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Polusi Udara

Udara merupakan salah satu sumber kehidupan utama untuk tetap mempertahankan
hidup. seluruh proses metabolisme tubuh kita memerlukan oksigen yang terdapat dalam udara
untuk dapat bekerja. Akan tetapi tidak semua udara berdampak baik bagi tubuh kita. Udara
yang telah berpolusi atau tercemar udara oleh substansi fisik, kimia, atau biologi di atmosfer
dalam jumlah banyak dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia, tumbuhan, dan memicu
terjadinya efek rumah kaca.
Air is one of the main sources of life to survive. All our body metabolism requires oxygen
present in the air to be able to work. But not all the air will be good for our bodies. The air has been
polluted or contaminated air by a physical substance, chemical, or biological weapons in large
quantities can be harmful to human health, plants, and trigger a greenhouse effect.

For human health, air pollutant substances such as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur
dioxide (Sox), hydrocarbons (HC), and others can enter the body through the respiratory
system. The deep penetration of pollutants into the body depends on the type of pollutant.
Large-sized particles can be retained in the upper respiratory tract, whereas small particulates
and gases can reach the lungs. From the lungs, pollutants are absorbed by the circulatory
system and spread throughout the body. The most common health impacts are ISPA (upper
respiratory infection), including asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders.
While the impact of air pollution for plants is able to inhibit the growth and prone to disease,
such as chlorosis, necrosis, and black spots. Particulate deposited on the surface of the plant can
inhibit the process of photosynthesis which is a plant metabolism to produce energy. As a result of
the effect of making the plant which should serve as the polluted air purifier decrease the function.

Bagi kesehatan manusia, Substansi pencemar yang terdapat di udara seperti

karbonmonoksida (CO), Sulfurdioksida (Sox), Hidrocarbon (HC), dan lain-lain dapat
masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui sistem pernapasan. Jauhnya penetrasi zat pencemar ke dalam
tubuh bergantung kepada jenis pencemar. Partikulat berukuran besar dapat tertahan di saluran
pernapasan bagian atas, sedangkan partikulat berukuran kecil dan gas dapat mencapai paru-
paru. Dari paru-paru, zat pencemar diserap oleh sistem peredaran darah dan menyebar ke
seluruh tubuh. Dampak kesehatan yang paling umum dijumpai adalah ISPA (infeksi saluran
pernapasan atas), termasuk di antaranya, asma, bronkitis, dan gangguan pernapasan lainnya.

Sedangkan dampak polusi udara bagi tanaman adalah dapat menghambat

pertumbuhan dan rawan terkena penyakit, antara lain klorosis, nekrosis, dan bintik hitam.
Partikulat yang terdeposisi di permukaan tanaman dapat menghambat proses fotosintesis
yang merupakan metabolisme tumbuhan dalam menghasilkan energi. Akibat dari efek
tersebut membuat tanaman yang seharusnya berfungsi sebagai pembersih udara yang
tercemar akan mengalami penurunan fungsi tersebut.

Another dangerous effect is the greenhouse effect caused by increased concentrations

of carbon dioxide (CO2) gases and other gases in the atmosphere. The incident triggered the
phenomenon of global warming which is a long-term effect of air pollution. The impact of
global warming is the increase in the earth's average temperature, polar ice melting, regional
and global climate change, changes in the life-cycle of flora and fauna.
As a concluding remark, it is undeniable that the existence of the air in our lives is of
great importance both to our people, to our plants and to our earth. To prevent the occurrence
of human health disorders, plant growth disturbances, and greenhouse gases or global
warming, let us together keep the air clean around us such as reducing the use of private
vehicles, replanting trees after use, and reducing the use of CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) through
reduction of cooling usage. Prevention is certainly a wise choice for the next generation can
still enjoy a healthy air.

Dampak berbahaya lainnya adalah Efek rumah kaca yang disebabkan karena
meningkatnya konsentrasi gas karbon dioksida (CO2) dan gas-gas lainnya di atmosfer.
Kejadian tersebut memicu fenomena pemanasan global yang merupakan efek jangka panjang
dari pemcemaran udara. Dampak dari pemanasan global adalah Peningkatan suhu rata-rata
bumi, Pencairan es di kutub, Perubahan iklim regional dan global, Perubahan siklus hidup
flora dan fauna.

Sebagai statement penutup, tak terpungkiri bahwa keberadaan udara dalam kehidupan
kita sangatlah penting baik itu terhadap manusia, tumbhan maupun bagi bumi kita. Untuk
mencegah teradinya gangguan kesehatan manusia, gangguan pertumbuhan tanaman, dan efek
rumah kaca alias pemanasan global maka marilah kita bersama-sama tetap menjaga
kebersihan udara disekitar kita seperti mengurangi penggunaan kendaran pribadi, penanaman
pohon kembali setelah digunakan, dan pengurangan penggunaan CFC (klorofluorokarbon)
melalui pengurangan penggunaan pendingin. Pencegahan-penjegahan tersebut tentu menjadi
pilihan bijak agar generasi selanjutnya dapat tetap menikmati udara yang sehat. Demi anak
cucu kita, kita bertanggung jawab atas kelangsungan hidup mereka.
Since 1999, global observer agencies, Transparency International (TI) gives a
predicate to indonesia that it is belonged in 5 the most corrupt countries in the world and the
largest number of corruption in Asia. How can it happened? There are some causes of
rampant corruption in Indonesia.
The first reason, So many politician are immoral. Instituion which is popular with the
term politician is The People's Representative Council. It is fact that The People's
Representative Council is the most corruption institution than the other one. It shows so
many bad morals politicians have a bad morality while its authorities are strategic to
determine using state money.
The second, it is weak the law enforcement. A basic principle of law that state
equality before the law is negleted by the law enforcer in facing case. People think that Our
laws are strong to poor people or coommoners and very weak to bourgeoisie, so that they are
adventurous to violate rules of law.
The third, Indonesians general election system does not prioritize ones quality.
Although general election candidates get some test about how much knowledge they have but
it is just a formality. the number of voices people only become determining whether they can
officiate this country or not.
Politic, law, and general election system are important components in developing our
country. if one of them have trouble such as immoral politicians, weak law enforcement, and
general election not accentuating candidate's quality in deciding, Indonesia corruption index
will be increasing. therefore, All components of society must cooperate in fixing the that
problems that are currently chronic.

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