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Chemical Papers 68 (8) 10151021 (2014)

DOI: 10.2478/s11696-014-0555-5


Comparison of digestion methods for determination

of total phosphorus in river sediments

Jitka Mal*, Marcela Lagov

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology,

Veveri 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Received 4 October 2013; Revised 7 January 2014; Accepted 18 January 2014

In this study, four digestion methods used to determine total phosphorus in river sediments,
including Na2 CO3 fusion, the H2 SO4 and H2 SO4 + H2 O2 methods and the SMT protocol were
investigated. Interference eects of iron, calcium and organic matter in river sediments, and the
substances contained in the digestion agents on the photometric determination of the phosphates
were analysed. The digestion methods were tested on ten river sediment samples. Statistical analysis
of the results showed signicant dierences between sample treatments relating to the mean total
phosphorus concentration.
c 2014 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Keywords: sediments, total phosphorus, digestion methods, photometric determination, interfer-


Introduction Sb3+ ions. The resulting molybdenum blue is suitable

for spectrophotometric evaluation. Sodium sulphite,
Phosphorus is recognised as one of the key fac- tin(II) chloride, 1-amino-2-naphtol-4-sulphonic acid,
tors responsible for the eutrophication of fresh water hydrazine sulphate, ferrous salt and ascorbic acid can
and a key element in biogeochemical cycles in river be used as reducing agents. Interferences in the analy-
ecosystems (House, 2003). Dissolved phosphorus com- sis of phosphorus may be expected from compounds in
pounds usually comprise only a small fraction of the the sediment that also react with molybdate (e.g. sil-
total phosphorus (TP) in bodies of water, hence they icates, arsenates, etc.) or aect the reduction of phos-
occur in river waters at low concentrations. Phospho- phomolybdic acid (e.g. Fe2+ /Fe3+ ) or from extraction
rus accumulates in sediments in both inorganic and reagents that alter the pH of the acid medium (e.g.
organic forms: it is physically adsorbed onto sediment HCl, H2 SO4 , NaOH, NH4 OH) (Maly, 1985).
surfaces, chemically bonded in minerals and is biologi- Decomposition of the sediment matrix can be
cally assimilated in cells and in the detritus originating achieved in various ways, usually based on methods
from biota (House et al., 2002). using strong acids or bases along with thermal degra-
Assessment of the TP content in sediments entails dation (Pardo et al., 1998).
decomposition of the sediment matrix followed by de- The oldest methods of determining TP in soils
termination of the released phosphates. The method were developed by soil scientists and were only later
most commonly used for the determination of phos- adopted by environmental researchers. Among these
phates is a spectrophotometric method with ammo- methods, sodium carbonate fusion and perchloric acid
nium molybdate. The phosphates react with ammo- digestion, both introduced by Jackson (1958), are of
nium molybdate in the acidic medium to form a particular importance. Carbonate fusion is regarded
heterocomplex of phosphomolybdic acid. This het- as one of the most eective digestion methods because
erocomplex is further reduced in the presence of it also extracts the phosphorus which forms part of in

*Corresponding author, e-mail:

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1016 J. Mal, M. Lagov/Chemical Papers 68 (8) 10151021 (2014)

