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Aulas 1 e 2

Exercise I
Baseando-se no texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
National Geographic 1. All the following verbs have approximately the same
E-cycling Etiquette: How to Help meaning, except:
1 Americans toss out1 about two million tons of a) toss out.
unwanted electronics annually, fouling2 landfills3 with b) discard.
toxic lead4 from old computer monitors, cadmium from c) scrap.
leaking5 batteries, and more. But it is getting easier to d) throw away.
5 discard responsibly.
e) join.
Some charities6 repurpose7 old cell phones as lifelines8
for seniors and victims of domestic violence, and computers 2. Assinale a orao em que a palavra lead tem o mesmo sig-
can go to underfunded schools. Reputable recyclers nificado que no trecho fouling landfills with toxic lead
will properly scrap9 unusable electronics, though they (linhas 2-3).
10 sometimes charge10 a small fee11. Donating newer models, a) Whos going to lead the discussion about recycling?
on the other hand, can earn a tax deduction, so keeping b) The detectives were following a promising lead in the
old gadgets12 from gathering13 dust14 helps you and the murder case.
environment15. For more information on charities and c) Bullets from firearms are usually made of lead.
recyclers, go to d) The Brazilian swimmer was in the lead from start to
( finish.
e) Thomas will play the lead role in Hamlet.
Vocabulary 3. In the fragment underfunded schools (line 8), the word
1. to toss(ed) out jogar fora underfunded means:
2. to foul(ed) poluir a) not yet established.
3. landfill aterro sanitrio; depsito de lixo b) that have not been given enough money to be effective.
c) that have a smaller number of students.
4. lead chumbo d) that have more financial resources.
5. to leak(ed) vazar e) that hide in secret places.
6. charity organizao beneficente 4. Na frase though they sometimes charge a small fee (li-
7. to repurpose(ed) dar uma nova destinao a; nhas 9-10), a palavra though:
redirecionar a) significa o mesmo que instead.
8. lifeline salvao; linha vital (de comunicao) b) significa atravs de; por meio de.
c) poderia ser corretamente substituda por as.
9. to scrap(ped) jogar fora d) significa embora.
10. to charge(ed) cobrar e) poderia ser corretamente substituda por imagined.
11. fee taxa 5. A expresso on the other hand (linha 11):
12. gadget aparelho; dispositivo a) d uma ideia de contraste.
13. to gather(ed) juntar b) significa unilateralmente.
c) significa equivocadamente.
14. dust p; poeira d) indica anuncia; consentimento.
15. environment meio ambiente e) significa enquanto tira com a outra mo.


6. One may infer from the text that: A. Formao
a) charity groups make seniors and sick people reuse I, You, We, They: Infinitivo sem to
their own old electronics in order to spend time doing Simple Present
something useful. He, She, It: Infinitivo sem to + S
b) Americans are currently having a hard time getting rid ou
of their old stuff. ES
c) unless you donate more recent models, you wont have
a discount.
Acrescenta-se es:
d) official recyclers can always pick up your unwanted
machines for free.
1. aos verbos terminados em: S
e) toxic substances leaking from batteries dirt the streets
in big cities throughout the U.S.A. SH

7. Na frase so keeping old gadgets from gathering dust CH
+ es
(linhas 11-12), a palavra so:
a) poderia ser corretamente substituda por therefore.
b) significa no entanto. Z
c) poderia ser corretamente substituda por however.
d) apresenta uma ressalva.
e) d uma ideia de comparao.
GRAMMAR to do he does
1. Consideraes Gerais Sobre os to kiss he kisses
Tempos Verbais to watch he watches
As trs formas bsicas dos verbos em ingls so:

Infinitivo Passado Particpio Passado 2. aos verbos terminados em: consoante y i + es

(Infinitive) (Simple Past) (Past Participle)

Verbos Regulares Exemplos:

worked worked
to work to cry he cries
Verbos Irregulares to study he studies
saw seen
to see

Dessas trs formas originam-se os outros tempos verbais,

como o Imperative (= infinitivo sem to) e o Simple Present, Aos verbos terminados em Y precedido de vogal s se
que so formados a partir do Infinitive. acrescenta s.
Exemplo: to play he plays
2. Simple Present

