

There is criteria for contractors selection to handle specific job or excessive workloads such
as for air conditioner maintenance, tyre and welding/fabrication

Maintenance planners function is available to plan and prepare scheduled maintenance

works including to prepare parts for major repairs and overhauls
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

Regular Inspection & Servicing:

Craftspeople perform regular inspection of all vehicles maintained, record & report defects
found during the inspection. Defect report is used in the planning for next service.

There is a clear guideline on critical defects/faults to be repaired immediately

The pre-maintenance inspection is performed and followed up. If non-critical defects/faults

are found, these are recorded and reported for planning of the next service/overhaul

Use of Manufacturers Manuals & Specifications:

manufacturers manuals & specifications is available in the workplace and used as
reference in the maintenance program.

There is suficient personnel received training from OEM on product specific maintenance
Management System requirements and/or manuals.

There is a program/system to ensure that vehicle maintenance is performed according to

the manufacturers manuals & specifications.

Recording of Vehicle Maintenance History:

There is a system used to keep records of maintenance history of every vehicle maintained
(history kept in computer or hard copies)

Individual vehicle maintenance history is easily accessible, e.g. for accident investigation

There is a system or program to track critical component live & to track the personnel
carried out specific maintenance work on nominated vehicle

Testing, Commissioning & Quality Control:

There is a function/position for quality assurance/control to check every single vehicle to be
released from the workshop.

Performance and road drive test performed on every single vehicle to be released as per
procedure for conducting performance and road drive test

Specific checklist is used for performance and road drive test (or pre-release inspection
checklist) that cover all aspects in the KPC Vehicle Commissioning Inspection.

Planning Control Software:

The organization use a computerized system for maintenance activities that effectively
implemented & able to produce the expected outcomes. (Strongly recommended)

Performance Monitoring & Reporting:

There is a program to monitor maintenance performance (e.g. physical availability,
Reliability Management: breakdown frequency, MTTR, MTBF) that reviewed by the management regularly.
Contractor has maintenance strategy for equipment
Contractor has maintenance strategy for equipment with
with PM and km record to prepare maintenance and The maintenance performance review been communicated to all maintenance personnel as
predictive or conditioning monitoring system and continous feedback to their works
continous improvement program
improvement program
The maintenance performance been formally reported and reconciled with the custodian

No. of overall Asset/Equipment: Contractor owned equipment for operation 1 Mobile Equipment for operation is available:
Equipment and Facilities OWNED equipment for operation shall be minimum 4 (4 Service, 1 backup, 1 Innova (2 WD), 1 (4 WD), 1 minimum 4 (4 WD), 1 (2WD),
WD), 1 (2WD), preferable with 1(Recovery Truck ) (2WD), and no Recovery Truck 1 Recovery Truck (owned or rent)

Design & Purchase Specifications:

There is specification or criteria used for selecting and purchasing maintenance tools &

Equipment Compliance to KPC requirement: There is sufficient numbers of special tools and equipment available for the vehicle
80% in Good Condition
80% in Good Condition maintenance works (e.g. torques wrenches, timing lights, exhaust emission gas tester,
wheel balancer, wheel alignment, engine monitoring system, engine tuner, brake
measurement, etc).

There is authorization process implemented for purchasing maintenance tools & equipment.

Regular Inspection & Maintenance of Tools & Equipment:

All tools and equipment are numbered and registered, and regular inspection program
implemented to ensure all tools and equipments are in good condition in the work places
and tool storage rooms.

Defective/substandard tools and equipment has been tag out and/or removed from service
for repair or disposal
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

Calibration & Certification:

If there are any tools/equipment requiring calibration and certification (e.g. torques
wrenches, timing ights, exhaust emission gas tester, wheel balancer, wheel alignment,
engine monitoring system, engine tuner, compressors/pressure vessels, crane), the
calibration and certification was performed as per standard requirements (government
and/or manufacturers requirements).

The person who conduct the callibration must have suficient knowledge and skills in
calibration works and/or proper certificate (when required).

Owned calibration equipment has been calibrated or certified.

Controls of Specially Fabricated Tools:

If there are any special tool internally fabricated, the designer must have sufficient
knowledge and skills to make the calculation & design (prefer an Engineer or certified

All fabricated tool must be registered, and assessed before used to identify potential
negative impact to the quality of vehicle maintenance works.

All fabricated tool must be inspected regularly and recorded

Recovery Tools & Equipment:

The suitable recovery tools & equipment must be available when required. The recovery
tools & equipment are safe for both personnel and the vehicles.