the matrix of silicate minerals (Kovar et al., 2009). immersed into an ultrasonic bath lled with deionised
Combinations of the acids H2 SO4 + HF or HClO4 + water for 10 minutes.
HF have similar eects. The eect on the photometric determination of
Another method for determining phosphorus con- phosphates of the reagents used in the digestion and
centrations has been proposed by the Commission of certain substances which can be released from the
the European Communities within the framework of sediment was examined, using a concentration of P,
the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme c(PO34 ) = 0.5 mg L
. Each determination was car-
(SMT protocol). This protocol was designed to deter- ried out in 10 replicates. The dierences between a set
mine ve phosphorus fractions (inorganic P, organic of control samples and a set of samples with the tested
P, apatite P, non apatite inorganic P and TP) in sedi- substance were investigated using the Student t-test at
ments, and is based on the Williams method (Williams a 5 % signicance level. The statistical analyses were
et al., 1980, Ruban et al., 1999). performed using the R software (R Development Core
Other scientists, such as Blikov (1992), used sul- Team, 2009).
phuric acid as the digestion agent. Decomposition by The digestion methods were tested on ten sediment
sulphuric acid can be accelerated by adding potassium samples collected from three brooks in the Morava
or ammonium persulphate (Hupfer, 1995) or hydrogen river basin, Czech Republic: Troubsky (TRB) 3 sam-
peroxide (Zwirnmann, 1999). pling sites, Leskava (LES) 4 sampling sites and
Ostrofsky (2012) compared the eciency of four an un-named stream near the village of Hartmanice
selected digestion methods: the combustion method (HAR) 3 sampling sites. Wet sediments were passed
(similar to but not identical with the SMT proto- through a nylon sieve to separate the fractions smaller
col), the persulphate (K2 S2 O8 ) method, the HClO4 + than 100 m, then these fractions were dried at 105 C
HNO3 method and the H2 SO4 + H2 O2 method, on a to constant mass and manually crushed into powder.
collection of sediments from six lakes. He found no sig- The sediments were characterised by the organic mat-
nicant dierences between the methods with regard ter contents, expressed as the loss on ignition (Czech
to the mean TP concentrations. However, the persul- Oce for Standards, 2007), and calcium and iron con-
phate method exhibited greater variability than the tents determined using a Prodigy ICP optical emis-
other three methods. He explained that this resulted sion spectrometer (Teledyne Leeman Labs, USA) in
from the lower eciency of the persulphate method in accordance with respective methods (Czech Oce for
oxidising organic-bound phosphorus to reactive phos- Standards, Metrology and Testing, 2009).
phates in samples with a higher organic content (Os- In all the digestion methods tested the phosphorus
trofsky, 2012). contained in the samples was converted to soluble re-
It is obvious that the accuracy of the TP determi- active phosphorus, which was then measured using the
nation depends not only on the eciency of decom- molybdenum blue method proposed by Murphy and
position of the sediment matrix but also on the po- Riley (1962), using ascorbic acid as reduction agent.
tential interfering eects of the reagents used in the The optical density was measured at a wavelength of
decomposition reaction, as well as the substances re- 710 nm using a Cecil CE 2021 spectrophotometer. The
leased in the course of the decomposition of the sedi- detection limit of this method is c(PO34 ) = 0.005 mg
ment. The current study sought to compare four dif- L1 and the calibration curve is linear up to c(PO34 )
ferent commonly used digestion methods using spec- = 0.8 mg L1 .
trophotometric determination of the phosphates re- The rst digestion method tested was the sulphuric
leased. acid method described by Blikov (1992). Unfortu-
nately, the author did not provide a detailed account
Experimental of the parameters used. Accordingly, the following
conditions were used: a 100 mg sediment sample was
The following analytical reagent-grade chemicals: digested with 4 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid
sulphuric acid (Penta, CO); hydrochloric acid, hy- at 440 C for 70 min in a 100 mL Kjeldahl ask in
drogen peroxide, sodium and ammonium hydrox- a Digesdahl digestion apparatus (HachLange). This
ides, sodium hydrogen carbonate, ammonium molyb- was sucient time for the sample to become almost
date, ascorbic acid (Penta, Czech Republic), sodium clear. After cooling, the sample was transferred into
carbonate (Mach, Czech Republic), silica (Sigma a 200 mL volumetric ask, diluted with deionised wa-
Aldrich, Czech Republic), potassium antimonyl tar- ter, then 2,4-dinitrophenol was added and the sample
trate, ferric ammonium sulphate (Merck, Czech Re- neutralised with concentrated ammonium hydroxide
public) were used. 2,4-dinitrophenol (Aldrich, Czech to attain pH 5. The ask was then made up to 200 mL
Republic, 97 mass % purity) was also used with deionised water and, once the sediment settled,
All glassware was cleaned ve times with tap water an aliquot of the clear supernatant was analysed.
prior to use. Impurities were removed with a clean Several modications of the SMT protocol have
brush used only for this purpose. Next, the glassware been reported; the method described by Pardo et al.
was washed once using deionised water before being (2003) was used in this study. A 200 mg sediment sam-