B. usos
INFINITIVE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE 1. Para expressar verdades gerais/universais.
to work worked worked Ant-eaters eat ants. (Tamandus comem formigas.)
2. Para expressar aes habituais.
SIMPLE PRESENT She goes to the cinema on Saturdays. (Ela vai ao cinema aos
to work Advrbios Normalmente Usados com o Simple Present:
Always (sempre) Never (nunca)
I work We work Often = frequently (frequentemente) Seldom = rarely (ra-
You work You work ramente)
He works They work
Generally (geralmente)
She works
It works Usually (usualmente)
Sometimes (s vezes, algumas vezes)



day (dia)
week (semana) to admit + t + ing = admitting
Every (todo(a)) month (ms) cvc
year (ano) to regret + t + ing = regretting
Verbos mais comuns com estrutura CVC oxtonos:

Once (uma vez) day

Twice (duas vezes) week to permit: permitir to begin: comear
Three times (3 vezes) a (ao, por) month to transmit: transmitir to prefer : preferir
Four times (4 vezes), etc. etc. to emit: emitir to transfer : transferir
to omit: omitir to defer : adiar

Sundays (aos domingos) to admit: admitir to regret : arrepender-se

On Mondays (s 2as feiras) to occur: ocorrer to unwrap: desembrulhar
Tuesdays (s 3as feiras) to recur: repetir-se to control: controlar

spring (primavera)
A. Formao
In summer (vero)
autumn / fall (outono) O Present Continuous formado pelo Present do verbo
winter (inverno) to be seguido da -ing form.
3. -Ing FORM I am working
Os tempos continuous so formados pelo verbo auxiliar You are reading
to be seguido da -ing form do verbo principal. He is walking
-Ing form: Infinitivo sem to + ing B. Usos
to work + ing = working a) para expressar aes que esto ocorrendo neste momento,
to read + ing = reading agora, atualmente.
He is reading the newspaper now.
Casos especiais:

a) to liv e + ing = living Advrbios mais comuns: at this moment
to danc e + ing = dancing at present (nowadays)
Com imperativo
Verbos terminados em um s e perdem esse e .
Look! They are coming this way.
Exceo: to be + ing = being
b) para expressar aes que esto prestes a ocorrer (com ver-
Verbos terminados em ee no sofrem alterao. bos de movimento, deslocamento).
to flee (fugir) + ing = fleeing He is leaving for Europe tonight.
(Ele est de partida para a Europa hoje noite.)

b) to d ie + ing = d y ing ATENO: Os verbos see, hear, smell (cheirar), taste (ter gos-
to), like, understand, want, know, seem, believe no
to l ie + ing = l y ing so normalmente usados nos tempos continuous.
I understand everything now.
We (can) hear you at this moment.
Para verbos terminados em ie , muda-se ie para y .
Verbos terminados em y no sofrem alterao. 5. Simple Future
to study + ing = studying Formao
to play + ing = playing will (para todas as pessoas)
ou + infinitivo sem to
c) Para verbos de uma slaba ou com mais de uma slaba, oxto- shall (para I e We)
nos, terminados em consoante, vogal, consoante, dobra-se a
consoante final. Usos: para indicar aes futuras
cvc Os advrbios mais comuns so:
to stop + p + ing = stopping tomorrow
cvc next (prximo)
to get + t + ing = getting soon (logo, brevemente)
within... (2 hours, a month etc), (dentro de...)