The recovery tools & equipment meet with relevant standards (KPC and/or government

The recovery procedures is available and used

All relevant personnel has been trained in using the recovery tools & equipment and follow
the recovery procedures

Plan Task Observation was conducted to see the implementation of the procedure

Building & Facilities Sufficiency:

All buildings & facilities are sufficient to handle all vehicles to be maintained. All buildings &
Facilities, Tools, etc: facilities well constructed and well laid out (consideration should be given to people &
equipment movement, safe & efficient access, effects of hazardous material, noise, etc)
Contractor has workshop in any location (preferable willing
Contractor has office and workshop on site (5 stall)
to have workshop on site) with minimum 5 stall, two way
has spare capacity more than 15% There is sufficient spaces for maintenance works, storage of parts, tools, and equipment
trunking radio, tools (special & general) & workshop and parking area for service line, ready line, staff & visitors
equipment etc
There is sufficient facilities for pollution prevention & controls (e.g. oil storage with proper
bund, oil trap system, absorbent, etc)

Regular Inspection & Maintenance of Building & Facilities:

An efficient system is implemented to ensure all buildings & facilities regularly inspected &
maintained, all sub-standard findings properly record and followed up.

There is a system to ensure that damages or defects to the buildings & facilities reported
and repaired sufficiently

The buildings & facilities condition reflect a good inspection & maintenance, kept clean &

Lighting & Illumination:

all work & storage areas sufficiently illuminated both during the day and night shifts and
additional lighting tools/equipment available for working underneath the vehicles. all is
covered under the building & facility inspection.

There is a survey to ensure sufficient lighting & illumination

Vehicle Hoist, Ramp and/or Pit Structure:

There are suficient vehicle hoisting equipment, ramp or pit structure installed to allow easy
access underneath the vehicle

The vehicle hoisting equipment, ramp or pit structure is in the good condition and used

The people know how to safely use it, there is specific safe work procedure that sufficiently
cover all safety risk aspects

Contamination Controls:
The concept of contamination controls and its impacts to quality of vehicle maintenance
works understood by the vehicle maintenance management & supervisory staff.

There is effectively managed programs that has been implemented to control or minimize

Technical Assitance from dealer/manufacturer: Support from dealer or manufacturer to obtain

Posses a commitment letter from dealer or other part supplier
Technical Support Support from dealer or manufacturer to obtain genuine part genuine part or technical assitance including training
There is a document contains the financial authority of highest level on site.
or technical assitance including training (need to be confirm)
May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
HSE Management System Compliance evaluation
Assessment Criteria for Tenderer Recommendation for Contractor
Requirements (Comments by Assessor)

Design & Purchase Specifications:

Parts Sourcing & Availability: A defined criteria is available for purchasing parts and manufacturers specification is used
Part continuity to Company. Contractors capable to for ordering and purchasing of critical parts
Part continuity to Company. Contractors capable to get
get spare part from dealer and other sources that has
spare part from dealer and other sources that has same There is a policy for using genuine parts only (for critical parts) and posses custodian
same quality as OEM.
quality as OEM. Contractor are fully supported by dealer. approval if there is part purchased out of this policy

Ordering System:
A critical parts is ordered and purchased from authorised suppliers only.

A purchasing officers is trained in the use of relevant parts books and part numbers on the
purchase orders.

In the case that genuine/manufacturer parts are not available and equivalent compatible
parts are to be used, special authorization is required.

There is flow process for ordering part to ensure minimum impact on unit downtime icluding
the policy for emergency order

Receiving & Quality Control:

There is dedicated receiving person/counter for the parts from suppliers and the person
know how to check for quality and originality of parts.

There is a procedure for rejecting sub-standard/non-genuine parts from suppliers and the
person know what to do with sub-standards/non-genuine parts received from suppliers.

Storage & Delivery:

Special spare parts storage room and person are available with sufficient place for storing
all spare parts on stock. This storage room is locked and access limited to authorised staff

first in - first out system used to manage the stocks; minimum-maximum stock
Contractor has inventory system that count part determined for effective support to the maintenance program and yet cost effective for the
Inventory System:
availability by excel only, min-max, component company
Contractor has inventory system that count part availability,
management tracing, inventory KPI (need to be
min-max, component management tracing, inventory KPI Spare parts store accessible during the back shifts. If not, the craftspeople should obtain
spare parts during the back shifts.

Spare part is stored in the way that damages and contamination can be prevented

The maintenance personnel should have the authority to reject sub-standard parts received
from the store or purchasing staff and report to the supervision

Part Supply Control Software:

Parts ordering & storage/inventory is computerized and connected to suppliers for easier
ordering process(strongly recommended)

Anda mungkin juga menyukai