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Name of work :- pkn

1 Tank size L= 6.00 x B= 4.00 x H= 3.00 m 72000
2 Height of tower from G.L. = 6.00 m Foundation from G.L. 1.00 m
3 Saturated soil unit wt 17.00 kN/m3 N/m3
4 Wind pressure = 1.00 kN/m2 Nomber of colums 4.00 No.
5 Size of columns = 0.30 x 0.30 m Height of Braces 3.00 m
6 Permissible stress:-
7 Conrete M 20 concrete unit wt. 24 kN/m3 24000
scc 5 N/mm 2
m 13.33
scbc 7 N/mm2 Q 0.669
8 Steel fy 415 J 0.903
ssc 190 N/mm2 (Columns) ssc 150 N/mm2 (water tank)
9 Nominal Cover 30 mm Water unit wt 9.80 kN/m 3

10 Wall Thickness 220 mm Bottom Slab thickness 300 mm 0.30

11 Reinforcement
(A) For Water Tank
Long wall
In side near corner Horizont 20 mm F bars 150 mm c/c 1.00 m height
above the base, near corners.
in side middle horizontal 20 mm F bars 150 mm c/c upto top
Out side middle horizontal 20 mm F bars 300 mm c/c upto top
Short wall
In side near corner Horizont 20 mm F bars 150 mm c/c upto top
Out side middle horizontal 20 mm F bars 300 mm c/c, upto top
Distribution 10 mm F bars 230 mm c/c vertical
Short span mm F bars mm c/c
Long span mm F bars mm c/c,
(B ) For Ring Beam
Bottom main 1st tier mm F bars Nos.
Bottom main 2nd tier mm F bars Nos.
Top main mm F bars Nos.
distribution 2 ldge strirrups mm F bars mm c/c
(C) For columns mm F bars mm c/c
Main vertical
Leteral distribution mm F bars mm c/c
(D) For Braces
Main mm F bars mm c/c Both top and bottom
Distribution mm F bars mm c/c
(E) For Bottom Beam
(F) For Raft foundation
12 Base 8 mm f bars #REF! mm c/c in both direction
20 mm f 20 mm f
150 mm c/c 150 mm c/c

220 4.00
20 mm f 300 mm c/c mm
20 mm f 20 mm f
A 20 mm f 150 mm c/c 300 mmc/c 10 mm f 300 mmc/c
20 mm f 300 mm c/c 230 mmc/c
20 mm f 300 mm c/ (d)
10 mm f 230 mm c/c both side 10 mm f 20 mm f 10 mm f
20 mm f 150 mm c/ (d+e) 150 mmc/c 300 mmc/c 150 mmc/c
Bars(c) 20 mm f ### mmc/c


Section plan at depth of H/4 or 1 mt. Section on CD

220 6.00

Bar(a) 20 mm f 300 mm c/c

20 mm f 600 mm c/c
10 mm f 230 mm c/c Bar(b) 20 mm f 300 mm c/c
10 mm f 230 mm c/c Bar(c) 20 mm f 300 mm c/c
20 mm f 300 mm c/c
8 mm f ### mm c/c both way Bar(d) 20 mm f 300 mm c/c

Bar F Bar(e) 10 mm f 230 mm c/c
Section on AB


(water tank)

Name of work:- pkn
1 Tank size 6.00 x 4.00 x 3.00 m 72.00 cum 72000
2 Height of tower from G.L. 6.00 m Foundation from G.L. 1.00 m
3 Satureted soil unit wt. 17.00 kN/m3 17000 N/m3
4 Wind pressure 1.00 Noumber of columns = 4.00
5 Size of columns 0.30 x 0.30 height of braces = 3.00 m
6 Permissible stress:-
Concrete M 20 Unit wt of cocnrete = ### N/m3
scc 5 m = 13.33
scbc 7 N/mm2 Q = 0.669
Steel (HYSD) fy 415 N/mm 2
J = 0.903
ssc 190 N/mm (Columns)
ssc = 150 N/mm2 (For Tank)
9 Nominal cover 30 mm unit wt. of water = 9.80 N/mm 3
1 Design Constants:- For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 20 wt. of concrete = 24000 N/mm2
scbc = 7 N/mm2 m = 13.3
sst = 150 N/mm2 sst = 190 N/mm2 sst = 230 N/mm2
k = 0.384 k = 0.329 k = 0.289
j = 0.872 j= 0.890 j = 0.904
R = 1.171 R= 1.026 R = 0.913

2 Design of vertical wall

(A) Determination of B.M. for horizontal bending :--
L/B = 6.00 / 4.00 = 1.50 < 2
Hence Both long and short walls will bend horizontally for upper portion, upto poin D, where horizontal water
pressure is p=w(H-h).
Here h = H/4 or 1 m which ever is greater \ h = 1.00 m
Thus top 2.00 m height of walls will be bend horizontally while the bottom 1.00 m will bend as
vertical cantilever . The bending moments for horizontal bending may be determined by moment
distribution by considering tank as continuos frame of unit height at level of D.
Water pressure p at point D is given by =p= w (H - h ) = 9800 ( 3.00 - 1.00 )= 19600
PL 2
P x 6.00 '= 2
The Fixed end moments for long wall = = 3.00 P N-m
12 12
PB2 P x 4.00 2'=
Fixed end moments for short wall = = 1.33 P N-m
12 12
Refer fig 1. Consider quarter frame FAE with joint A rigid. Taking clock wise moment as positive and anticlock
wise moment as negative, the fixed end moment M AF for long wall will be + 3.00 P while the fixed end
end moments MAF for short wall will be - 1.33 P Considreing Area A and moment of inertia l for
both the walls to be the same, the stiffness of walls will be inversely proportional to these length.
Thus we have following table.
Member Stiffness Relative stiffness Sum Distribution factor
1 1 2
AE x 6.00 = 2 = 0.4
3 3 5
1 1 3
AF x 6.00 = 3 = 0.6
2 2 5

The moment distribution is carried out in the following table.