Observao: going to Future 3. Just a minute please, he his shoelaces.
O Present Continuous do verbo to go seguido a) is tying d) tie
de infinitivo com to de outro verbo indica ao b) is tieing e) tying
futura. c) ties
We are going to see her next week. 4. A: Wheres Peter?
(Vamos v-la na prxima semana.) B: He in the living-room.
She is going to buy a new house. a) sits d) sitting
(Ela vai comprar uma casa nova.) b) sit e) is siting
is sitting
6. Time Clauses
5. It that most people in God.
so oraes introduzidas pelas conjunes de tempo
a) seem; believes
when (quando); as soon as (logo que, assim que); until
b) is seeming; believe
(at que); by the time (na hora em que); after (depois);
c) seems; believes
before (antes); whenever (sempre que).
d) seems; believe
devem trazer o verbo no Simple Present (s vezes e) seemes; is believing
Present Perfect) quando a ideia de futuro. Na orao
principal usa-se normalmente Simple Future ou Imperative. 6. She you up as soon as she
ready to leave tomorrow.
She will wait here until he comes back. a) call; is
S. Future S. Present b) will call; is
(Ela esperar aqui at ele voltar.) c) call; will be
d) will call; will be
Let me know as soon as she is ready.
e) will call; be
Imperative S. Present
(Avise-me assim que ela estiver pronta.) 7. him down when he help.
Dont stay outside when it starts raining. a) Will not let; needs
Imperative S. Present
b) Dont let; will need
c) Wont let; will need
d) Not let; need
e) Dont let; needs
Exercise II
Choose the verb form that best completes each sentence. ORIENTAO DE ESTUDO
1. Mr Anderson usually the 7 oclock train, but
now he a bus. Caderno de Exerccios Srie 1
a) catch; takes
b) catchs; is taking Tarefa Mnima
c) catches; is taking
d) catches; take
e) is catching; takes Faa os exerccios 1 e 2.

2. Look! The baby the box, we AULA 2

him from here. Faa os exerccios 3 a 10.
a) is open; are seeing
b) is opening; can see Tarefa Complementar
c) opens; see
d) is openning; see AULA 2
e) open; can see Faa os exerccios 11 a 14.


Aulas 3 e 4
TEXT COMPREHENSION. imperative; SIMPLE Future; going to future; time clauses

TEXT 2. In the fragment your lifes purpose (lines 3-4), the

word purpose means approximately the same as all the
following, except:
1 Are you stuck1 in a job that you hate? Looking for a
a) aim. d) objective.
career that will make you happy? We invite you to jiggle2
b) goal. e) success.
your brain3 and get a few ideas to help you find your lifes
c) intent.
5 Begin by imagining that you can live an entire life in 3. Identify the incorrect sequence of irregular verb forms.
just five seconds. In that lifetime, you can do only one thing
a) begin began begun d) do did done
the very thing that makes your heart sing, gives you
b) give gave given e) find found found
goose pimples4, and makes you want to laugh5 out loud.
c) sing sang song
Now, answer some simple questions about your ideal
10 5-second life, and a few questions about the life you are 4. Select the incorrect verb/noun pair.
living now. If you cant find an exact match6, select the a) hate ( . 1) hatred
closest7 answer to what you envision8.
b) invite ( . 2) inviteness
c) begin ( . 5) beginning
Boost your earning power d) laugh ( . 8) laughter
with a college degree e) select ( . 11) selection

5. Os anunciantes esto oferecendo um:
a) curso superior.
b) experimento presencial.
VOCABULARY c) curso de autoconhecimento.
1. to be stuck estar preso; ser incapaz de escapar d) contrato de trabalho.
e) estgio remunerado.
2. to jiggle(ed) chacoalhar; movimentar
6. Analise o uso da palavra that em Are you stuck in a job
3. brain crebro that you hate? Marque a alternativa na qual that desem-
penha a mesma funo.
4. goose pimples (goose bumps) arrepio
a) That lie has changed his whole life style.
5. to laugh(ed) rir b) Did you bring the contract and all that?
c) The fish we saw was that big!
6. match combinao d) The watch that he gave her works perfectly.
e) It was obvious that he needed help.
7. the closest a mais aproximada (semelhante)
7. Se uma situao makes your heart sing, gives you goose
8. to envision(ed) imaginar; prever pimples, and makes you want to laugh out loud (linhas
9. to boost(ed) aumentar; impulsionar 7-8), isso significa que ela o faz sentir:
a) alegria. d) contradio.
10. earning ganhos; rendimento b) tdio. e) desprazer.
c) curiosidade.

Exercise I GRAMMAR
Based on the text, choose the correct alternative. 1. IMPERATIVE
1. The phrase Looking for a career? (lines 1-2) in the
complete form would be: to send
a) Was you looking for a career? Imperative
b) Do you looking for a career?
c) Will you looking for a career? Affirmative Negative
d) Are you looking for a career? (Please) Send him back. Dont send him back (please).
e) Have you looking for a career? Lets send him back. Lets not send him back.


