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Clank! Solo variant v.

1. Setup
Setup the game as normal for 2 players. (but place 2 meeples for the AI player).
Also prepare some dice (the colours are a suggestion only):
2 blue D6s
1 grey D6
1 yellow D4
2 D4 in the colours of AI player (e.g. red, blue).
Put one blue D6 on the third space of the countdown track.
Put one coin the second space of the countdown track.

2. Turns
Play your turn as normal.

Whenever you draw cubes from the bag put the black cubes on the first space of the countdown track. If you have 5
cubes on a space starting putting them on the next one. If you ever need to put back some black cubes into the bag take
them from the rightmost space only. If a card says you can return more black cubes you do not do that, i.e. you can only
return cubes from a space that does not have 5 cubes yet. If at least one cube reaches the blue dice add it to the AI player

On AI player turn roll all the dice and do the following:

a) The blue dice remove cards from the dungeon, counting from the left and put them in the AI player's scoring pile. If
the card gives gold put it in the AI player's pile at this time. If the AI rolls two blue dice and they roll the same number
remove only one card.
b) The yellow dice removes a card from the reserve, again counting from the left, put the cards in the AI player's scoring
pile. Of course do not remove the goblin when rolled but give the AI the gold.
c) Give the AI player the amount of gold based on the grey dice roll, until the black cubes reach the second space treat it
as D3 (divide by half) later a D6.
d) The D4s will move the AI meeples. Roll them and for each meeple start counting the paths leading out of its room
starting with the one pointing north and going in clockwise manner. E.g. if you roll 2 the meeple will go into the second
path to the right of north. AI meeple will not go into the same room as the other AI meeple, unless this is the only
choice. If any of the adjacent rooms has a token in it (secret, market etc.) move the AI meeple there without rolling. If
there are 2 such rooms roll and choose ignoring any other paths. AI meeples can always move through any paths that
are not one directional (they still obey the arrows on the paths) regardless of what they are (so they ignore monster
attacks, locks etc). If an AI meeple moves into a room with tokens place one random token from this room in the AI
scoring pile, if it moves onto a marketplace do the same with a random item. The AI can have an unlimited number of
artifacts and counts its points regardless of the position of its meeples at the end of the game.

3. Game end.

The game ends when you leave the dungeon (you get 20 points) or when at least one black cube reaches the last space
of the countdown track. At this point you are knocked out (as per standard rules you can be saved by the villagers).

Count all your points as normal, compare with the number of points in the AI scoring pile (always give the AI 20 points
as if it left the dungeon). If you have more points than the AI you have won the game.

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