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United States Patent 1191 1111 3,895,953

Mehta * 145] July 22, 1975

[54] ADMIXTURES FOR REDUCING SLUMP 3,429,724 2/1969 Keenum et a1 ..................... .. 106/90
EMENT 3.433,657 3/1969 P1ckering . . . 1 . 0 1 . . . . . . . .. 106/90

(lggiscgqiiggsnRAuLlc C 3.487.038 12/1969 Toy et al ............................. 1. 106/90

[75] Inventor: Povlindar K. Mehta, El Cerrito. primary Examiner-J Poe;

Cahf- Attorney, Agent, or FirmPhillips, Moore,
[73] Assignee: The Regents of the University of welssenberger Lamp) 8 Strabala
California, Berkeley, Calif. T C
{22] Filed: Jan. ll, 1974 [ 1 _
ln freshly mixed portland cement concrete, slump loss,
121 1 APPL NO-I 432,514 which normally occurs during transportation and han
dling, can be either prevented or considerably reduced
52 US. CI. __________________ u 106 88; I06 90; I06 97; by admixing small amounts of styrene-butadiene lati>
[ 1 / I 26O/29/_65 ces, e.g., 0.01 to 0.15% of latex (on solid basis) by
[511 1m. (:1 .............................................. .. 0041 7/03 weigh f Wm: 0 9' O 15% f am by weight of
of Search I i I ~ 1 . I I H cement. Thus, maintaining plasticity Of fTSh (Ul'l~
260/29 75 88 hardened) concrete for prolonged periods of time, the
I ' small amount of latex admixture can permit transpon
{56] Rekrences Cied tation of pre-mixed concrete over longer hauling dis
tances, or permit longer handling time for placement,
UNITED STATES PATENTS consolidation, and ?nishing of concrete in formwork.
3,042,643 7/1962 Foster ................................ .1 106/90 _ '
3,240736 3/1966 Beckwith ............................ .. 106/90 7 Clams, N0 Drawmgs
1 2
ADMIXTURES FOR REDUCING SLUMP LOSS IN spect; certain. admixture-cement combinations even
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Methods of Test for Determining Slump of Portland
Cement Concrete
Portland cement concrete production in the United 5
States amounts to about 500 million tons yearly. Out of A approximate measure of plasticity or consistency
this quantity, about 3/5th is made in ready-mix con of concrete can be obtained by performing a, slump
crete plants and delivered to job sites by trucks. Among test. The test consists of measuring the subsidence, in
the subjects of most critical importance to the contin inches, of a pile of concrete formed in a mold which has
ued advancement of concrete technology, American the shape of a truncated cone of base diameter 8 in.,
Concrete Institute Committee 114, Research and De top diameter 4 in., and height 12 in. The details of the
velopment, includes reduction of early slump loss." standard procedure are covered by ASTM C 143 (1972
The following statement by the Committee is quoted annual book of ASTM Standards, pages 96-97). The
from the Journal of America Concrete Institute, Aug. more plastic a concrete mixture is, the greater will be
1972, page 499: its subsidence or slump, and vice versa.
Concrete is a useful construction material because Slump loss during a certain time interval can be de
it has the properties of remaining plastic long enough termined by measuring the initial slump of a concrete
to be transported to the job site, and of then hardening mixture after the ingredients have been intermixed for
into a strong, durable mass. Often, however, the degree a few minutes to a homogeneous mass, permitting the
of plasticity as measured by slump, or in the case of fresh concrete mixture to stand undisturbed at the am
drier concrete by the Vebe apparatus, deteriorates dur bient temperature for a given time period at the end of
ing transport or waiting time to the point where satis which remixing it for a few minutes and measuring the
factory placing, consolidation, or ?nishing cannot be final slump. The difference between the initial and the
achieved. The usual solution on the job consists of add ?nal slump readings gives the slump loss during that pe
ing water, thereby restoring the plasticity but reducing 25 riod.
the strength and other desirable qualities of the hard The above procedure for determining slump loss ig
ened concrete. nores the effects of continuous mixing, and concrete
Changes in concrete slump re?ect changes in the ce temperature on slump. in fact, both these factors have
ment paste component. During a short period after ce a pronounced effect on slump loss, i.e., slump loss is
ment is mixed with water relatively rapid chemical re 30 greatly increased by prolonged mixing and/or tempera
actions take place. This is followed by a period, which ture rise. In actual ?eld practice, both these factors are
has been called the dormant period, which usually lasts usually operative. Premixed concrete is hauled to job
40 to 120 min. at room temperature. Behavior of con site in slowly rotating concrete mixers which are
crete in the field during the plastic period depends on mounted on trucks. The haulage time from the ready
many variables including temperature of the materials; mix plant to job site may be up to 45 minutes. Also, the
temperature, humidity, and circulation of the sur ambient temperature may be considerably higher than
rounding air; chemical composition of the cement clin the concrete mix temperature. Again, the size of con
ker; 50;, level of the cement; existence or absence of crete batch is generally large enough to raise its initial
false setting tendency; admixtures used; and length and temperature by a few degrees on account of heat gener
40 ated from cement hydration. All these considerations
sequence of concrete mixing.
The adverse effects of slump loss can be counter require modification of the slump loss determination