O Affirmative Imperative formado pelo infinitivo sem to ou pela expresso lets + infinitivo sem to.
O Negative Imperative formado por dont + infinitivo sem to ou pela expresso lets not + infinitivo sem to.
A palavra please pode aparecer no incio ou no final da orao.

A. Formao
will (todas as pessoas)
ou + infinitivo sem to
shall (I; We)

B. Usos: Para indicar aes futuras

We will see him tomorrow.
Our kids will come home next week.

O present continuous do verbo to go seguido de infinitivo com to de outro verbo indica ao futura.
We are going to see her next week.
(Vamos v-la na prxima semana.)
She is going to buy a new house.
(Ela vai comprar uma casa nova.)

so oraes introduzidas pelas conjunes de tempo when (quando), as soon as (logo que, assim que), until (at que), by the
time (na hora em que), after (depois), before (antes), whenever (sempre que).
devem trazer o verbo no Simple Present (s vezes Present Perfect) quando a ideia de futuro. Na orao principal usa-se nor-
malmente Simple Future ou Imperative.
She will wait here until he comes back. (Ela esperar aqui at ele voltar.)
S. Future S. Present
Let me know as soon as she is ready tomorrow. (Avise-me assim que ela estiver pronta amanh.)
Imperative S. Present

Exercise II 5. When the Queen

the town next December,
the new hospital.
Choose the verb form that best completes each sentence.
a) will visit; inaugurates
1. The scientist hard until he the b) visit; inaugurate
cure for that disease. c) visits; is inaugurate
a) work; finds d) will work; will find d) will visit; will inaugurate
b) will work; finds e) works; will find e) visits; will inaugurate
c) shall work; find
2. her home immediately after she
the train.
a) Will bring; gets off d) Bring; will get off Caderno de Exerccios Srie 2
b) Bring; gets off e) I bring; will get off
c) Bring; get off
Tarefa Mnima
3. The dog the bird as soon as the hunter
it down.
Faa os exerccios 1 a 6.
a) fetchs; shoots d) will fetch; shot
b) fetches; will shoot e) is going to fetch; shoot
c) will fetch; shoots
Faa os exerccios 7 a 20.
4. She you up the moment she
ready to leave tomorrow.
Tarefa Complementar
a) call; is d) will call; will be
b) will call; is e) will call; be AULA 4
c) calls; will be Faa os exerccios 21 a 30.


Aulas 5 e 6

TEXT 12. period menstruao

(UFPI/2008) 13. lasting permanente; duradoura
Let nature take its course1 for now2 14. early precoce; precocemente
1 ADOLESCENCE, quite rightly, has a bad reputation. 15. achievement realizao; feito; desempenho
It is tough3 for youngsters when their sex hormones 16. as yet at agora
surge4 and for parents to watch their little angels turn
17. harmful nocivo; prejudicial
into raging5 beasts6. It is especially hard if puberty begins
5 when children are very young. 18. to dismiss(ed) descartar; ignorar
Today, drugs that can be injected to delay7 puberty are 19. fix soluo; conserto
reserved for extreme cases. But that could change. Better 20. borderline limtrofe
drugs are expected to emerge in the next decade thanks to 21. onset incio
the discovery of the gene that kick-starts8 puberty. That
10 raises9 an intriguing question: should we leave the timing Your notes
of puberty to the whim10 of nature or take control?
There is plenty of evidence that the timing of puberty
matters11. One study compared women whose periods12
started before age 11 with those who matured later.
15 It found lasting13 differences: the early14 maturers
educational achievements15 were lower and they tended
to be shorter and have weight problems. Other studies
suggest that early puberty is linked to increased risks of
breast and prostate cancers.
20 As yet16, however, it is not clear if delaying puberty
will reverse these harmful17 effects. We do not know, for
example, if puberty itself increases the risk of cancer or if
some other factor causes both early puberty and a higher
cancer risk. Until that evidence is in, doctors and parents
25 should dismiss18 the notion of a pharmaceutical fix19 for
borderline20 cases. Exercise I
In the meantime, we do know that the recent decline in Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto.
the average age of onset 21 of puberty has been caused at
1. Na frase to watch their little angels turn into raging
least in part by increasing obesity. So, for parents worried
beasts (linhas 3-4), a forma verbal turn into significa:
30 about the early emergence of raging beasts, throw out the
computer games and buy them some tennis shoes. a) become. d) leak.
(New Scientist)
b) be stuck in. e) toss out.
c) match.
Vocabulary 2. A expresso thanks to (linha 8) poderia ser substituda,
1. to take its course correr naturalmente; ter prossegui- sem mudana de sentido, por:
mento normal a) on the other hand.
2. for now por enquanto b) if.
3. tough difcil c) as soon as.
4. to surge(ed) aumentar d) because of.
e) until.
5. raging incontrolvel; cheio de paixo e fria
6. beast fera; animal 3. No segmento with those who matured later (linha 14),
7. to delay(ed) atrasar; retardar a palavra those refere-se a:
8. to kick-start(ed) promover; dar o pontap inicial a) evidence.
b) timing.
9. to raise(ed) levantar; provocar
c) women.
10. whim capricho d) puberty.
11. to matter(ed) ter importncia e) study.


