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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Name: Lana Jamil Date: 5/9/17

Year Level: Year 8 Subject: Mathematics

TITLE: Ahoy there!

Due Date: September 8th 2017
MYP Criteria: Criteria B and C

How far away is the horizon?

In order to determine how far away the horizon is for any given observer, we need to first determine how far
above sea level the observer's eyes are.

The diagram above represents a simplified model of the earth as a sphere with a constant radius where

R is the radius of the earth

h is the height of an object above se-level
d is the direct distance to the horizon

Therefore providing we know R and h we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance to the horizon

In answering the following questions we will assume that the radius of the Earth is approximately 6378

1. Imagine you are standing by the waters edge at your favourite beach looking over the ocean to the
horizon. Ignoring the fact that your eyes are a little below the top of your head, using your own height
find how far away the horizon would be?

Height= 152cm

A= r= 6378km
B= d (???? The thing I need to find)
C= (r+h)

6378+0.00152km= c= 6378.00152km- This answer is in km

Then I will square root it so I can find the shorter side which is b the formula to find the shorter side is
2 2 = 2
B= (6378.00152)2 - (6378)2 = 4.403308109km
My final answer is 4.40km which is the value of b. Rounded to two decimal places
2. Now imagine that you are looking out of the window in an aeroplane cruising at an altitude of 1.2
kilometres. How far away would the horizon be in this case?

The Radius= 6378km

The Altitude= 1.2km

To find the hypotenuse (c) you plus the radius (6378km) + the altitude (1.2km),
6378km+1.2km= 6379.2km

Then you need to find the horizon which is one of the smaller sides
So, you put the formula 2 2 = 2 and then square root it

Which is 6379.22 -63782= 123.728089km

This means the horizon is 123.728089km

Round to two decimal places is 123.73km

Seeing something tall?

3. Jack Sparrow is 12 meters above sea level in the lookout post on the main mast of his pirate ship. Another
ship belonging to the wicked pirate Jill Cuckoo is 10 kilometres further out to sea from Jack Sparrows ship.

Will Jack Sparrow in his lookout post can see Jill Cuckoos ship
1. 12meters in kilometres is 0.012km (12/1000)
2. The Radius= 6378km

(Height of the object above sea level)0.012km + (radius) 6378km= 6378.012km (Which is the hypotenuse)

Formula to find hypotenuse 2 + 2 = 2

Formula to find shorter side c2-b2=a2

First, we need to plus how far up he is above sea level and the radius to find one of the shorter sides (a)

0.012+ 6378= 6378.012

Then we use the formula c2-b2=a2 and square root it

6378.0122-63782= 12.37223278

Rounded to two decimal places is 12.37km

Yes, He will be able to see Jill Cuckoos ship as 12.37km is further then 10km.
Somewhere over the horizon!

hB distance above sea level of lookout post

DB distance of boat to horizon
DL distance of lighthouse to horizon
hL height of the lighthouse

4. Captain Feather sword is also a pirate and is sailing in the ship shown in the diagram.
If his lookout post is 16 metres above sea-level and the top of the lighthouse on the other side of the
horizon is 24 metres above sea level, find how far apart they are at the point where the lighthouse first
comes into view of the ships lookout post.
We have to find the distance between the boat to the horizon and the lighthouse to the horizon then add
them together.
First, we need to find the shorter side of both triangles
First triangles Side DB = distance of boat to horizon
3. 16 meters in kilometres is 0.016km (12/1000)
4. The Radius= 6378km

0.016km + 6378km= 6378.016km

Formula to find the shorter side 2 2 = 2

6378.0162 63782 = 14.28622609
Rounded to two decimal places= 14.29km

Then we need to do the same thing and find the shorter side of the second triangle so we can then find how far
apart the two ships are
Triangle DL = distance of lighthouse to horizon

24 metres in km= 0.024km (24/1000) add it with the radius which will allow us to find the shorter side
0.024+ 6378= 6378.024km

Formula to find shorter side c2-b2=a2

C= The hypotenuse which is 6378.024 and b= the radius

6378.0242-63782= 17.49698763

Rounded to two decimal places= 17.50km

Then we plus them to find the distance between the boat and lighthouse (B and L)



Rounded to two decimal places= 31.79km

5. Humpty Pirate is at the top of the mast of his ship 16 metres above sea level and is 43 kilometres distant
from Jack Sparrows ship.

i. Show that they are too far away from each other to be visible.