Joint A
Member AE AF
Distribution facvtor 0.4 0.6

Fixed end moments + 3.00 p - 1.33 p

Balancing moments - 0.667 p - 1 p

Final moments + 2.33 p - 2.33 p

Hence moment at supports, Mf= 2.33 x 19600 = 45733 N-m/m

This support moment will cause tension at the water force.
p L2 ### x 6.00 2
B.M. at the center long span = - Mf "= 45733 = 42467
8 8
This bending moment cause tension at outer face.
p B2 ### x 4.00 2
B.M. at the center short span = - Mf "= 45733 = -6533
8 8
This will cause tension at the water face. \ Max. design B.M. = 42467

(B) Design of section :- Considring bending effect alone,

42467 x 1000
Required depth = = 190 mm
1.171 x 1000
Provide total depth T= 190 + 30 = 220 mm so that available d = 190 mm

(C) Determination pull :-

Direct tension on Long wall = PL = P x B/2 = 19600 x 4.00 / 2 = 39200
Direct tension on short wall = PL = P x B/2 = 19600 x 6.00 / 2 = 58800

(D) Cantilever Moment :- Cantilever moment atb the base, per unit length .
h2 9800 x 4.00 x 1.00 2
= wH x = 6533 N-m
6 6
This will cause tension at water face.
(E) Reinforcement at corners of long walls.:- The upper portion of long walls is subjected to both bending in
horizontal direction as well as pull. The reinforcement for both will be in horizontal direction. Hence
reinforcement has to be provided for a net moment (M F - Px ), where Mf is the moment at ends (causing
tension on water face). Similarly vertical section of unit height ( 1 m) of long wall, at its end, at the level of
1.00 m above the base , where reinforcement is provided at the water face.
T 220
x= d- = 190 - = 80 mm
2 2
Mf - Pl x 45733 x 1000 ) - ### x 80
Ast for B.M. = = = 1714 mm2
sst.j.d 150 x 0.872 x 190
PL 39200
Ast for pull = = = 261 mm2
ss 150
Total Ast = 1714 + 261 = 1975 mm2 per meter height.
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of Bars = 1000 x 314 / 1975 = 159 say = 150 mm
Hence Provided 20 mm F bar, @ 150 mm c/c. The above reinforcement is to be provided at
inner face, near the corners, and at a height 1.00 m above the base. For other height the above spacing
may be varied, since bending moment will reduce.

(F) Reinfocement at the middle of long wall. :-

Tension occurs at outer face. However, since distance of corner of steel from
water face will be less than 225 mm, permissible stress will be 150 N/mm2 only. Design constants
will be k= 0.384 j = 0.872 R = 1.171
Design B.M. = 42467 N-m per meter height. Also P L = 39200 N
M - Pl x 42467 x 1000 ) - ### x 80
Ast for B.M. = = = 1582 mm2
sst.j.d 150 x 0.872 x 190
PL 39200
Ast for pull = s = = 261 mm2
s 150
Total Ast = 1582 + 261 = 1843 mm2 per meter height.
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of Bars = 1000 x 314 / 1843 = 170 say = 170 mm
This is very near to the reinforcement provided at ends.Hence provided 20 mm f bars 150
c/c. Bend half the bars provided at ends, distance L/4 = 1.50 m form ends.
This reinforcement is to be provided at outer face. The additional 20 mm f bars provided @ 300
are continued upto the end.

(G) Reinforcement for shorts walls.:-

B.M. at ends=Mf = 45733 N-m Direct pull pu = 58800 N
M - PB x 45733 x 1000 ) - ### x 80
Ast for B.M. = = = 1651 mm2
sst.j.d 150 x 0.872 x 190
PL 58800
Ast for pull = = = 392 mm2
ss 150
Total Ast = 1651 + 392 = 2043 mm2 per meter height.
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of Bars = 1000 x 314 / 2043 = 154 say = 150 mm
Hence provide 20 mm f bars @ 150 mm c/c at inner face near the ends of short span.
The B.M. at the center of short walls cause tension at water face (unlikethat in the center of long walls where
tension is produced at outer face ).since this B.M. is small, only nominal reinforcement is required. Similarlly,
we have to provide nominal reinforcement at outer face,. Hence bend half bars outward at distance B/4=
m from each end, and continue remaning half tjrought. Thus at the center of span, the reinforcement on each
face will consist of 20 mm f bars @ 300 mm c/c.

(H) Reinforcement for cantilever moment and distribution reinforcement.:-

max. cantilever moment= 6533 N-m
6533 x 1000
Ast = = 263 mm2
150 x 0.872 x 190
But minimum reinforcementin vertical direction = x( 220 x 1000 )= 660 mm2
Since half of this area of steel can reist cantilever momnt, we will provide = 330 mm2 steel area vertically
on the inner face and remaining area i.e.= 330 mm2 vertically at outer face to serve as distribution
reinforcment. \ Area of steel on each face = 330 mm2.
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 10 x 10
using 10 mm bars A = = = 78.5
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of Bars = 1000 x 78.5 / 330 = 238 say = 230 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 230 mm c/c on out side face, at bottom of long wall

2 Design of Horizontal slabe :-

(A) Loading and B.M. :-
Ratio of l/b = 6.00 / 4.00 = 1.50 < 2 Two way slab
Let the thickness of slab (for purpose of calculating the self weight) = 300 mm
Load due to self weight of Slab = 1 x 1.00 x 0.30 x ### = 7200 N/m
Load due to water = 1 x 1.00 x 3.00 x 9800 = 29400 N/m
Super imposed live load = 1 x 1 x 2000 = 2000 N/m
\ Total load per meter run = 38600 N/m
Taking effective depth = 300 - 30 = 270 mm we have
Ly = 6.00 + 0.30 = 6.30 m and lx = 4.00 + 0.30 = 4.30 m
\ r = ly / lx = 6.30 / 4.30 = 1.47
This is case 9 of table 10.6, from which a x = 0.089 and ay = 0.056 (see table)
Mx = ax.wlx
= 0.089 x 38600 x 4.30 = 2
63521 = 63521000
My = ay.wlx
= 0.06 x 38600 x 4.30 = 2
39968 = 39968000

