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Primary audience research.

Evaluating the findings.

By Amy Hannah.

1) What are your findings?

From this research, I have found that the genre I intend on utilising for my print product would
be applicable for the print production in terms of reaching various audience types. It has also
been discovered that in terms of format and register, the audiences had taken a more lenient
interest towards the investigative register. This corresponds secondly with how I aim to target
towards the age bracket of 18-mid 30s as a primary audience type. As the magazine content
will focus on subcultures past to present across a range of eras in Brighton UK, this has meant
that an investigative piece will be more likely to resonate with those of a mature age range,
alongside younger audiences - providing both educative content and content of an entertaining
purpose. In terms of the graphology - audiences had commented how the house style should
take form of a strategic layout which can be easily read by audience type with the additional use
of primary colours. This would collaborate well with the context of the magazine as it will feature
a range of subcultures over time - therefore, a use of this colour scheme will coincide with a
plethora of audience types.

2) Are there any patterns/similarities? What does this tell you?

It has been discovered that throughout my findings, there are consistent patterns for the
favoured interest of subcultures being investigated rather than interviewed. This would appeal
more to audiences as it gives them more relevant knowledge in significance to the regional
area. Although, for future issues. Interviews could be more considerable in terms of article
content - providing more surrealistic content that allows the audience to resonate with the
product further. Some of the audience members who responded to the questionnaire also
commented upon how they would like the possibility of the product to be distributed online. E-
magazines are more current. However - the majority of my audience members will be primarily
in the 18-mid 30s age bracket. This has meant that due to the group containing mainly
students/mature adults, they may be wanting to read the product for a more of an educative
purpose alongside entertaining purpose of leisure. Both informative and entertaining
approaches combined to formulate my product will work in the favor of selling towards the
audience I am now targeting towards.

3) Does it tell you anything new about the audience that you originally intended for your

From this research, it has highlighted to me - as the producer that various conventional
elements alongside codes may be adopted to further the distribution and therefore sales of my
product. For example - how the use of imagery will impact upon the reader. The audiences
gave a clear indication as to what would work according to genre for the magazine. Medium-
close ups, medium-long shots and close ups of other forms were argued to be most beneficial
as a product in replicating subcultures in Brighton UK. It has also increased my awareness for
the range of audience types that would be interested in the product. Differentiating from youth
groups to more mature age groups. Moreover, the combination of both lifestyle and fashion as
sub genre themes that will run throughout the magazine have highlighted how it could lead to
secondary audiences being engaged with the magazine product. Overall, it has furthered my
knowledge for how often the product should be distributed. Providing a sufficient amount of
content so it can be periodically be distributed on a monthly basis, not yearly or weekly as this
would prove a lack of content (weekly) and overemphasis on content (if to be distributed yearly).
It has taught me how readership interest will have an impact on the sales of the product.

4) How will this research help and develop your work?

In relation to the development of my product. This has allowed me to understand how

manipulation of the product throughout will engage an audience I am aiming towards as keeping
with current patterns and trends. With this, original forms of editing throughout will decipher my
product from different competitive regional print magazines that have been distributed before.
Moreover - the audience research results are going to benefit my production by enhancing
stylistic elements such as graphology and typography and house style choices. As a result - I
will be able to alternate between styles for the various subcultures that will feature throughout
the print production. The use of primary colours being used as a house style with the uses of
variations of blues combined with variations of red will give the connotations of the livelihood of
the subcultural groups - particularly relating to the 1960s mods and rockers based within

5) Has it/will it develop and change what you had planned prior to this research?

From the results I have collated - it is evident that my print production will alternate slightly due
to the audiences recommendations for house style, graphology and photography choices.
However - from these results - the uses of investigative content will be enhanced for my
magazine as my audience group have commented how they would have a preference of this
rather than taking the register of interviews of the subcultures. This would correspond how the
magazine production will benefit both the younger audience - (students aged 18 and above) and
more mature audience types (late 20s-mid 30s).

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