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Kendra Gardner

Management Plan

Part I:

Over the years, the main goal of my teaching philosophy is to teach students that

they learn the most when they fail. I would like to create a classroom climate that allows

students to not feel embarrassed when they make a mistake, but rather see it, fix it, and

learn from it. I think the way to create this type of environment is by spending the first

week just allowing my students to get to know one another. I would like them to build a

respectful environment where they dont judge others based on their beliefs, but rather

learn from them and challenge them. In essence, thats what math is. Sure, theres

usually one right answer, but there are a variety of ways to get there and its important

for students to see that.

I find that when you outline a long list of rules of what students cannot do on the

first day of class, some might take it as a challenge. As a teacher, it can be difficult to

remember all of your rules and strictly enforce them at all times. Because of this, in the

classroom I would like there to be one rule: Feel free to do anything that does not cause

a problem for anyone else- including: you, me, classmates, staff members, guests to

our building, and property. On the first day, I would like the students to have a voice and

share examples of what it looks like to break the one rule. If a student is off task and

distracting others, you can go back to the one rule and ask them if what theyre doing

goes along with the rule. It allows them to hold themselves and each other responsible.

Math, especially in high school, can be a subject that not many students like or

have interest in. It tends to deal with applications that a majority of them will never use
in their everyday life unless they go into a math or science field. With that being said,

my goal is to be able to communicate that through math comes hard work, dedication,

and perseverance. It is a way for people to think critically and problem solve - all of

which are life skills used on a daily basis.

I would like to break the stereotype of math classrooms and allow my students to

work in groups. I would like to have my students in pairs and groups to encourage

communication through group work and teach them how to work as a team. I am a firm

believer that students learn the most from each other and because of this, depending on

the activity for the day I would have them work with their table partner or with their

group. I would assign a seating chart based off of personalities and challenge students

by putting them with people that they might not usually pick. I would switch up the

seating chart after every test so that they got to work with different people and see other

ideas and work styles. I would like to keep my desk at the front so that I can see their

eyes while theyre taking tests. If I had the option I would also put in some sofas, or

chairs to allow for flexible seating during homework time.

Every day I hope to follow a similar routine to help my students know what they are

expected to do when they come into class. I would like to start each day with a warm up

from what they did the day before as a mini check in. This will allow them to get in their

seats by the time the bell rings and get them in the math mindset before class starts.

Afterwards I would like to do a check in to see how the students are, how their week is

going, etc. My matchup teacher shares a few current events with the students at the

beginning of each class, which I really like and would like to do as well. It allows them to

talk about what is going on in the world and have a few minutes away from math. Next, I
would have them grade their own homework as we go through the answers as class. I

would like their homework grade to be based off of completion and have their homework

assignments be on paper so that they could easily show their work.

After grading, they could ask questions that they may have had and clear up any

misconceptions. From there, we would switch into the main lesson for the day. My hope

would be to do a mini lecture with an I do, we do, you do set up. This would allow them

to work with their groups and help teach each other. I hope that I can incorporate

different moving activities throughout my lessons to keep them focused and interested.

After the lesson was done, I would like to give them an exit ticket to see how well they

comprehended the material from the that days lesson and end the class with time to

work on homework for that night in their groups or with a partner. I would pass back

their homework in folders for each group and hand back their tests and papers

individually for confidentiality. Their tests and quizzes would also be done on paper so

their work could easily be shown. An average day time wise would look something as


Activity Estimated Time

Warm up 5-10 Minutes
Check in, Current Events, and Class Announcements 5 Minutes
Go over homework 10 Minutes
Lesson (Either consisting of mini lesson, group exploration 45 Minutes
activity, and recap or guided notes as class with I do, We do,
You do)
Exit Ticket and Homework Time 20-25 Minutes

Part II: Syllabus

Welcome to Algebra 2
Miss Gardner

Communication: Class Materials:

Email: Pencil | Pen | Notebook |

Phone: (303) 123-4567 Algebra 2 Book| TI-84 Calculator | Computer

One Rule

In our class, we will have one rule, which is Feel free to do anything that does not cause a
problem for anyone else- including: you, me, classmates, staff members, guests to our
building, and property.

Grade Breakdown: Absence & Tardy Policy:

Excused Absences: If you are planning on being

absent, it is your responsibility to see what you
will be missing. The further notice you give the
better and more prepared you can be. Excused
absences include all extracurricular activities,
vacations, etc. If you miss a test you must
come talk to me before hand to set up another
A: 100%-90% time to take it. Otherwise you will receive a 0
B: 89%-80% for that test.
C: 79%-70% Unexcused Absences: If you miss class and
D: 69%-60% were not planning to, you have one day to
F: 59% &U come and see me regarding what you missed
and we will get you caught up. You must take
the test the day you come back.
Open Door Policy: Excused Tardies: If you are tardy, it will be
marked on attendance as unexcused unless
Dont be afraid to come and talk to me! If you have a pass.
you have questions or concerns my door is Unexcused Tardies: If your tardy is unexcused
always open. I am available before and after it will be marked. Three unexcused tardies will
school as well as during lunch and 3rd period. count as an unexcused absence.

Homework Policy:

We will have homework every night except for the night after a test. Because of the block
schedule, you will usually have at least 20 minutes to work on homework. I encourage you to
work together! This will allow you to finish or get most of the way through your homework.

All assignments will be done on paper and turned in so I can see your work including online
assignments. Homework will be graded on completion. We will go over it everyday in class to
check answers and go over questions and then it will be collected. If you dont do your
homework, you will have one day to complete it for 50%. After one day, it will no longer be

Participation: Quizzes, Tests, & the Final:

Dont be afraid to participate! Even if your Quizzes: We will have a quiz after 2 sections.
answer is wrong it still sparks a great discussion There will be approximately be 4 per unit.
among the class! Participation counts as 10% They will act as a check in before each test.
of your grade. If you have unexcused absences All quizzes will be open note.
or tardies, you will receive a 0 for participation Tests: We will have a test at the end of each
that day. unit, usually one every two weeks. These will
not be open note, but you will be provided a
review before each test that will have similar
questions to the test. You will also be
Project: allowed one side of a 3x5 notecard to put
formulas on. You will have the option to do
We will have two projects throughout the test corrections for up to 50% for each
semester. These will take place after the test question after every test. This is to
and will be extensions of real world examples encourage you to fix your mistakes and learn
with the material we learned. There will be from them.
more information once we get closer to those Final: We will have one final at the end of
dates. each semester. It will be cumulative of what
we have learned for that semester.

I have read and understand all of the material above.

_____________________ _______ __________________________ _______
Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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