(B) Design of section taking 1.0 m width for calculation B.M. = 63521 N-mm
for short span :- Assuming bearing = 300 mm
BM 63521000
Effective depth required = = = 270 mm
Rxb 0.913 x 1000
From point of stiffness (deflection)point of veiw, span / effective depth Ratio = 20
For a balanced design, k. scbc 0.289 x 7
= x 100 = x 100 = 0.44 %
percentage reinforcement 2sst 2 x 230
However using under reinforcement section, and taking p = 0.4 %
We have from modification factore = 1.4 for HYSD bars
span span 4300
= 20 x 1.4 hence, d = = 154 mm
depth 28 = 28
Hence provided total thickness = 300 mm using 8 mm F bars and a nomonal cover 30
Available depth for short span = 300 - 30 - 4 = 266 mm
for long span = 266 - 8 = 258 mm
for short sapn, width of middle strip = 3/4 ly = 3 / 4 x 6.30 = 4.73 m
width of edge strip = 0.500 x( 6.30 - 4.73 ) = 0.79 or 787.5
BM 63521000
(Ast)x = = = 1149 mm2
sst x j x D 230 x 0.90 x 266
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 16 x 16
using 16 mm bars A = = = 201
4 x100 4 x 100
Pitch s = = 1000 x As / A = 1000 x 201 / 1149 = 174.9 say = 175
Hence Provided 16 mm F bar, 170 mm c/c for middile strips of width 4.73 m
bent half bars at distance = 0.15 l = 0.15 x 4.30 = 0.645 or 640 mm
from the center of support, or at a distance of 640 + 150 = 790 mm from the edge of the slab
Available length of bars at the top 640 - 150 - 30 = 460 mm from the center of support,
assumming bending of the bars at 45 dgree the length is > than 0.1xlx = 0.1 x 4300 = 430
Hence length of top bars from edge of slab 460 + 150 = 610 mm edge strip length 788
The reinforcement of edge strip is given Ast @.12% = 0.12 / 100 x 1000 x 300 = 360
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm bars A = = = 50
4 x100 4 x 100
Pitch s = = 1000 x As / A = 1000 x 50 / 360 = 139.6 say = 130
Hence Provided 8 mm F bar, 130 mm c/c

(C) Design section for long Assuming Beam width = 300 mm

BM 39968000
(Ast)x = = = 745 mm2
sst x j x D 230 x 0.90 x 258
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 12 x 12
using 12 mm bars A = = = 113
4 x100 4 x 100
Pitch s = = 1000 x As / A = 1000 x 113 / 745 = 152 say = 152
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, 150 mm c/c for middile strips of width 3.23 m
for the edge strip of widtg 4.30 / 8 = 0.538 m provide ### mm f bars @ 300
bent half bars at distance = 0.15 l = 0.15 x 6.30 = 0.945 or 940 mm
from the center of support, or at a distance of 940 + 150 = 1090 mm from the edge of the slab
Available length of bars at the top 940 - 150 - 30 = 760 mm from the center of support,
assumming bending of the bars at 45 dgree the length is > than 0.1xlx = 0.1 x 6300 = 630
Hence length of top bars from edge of slab 760 + 150 = 910 mm edge of slab

(D) Check for shear and development length in short span

S.F. at long edge = wlx r/2+r = 38600 x 4.30 x 1.47 /( 2.00 + 1.47 )= 70314.2939
\ nominal shear stress at long edges = 70314 /( 1000 x 266 )= 0.264 N/mm2
At the long edges, the diameter of bars should be so restricted that the following requirement is satisfied ;
1.3 xM1 1000 x 113
+ L0 > Ld Ast at supports = = 870
V 130
Let us check development length at the ends of supports M1 = sst .Ast. Jc d
where MB = 869.538 x 230 x 0.904 x 266 = 48080531 v = 70314
Lx 300
Lo = -x =( - 30 )= 120 mm
2 2
1.3 xM1 48080531
+ L0 = 1.3 x + 120 = 1009 mm
V 70314
f s st 12 x 870
Devlopment length Ld = = = 2038 mm
4 tbd 4 x( 1.6 x 0.8 )
Alternatively, Ld = 58.3F = 58 x 12 = 700 mm
Thus = 1.3x + L0 > Ld
= 1009 > 700 Hence Code requirement are satisfied
Note . The code requires that the positive reinforcement should extention to support at least by Ld/3
hence minimum support width = Ld/3+x'= 700 / 3 + 30 = 264 mm < 300

(E) Check for shear and development length in long span

S.F. at long edge = 1/3wlx = 0.33 x ###
x 4.30 = 55327
\ nominal shear stress at long edges = 55327 /( 1000 x 258 )= 0.214 N/mm2
At the long edges, the diameter of bars should be so restricted that the following requirement is satisfied ;
1.3 xM1 1000 x 113
+ L0 > Ld Ast at supports = = 870
V 130
Let us check development length at the ends of supports M1 = sst .Ast. Jc d
where MB = 869.538 x 230 x 0.904 x 258 = 46634500 v = 55327
Lx 300
Lo = -x =( - 30 )= 120 mm
2 2
1.3 xM1 46634500
+ L0 = 1.3 x + 120 = 1216 mm
V 55327
f s st 12 x 870
Devlopment length Ld = = = 2038 mm
4 tbd 4 x( 1.6 x 0.8 )
Alternatively, Ld = 58.3F = 58 x 12 = 700 mm
Thus = 1.3x + L0 > Ld
= 1216 > 700 Hence Code requirement are satisfied

(F) Torsional reinforcement at corners

Size of torsional mesh =lx /5 = 4.30 / 5 = 0.86 + 0.15 = 1.01 m from slab edge
Area of torsional reinforcement =3/4 (Ast)x = 3 / 4 x 1149 = 862 mm2
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 10 x 10
using 10 mm bars A = = = 78.5
using 10 mm bars A = = = 78.5
4 x100 4 x 100
Pitch s = = 1000 x As / A = 1000 x 79 / 862 = 91.1 say = 92
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, 90 mm c/c
However it is prferable to use the same spacing as provided for main reinfrcement in
the short span, main reinforcement in the middle strip has been provided @ 170 mm c/c
while for edge strip it is provided @ 130 mm c/c
Hence provide 10 mm f bars @ 170 mm c/c in the short span direction.
In long span, main reinforcement is @ 150 mm c/c
Hence provide 10 mm f bars @ 150 mm c/c in the long span direction.