4. No trecho As yet, however, it is not clear (linha 20), a b) Os pais que se preocupam com o surgimento de uma pu-
palavra however: berdade precoce devem comear a controlar o peso de
a) poderia ser substituda corretamente por therefore. seus filhos o mais cedo possvel, orientando-os a deixa-
rem os jogos de computadores de lado para praticarem
b) d uma ideia de contraste.
atividades fsicas, como jogar tnis e fazer caminhadas.
c) d uma ideia de consequncia.
c) Como a obesidade uma das principais causas do surgi-
d) indica condio.
mento da puberdade precoce, os pais devem aconselhar
e) expressa a mesma ideia que bothand (linha 23). os filhos a passarem menos tempo no computador e a
5. Leia o terceiro pargrafo e assinale a alternativa que apre- praticarem algumas atividades fsicas.
senta a sua ideia principal. d) Como as pesquisas j mostram e apresentam evidn-
cias de que o surgimento da puberdade precoce , pelo
a) Estudos que mostram os efeitos prejudiciais da puber- menos em parte, causada pelo crescente problema da
dade precoce. obesidade em crianas e jovens, os pais devem procurar
b) Resultado de estudos sobre a puberdade. controlar o peso de seus filhos com o uso de medica-
c) Estudos que mostram que a puberdade precoce aumen- mentos e com a prtica de exerccios fsicos.
ta os riscos de cncer de mama e prstata.
e) Como j se sabe que a obesidade , pelo menos em par-
d) Estudos que mostram que a puberdade precoce interfe- te, responsvel pelo surgimento da puberdade precoce,
re no desempenho escolar. os pais devem evitar que os seus filhos tenham estilo
e) A necessidade de evitar o surgimento da puberdade pre- de vida sedentrio, o que significa dizer que os jogos
coce. de computador devem ser substitudos pela prtica de
atividades fsicas.
6. Na concluso do texto, o autor d um conselho com base
na afirmao que estabelece uma relao entre obesidade 7. No trecho and buy them some tennis shoes (linha 31),
e puberdade precoce. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o pronome them refere-se a:
esse conselho. a) parents.
a) Os pais no devem se preocupar com o possvel surgi- b) emergence.
mento de uma puberdade precoce, pois no h nada que c) puberty.
eles possam fazer, j que as causas ainda so desconhe- d) obesity.
cidas. e) adolescents.


Subjective Case Objective Case

(caso reto): sujeito (caso oblquo): objeto
da orao da orao
I me
You you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them


Peter saw Mary, so he went to talk to her.

Here is the money. Bob needs it. Ill give it to him.

Richard and Helen are not involved. Theres nothing between them.



