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Assessment Plan
TWS Standard
The teacher uses multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning goals to
assess student learning before, during, and after instruction.

Design an assessment plan to monitor student progress toward the learning objectives(s). Use
multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning objectives to assess student
learning before, during, and after instruction for your "showcase" lesson. These assessments
should authentically measure student learning in an equitable manner and may include
performance based tasks, paper-and-pencil tasks, or personal communication. Describe why your
assessments are appropriate for measuring learning.


Pre: Students will write what they think bullying is on a sticky note and place it on the smartboard
During: Each student will have YES/NO notecards. Acts of bullying will be shown on the PowerPoint
and the students are to hold up YES if they think it is bullying and NO if it is not bullying.
Post: The class will be shown a Brain Pop video. Students will then complete Say No to Bullying

A. Provide an overview of the assessment plan.

Lesson Objectives Assessments Accommodations

Pre: Students will
write what they think
bullying is on a sticky
note and place it on
the board. This will be
graded using a
checklist. They will
By the end of the receive a 3 if they
lesson, students wrote their definition
will be able to and a 1 if they did not.
During: Students will Low achieving students
describe the
meaning of answer yes/no to will be seated at the front
slides on smartboard. as usual.
bullying and
Students will be
identify bullying
graded on a 1-3 scale.
behaviors with
They will receive a 3
90% accuracy.
answering 6/6 slides
correctly, a 2
answering 5/6 or 4/6
slides correctly, and
a 1 for answering
3/6 slides or less
Post: Students will
complete a fill-in-the
blank handout. This
will be graded on a 1-
3 scale, with a 1
answering 10/10
correctly, a 2
answering 9/10, 8/
10, or 7/10 correctly,
or a 1 answering
6/10 or less correctly
on the worksheet.

B. Describe the pre- and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective(s).

Student Pre During Post

Student 1 3 3 3
Student 2 3 3 2
Student 3 3 3 3
Student 4 3 3 3
Student 5 3 2 3
Student 6 3 3 3
Student 7 3 3 3
Student 8 3 3 3
Student 9 3 3 3
Student 10 Absent Absent Absent
Student 11 3 2 3
Student 12 3 3 3
Student 13 3 2 3
Student 14 3 3 3
Student 15*** 3 3 3
Student 16 3 3 2
Student 17 3 2 3
Student 19* 3 2 1
Student 20** 3 2 2
Student 21 3 1 1
Mean 3 2.57 2.63
Median 3 2 3
Mode 3 3 3

3- Student wrote their definition of bullying, answered YES/NO correctly to 6/6 slides, or
filled in 10/10 blanks on the worksheet correctly.
2- Student answered YES/NO correctly to 5/6 or 4/6 slides or filled in 9/10, 8/ 10, or 7/10
blanks on the worksheet correctly
1- Student did not write what they thought bullying was, answered YES/NO correctly to 3/6
slides or less, or filled in 6/10 blanks correctly or less on the worksheet.
*** High performing student
** Average performing student
*Low performing student

C. Discuss your plan for determining student progress during the lesson(s).
a. The assessments I plan to use to check on student progress is a scale of 1-3, with 1 being
the lowest and 3 the highest. 1 would indicate that the child does not fully understand and
needs extra assistance, 2 would indicate that the child understands but needs assistance,
and 3 would indicate that the child fully understands. The importance of collecting this
evidence will help me determine which students are able to describe the meaning of
bullying and identify bullying behaviors.
D. Post-assessment results.
a. See above chart.

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