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Spanish 1

Lesson Activities
Student Answer Sheet

Expressing Likes, Dislikes, and Desires

The Lesson Activity will help you meet these educational goals:
Vocabulary SkillsYou will use new and learned vocabulary in different real-world
Cultural AwarenessYou will investigate the culture and customs of other countries and
compare them to your own.
Communication SkillsYou will practice reading, writing, and listening skills to
communicate meaningfully in a new language.
21st Century SkillsYou will employ online tools for research and analysis.

You will evaluate these activities yourself. Please save this document before beginning the
lesson and keep the document open for reference during the lesson. Type your answers
directly in this document for all activities.

Self-Checked Activities

Read the instructions for the following activities and type in your responses. At the end of the
lesson, click the link on the Summary screen to open the Student Answer Sheet. Use the
answers or sample responses to evaluate your own work.

1. Necesitamos comer
Recall some of the recipes you read and write a recipe of your own using some of the
vocabulary you learned.

Your response should include at least some of the following terms:

Para preparar
Es necesario

Sample answer:
Para preparar los panqueques, primero necesitas poner 4 huevos, 1 taza de harina, 1
taza de leche y 1 cucharada de azcar en un bol y batirlos muy bien. Pues, necesitas
poner aceite en un sartn y poner un cucharn de esta pasta en el sartn. Cuando ya
est cocido de un lado, es necesario darle la vuelta.

2. Me gusta y no me gusta
Read the foods and activities listed below and write your opinion on each. Be sure to
mention why you like or dislike them.

los deportes como ftbol y el bisbol

el pastel de zanahoria (carrot cake)
el grupo Counting Crows
sopa de cebolla a la francesa (French onion soup)

Sample answer:
(A m) me gustan los deportes como ftbol y el bisbol porque son divertidos.

3. Espaol en el mundo
Select a Spanish-speaking country from South America, Europe, or the Caribbean and do
some research on the Internet to find out a bit about foods that are considered delicacies.

Be sure to explain how the countrys climate and geography have influenced the cuisine.
Alternatively, you may choose a popular sport and describe its history, significance, and

Note: Avoid websites such as Wikipedia because the information they provide might not
be accurate.

Sample answer:
Answers will vary.
Tapas are a diverse range of snacks or appetizers that are widely popular in Spanish
cuisine. Although originally from Spain, the tradition of tapas quickly spread to Latin
America and consequently, the rest of the world. Often served in bars, they are prepared
with a wide variety of ingredients that range from olives, potatoes, and various cheeses to
squid, salmon, or sausage.

The word tapas comes from the Spanish word for lid, tapa. Its believed that the tapa
was a piece of bread or meat used to cover glasses of alcohol to prevent fruit flies from
hovering over the drinks. The meat used was usually a slice of ham or chorizo sausage,
and often made drinkers thirsty, due to its saltiness. As patrons ordered more drinks,
bartenders began serving a variety of snacks with their drinks.

4. Leer y escribir
Read the recipe below and answer the following questions in complete sentences in

Batir la mantequilla, agregar el azcar y seguir batiendo. Echar los huevos uno a uno
batiendo bien hasta que estn totalmente incorporados.
Agregar la harina cernida y la cocoa, y aadir un poco de la leche, mezclando bien,
hasta obtener una masa uniforme.
Llevar la masa al horno precalentado a 350 F en un molde enmantequillado y
enharinado por media hora.

a. List the ingredients used in the recipe.
Note: Your answer should begin with:
para la receta, necesitas
es necesario usar

Sample answer:
Para la receta necesitas mantequilla, azcar, huevos, harina, cocoa, cernida y leche.

b. List the ingredients used to form the batter.

Note: Your answer should begin with:
para la receta, necesitas
es necesario usar

Sample answer:
Para hacer la masa necesitas harina cernida, cocoa y leche.

c. What dish is being prepared?

Sample answer:
una torta de chocolate (a chocolate cake)

d. Using the vocabulary youve learned and online research (if necessary), create a list of
instructions describing how to play your favorite sport.

Your responses should begin with: Para jugar

Sample answer:
Para jugar ftbol, necesitas patear la pelota hacia el arco (goal).

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