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A WorkLife4You Guide

Conflict Resolution
Conflict is a normal, natural part of human Consider the following tips:
relationships. People will not agree about
everything all the time. In and of itself, con- Respect differences. Many conflicts
flict is not necessarily a negative thing. When arise from differences in gender, genera-
handled constructively it can help people to tions, cultures, values, etc. We live in
stand up for themselves and others, and work an increasingly diverse world. Learn to
together to achieve a mutually satisfactory respect and celebrate peoples differ-
solution. But if conflict is handled poorly it ences and their opinions.
can cause anger, hurt, divisiveness and more Treat others as youd like to be treat-
serious problems. This guide discusses how to ed. Regardless of your personal opinion
deal with conflict in a constructive manner. of someone, be professional, courteous,
respectful, and tolerant, even when
Sources of Conflict youre frustrated. If a person treats you
disrespectfully, calmly tell them you do
There can be many causes or reasons for con-
not appreciate it. Do not exacerbate the
flict. However, some of the most common
situation by retaliating with inappropri-
ate behavior or comments.
Personal differences such as values, eth-
Keep negative opinions to your-
ics, personalities, age, education, gender,
selfMost people are put off by hearing
social and economic status, cultural back-
negative comments about othersespe-
ground, temperament, health, religion,
cially if its about personal issue. In the
political beliefs, etc.
workplace, this may lead to disciplin-
A clash of ideas, choices, or actions. ary action. Friends and acquaintances
For instance, conflict can occur when may be equally turned off by negative
people have incompatible goals, when comments about someone, particularly
they are in direct competition, or even if they feel they are being drawn into a
when they have different work styles. conflict or being asked to take sides. If
Finally, poor communication or mis- you need to vent about a personal issue,
communication is one of the biggest do so outside of the workplace, keep it
causes of conflict. to a close, trusted friend or a loved one
and keep it to a minimum.
Preventing Conflict Keep your distanceUnfortunately,
While it isnt possible to prevent all conflict, this is often easier said than done. Often
there are steps that you can take to try to keep the conflicts arise with those who are
conflict to a minimum. One way to manage closest to us. It is often easier to get
conflict is to prevent it from occurring in the along if you respect one anothers priva-
first place. Preventing conflict is not the same cy and boundaries. Taking a break from
as avoiding conflict. Preventing conflict means each other can go along way in keeping
behaving and communicating in a way that the peace.
averts needless conflicts.
Resolving Conflict Respond constructively. Let the other
Sometimes, conflict cannotor should person know you value what he or she
notbe avoided. Knowing how to deal with is saying, even if you dont agree. Try to
conflict is important for anyone. However, avoid responding negatively or directively,
often people have not been given the tools for example criticizing, ridiculing, dis-
to effectively deal with conflict. Consider the missing, diverting (talking about your-
following tips: self rather than about what the other
person has said) or rejecting the other
Address the issue early. The longer person or what they are saying.
you let an issue fester, the more time
you waste and the greater chance you Know your triggers. Learn to recognize
have of it spiraling into other problems. your personal warning signs for anger
and figure out the ways that work for
Address the issue privately. Set up a best for you to constructively control
time to talk in a private place, where your anger.
you wont be overheard or interrupted.
Speak to the person with whom you Maintain a sense of humor. Be will-
have the conflict and try to resolve the ing to laugh, including at yourself.
issue one-on-one before involving others. Maintaining a sense of humor can
relieve stress and tension, and help get
Expect discomfort. You may have to you and others through a difficult time .
say up front: Although this is uncom-
fortable for me, if I dont address this, Learn to compromise. Compromise
Im afraid we will not meet our goal. is important in any relationship. If you
disagree on an issue, discuss the prob-
Be specific and objective. Identify the lem calmly, allow each person to explain
specific issue at hand and the effect it is his or her point of view, and look for
having. Avoid generalizing statements ways to meet each other in the middle.
such as always, ever or never.
Stick to the subject; try not to digress Dont attempt to resolve conflict
into broad personality issues or revive when tempers are flaring. During an
past issues. argument, often no one can agree on a
Focus on the outcome. Dont dwell on reasonable solution. If that is the case,
problems or blame. Keep the spotlight agree to take a break and come back to
on finding solutions and how you will the problem later, when you have had
reach the desired outcomes. In order to time to settle down and think about the
reach the goal of X, I think we need to issue.
do Y. Know when to retreat. The conflict
Be open. Doing so establishes an atmo- resolution process will not always work.
sphere of mutual respect and coop- The level of the skills of some people may
eration. Listen to and consider others not be at the point where they can be full
opinions, points of view and ideas. partners in this process. For example, you
Understand and appreciate that they may have a spouse who does not want
think differently than you and may to, or know how to, solve the problem.
bring a greater, or different, understand- You may also have a conflict with a co-
ing to the table that will help resolve the worker, boss or higher-up who is known
problem more quickly and effectively. for irrational outbursts. You must take all
these factors into consideration and know
when it may be more appropriate for you
to cut your losses and retreat.