acted through design of mixtures having an excess in procedure suitably. Frequently, small pan-type labora
slump at the start either through the use of additional tory mixers when continuously mixing concrete for
cement or a water-reducing admixture, but it would be about half an hour at a temperature of 75~85F can
beneficial to eliminate or reduce the effect of the ac satisfy ?eld conditions that are most often encoun
tion responsible for the slump loss, per se. tered.
The foregoing statement by the American Concrete BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
lnstitutes Committee on Research and Development
clearly shows the importance of slump loss in concrete 50 It has now been determined that the addition of sur
technology, the need to understand the reasons for this prisingly small amounts of organic polymeric latices to
phenomenon and, ?nally, to discover a solution. concrete mixtures will appreciably reduce the early
In the above context, it is desirable to review brie?y slump loss thereof. This reduction of early slump loss
the process of hardening of fresh concrete. A concrete in ready-mixed concrete may considerably increase the
mixture, consisting of appropriate portions of cement, 55 time within which the ready-mixed composition may be
sand, gravel, and water, undergoes in sequence stiffen transported to the job site and emplaced in position
ing (loss of consistency), setting and hardening as a re thereon. Furthermore, the addition of excess amounts
sult of cement-water interaction. The phenomenon of of water is unnecessary when practicing this invention,
setting and hardening of concrete is associated with the and the problems such as loss of strength and durabil
formation of hydration products of cement, and can be ity, which are attendant to the addition of excess water
delayed by using set retarding admixtures. However, are eliminated. Furthermore, the elimination of the re
the phenomenon of early slump loss in concrete is not duction of early slump loss is ready-mixed concrete, by
directly related to the setting and hardening reactions extending the amount of time within which the con
of cement. and hence cannot be remedied by using the crete mixtures may be handled, considerably increases
retarding admixtures. Quoting again from the Ameri 65 the distance that is permissible for transporting the
can Concrete Institutes Committee on Research and concrete mixture to the job. Thus, fewer ready-mix
Development, The retarding admixtures currently in plants would be necessary to service a given construc
use generally have not been found useful in this re tion area, or conversely, the same number of ready-mix
3 4
plants as presently employed could service a much construction job, it usually takes twenty to forty min
larger construction area. utes before the concrete mixture is removed from the
It should be noted that it has been proposed in the truck-mixer. It is during this period that most cement
prior art to add organic polymeric latices to concrete concretes suffer some slump loss due probably to en
compositions. However, such proposed additions have trapment or imbibition of water by products of cement
been (1) in considerably greater portions than pro hydration. Processes which accelerate cement hydra
posed in the present invention, and (2) have been ad tion also accelerate slump loss. Thus, longer mixing
vocated for the purposes of improving, not the proper times and higher ambient temperatures generally result
ties of fresh or unhardened concrete, but of hardened in greater slump loss during the stated period of time.
concrete, such as increasing the toughness of hard For the same reason slump loss is in?uenced by cement
ened concrete, i.e., imparting better crack resistance to composition. For instance Portland cements containing
hardened concretes, or for the purpose of imparting high 3CaO-AI2O3, and certain modi?ed Portland ce
improved adhesion or bonding in hardened concrete, ments such as expansive cements also show higher
or for enhancement of chemical durability. Some prior slump loss due to larger quanties of a crystalline hy
art patents advocating such usage are US. Pat. Nos. drate (ettringite) being formed during the early stages
1,940,528; 3,196,122; 3,228,907; and 3,250,736. of cement hydration.
Other prior art patents such as US. Pat. Nos. Apparently, the slump loss is associated with the for
2,576,955; 2,614,998; 2,819,239; and 2,648,645 have mation of cement hydration products in the concrete
disclosed various compositions as water-reducers pri composition. It is not de?nitely known why the addi
marily for oilwell grouting applications. However, all 20 tion of small amounts of styrene-butadiene latices re
such prior art compositions and/or methods are not ad duces slump loss, but the reduction of such slump loss
equate as per the AC1 report quoted above for the pur does occur. It is hypothesized that the styrene
poses of elimination of slump loss, hence a new method butadiene molecules through some kind of surface ac
is needed to overcome this problem in fresh concrete. tion help water to maintain its lubricating action on the
25 cement paste until setting and hardening reactions be
The early slump loss of fresh concrete may be elimi In any event, it has been determined that as little as
nated or considerably reduced by the addition thereto 0.25% by weight of styrene-butadiene latex by weight
of relatively small amounts, i.e., 1.5% or less by weight of cement, or 0.03% latex by weight of concrete, is suf
of cement of styrene-butadiene polymer-latex composi 30 ?cient to effectively reduce the early slump loss of the