5. 16meters in kilometres is 0.016km (12/1000)

6. The Radius= 6378km

(Height of the ship above sea level)0.016km + (Radius)6378km= 6378.016km

Formula to find hypotenuse 2 + 2 = 2

Formula to find shorter side c2-b2=a2


6378.0162-63782= 14.28622609km
Round to two decimal places= 14.29km
B= 14.29km

Therefore, Humpty Pirate cannot see Jack Sparrows ship has 14.29km is less than 43km.

ii. To first become visible to each other how close must they get?

To find how close they need to be for them to see each other you need to minus the distant between the two

43km- 14.29km= 28.71km


To help complete your reflection on this piece of work please have a look at the following questions which
should help you.

1. How did you know if the distances to the horizon you found made sense given the situations described in
the questions?

If any side is larger than the hypotenuse which is the longest side of a right-angled triangle then the answer
would be wrong as the two other sides cannot be longer than the hypotenuse. Which means that the distance
to the horizon I found were right as they all fit in the Pythagorass theorem which is 2 + 2 = 2 .

Therefore, the horizon should always be smaller then the hypotenuse which is (r+h).

Do some research - Are there rules of thumb that can be used to estimate distance to the horizon?

2. Are there any practical situations where knowing your distance to the horizon could be useful? Perhaps
you will need to do some research again for this question.
Yes, there are many practical situation where knowing the distance to the horizon could be useful for example
for sea navigation, if you are in the middle of sea and stranded it would be good to know where the nearest
island is or where the enemy ship is that appears on the horizon. You can also use it for plane navigation as
you need to see where the destination/ country is so you would use the horizon to help you.

3. What level of accuracy did you use for your answers and why?
The level of accuracy I used to calculate and find my answers instead of rounding the answer to 2 dp straight
away on the calculator I put the whole number and then square rooted. I also would double check all my
answers by using my calculator.

4. To help us calculate the distance to the horizon we assumed that the Earth was a sphere and that the
radius was therefore a constant value. How big an impact do you think these assumptions have on the
accuracy of your answers?

It would have a big impact and would affect the answers because if you thought that the world was flat then
the radius wouldnt be constant and therefore wouldnt be accurate as the world is not flat.
In reality is your line of sight to the horizon really a straight line?

Yes. your line of sight to the horizon is a straight line, I know this because if it wasnt then you would be able
to see all around you including behind you, but gravity may distort it a little.

Criterion B Investigating Patterns

1-2 Word problem solved with major calculation errors/missing steps

3-4 Word problem solved with minor/no calculation errors
Tried to write about how you could be sure, and/or checked that the distances calculated
made sense.

5-6 Student does all of the above and shows all work and all steps
Briefly wrote about how you could be sure, and/or checked that the distances calculated
made sense.
Wrote about practical situations where knowing the distance to the horizon could be

7-8 Student does all of the above and proves the Pythagorean theorem in the context of the
problem with no calculation errors.
Wrote with enough detail how you could be sure, and/or checked that the distances
calculated made sense.

Criterion C Communication in Mathematics

1-2 The student attempts to explain results
3-4 The reflection provides an explanation of the results
Had difficulties writing about practical situations where knowing your distance to the
horizon could be useful
5-6 The reflection provides a well-reasoned explanation of your results and discusses whether
or not they make sense
Wrote about any accuracy issues, including any rounding you used
7-8 You reflection provides proof as to why your explanation makes sense through the work
of the Pythagorean theorem and proves that the theorem would work well to solve
Wrote with enough detail about practical situations where knowing your distance to the
horizon could be useful.
Wrote effectively about any accuracy issues, including any rounding you used

BOS Outcomes:

A student:
MA4-1WM - communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and
MA4-2WM - applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems
MA4-16MG - applies Pythagoras theorem to calculate side lengths in right-angled triangles, and solves
related problems

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