I myself a) quando o sujeito e o objeto referem-se mesma pessoa.
you yourself He cut himself this morning. (Ele se cortou esta manh.)
he himself We enjoyed ourselves at the party last night. (Ns nos divertimos na festa ontem noite.)
she herself
b) para dar nfase (normalmente colocado depois do objeto ou depois do sujeito.)
it itself
She herself told me the story. (Ela mesma contou-me a histria.)
one oneself
we ourselves
She told me the story herself.
you yourselves
they themselves c) quando precedido da preposio by, indica sozinho(a), sem ajuda de.
Ive done the work by myself. (Eu fiz o trabalho sozinho.)

Exercise II 5. Get the money

. Dont ask for

Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

a) yourself; them
1. I can tell the truth, but I am not sure youll b) yourselves; our
like . c) itself; we
a) you; her d) myself; you
b) yourself; itself e) yours; myself
c) your; it
d) yourself; its
e) you; it

2. His daughter had done the dishes by before

went to sleep.
a) herself; her
b) himself; she
c) herself; she
d) himself; he
e) themselves; them
3. He told that had fixed
everything all by . Caderno de Exerccios Srie 3
a) we; he; himself
b) us; his; herself Tarefa Mnima
c) me; he; him
d) her; he; himself
Faa os exerccios 1 a 5.
e) his; she; herself
4. must be careful because the gang members
are looking for . Faa os exerccios 6 a 21.

a) You and me; you and me

b) You and I; us Tarefa Complementar
c) You and I, you and I
d) You and I; we AULA 6
e) You and me; you and I Faa os exerccios 22 a 27.


Aulas 7 e 8

TEXT Assinale a alternativa correta.

(UFMT/2009) 3. Pela temtica e pelas caractersticas composicionais, o tex-
to pode ser considerado um(a):
Teachers prayer
James J. Metcalf a) carta.
I want to teach my students how b) conto.
To live this life on earth, c) juramento.
To face its struggle1 and its strife2 d) orao.
And improve3 their worth4. e) homenagem.

4. Sobre o texto, marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras

Not just the lesson in a book,
e F para as falsas.
Or how the rivers flow,
But how to choose the proper path5, ( ) O eu lrico, na primeira estrofe, prope-se viver sem
Wherever they may go. problemas.
( ) A quinta estrofe revela que o eu lrico busca a felici-
To understand eternal truth, dade.
And know the right from wrong, ( ) Na quarta estrofe, o eu lrico expressa a possibilidade
And gather all the beauty of de sucesso.
A flower and a song. ( ) Valores como verdade, beleza e sabedoria so exalta-
dos pelo eu lrico.
For if I help the world to grow Assinale a sequncia correta.
In wisdom6 and in grace7, a) V, V, F, V
Then, I shall feel that I have won b) F, F, V, V
And I have filled my place. c) V, F, V, F
d) F, V, F, F
And so I ask my guidance, God e) F, V, V, V
That I may do my part,
For character and confidence 5. A respeito dos sentidos do texto, assinale a afirmativa cor-
And happiness of heart. reta.
(Disponvel em a) O eu lrico enaltece a figura de Deus como seu guia.
Acesso em 18/07/2008.)
b) A imagem de professor construda no texto denota dis-
tanciamento em relao ao aluno.
Vocabulary c) And know the right from wrong (terceira estrofe) ex-
1. struggle luta pressa a ideia de garantia de direitos.
2. strife conflito; competio; rivalidade d) Em For if I help (quarta estrofe) e For character (quinta
estrofe), os vocbulos sublinhados tm o mesmo signifi-
3. to improve(ed) melhorar; aumentar cado.
4. worth valor e) A palavra face (primeira estrofe) significa rosto.
5. path caminho; trajetria
6. Assinale a alternativa em que as duas palavras possuem a
6. wisdom sabedoria; sensatez mesma funo morfolgica.
7. grace virtude; boa vontade a) their (primeira estrofe) e Then (quarta estrofe)
b) teach e improve (primeira estrofe)
Exercise I c) students (primeira) e eternal (terceira estrofe)
d) its (primeira estrofe) e of (quinta estrofe)
Responda, em portugus, de acordo com o texto. e) and e this (primeira estrofe)
1. A que se refere a palavra its em its struggle; its strife?
7. inteno do produtor do texto:
Ela se refere vida.
a) entender como a aprendizagem acontece.
2. Identifique a que se refere o termo their no trecho: b) proporcionar uma nova forma de ensino religioso.
And improve their worth. c) investigar temas relacionados geografia.
d) ajudar o aluno a escolher uma profisso.
Their refere-se aos alunos do produtor do texto.
e) expressar seu desejo sobre o que ensinar.