3 Design of ring Beam :- For Long span

(A) Bending moment and shear force:-
Effective span of beam = 6.00 + 0.30 = 6.30 m
Assume Total depth of Beam = 0.60 m for computation of dead weight Increase depth of beam
Let width of Beam = 0.30 m
self Load of Beam per meter run = 0.60 x 0.30 x 1 x ### = 4320 N/m
load from water tank = 38600 N/m
\ Total load per meter run = 4320 + ### = 42920 N/m
WL 2
42920 x 6.30 x 6.30
M= = = 213000 N-m
8 8
= 213 x 10 3 N-m or 213 x 10 6 N-mm
wl 42920 x 6.00
F= = = 128760 N
2 2

(B) Moment of resistance M1and reinforcement Ast1

Let us assume that center of tensile reinforcemet will be at = 30 + 20 = 50 mm above
\ d = 600 - 50 = 550 mm
nc = kcd = 0.289 x 550 = 159 mm
For singly reinforcement balance section, M1 = Rcbd2 = 0.913 x 300 x 550 =
Area of tensile reinfocement is given by Ast1 = = 725 mm2
230 x 0.904 x 550

(C ) Moment of resistance M2and reinforcement Ast2

M2=M-M1 = 213000000 - 82850420 = 130149580 N/mm
This remaining B.M. gas to be resisted by a couple providedby tensile and copressive rinforcements.
Let the center of compressive reinforcement be placed at 30 + 20 = 50 mm
Area of tensile reinfocement is given by Ast2 = = 1132 mm2
230 x 550 - 50
Total Ast = 725 + 1132 = 1856 mm2

(D) Compressive reinforcement Asc

m (d - nc)
\ Asc = Ast2 where nc = 0.289 x 550 = 159

13.3 x( 550 - 159 )

- 50
x 1132 = 2934 mm2
1.5 x( 13.33 - 1 )x( 159

(E) Reinforcing bars

Ast = 1856 mm2
using 16 mm bars = 3.14xdia2 3.14 x 16 x 16
A = = 201
4 x100 4 x 100
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 1856 / 201 = 9.24 say = 10 No.
Hence Provided 7 bars of 16 mm F bar, placed at bottom and 3 nos. rest bar placed at top tier,
keeping a clear distance of 25 mm between the two tier , keep a nominal cover , 30
Use 25mm f spacer bars at 1 m c/c

Ast = 2934 mm2

using 20 mm bars = 3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
A = = 314
4 x100 4 x 100
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 2934 / 314 = 9.34 say = 10 No.
Hence Provided 10 bars of 20 mm F bar, at top , in one tier, keep a nominal cover , 30
(F) Curtailement of reinforcement
The bending at any point distance x meters from the center of the span is given by
wL2 wx2 wx2 where the moment M1
M1 = x1000 = M1 - x 1000
8 2 2 and M are in N-mm unit
At the point where compressive reinfrocement is not required, the bending moment should be equal to M 1
\ M1 = M - x 1000
2(M1 -M) 2M2 2 x 130149580
\ x = = = = 2.50 m
1000w 1000w 1000 x 42920
Hence at x = 2.50 m from the center, copmressive reinforcement is no longer required and
it may, there fore , curtailed. However, curtail only 5 bars and continue 5 bars upto supports
At this section bending moment M1 on;y. Hence tensile reinforcement required =A st1 = 725 mm2
which will need only 7 bars . Hence curtailed 3 bars of 2 tier at this point and continue rest of the

bars at supports.

(G) Shear reinforcement

Near the support, where the S.F. is maximum, the section is singly reinfoced
(since the two compressive reinforcing bars serve as holding bars of the strirrups)
Available effective depth = 600 - 30 - 8 = 562 mm
V 128760
tv = = = 0.76 N / mm2
bd 300 x 562
Available Ast = 7 x 201 = 1340 mm2
100Ast 100
\ = x 1340 = 0.79 %
bd 300 x 562
Hence from Table permissible shear (tc)= 0.79 % steel = 0.35 N/mm2 < 0.76 N/mm2
which is < than the nominal shear stress hence shear reinforcement is Required
Vc = Tc.b.d = 0.35 x 300 x 562 = ### N
Vs = V -Vc = 128760 - ### = ### N

mm 2 leg strirrup Asv

3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using 10 = = 2 x = 157.0
4 x100 4 x 100
ssv x Asv x d 230 x 562.0 x 157.0
\ Sv = = = 291 mm say 290
Vs 69750
However, minimum shear reinforcement is governed by expression
2.175 x Asv x fy = 2.175 x 157.0 x 415 = 472 mm
Sv =
b 300
Subject to maximum of 0.75d or b which ever is less.= 0.75 x 562 = 421.5 > 300 min.
Hence provide the 10 mm strirrups @ 290 mm c/c

(H) Check for devlopment length :-

The code stipulates that at the simple supports, where reinforcement is confined
by a compressive reaction, the diameter of the reinforcement be such that + L 0 > Ld
M1 = moment of resistance of section, assuming all reinforcement stress to sst
230 x 1340 x 0.904 x 562
= = 156.5 x 10 6 N-mm
V = 128760 N and L0 = Sum of anchore value of hooks
Let us provide a support equal to width of wall - cover, i.e. 300 - 30 = 270 mm
Let the clear side cover x' = 30 mm . For a angle 90 0 bend having anchorege value of 8F,
ls 270
we have, L0 =( - x' ) =( - 30 ) = 105 mm
2 2