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ple was combusted in a porcelain crucible at 450 C Table 1. Reagents used during decomposition methods tested
for 3 h. After cooling, 20 mL of 3.5 mol L1 HCl was
added and the suspension shaken for 16 h. Finally, the c/(mol L1 ) Na2 CO3 fusion SMTP H2 SO4 H2 SO4 + H2 O2
suspension was centrifuged at 5000 min1 for 10 min Na2 CO3 0.15
and an aliquot of the supernatant was analysed. NaOH a
The third procedure tested was the sodium car- HCl 3.5
bonate fusion method, performed as described by Ko- H2 SO4 0.64 0.37 0.55
NH4 OH a
var et al. (2009). A 1000 mg sample of sediment was
H2 O2 1.65
melted with 4 g of Na2 CO3 in a platinum crucible.
After melting, the mixture was heated using the full a) These reagents are added in small amounts to adjust pH of
power of the burner for 20 min in an oxidising atmo- the nal solutions.
sphere, then the contents of the crucible were dissolved
in 30 mL of 4.5 mol L1 H2 SO4 . The crucible and the Crawley (2007); otherwise analysis of pooled data with
lid were then placed in 25 mL of 1 mol L1 H2 SO4 an auto-correlated structure (streams) results in bi-
and brought to the boil. Both solutions were trans- ased p-values. If a signicant dierence was detected
ferred into a 250 mL volumetric ask and the ask among the treatments, the Tukey test for multiple
lled with deionised water. After allowing the sedi- comparisons was performed. Analyses were performed
ment to settle, a 2 mL aliquot of the clear supernatant using the R software (R Development Core Team,
was analysed. The pH of the aliquot was adjusted to 2009).
5 with 5 mol L1 NaOH, using 2,4-dinitrophenol indi- All the procedures were veried by analysis of a
cator. certied reference material BCR -684 river sedi-
The H2 SO4 + H2 O2 method has been used in our ment (European Commission, Joint Research Centre,
research centre for several years for TP analyses of Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements).
samples of both water and sediments. The method has In BCR -684, the concentrated HCl-extractable P is
been applied under various reaction conditions. For certied. The expanded uncertainties of the dierence
example, Hupfer digested 510 mg of sediment with between the results obtained and the certied value
a mixture of 2 mL of 5 mol L1 H2 SO4 , 2 mL of 30 (U ) were calculated and compared with the absolute
mass % H2 O2 and 20 mL of distilled water at 150 C for dierences between the mean measured values and the
16 h (Hupfer et al., 2004). The same author later used certied value (m ) (Linsinger, 2010). Standard devi-
the same parameters but reduced the digestion time ations of the measurements were used as rough esti-
to 8 h (Hupfer et al., 2009). Kleeberg used a reaction mates of measurement uncertainties.
time of 3 h at two temperatures (120 C and 160 C)
(Kleeberg et al., 2010). Ostrofsky digested a 510 mg Results and discussion
sediment sample with 2 mL of 5 mol L1 H2 SO4 and
2 mL of 30 % H2 O2 , with no added water at 120 C for The reagents used in the various decomposition
8 h (Ostrofsky, 2012). In the present study, the con- methods are listed in Table 1. Table 2 shows the con-
ditions were changed so that the reaction time could centrations of the reagents that were veried by the
be substantially reduced. A 100 mg sediment sample procedure described above as not interfering with the
was digested with 3 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid photometric determination of phosphates (error of less
in a 100 mL Kjeldahl ask at 440 C in a Digesdahl than 1 %). In addition, Table 2 also lists SiO2 and
digestion apparatus (Hach Lange), until white fumes Fe3+ since they are common components of the sed-
appeared. After heating for a further 5 min, 17 mL iments. When assessing the possible impact of these
of 30 % H2 O2 was added drop-wise through a capil- substances on photometric determination, both the di-
lary funnel and the mixture was heated for a further lution of the extract prior to the photometric deter-
5 min. After cooling, the volumetric ask was lled to mination, as well as the chemical transformations of
the 100 mL with deionised water and, once the sedi- reagents during decomposition, must be considered.
ment settled, an aliquot of the clear supernatant was The H2 SO4 method only uses sulphuric acid, at a
analysed. concentration in the leachate of 0.37 mol L1 . Prior to
All TP determinations were performed using three photometric analysis, the sample is diluted and neu-
replicates. The mean TP concentrations and coe- tralised with NH4 OH to pH 5, hence the H2 SO4 does
cients of variation were calculated for each method not interfere with the determination of phosphates.
and sediment sample. Both data sets were analysed The SMT protocol uses combustion followed by ex-
and no obvious violation of normality or homogeneity traction using hydrochloric acid. The HCl concentra-
and no obvious relationship between group mean and tion in the leachate is 3.5 mol L1 . So that the acidity
variance were found. In order to compare the mean TP does not interfere, the maximum permitted concen-
concentrations, the analysis of variance was conducted tration of HCl is 200 mmol L1 .Hence, the leachate
separately for each stream, with the sampling site as sample to be photometrically assessed must be diluted
a blocking factor. This procedure is recommended by at least 17.5 times or neutralised.

