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Judul : Hubungan antara Tingkat Kemampuan Perawatan Diri Lansia

dengan Perubahan Konsep Diri Lansia di UPT Pelayanan Lanjut

Usia dan Anak Balita Wilayah Binjai dan Medan
Nama : Febrina Angraini Simamora
NIM : 071101055
Jurusan : S1 Keperawatan
Tahun : 2011

Bertambahnya usia seseorang akan diikuti oleh berbagai perubahan yang
berpotensi menimbulkan masalah-masalah kesehatan. Setiap perubahan kesehatan
dapat menjadi stressor yang mempengaruhi konsep diri seseorang. Salah satunya
adalah adanya perubahan fisik yang mengakibatkan ketidakmampuan seseorang
dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan aktivitas
dasar sehari-harinya. Perubahan kondisi fisik lanjut usia berpengaruh pada kondisi
psikis, ketidakmampuan dalam melakukan perawatan diri akan mempengaruhi
konsep diri.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara tingkat
kemampuan perawatan diri lansia dengan perubahan konsep diri lansia. Desain
penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasi. Terdapat 50 orang sampel
sesuai dengan kriteria sampel penelitian. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang
digunakan adalah quota sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari-
April 2011. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa
data menggunakan uji hipotesa Spearman.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar lansia masih mandiri dalam transfer,
mobilisasi, menggunakan toilet, membersihkan diri dan berpakaian. Mayoritas
lansia memiliki konsep diri positif (86%). Hubungan antara tingkat kemampuan
perawatan diri lansia dengan konsep diri lansia dianalisis dengan uji spearman
sehingga didapatkan hasil taraf signifikan 0.000 (p<0.05) dan r = 0,571. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kemampuan
perawatan diri lansia dengan perubahan konsep diri lansia.
Lansia seharusnya berusaha lebih aktif dan mandiri dalam melakukan aktivitas
sehari-hari sehingga tercipta konsep diri yang positif pada lansia. Pada penelitian
selanjutnya diharapkan menggunakan desain prospektif agar lebih dapat
mengobservasi faktor resikonya.

Kata kunci : Lansia, Tingkat perawatan diri, Konsep diri

Title : The Relationship between the Self-Care Ability of the
Elderly and the Change of Self-Concept among Elderly at
UPT Pelayanan Lanjut Usia dan Anak Balita (Service for
the Elderly and Childrens) Binjai and Medan.
Name : Febrina Anggraini Simamora
Student Number : 071101055
Faculty : Nursing Science
Year : 2011

The older a person is, the more potential he gets health problems. The change in
health will eventually be the trigger which influences his self-concept. Physical
change is one of the causes which make a person unable to fulfill his need for life,
especially to fulfill his basic need for everyday activities. The change of the
physical condition of the elderly will influence his psychological condition, and
his inability to do self-care will influence his self-concept.
This research was aimed to identify the relationship between the ability to
do self-care of the elderly and the change of their self-concept. The design of this
research was descriptive correlation. There were 50 respondents who were used
for the samples which were in accordance with the criteria of research. The
samples were taken by using quota sampling technique. The research was
conducted from February until April, 2011. The data were collected by using
questionnaires and analyzed by using Spearman hypothesis test.
The result of the research showed that the majority of the old-aged were
still independent in transferring, mobilizing, using lavatories, taking a bath, and
putting on clothes. The majority of them had positive self-concept (86%). The
relationship between the self-care of the old-aged and their self-concept was
analyzed by using spearman test so that the researcher obtained the significance
level of 0.000 (p<0.05) and r = 0.571. The result of the research also showed that
there was the relationship between the ability of the elderly to do self-care and
their self-concept.
It was suggested that elderly should be independent and actively attempt to do
everyday activities so that they would have positive self-concept. It was also
suggested that the next research of the same case should use prospective design so
that the researcher would observe the risk factors.

Keywords: The Elderly, Level of Self-Care, Self-Concept

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