1.3 xM1 156.5 x 10 6

+ L0 = 1.3 x + 105 = 1685 mm
V 128760
f s st 16 x 230.0
Devlopment length = = = 719 mm
4 tbd 4 x( 1.6 x 0.8 )
Alternatively, Ld = 45 F = 45 x 16 = 720 mm
Thus = 1.3x + L0 > Ld
= 1685 > 720 Hence Code requirement are satisfied

4 Design of Ring beam For short span

(A) Bending moment and shear force:-
Effective span of beam = 4.00 + 0.30 = 4.30 m
Assume Total depth of Beam = 0.60 m for computation of dead weight O.K.
Let width of Beam = 0.30 m
self Load of Beam per meter run = 0.60 x 0.30 x 1 x ### = 4320 N/m
load from water tank = 38600 N/m
\ Total load per meter run = 4320 + ### = 42920 N/m
WL2 42920 x 4.30 x 4.30
M= = = 99200 N-m
8 8
= 100 x 10 3 N-m or 100 x 10 6 N-mm
wl 42920 x 4.00
F= = = 85840 N
2 2

(B) Moment of resistance M1and reinforcement Ast1

Let us assume that center of tensile reinforcemet will be at = 30 + 20 = 50 mm above
\ d = 600 - 50 = 550 mm
nc = kcd = 0.289 x 550 = 159 mm
For singly reinforcement balance section, M1 = Rcbd2 = 0.913 x 300 x 550 =
Area of tensile reinfocement is given by Ast1 =
230 x 0.904 x 550
= 725 mm2

(C ) Moment of resistance M2and reinforcement Ast2

M2=M-M1 = 99200000 - 82850420 = 16349580 N/mm
This remaining B.M. gas to be resisted by a couple providedby tensile and copressive rinforcements.
Let the center of compressive reinforcement be placed at 30 + 20 = 50 mm
Area of tensile reinfocement is given by Ast2 = = 142 mm2
230 x 550 - 50
Total Ast = 725 + 142 = 867 mm2
(D) Compressive reinforcement Asc

m (d - nc)
\ Ast = Ast2 where nc = 0.289 x 550 = 159

13.3 x( 550 - 159 )

- 50
x 142 = 369 mm2
1.5 x( 13.33 - 1 x( 159

(E) Reinforcing bars

Ast = 867 mm2
using 16 mm bars = 3.14xdia2 3.14 x 16 x 16
A = = 201
4 x100 4 x 100
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 867 / 201 = 4.31 say = 5 No.
Hence Provided 3 bars of 16 mm F bar, placed at bottom and 2 nos. rest bar placed at top tier,
keeping a clear distance of 25 mm between the two tier , keep a nominal cover , mm f bars @
Use 25mm f spacer bars at 1 m c/c

Ast = 369 mm2

using 20 mm bars = 3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
A = = 314
4 x100 4 x 100
Nomber of Bars = Ast/A = 369 / 314 = 1.18 say = 2 No.
Hence Provided 2 bars of 20 mm F bar, at top , in one tier, keep a nominal cover , 30

(F) Curtailement of reinforcement

The bending at any point distance x meters from the center of the span is given by
wL2 wx2 wx2 where the moment M1
M1 = x1000 = M1 - x 1000
8 2 2 and M are in N-mm unit
At the point where compressive reinfrocement is not required, the bending moment should be equal to M 1
\ M1 = M - x 1000
2(M1 -M) 2M2 2 x 16349580
\ x = = = = 0.90 m
1000w 1000w 1000 x 42920
Hence at x = 0.90 m from the center, copmressive reinforcement is no longer required and
it may, there fore , curtailed. However, curtail only 1 bars and continue 1 bars upto supports
At this section bending moment M1 on;y. Hence tensile reinforcement required =A st1 = 725 mm2
which will need only 3 bars . Hence curtailed 2 bars of 2nd tier at this point and continue rest of the
bars at supports.

(G) Shear reinforcement

Near the support, where the S.F. is maximum, the section is singly reinfoced
(since the two compressive reinforcing bars serve as holding bars of the strirrups)
Available effective depth = 600 - 30 - 8 = 562 mm
V 85840
tv = = = 0.51 N / mm2
bd 300 x 562
Available Ast = 3 x 201 = 670 mm2
100Ast 100
\ = x 670 = 0.40 %
\ = x 670 = 0.40 %
bd 300 x 562
Hence from Table permissible shear (tc)= 0.40 % steel = 0.26 N/mm2 < 0.51 N/mm2
which is < than the nominal shear stress hence shear reinforcement is Required
Vc = Tc.b.d = 0.26 x 300 x 562 = ### N
Vs = V -Vc = 85840 - ### = ### N
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm 2 leg strirrup Asv = = 2 x = 100.5
4 x100 4 x 100
ssv x Asv x d 230 x 562.0 x 100.5
\ Sv = = = 309 mm say 300
Vs 42004
However, minimum shear reinforcement is governed by expression
2.175 x Asv x fy = 2.175 x 100.5 x 415 = 302 mm
Sv =
b 300
Subject to maximum of 0.75d or b which ever is less.= 0.75 x 562 = 421.5 > 300 min.
Hence provide the 8 mm strirrups @ 300 mm c/c

(H) Check for devlopment length :-

The code stipulates that at the simple supports, where reinforcement is confined
by a compressive reaction, the diameter of the reinforcement be such that + L 0 > Ld
M1 = moment of resistance of section, assuming all reinforcement stress to sst
230 x 670 x 0.904 x 562
= = 78.26 x 10 6 N-mm
V = 85840 N and L0 = Sum of anchore value of hooks
Let us provide a support equal to width of wall - cover, i.e. 300 - 30 = 270 mm
Let the clear side cover x' = 30 mm . For a angle 90 0 bend having anchorege value of 8F,
ls 270
we have, L0 =( - x' ) =( - 30 ) = 105 mm
2 2
1.3 xM1 78.26 x 10 6
+ L0 = 1.3 x + 105 = 1290 mm
V 85840
f s st 16 x 230.0
Devlopment length = = = 719 mm
4 tbd 4 x( 1.6 x 0.8 )
Alternatively, Ld = 45 F = 45 x 16 = 720 mm
Thus = 1.3x + L0 > Ld
= 1290 > 720 Hence Code requirement are satisfied