seguidos de substantivo no seguidos de substantivo
I my mine
you your yours
he his his
she her hers
it its + substantivo its
one (algum, one's
qualquer pessoa)
we our ours
you your yours
they their theirs
Os possessivos em ingls concordam sempre com o possuidor, aquele ou aquilo a que se referem.
The pages of the book (possuidor singular) = its pages (suas pginas)

This CD belongs to me. It is my CD. The CD is mine. Nota:

Quando o possuidor somebody, anybody,
The pages of the books (possuidor plural) = their pages (suas pginas) nobody, everybody, normalmente o possessivo
their, embora a forma his tambm seja correta.
The clothes belong to us. They are our clothes. They are ours. Everybody had their passports ready.
One of my friends = A friend of mine

Exercise II 6. Im in a hurry, Im taking a cousin

hospital right now.
to the
Choose the word or expression that best completes each
sentence. a) mine
b) my
1. This town is very nice; houses are white and
c) of your
surrounded by flowers.
d) of mine
a) your d) its e) of her
b) their e) her
c) theirs
2. We are going to meet in San Francisco next
a) some friends of us d) some friends ours Caderno de Exerccios Srie 4
b) some friends of our e) some friends of ours
c) some of ours friends
Tarefa Mnima
3. The children are playing soccer with father.
a) their d) theirs
Faa os exerccios 1 a 8.
b) yours e) hers
c) its
4. Bob: My son felt very sick last night.
Faa os exerccios 9 a 18.
Doctor: Did you take temperature?
a) your d) her
b) hers e) his Tarefa Complementar
c) its
5. I have breakfast at 7. What time do you have Faa os exerccios 19 a 28.
, Mary?
a) mine; yours d) my; hers
b) my; yours e) my; her
c) my; your Faa os exerccios 29 a 35.


Aulas 9 e 10

Text I
Exercise I
Baseando-se nos textos I e II, d respostas em portugus.
DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR YOU CANT JUST TURN ON 1. O texto I aborda um dilema conhecido por muitos estudan-
a) o ponto de vista expresso pelo menino ao estabelecer
WAITING FOR uma comparao entre a criatividade e a torneira;
Ao dizer que no se pode abrir (ligar) a criativida-
de como se abre uma torneira, o menino est di-
zendo que a criatividade no um ato controlvel.

b) como a expresso last-minute panic se relaciona com a

ideia de inspirao.
WHAT MOOD LAST-MINUTE A inspirao surge do pnico resultante do pouco tempo
para realizar uma tarefa.

2. No texto II, o menino e seu tigre discordam entre si.

a) o motivo da discordncia;
O menino (Calvin) acha que j tem informaes
suficientes para fazer o trabalho, enquanto o
tigre (Haroldo) acha que no.

Vocabulary b) no que consiste uma tese, de acordo com o menino.

1. faucet torneira Uma tese consiste em uma informao fictcia,
2. mood humor; estado de esprito; atmosfera complementada por uma introduo, ilustraes
e uma concluso.
GOT ENOUGH IS ONE FACT WE ADD AN INTRODUCTION, 3. Os textos I e II fazem referncia a tarefas escolares a se-
a) Identifique o tipo de tarefa escolar a ser cumprida em
cada um dos textos.
No texto I, deve-se fazer (elaborar) uma redao/
No texto II, necessrio fazer uma pesquisa (um
trabalho de pesquisa). b) Indique o que impede a realizao da tarefa no texto I e

o que facilita sua execuo no texto II.
No texto I, falta inspirao/criatividade. No texto II,
1. to make up inventar
h presena/excesso de criatividade.
2. plenty muito; bastante