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Table 2. Concentrations of selected compounds that do not interfere with photometric determination of phosphates

Compound c/(mmol L1 ) Error/% P-value of the Student t-test

NaHCO3 10 0.7 0.084

NaOH 40 0.3 0.531
HCl 200 0.7 0.201
H2 SO4 120 0.8 0.269
NH4 OH 30 0.6 0.203
H2 O2 0.88 0.4 0.509
Fe3+ 1.5 0.1 0.917
SiO2 0.13 0.7 0.085

Fig. 1. Mean TP concentrations ( SD) in sediments obtained by the four analytical methods of decomposition tested.

The Na2 CO3 fusion includes a 25-fold dilution of ever, the H2 O2 is fully decomposed during digestion
the leachate sample prior to photometric determina- of the sediment.
tion and neutralisation of the acidic sample by the Interference by Fe3+ was observed at concentra-
addition of NaOH. There is uncertainty as to whether tions higher than 1.5 mmol L1 . Since sample por-
the acidication of the sample in the process of dis- tions of 100200 mg were used and large dilutions of
solving the solidied melt removes all of the carbon- the leachates obtained, the concentrations of iron were
ates in the form of CO2 . If not, residual hydrogen substantially lower than this value, even in case of sed-
carbonates could be present in the solution and in- iments rich in iron.
terfere via their buering capacity. However, at the Having demonstrated that neither sediment con-
recommended dilution, the concentration of hydro- stituents nor reagents interfered with the analysis of
gen carbonates cannot exceed the critical value of phosphorus, it was possible to compare the eciencies
10 mmol L1 . The advantage of this method is that, of the 4 extraction techniques.
unlike the other methods tested, it extracts phospho- The mean TP concentrations found in the sedi-
rus from apatite inclusions or those that are part of ments using the four digestion methods are shown in
the matrix of silicate minerals (Syers et al., 1967). The Fig. 1.
silicates released have negligible interfering eect on The results ranged from 0.52 mg g1 to 2.80
the photometric determination at the recommended mg g1 . Fig. 1 shows that the results obtained by the
dilution. various digestion methods dier from each other, but
In the leachate obtained by the H2 SO4 + H2 O2 the order of the results is not the same for all the sedi-
method, the concentration of sulphuric acid is ment samples. The variance calculated for each stream
0.55 mol L1 . This means that, in order to full the separately, with the sampling site as a blocking factor,
acidity conditions, the leachate must be either diluted showed a signicant dierence among the treatments
4.6 times or neutralised prior to photometric determi- of the LES and TRB samples (LES: F = 2.23, P =
nation. Hydrogen peroxide interferes even at very low 0.002; TRB: F = 10.70, P = 0.008). In the case of
concentrations. Given the reaction time required, how- samples from HAR, the dierence between the meth-