3 Design of tower:-
(A) Loading and moments:- Refer to fig.1
Wind load on tank 6.00 x 3.00 x 1.00 = 18.00 kN

(B) Load on coloumns:-

Asumption Tank wall Thickness = 0.30 m
Size of column = 0.30 x 0.30 m
Dead weight of tank 2 x 6.00 x 3.00 x 0.3 x 24 = 260
2 x 4.00 x 3.00 x 0.3 x 24 = 173
Sub Total = 433
Weight of water 72.00 x 9.80 = 705.6
Self weight of columns 4 x 0.30 x 0.30 x 6.00 x 24 = 52
Self weight of Braces` 2 x 0.30 x 0.30 x 6.00 x 24 = 26
2 x 0.30 x 0.30 x 6.00 x 24 = 26
Total dead load= 1243

Dead load per column = 1243 / 4 = 311 kN

Shear force in each column due to wind = 18.00 / 4 = 4.5 kN
Bending moment in column = 4.5 x 1.5 = 6.75 kN.m
If v = direct laod due to wind, taking moment about B, we have
2 v x 6.00 + 6.75 x 4.00 = 18.00 x 7.5
\ v =( 135 - 27 )/ 12 = 9.00 kN
(C ) Design of column section
Size of column 300 x 300 mm
Axial load = p = 311 + 9.00 = 320 kN
Bending moment =M = 6.75 kN-m
Eccentricity e = 6.75 x 1000 x 1000 = 22 mm
320 x 1000
The load and eccentricity is small try 0.8 % steel of concrete section
Ast = 0.8 x 300 x 300 = 720 mm2
Provide 16 mm f bars Nos of bars = 720 / 201 = 4 Nos.
Atcual Ast provided = 804 mm 2

Ac =( 300 x 300 )+( 1.5 x 13.33 x 804 )'= ### mm2

300 x 300 +
1.5 x 13.33 x 804 x 100 2
le =
= 835759800 mm4 or 8.358 x 10'8 mm4 Using cover 50 mm h =
(D) Stress in concrete
320 x 1000
compressive stress = = 3.02 N/mm2

6.75 x 1000 x 1000 x 150

Bending stress = = 1.21 N/mm2
s'cc s'cb 3.02 1.21
\ + < 1 = + = 0.777 < 1 O.K.
scc scb 5 7
(E) Lateral reinforcement:-
Diameter of tie = 16 / 4 = 4 mm
Use = 5 mm F bars for tie
Picth shall be at least of
(a) Least lateral diamention of columns = 300 mm
(b) 16 time of longitudinal bars 16 x 16 = 256 mm
48 time of lateral reinforcement 48 x 5 = 240 mm
Using 5 mm tie @ 240 mm c/c
(F) Design of braces
Moment in brace = 2 x 4.5 x 1.5 = 13.5 kN-m
Moment in brace 13.5
Shear force in brace = = = 6.75 kN
half length of brace 2
Size of braces asume '= 300 x 300 mm cover = 30
M 13.50 x 1000 x 1000
Ast = = = 291 mm2
sst.j.d 190 x 0.903 x 270
But minimum area of steel is given by
0.85 bd 0.85 x 300 x 270
Ast = = = 166 mm2
fy 415
Provide 12 mm f bars Nos of bars = 291 / 113 = 3 Nos.
Atcual Ast provided = 339 mm 2
Both at top and bottom with cover mm
% of steel provided 339 x 100 / 300 x 270 = 0.42 %
V 6.75 x 1000
Nominal shear stress tv= = 0.083 N/mm2
bd 300 x 270
From table Tc = 0.27 N/mm2 0.083 < 0.27
Nominal shear reinforcement are provided
use 6 mm 2 legged strirrups , the spacing is given by,
Asv x fy 2 x 28.26 x 415
sy = = = 190 mm < 202.5
0.4 x b 0.40 x 300
Provide 6 mm 2 Legged F bars @ 190 mm c/c

4 shown in drawing.

(For Tank)


izontal water

m will bend as


d anticlock
he fixed end
ertia l for




th bending in

s (causing
the level of


provided at
bove spacing

steel from
n constants



mm c/c.


alls where
nt on each

area vertically

(see table)






of the slab
of support,





of the slab
of support,







om slab edge



ement in

se depth of beam

mm above


at top tier,







mm above


at top tier,









Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 Grade of concrete
Modular Ratio 18.67 13.33 10.98 9.33 8.11 7.18 tbd (N / mm2)
scbc N/mm2 5 7 8.5 10 11.5 13
m scbc 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33
kc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(a) sst =
jc 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867
N/mm2 Rc 0.867 1.214 1.474 1.734 1.994 2.254 Grade of
(Fe 250) Pc (%) 0.714 1 1.214 1.429 1.643 1.857 concrete
kc 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 M 15
(b) sst = jc 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 M 20
190 Rc 0.732 1.025 1.244 1.464 1.684 1.903 M 25
Pc (%) 0.433 0.606 0.736 0.866 0.997 1.127 M 30
kc 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 M 35
(c ) sst =
jc 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 M 40
N/mm2 Rc 0.653 0.914 1.11 1.306 1.502 1.698 M 45
(Fe 415) Pc (%) 0.314 0.44 0.534 0.628 0.722 0.816 M 50
kc 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253
(d) sst =
jc 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.914 0.916 0.916
N/mm2 Rc 0.579 0.811 0.985 1.159 1.332 1.506
(Fe 500) Pc (%) 0.23 0.322 0.391 0.46 0.53 0.599

Permissible shear stress Table t v in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tv N/mm2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
Grade of
< 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32 M 10
0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38 M 15
1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42 M 20
1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 M 25
1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49 M 30
1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52 M 35
2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55 M 40
2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57 M 45
2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60 M 50
2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)


Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 Grade of concrete
tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5 sct.max

