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Section 1: SP test
Group 1 robot like
1 = good, clear, nice tone of voice, the idea is clear, but a bit false on using
grammar (8)
2 = a bit false on grammar but still can convey the message, good in using
vocabulary (9)
3 = can understand the talk, nice eye contact, making good comparison, good
accent (9)
4 = pause, message hasnt been conveyed properly (5)
Group 2 robot like
1 = can understand the idea, nice way to convey the concept of older (8)
2 = though reading out the palm, the ideas are delivered accordingly, a bit
better with the pronunciation (7)
3 = reading out the palm, struggling with pronunciation and to deliver the idea
4 = a bit struggling with vocabulary, and the way to deliver the message (6)
5 = can understand the idea, nice way to convey the concept of older (8)
Group 3 robot like
1 = nice tone of voice, clear speaking with good choice of vocabulary, good
example, need to make more eye contact with the group, not me ja. (8)
2 = good vocabulary, can understand the ideas but need more vocabulary to put
the sentences together (6.5)
3 = open up with I agree with nice, need more vocabulary to build up
sentences (6.5)
4 = need to work on pronunciation, more eye contact with the group, not so
natural (6)
Group 4 natural
1 = nice supporting sentences, need to come up with his own ideas, a bit trouble
in pronunciation (7.5)
2 = open up with .. in my own view.. nice, I would like to point out that the
idea is a bit struggling (9)
3 = good proverb, can understand the ideas and nice way to put it in a sentence
4 = first speaker, nice opening, need more ideas to support the group (6.5)
Group 5 natural
1 = a bit struggling to deliver ideas and messages to the group, nice vocabulary,
need to make it more natural especially with pronunciation (8)
2 = several grammar errors, can understand the ideas, however, need more
vocabulary to build up sentences (9)
3 = nice, always interrupt and ask for ideas, several grammar errors, good
pronunciation (10)
4 = good choice of vocabulary, nice story, natural (8)
Group 6 very natural ****** $
1 = first speaker, I totally agree with you , nice supporting sentences and ideas.
Good questions to start the conversation (9)
2 = good pronunciation, nice choice of vocabulary, good supporting sentences
3 = I totally agree with you , nice supporting sentences and ideas, not talking
as much as others, need to put more vocabulary in order to create longer
sentences (9)
4 = nice, clear ideas, can understand but need to build up sentences to convey
the messages (9)
Group 7 almost natural
1 = keep throwing the talk to other members, slip out Thai words, a bit nervous
and worry about the script, need more vocabulary bank to compose an
academic sentence (8)
2 = good pronunciation, the talk is understandable and nice choice of
vocabulary, need to be a bit more natural, almost good (9)
3 = good vocabulary in order to make longer sentences, ideas are
understandable, need to be more natural (9.5)
Group 8 almost natural
1 = need more eye contact with other group members, need to make it more
natural, need more ideas and supporting sentences (8)
2 = good pronunciation, can understand the talk, need longer sentences to
convey the ideas (9)
3 = first speaker, good pronunciation,.Even though nice, very natural, very
high level of vocabulary (10)
4 = good choice of using vocabulary, can understand the concept, need to make
it more natural (8)

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