tions. The styrene-butadiene latex is added along with abovenoted types of hydraulic cements. Even amounts
the other concrete components during the mixing oper of as little as 0.1% latex by weight of cement produce
ation, and this addition effectively reduces the early significant reduction in slump loss.
slump loss of such concrete mixtures. Any type of commercially available styrene
For the purposes of this invention, the term early 35 butadiene latex is suitable for admixing into the con
slump loss means the difference between the initial crete compositions. Thus, for instance, commercially
slump and the ?nal slump of freshly mixed concrete, available latices having a styrene-to-butadiene ratio of
when the concrete is kept undisturbed for 60 minutes as high as 66 to 34 as well as other latices having a sty
at the laboratory temperature (70 ?F) except for 2 rene-to-butadiene ratio of as low as 37 to 63 have been
minutes of mixing operation just prior to the slump test found to be effective for the purposes stated herein.
or, alternatively, when the concrete mixture is made Such latices are commercially available from a number
with warm water to bring it up to a temperature of of chemical manufacturers and are usually in the form
85-90F when the initial slump is determined, and of aqueous emulsions, wherein the styrene and butadi
mixed continuously in a laboratory pan-type mixer for ene polymers are dispersed in a water phase containing
45 suitable emulsifying and emulsion-stabilizing agents.
a period of 25 minutes at the laboratory temperature
(70131") after which period the ?nal slump is deter A typical styrene-butadiene latex, stabilized with a
mined. The measurement of early slump loss in the ex nonionic surfactant has, about 48% solids by weight, a
amples cited in this invention was based on the latter speci?c gravity of 1.01 (at 25C), a pH of 10.5, and an
procedure unless otherwise indicated. average particle size of polymer of about 2000 ang
It is known that on prolonged mixing, especially at strom units.
temperatures above 60F, all concretes made with hy The latex may be added to the other ingredients of
draulic cements such as Portland cement, and modi?ed the concrete, i.e., cement, sand, gravel and water at any
Portland cements suffer slump loss. As used herein, the stage of the mixing process to secure the advantages of
modi?ed Portland cements are all hydraulic cements 55 the invention. Latex in amounts of from about 0.1%
which have Portland cement compounds as main ce solid polymer by weight of cement will produce a no
menting constituents. Examples of such cements are ticeable reduction in slump loss; on the other hand, it
Portland pozzolan cements, Portland slag cements, ex appears unnecessary to add more than about 1.5% solid
pansive cements, viz. Type K, Type M, and Type S ce polymer by weight of cement.
ments. (For de?nitions of expansive hydraulic cements, It should be understood that due to acceleration in
refer to AC1 Committee 223 Report, AC1 Journal, Au cement hydration the setting time of concrete becomes
gust 1970, pages 584-585). shorter with increasing concrete temperatures. The
1n actual ?eld practice, concrete-making materials, percentages of latex stated above effectively reduce
such as cement, sand, gravel and water are mixed for slump loss in concretes mixed at moderate, i.e.,
a few minutes in high-speed mixers at concrete batch 65 70-80F, temperature ranges. The latices are found
ing plants, then transported to the job sites in trucks effective even at temperatures in the higher 8590"F
having slowly revolving mixers. Depending upon the range. However, at temperatures beyond 90F (corre
ready-mix plant location and haulage distance to the sponding to hot summer weather concreting), it be
. 5 6
comes necessary to include in the concrete mixture a or octyl alcohol, may be used to modify the latex com
set retarder in addition to a latex in order to effectively position. The antifoaming agent can also be added di
reduce the early slump loss. rectly to the concrete during mixing. Such addition ef
Under hot temperature mixing conditions, the same fectively reduces entrained air to acceptable levels. For
amount of latex is effective in reducing slump loss if a 5 instance, it was found during experimental work that
set retarder is added either to the latex before addition the addition of unmodi?ed styrene-butadiene latex in
to the concrete mixture or else directly to the concrete the amount of 0.25% by weight of cement gave l2% air
mixture. Effective set retarders are, for instance, citric entrainment at the end of a 30 minute mixing cycle.
acid, zinc oxide, diethylene glycol, and glycerine. However, when this latex was modified by addition of
As little as 0.05% citric acid by weight of cement, or l ml. of octyl alcohol per 100 ml. of latex emulsion, the
about 3% diethylene glycol or glycerol by weight of ce air content of the same concrete was reduced to 2%, at
ment are found effective in restoring the ability of the which level there is no adverse effect on the strength
styrene-butadiene latex to reduce early slump loss at and other properties of the hardened concrete.
elevated concrete temperatures (8590F). The effect of styrene-butadiene latices on the early
Unmodi?ed commercial styrene-butadiene latices slump loss of a wide variety of Portland cement con
tend to produce concretes with considerable, viz. cretes was tested. Chemical compositions of the ce
5-l5% air entrainment. Thus, for applications where ments utilized in the tests and set forth in the tables
air entrained concrete is desired, the use of small quan below were as follows:

Chemical Compositions of Cements, Percent
Portland Cement Portland Portland - Portland -
ASTM ASTM Expansive Cement Blast Furnace Pozzolan
Type 1 Type ll Type K Type M Type S Slag Cement Cement
SiOz 20.3 23.4 205 I83 19.3 23.5 2L9
Al,O_-, 6.0 3.5 ~ 5.3 7.6 7.6 7.6 6.4
m0, 3.9 2.8 2.9 2.4 L4 1.9 3.2
CaO 63.0 65.9 62.l 60.4 64.5 58.2 5 l .5
MgO 2.0 L0 L1 3.3 l.l 2.7 L4
80;, 2.4 L9 5.8 4.7 5.0 2.7 3.0
Alkalis 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2
ignition 1.6 0.8 1.6 2.8 l.l 2.2 4.0
Insoluble 0.4 0.l 0.3 0.5 0 0.7 8.4

tity of the latex admixture can serve the dual need of The following tables present results of examples
reducing early slump loss and yielding air entrained showing reduction of early slump loss in various con
concrete. However, large volumes of entrained air are crete compositions, when a styrene-butadiene latex was
associated with significant loss in the compressive used as admixture. Unless otherwise stated, the ratio of
strength of the concrete. When such a strength loss is styrene to butadiene of the latex used in the tests was
not permissible, an antifoaming agent, such as silicones 40 66:34.


In?uence of Styrene~Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Type l

Portland Cement Concrete
Latex, Temperature Initial Concrete Final Concrete Slump
% by of (mixed 5 minutes) (mixed 30 minutes) Loss ()
- Wt. of Mixing Water Temp, Slump, Temp, Slump, or
Ce qF F in. "F in. Gain (+)

0 I22 84 6 77 31/1 ~2/z

0.75 122 86 7% 78 8V; +l
0.50 122 86 7% 77 8 +/&
0.50 75 75 8 78 8 0


In?uence of Styrene-Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Type ll

Portland Cement Concrete
Latex. Temperature Initial Concrete Final Concrete Slump
% by of (mixed 5 minutes) (mixed 30 minutes) Loss ()
Wt. of Mixing Water Temp. Slump, Temp, Slump, in.
Ce F "F in. "F in.