Shear stress tc Reiforcement %

100As 100As
M-20 M-20
bd bd Degree
0.15 0.18 0.18 0.15 1
0.16 0.18 0.19 0.18 1.5
0.17 0.18 0.2 0.21 2
0.18 0.19 0.21 0.24 2.5
0.19 0.19 0.22 0.27 3
0.2 0.19 0.23 0.3 3.5
0.21 0.2 0.24 0.32 4
0.22 0.2 0.25 0.35 4.5
0.23 0.2 0.26 0.38 5
0.24 0.21 0.27 0.41 5.5
0.25 0.21 0.28 0.44 6
0.26 0.21 0.29 0.47 6.5
0.27 0.22 0.30 0.5 7
0.28 0.22 0.31 0.55 7.5
0.29 0.22 0.32 0.6 8
0.3 0.23 0.33 0.65 8.5
0.31 0.23 0.34 0.7 9
0.32 0.24 0.35 0.75 9.5
0.33 0.24 0.36 0.82 10
0.34 0.24 0.37 0.88 10.5
0.35 0.25 0.38 0.94 11
0.36 0.25 0.39 1.00 11.5
0.37 0.25 0.4 1.08 12
0.38 0.26 0.41 1.16 12.5
0.39 0.26 0.42 1.25 13
0.4 0.26 0.43 1.33 13.5
0.41 0.27 0.44 1.41 14
0.42 0.27 0.45 1.50 14.5
0.43 0.27 0.46 1.63 15
0.44 0.28 0.46 1.64 15.5
0.45 0.28 0.47 1.75 16
0.46 0.28 0.48 1.88 16.5
0.47 0.29 0.49 2.00 17
0.48 0.29 0.50 2.13 17.5
0.49 0.29 0.51 2.25 18
0.5 0.30 18.5
0.51 0.30 19
0.52 0.30 19.5
0.53 0.30 20
0.54 0.30 20.5
0.55 0.31 21
0.56 0.31 21.5
0.57 0.31 22
0.58 0.31 22.5
0.59 0.31 23
0.6 0.32 23.5
0.61 0.32 24
0.62 0.32 24.5
0.63 0.32 25
0.64 0.32 25.5
0.65 0.33 26
0.66 0.33 26.5
0.67 0.33 27
0.68 0.33 27.5
0.69 0.33 28
0.7 0.34 28.5
0.71 0.34 29
0.72 0.34 29.5
0.73 0.34 30
0.74 0.34 30.5
0.75 0.35 31
0.76 0.35 31.5
0.77 0.35 32
0.78 0.35 32.5
0.79 0.35 33
0.8 0.35 33.5
0.81 0.35 34
0.82 0.36 34.5
0.83 0.36 35
0.84 0.36 35.5
0.85 0.36 36
0.86 0.36 36.5
0.87 0.36 37
0.88 0.37 37.5
0.89 0.37 38
0.9 0.37 38.5
0.91 0.37 39
0.92 0.37 39.5
0.93 0.37 40
0.94 0.38 40.5
0.95 0.38 41
0.96 0.38 41.5
0.97 0.38 42
0.98 0.38 42.5
0.99 0.38 43
1.00 0.39 43.5
1.01 0.39 44
1.02 0.39 44.5
1.03 0.39 45
1.04 0.39 45.5
1.05 0.39 46
1.06 0.39 46.5
1.07 0.39 47
1.08 0.4 47.5
1.09 0.4 48
1.10 0.4 48.5
1.11 0.4 49
1.12 0.4 49.5
1.13 0.4 50
1.14 0.4 50.5
1.15 0.4 51
1.16 0.41 51.5
1.17 0.41 52
1.18 0.41 52.5
1.19 0.41 53
1.20 0.41 53.5
1.21 0.41 54
1.22 0.41 54.5
1.23 0.41 55
1.24 0.41 55.5
1.25 0.42 56
1.26 0.42 56.5
1.27 0.42 57
1.28 0.42 57.5
1.29 0.42 58
1.30 0.42 58.5
1.31 0.42 59
1.32 0.42 59.5
1.33 0.43 60
1.34 0.43 60.5
1.35 0.43 61
1.36 0.43 61.5
1.37 0.43 62
1.38 0.43 62.5
1.39 0.43 63
1.40 0.43 63.5
1.41 0.44 64
1.42 0.44 64.5
1.43 0.44 65
1.44 0.44 65.5
1.45 0.44 66
1.46 0.44 66.5
1.47 0.44 67
1.48 0.44 67.5
1.49 0.44 68
1.50 0.45 68.5
1.51 0.45 69
1.52 0.45 69.5
1.53 0.45 70
1.54 0.45 70.5
1.55 0.45 71
1.56 0.45 71.5
1.57 0.45 72
1.58 0.45 72.5
1.59 0.45 73
1.60 0.45 73.5
1.61 0.45 74
1.62 0.45 74.5
1.63 0.46 75
1.64 0.46 75.5
1.65 0.46 76
1.66 0.46 76.5
1.67 0.46 77
1.68 0.46 77.5
1.69 0.46 78
1.70 0.46 78.5
1.71 0.46 79
1.72 0.46 79.5
1.73 0.46 80
1.74 0.46 80.5
1.75 0.47 81
1.76 0.47 81.5
1.77 0.47 82
1.78 0.47 82.5
1.79 0.47 83
1.80 0.47 83.5
1.81 0.47 84
1.82 0.47 84.5
1.83 0.47 85
1.84 0.47 85.5
1.85 0.47 86
1.86 0.47 86.5
1.87 0.47 87
1.88 0.48 87.5
1.89 0.48 88
1.90 0.48 88.5
1.91 0.48 89
1.92 0.48 89.5
1.93 0.48 90
1.94 0.48
1.95 0.48
1.96 0.48
1.97 0.48
Table 10.6Bending moment cofficientsfor rectangular Panels supportedon four side
1.98 0.48
1.99 0.48 short span cofficien
2.00 0.49 case No.
Type of paneland moment
2.01 0.49 1 ### 1.2
2.02 0.49
2.03 0.49 Interior panels
2.04 0.49 1 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.032 0 0.043
2.05 0.49 Positive moment at mid span 0.024 0 0.036
2.06 0.49 One short edge discontinuos
2.07 0.49 2 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.037 0 0.048
2.08 0.49 Positive moment at mid span 0.028 0 0.036
2.09 0.49 One long edge discontinuos
2.10 0.49 3 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.037 0 0.052
2.11 0.49 Positive moment at mid span 0.028 0 0.039
2.12 0.49 Two adjacent edge discontinuos
2.13 0.50 4 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.047 0 0.06
2.14 0.50 Positive moment at mid span 0.035 0 0.045
2.15 0.50 5 Two short edge discontinuos
2.16 0.50 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.045 0 0.052
2.17 0.50 Positive moment at mid span 0.035 0 0.04
2.18 0.50 6 Two long edge discontinuos
2.19 0.50 Negative moment at continuous edge - - -
2.20 0.50 Positive moment at mid span 0.035 0 0.051
2.21 0.50 7 Three edge discontiuos
2.22 0.50 one long edge continuos
2.23 0.50 Negative moment at continuous edge 0.057 0 0.071
2.24 0.50 Positive moment at mid span 0.043 0 0.053
2.25 0.51 8 Three edge discontiuos
2.26 0.51 one short edge continuos
2.27 0.51 Negative moment at continuous edge - - -
2.28 0.51 Positive moment at mid span 0.043 0 0.059
2.29 0.51 9 four edge discontinuos
2.30 0.51 Positive moment at mid span 0.056 0 0.072
2.31 0.51
2.32 0.51
2.33 0.51 Modification factore
2.34 0.51 % steel
2.35 0.51
four edge discontinuos
2.36 0.51 positive 0
Long span
2.37 0.51 moment at cofficiet ay 0.1
ly / lx mid span for all value
2.38 0.51 0.15
2.39 0.51 ax of ly/lx
2.40 0.51 1 0.056 0.056 0.25
2.41 0.51 1.1 0.064 0.056 0.3
2.42 0.51 1.2 0.072 0.056 0.35
2.43 0.51 1.3 0.079 0.056 0.4
2.44 0.51 1.4 0.085 0.056 0.45
2.45 0.51 1.5 0.089 0.056 0.5
2.46 0.51 1.75 0.1 0.056 0.55
2.47 0.51 2 0.107 0.056 0.6
2.48 0.51 0.7
2.49 0.51 0.8
2.50 0.51 0.9
2.51 0.51 1
2.52 0.51 1.1
2.53 0.51 1.2
2.54 0.51 1.3
2.55 0.51 1.4
2.56 0.51 1.5
2.57 0.51 1.6
2.58 0.51 1.7
2.59 0.51 1.8
2.60 0.51 1.9
2.61 0.51 2
2.62 0.51 2.1
2.63 0.51 2.2
2.64 0.51 2.3
2.65 0.51 2.4
2.66 0.51 2.5
2.67 0.51 2.6
2.68 0.51 2.7
2.69 0.51 2.8
2.70 0.51 2.9
2.71 0.51 3
2.72 0.51
2.73 0.51
2.74 0.51
2.75 0.51
2.76 0.51
2.77 0.51
2.78 0.51
2.79 0.51
2.80 0.51
2.81 0.51
2.82 0.51
2.83 0.51
2.84 0.51
2.85 0.51
2.86 0.51
2.87 0.51
2.88 0.51
2.89 0.51
2.90 0.51
2.91 0.51
2.92 0.51
2.93 0.51
2.94 0.51
2.95 0.51
2.96 0.51
2.97 0.51
2.98 0.51
2.99 0.51
3.00 0.51
3.01 0.51
3.02 0.51
3.03 0.51
3.04 0.51
3.05 0.51
3.06 0.51
3.07 0.51
3.08 0.51
3.09 0.51
3.10 0.51
3.11 0.51
3.12 0.51
3.13 0.51
3.14 0.51
3.15 0.51
Permissible Bond stress Table t bd in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45 M-50
-- 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Development Length in tension