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Table 3. P-values of simultaneous tests for linear hypotheses sample, which diered from the remaining two sam-
concerning mean TP concentrations ples in its low calcium content. In the case of the
TRB1 and TRB7 samples, the results of the H2 SO4
Linear hypotheses LES TRB HAR
+ H2 O2 methods were lower. It can be assumed that,
H2 SO4 + H2 O2 H2 SO4 = 0 0.361 0.237 0.927 in the case of the samples with a high content of cal-
SMTP H2 SO4 = 0 0.028 0.034 0.267 cium (possibly phosphorus bound in apatite), a larger
Na2 CO3 fusion H2 SO4 = 0 0.069 0.007 0.517 dose of sulphuric acid and a longer contact time for
SMTP H2 SO4 + H2 O2 = 0 0.002 0.423 0.517 the H2 SO4 method in comparison with the H2 SO4 +
Na2 CO3 fusion H2 SO4 + H2 O2 = 0 0.006 0.064 0.268
Na2 CO3 fusion SMTP = 0 0.926 0.444 0.048
H2 O2 methods would be more eective than the ad-
dition of a strong oxidising agent (H2 O2 ).
For the HAR samples, a signicant dierence was
found only between the SMT protocol (the highest
TP concentrations measured) and the Na2 CO3 fusion
Table 4. Main characteristics of sediments analysed (the lowest TP concentrations measured). These sedi-
ments were rich in phosphorus, with the HAR2 sample
Sediment Loss on ignition/% Fe/(mg g1 ) Ca/(mg g1 ) having the highest concentration of all the sediments
LES8 10.5 1.1 13.8 1.8 2.9 0.2 tested. The HAR samples also had the highest con-
LES9 7.1 0.7 10.4 1.4 2.5 0.2 centrations of iron, calcium and medium-to-high con-
LES10 8.1 0.8 14.3 1.9 2.4 0.1 centrations of organic matter.
LES12 6.1 0.6 10.1 1.3 4.2 0.3 From these results, it may be concluded that the
TRB1 3.9 0.4 24.4 3.2 8.7 0.5 H2 SO4 and H2 SO4 + H2 O2 digestion methods were
TRB4 3.9 0.4 23.6 3.1 2.3 0.1
TRB7 3.3 0.3 24.4 3.2 17.8 1.1
ecient for all of the sediments analysed. At higher
HAR2 9.6 1.0 31.1 4.0 11.4 0.7 concentrations of organic substances, the H2 SO4 +
HAR3 6.5 0.7 30.4 4.0 11.2 0.7 H2 O2 method was more appropriate due to the addi-
HAR4 7.1 0.7 25.1 3.3 9.0 0.5 tion of an oxidising agent.
The SMT protocol was most ecient for the HAR
samples, where it gave results comparable with the
ods was just above the level of signicance (F = 4.22, H2 SO4 and H2 SO4 + H2 O2 methods. The HAR sed-
P = 0.063). Accordingly, the Tukey test for multiple iments diered from the other samples in their high
comparisons was performed on the data from all three calcium and iron contents. During its retention in bed
brooks. The results are shown in Table 3. sediments, P is initially adsorbed, particularly on the
Dierences in the results can be explained by the surfaces of Fe oxides, edges of calcite and calcium car-
relatively large diversity of the sediments, which dif- bonate surfaces of calcareous sediments, and can be
fered in their composition. The details are shown in released to the water phase again (Jalali et al., 2013).
Table 4. The values measured in the three brooks are Hence, it can also be easily desorbed by the extraction
typical for river/brook sediments. Similar data were procedure.
reported by House et al. (2002). Although the alkaline melting is undoubtedly a
Statistical analysis suggested that, for the LES very eective digestion method, especially because of
samples, the SMT protocol detected signicantly the decomposition of the silicate matrix, for this set of
lower levels of TP than the H2 SO4 + H2 O2 and H2 SO4 sediments analysed, the Na2 CO3 fusion gave low re-
methods. In addition, the Na2 CO3 method detected sults. This was probably the result of the experimental
signicantly lower levels of TP than the H2 SO4 + design in which the melting apparently decomposed
H2 O2 method. The LES samples were rich in organic the organic matter. Phosphorus compounds were most
matter and had low iron and calcium contents. The probably converted to phosphates, which, at the high
H2 SO4 method, which is thought to be ineective in temperatures, may have reacted with other compo-
consistently oxidising all organic-bound phosphorus to nents, such as iron and calcium, to form poorly solu-
reactive phosphates, especially in samples that are rich ble phosphorus compounds which were not dissolved.
in organic matter (Ostrofsky, 2012), was shown to be Another possible explanation is that the phosphates
suciently eective up to loss on ignition of 10.5 % released were adsorbed on the silicic acid precipitate.
(sample LES8). The mean coecients of variation of the methods
Like the TRB samples, which contained little tested were 7.70 % (Na2 CO3 fusion), 6.27 % (H2 SO4 ),
organic material and medium amount of iron, the 11.64 % (SMT protocol) and 6.15 % (H2 SO4 + H2 O2 ).
SMT protocol and the Na2 CO3 fusion provided lower According to one-way ANOVA, there was no signi-
amounts of phosphorus than the H2 SO4 method. No cant statistical dierence between the methods with
statistically signicant dierence was found between regard to the coecients of variation (F = 1.69, P =
the H2 SO4 and H2 SO4 + H2 O2 methods. However, 0.182). This suggests that there was no signicant dif-
more detailed analysis of the results showed that com- ference in relative variability of the results obtained
parable results were measured only for the TRB4 by the methods tested.