0 I20 86 7 75 4% 2%
0.25 I20 84 7 75 7 O
0.25 75 75 8 77 8 0
(H0 l20 85 7 76 6 ~ I
0.10 75 75 8 77 7 l
7 8

In?uence of Styrene-Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Type M

Expansive Cement Concrete
Latex, Temperature Initial Concrete Final Concrete Slump
% by of [mixed 5 minutes) (mixed 30 minutes) Loss ()
Wt, of Mixing Water Temp., Slump, Temp., Slump_ or
Ce- F F in. 'F in. Gain (+),
0 I22 84 5% 77 2% ~15
0.75 I22 84 7% 75 8% +]
0.50 75 75 8 77 8 0


In?uence of Styrene-Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Type S

Expansive Cement Concrete
Latex, Temperature Initial Concrete Final Concrete Slump
% by of (mixed 5 minutes) (mixed 30 minutes) Loss ()
Wt. of Mixing Water Temp. Slump. Temp, Slump, or
Ce~ "F F in F in. Gain (+),

0 I22 85 6 76 3 3
075 I22 85 7% 75 8V2 +'%
0.50 75 75 B 78 8 0


In?uence of Styrene<Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Type K

Expansive Cement Concrete
Latex, Tern rature Properties of Fresh Concrete
% by wtiof of ixing Initial Reading Final Reading Slump Loss]
Cement Water after 5 min. mixing after 30 min. mixing Gain,
Temp,.F Slump in. Temp.,F Slump, znv in.
I20 88 6 8O 2% - 3%
050 120 82 5% 77 5% 0
0.50 75 75 7% 77 8 + V.
(1.25 I20 87 6 77 6% + 56
0425 75 7S 6% 72 6% + I!


In?uence of Styrene-Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Portland-Blast

Furnace Slag Cement Concrete
Latex, Temperature Properties of Fresh Concrete
k by wt.of of Mixing Initial Reading Final Reading Slump Loss]
Cement Water. after 5 min.mixing after 30 min.mixing Gain.
F Temp.,F Slump. in. Temp.,F Slump, in. in.
O l20 79 65/2 74 2% 4%
0.5 I20 77 6% 72 5% k


In?uence of Styrene-Butadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Portland

Pozzolan Cement Concrete
Latex, Temperature Properties of Fresh Concrete
% by wt.of of Mixing Initial Reading Final Reading Slump Loss]
Cement Water, after 5 min.mixing after 30 min.mixing Gain.
"F Temp,,F Slump. in. Temp.,F Slump. in in.
0 I20 78 5 73 2% 2%
05 l 20 78 6 72 6 0
9 10
Table 8 below illustrates results obtained on slump 3. An hydraulic cement concrete mixture having re
loss of a type K shrinkage-compensating cement con- duced early slump loss at temperatures above 85F in
crete utilizing styrene-butadiene latices of two different eluding therein styrene-butadiene latex present, on a
styrene-butadiene ratios: solids basis, in an amount from about 0.l to about 1.5%

In?uence of Latex Type, i.e.. Different Ratios of Styrene to Butadiene.

on Early Slump Loss of Type K Expansive Cement Concrete (0.25% by wt. of
Latex Type Temperature Properties of Fresh Concrete
Styrene-Buta- of Mixing lnitial Reading Final Reading Slump Loss}
diene. Ratio Water after 5 min.mixing after 30 minmixinL Gain.
Temp..F Slump. in. Temp..F ln.
66:34 120 R7 6 77 6V2 + Va
37:63 120 87 6 77 5 - l
66:34 75 75 6); 72 6% + V4
37:63 75 75 6): 76 6 - h

The effectiveness of the styrene-butadiene latex in 20 by weight of the hydraulic cement, and a set retarder
reducing slump loss over extended mixing times is set selected from the group consisting of citric acid and
forth in table 9 below: salts thereof, zinc oxide, ethylene glycol and glycerine.