4. No texto II a fala do tigre All we have is one fact you 2. A palavra que no se refere a book genre :
made up?! contm recursos grficos caractersticos de a) fiction.
quadrinhos. Indique: b) library.
a) a funo das aspas em fact; c) non-fiction.
As aspas esto sendo usadas para enfatizar/ d) academic.
e) novel.
marcar que o referido fato uma inveno do me-
nino e no um fato real. 3. De acordo com o texto:
a) Browse for Books offers more attractive prices than
b) o sentimento marcado por cada um dos sinais de pon-
tuao empregados ao final da fala.
b) Browse for Books offers as many used books as
O ponto de interrogao (?) sugere dvida, incre- Abebooks.
dulidade, enquanto que o ponto de exclamao (!) c) Abebooks offers the best discounts.
indica surpresa/espanto. d) Browse for Books sells the newest book titles on the
e) Browse for Books offers free delivery for purchases
more expensive than 15.
Text III
Text IV
General Online Bookshops
UK Bookshops for ordering1 books online from bestselling
books to academic books to fiction and nonfiction books. All Santa Catarina Festivals
genres2 of books covering all interests in our UK Book Shopping Santa Catarina is a State of Festivities! Most of them
category. are in October when the Catarinense population breaks into1
a party mood and celebrates their origins and traditions in
Browse For Books Visit Website
about 10 events, which attract around 1.2 million visitors. The
Browse3 for Books is one of the newest bookstores onli- Oktoberfest in Blumenau is the main October Festivity where
ne and is fast becoming a leader in book sales over the Inter- there are allegoric parades2, beer wagons3, large dancing
net. With a library of over 2 million titles and very competitive parties, typical colored costumes and food which brings
pricing plus FREE delivery on orders over 15 (or 99p per item together about 700 thousand people every year. However, the
under 15). Catarinense calendar offers options all year round. There is the
Read More Fenaostra (oyster festival), which is organized in Florianpolis
and held in November. Another is the famous Pinho Festival,
Abebooks Visit Website
in Lages, which warms the wintry4 mountain region with
Millions of used books, secondhand books, rare books, thousands of tourists.
out-of-print 4 books, and other hard-to-find books. Abebooks
is the worlds largest network of independent booksellers.
Read More
1. to break into passar repentinamente a (um estado de /
Vocabulary uma situao de)
1. to order(ed) encomendar
2. parade desfile
2. genre gnero; estilo
3. wagon carro; carroa; vago
3. to browse(ed) pesquisar; folhear
4. out-of-print esgotado 4. wintry de inverno; gelada

Exercise II Exercise III

Assinale a alternativa correta. No quadrinho abaixo da questo, coloque a soma dos n-
1. De acordo com o texto: meros associados s proposies corretas, de acordo com
o texto.
a) Duas lojas compem o sistema de General Online
Bookshop. Considering the text, compare the meanings of each pair
b) Pode-se realizar compras por meio de carto de crdito. of sentences and select the proposition(s) in which the
c) As lojas dispem de vrios produtos, desde material es- meanings of sentences A and B are similar.
colar at livros de todos os gneros. 01. A. In October the Catarinense population breaks into a
d) Pode-se identificar os endereos e telefone para contato. party mood.
e) Browse for Books e Abebooks so as lojas mais famosas B. There is a joyful atmosphere in Santa Catarina in
do Reino Unido. October.


02. A. The Oktoberfest in Blumenau brings together 700 ORIENTAO DE ESTUDO
thousand people every year.
B. Seven hundred thousand tourists visit Blumenau all
Caderno de Exerccios Srie 5
year long.
04. A. However, the Catarinense calendar offers options all
year round. Tarefa Mnima
B. At the end of every year the Catarinenses have many AULA 9
festivities. Faa os exerccios 1 a 4.
08. A. There is the Fenaostra (oyster festival), which is
organized in Florianpolis and held in November.
B. The Fenaostra, held in November in Florianpolis, is AULA 10
one of the Catarinense festivals. Faa os exerccios 5 a 9.
16. A. The Pinho Festival, in Lages, warms the wintry
mountain region with thousands of tourists.
B. In Lages, the Pinho Festival brings together Tarefa Complementar
thousands of tourists to a warm region.
9 (1; 8)
Faa os exerccios 10 a 16.


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