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Table 5. TP in BCR -684. Comparison of measurement re- a zistenie anorganickch zloiek. In A. Blikov (Ed.), Hy-
sults with a certied value (concentrated HCl ex- drochmia 92. Bratislava, Slovakia: Vskumn stav vod-
tractable P) nho hospodrstva v Bratislave. (in Slovak)
Crawley, M. J. (2013). The R book. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Measurement TP/( g g1 ) m /( g g1 ) U /( g g1 ) Czech Oce for Standards (2007). Czech standard: Character-
ization of waste Determination of loss on ignition in waste,
Certied value 1373 35 sludge and sediments. SN EN 15169. Prague, Czech Repub-
H2 SO4 1316 18 31 96 lic: Czech Oce for Standards.
H2 SO4 + H2 O2 1342 33 44 80 Czech Oce for Standards (2009). Czech standard: Water qual-
Na2 CO3 1329 19 57 78 ity Determination of selected elements by inductively cou-
SMTP 1467 38 94 200 pled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). SN
EN ISO 11885. Prague, Czech Republic: Czech Oce for
Table 5 shows the results of verication of all the House, W. A., & Denison, F. H. (2002). Total phosphorus con-
procedures by analysis of a certied reference material tent of river sediments in relationship to calcium, iron and or-
BCR -684 (three parallel determinations). ganic matter concentrations. Science of The Total Environ-
As m U for all the procedures tested, no ment, 282283, 341351. DOI: 10.1016/s0048-9697(01)00923-
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House, W. A. (2003). Geochemical cycling of phosphorus in
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BCR -684. s0883-2927(02)00158-0.
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perimental design (i.e. concentrated sulphuric acid 10.1007/bf00878395.
and a high digestion temperature), is simple, safe and Hupfer, M., Rube, B., & Schmieder, P. (2004). Origin and
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