Practice forgiveness. There may be Step Seven: Review all the possible solu-
times when someone makes a mistake tions and highligh those you find mutu-
or says or does something hurtful ally acceptable. Hopefully you will have
whether intentionally or unintention- at least one or two that you agree upon.
ally. While its okay to be angry, its Step Eight: Choose the one (or few)
also important to let go of the anger that you agree will work best.
and move on. On a personal level, it is
healthier to let go of negative emotions Step Nine: Put a plan into action.
like stress and anger. And its difficult What steps will you take to implement?
to maintain a good relationship if you How will you review progress?
cant get past these feelings. By creating step-by-step guidelines and mutu-
ally agreed upon solutions and action plans,
Mutual Conflict Resolution you should be able to minimize conflict and
In most cases you should be able to resolve achieve desired goals.
conflicts by working with others involved.
Here are some steps to consider: Dealing Constructively with Anger
Step One: Identify the purpose and Conflict can result in anger. Anger is a nor-
importance of the conflictand your mal human emotion ranging from annoyance
mutual desire to solve it. to absolute rage. Each persons anger trig-
gers are different, some may get angry at a
Step Two: Takes turns listening to each friends behavior, other causes of anger can
others side. This is a very important be more serioussuch as personal problems
step and one that requires good listen- or a previous traumatic experience.
ing skills.
In and of itself, anger is not necessarily a
Step Three: Once all the issues are problemwhen focused appropriately it can
discussed, repeat and summarize what help people to stand up for themselves and
was said. It may help to write this down others. But if anger is channeled in negative,
or even create minutes to document inappropriate ways it can cause problems.
issues discussed. Consider the following ideas to help deal con-
Step Four: Ask questions as needed and structively with anger:
encourage others to do the same. Do Anger is a strong emotion, and isnt
you understand their point of view? Are always easy to control. Two crucial skills
you sure they understand yours? Clarify in managing anger are self-awareness and
as needed. self-control. Try to recognize and identify
Step Five: No matter how intense your feelings, especially anger. Once the
the conflict, you should always find feeling is identified you can then think
issues or points that you agree upon: about the appropriate response.
For instance, we agree our goal is to Self-awareness is being conscious of
increase sales by 10 percent this year. thoughts and feelings. Examine how
Or, we agree that we need to cut our and why you are feeling angry to bet-
household costs, we just dont agree on ter understand and manage these feel-
what costs we can cut. ings. For example, ask yourself questions
Step Six: Next, list ALL Solutions such as why am I angry? or What is
even those that may seem unrealistic, making me feel this way? to assist in
unreasonable, or wrong. self-analysis. Learn to recognize your
personal warning signs for anger.
Self-control means stopping and consid- Change the scene. A change of envi-
ering actions before taking them. Learn ronment may help reduce angry feel-
to stop and think before you act or ings. For example, if your co-workers
speak in anger. For exam- ple, envision or friends are angry frequently and/or
a stop sign when you are angryand make you angry, consider spending time
to take the time to think about how to with people who may contribute more
react. Explore techniques to calm down to your self-confidence and well-being.
such as counting backwards from ten Find a distraction. If you cant seem
to one, deep breathing, or just walking to let your anger go, it can help to do
away. something distracting, for example, read
Relax. Try relaxation exercises, such as or watch television or a movie
breathing deeply from the diaphragm Set a good example. If you are teaching
(the belly, not the chest) and slowly your child to control their anger, make
repeating a calming word or phrase like sure you practice what you preach.
take it easy. Or to think of relaxing Show by example how you manage your
experiences, such as sitting on a beach own anger.
or walking through a forest.
Think positively. Remind yourself that When to Seek Help
no one is out to get you, you are just
There may be times when, despite your best
experiencing some of the rough spots of
efforts, you may not be able to resolve a con-
daily life.
flict on your own. If so, get help.
Problem-solve. Identify the specific
If the conflict is work-related, you may need
problem that is causing the anger and
to speak to your manager or human resources
approach it head-oneven if the prob-
department, particularly if the situation is
lem does not have a quick solution.
affecting your work or impeding your chanc-
Communicate with others. Angry es of achieving goals.
people tend to jump to conclusions and
In any conflict, if the conflict is is so severe
speak without thinking about the con-
that its leading to serious relationship prob-
sequences of what they are saying. Slow
lems, or creates a danger of physical harm
down and think carefully about what
and/or emotional or psychological damage,
you want to say. Listen carefully to
seek immediate help. Consider the following
what the other person is saying.
sources of assistance:
Manage stress. Set aside personal time
Your employee assistance program
to deal with the daily stresses of work,
activities, and family. Ideas include:
listening to music, writing in a journal, Medical practitioner
exercising, meditating, or talking about Mental health professionals, such as psy-
your feelings with someone you trust. chiatrists, psychologists, social workers,
or mental health counselors, etc.
Community mental health resources

This publication is for general informational purposes only and is not intended
to provide any reader with specific authority, advice or recommendations.

Copyright 2011 LifeCare, Inc. All rights reserved. LifeCare, Inc. is the
worldwide provider of Life Event Management Services

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