In?uence of Extended Mixing Time on Early Slump Loss of Type K Expansive

Cement Concrete Containing Styrene-Butadiene Latex (0.25% by wt. of Cement)
Initial Reading First Reading Second Reading Slump,losslgain
after 5 min. mixing after 30 min. mixing after 45 minmixing after 45 min.
Temp..F Slump. in. Temp, "F Slump, in. Temp..F Slump. in. mixing
it? 6 77 6% '14 6 0
75 6% 72 6% 72 6% 0

As described above, the styrene-butadiene latices are 4. A method for reducing early slump loss in hydrau
effective in reducing early slump loss under hot tem- 35 C Cement COHFTCIeS COmPUSmg admixing styrene
perature mixing conditions when set retarders are also bumdlene latex 1" amounts of from about 0-l to aboul
present in the cement concrete. Table 10 below illus-
_ _
by weight of cement, into the concrete during the
trates the effectiveness of the latex-set retarder combi mixing thereof.
nation. 5. A method for reducing early slump loss in hydrau

in?uence of Modi?ed Styrene-Butadiene Latex (0.25%) on Slump

Loss of a Type K Expansive Cement Concrete in the Temperature
Range 8596F
Initial Reading Final Reading
Latex Modi?ed (mixed 5 minutes) (mixed 30 minutes) Slump
(set rctarder) Temp. F Slump. in. Temp. "F Slump, in. Loss/gain.

NIL 95 6% 85 2 4V;
Citric Acid 95 6 90 4V: - llzz
Diethylene 92 6 91 4V. - ll/z
Glycerine 96 6 9l 4 2

In all the above examples, Table l-lO, the concrete lic cement concretes when mixed at temperatures
mixtures consisted of 5.2 lbs. of cement, 14.4 lbs. of 55 greater than 85F comprising admixing into the con
Felton No. 2 sand (Fineness Modulus 2.8), 17.2 lbs. of crete styrene-butadiene latex in amounts of from about
%- V4 inch Fairoaks gravel, and about 3.5 lbs. of water 0.l to about [5% by weight of the hydraulic cement in
which was adjusted to get 6 8 inches initial slump of said concrete, and further admixing into the concrete
concrete. (in combination with) a set retarder.
What is claimed is: 60 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the set retarder is
l. A composition for reducing early slump loss in hy- selected from the group consisting of citric acid and
draulic cement concretes comprising a mixture of an salts thereof, zinc oxide, ethylene glycol and glycerine.
hydraulic cement. sand, gravel, water and a styrene- 7. A method of obtaining air entrained concrete hav
butadiene latex present. on a solids basis, in an amount ing reduced slump loss tendencies, comprising admix
of from about ().l to about l.5% by weight of the CE- ing styrene-butadiene latex in amounts of from about
ment. 65 0.1 to about 1.5% by weight relative to cement in said
2. An hydraulic cement concrete mixture having re- concrete, with concrete components of cement, sand,
duced early slump loss including therein about 0.1 to gravel and water during the mixing thereof.
about 1.5% by weight styrcne-butadiene latex. on a * * * * *
solids basis, by weight of cement.
Patent No. 3,895,953 Dated July 22, 1975
_ Povindar K. Mehta
- It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent
and that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown below:

TABLE 5, should appear as shown on the attached sheet.

Signed and Scalcd this

- ninth Day Of December 1975
A nest:


Alluring Of?cer (umminiuner nflnlem: and Trademark:
Patent No. 3,895,953 Dated July 22, 1975
Invent0r(s) Povindar K. Mehta Page - 2 -

Influence of Styrene-BJtadiene Latex on Early Slump Loss of Tyne K
Egzansive Cement .Concrete
Latex, Temperature Properties of Freeh Concrete
75 by wt.0f of Mixing Initial Reading Final Reading Slump Los:
Cement water after 5 min mixing after 30 m1n.mixing Gain,
Temp.,F Slump, in. Temp.,"F Slump, in. in.
0 120 88 6 80 2 1/4 - 3 3/4
0.50 120 86 5 3/1.L I 77 5 3/14 0
0-50 75 75 7 3/4 77 8 + l/4
0.25 120 87 6 77 6 1/2 + 1/2
0.25_ 75 75 6 1/2 72 6 3/4' + ' 1/4

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