Plain M.S. Bars H.Y.S.D. Bars

tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F
0.6 58 0.96 60
0.8 44 1.28 45
0.9 39 1.44 40
1 35 1.6 36
1.1 32 1.76 33
1.2 29 1.92 30
1.3 27 2.08 28
1.4 25 2.24 26

Permissible stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Permission stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in bond (Average) for
Bending acbc Direct (acc) plain bars in tention (N/mm2)
(N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) in kg/m2
3.0 300 2.5 250 -- --
5.0 500 4.0 400 0.6 60
7.0 700 5.0 500 0.8 80
8.5 850 6.0 600 0.9 90
10.0 1000 8.0 800 1.0 100
11.5 1150 9.0 900 1.1 110
13.0 1300 10.0 1000 1.2 120
14.5 1450 11.0 1100 1.3 130
16.0 1600 12.0 1200 1.4 140

Permissible direct tensile stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

sct.max 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4
Value of angle
sin Degree cos tan cot
0.017 1 1.000 0.017 57.295
0.026 1.5 1.000 0.262 56.300
0.035 2 0.999 0.035 28.644
0.044 2.5 0.999 0.044 22.913
0.052 3 0.999 0.052 19.083
0.061 3.5 0.998 0.061 16.362
0.070 4 0.998 0.070 14.311
0.078 4.5 0.997 0.079 12.707
0.087 5 0.996 0.087 11.437
0.096 5.5 0.995 0.096 10.385
0.104 6 0.995 0.105 9.563
0.113 6.5 0.994 0.114 8.777
0.122 7 0.993 0.123 8.149
0.131 7.5 0.991 0.132 7.597
0.139 8 0.990 0.140 7.119
0.148 8.5 0.989 0.149 6.691
0.156 9 0.988 0.158 6.315
0.165 9.5 0.986 0.168 5.963
0.174 10 0.985 0.176 5.673
0.182 10.5 0.983 0.185 5.396
0.191 11 0.981 0.194 5.142
0.199 11.5 0.980 0.203 4.915
0.208 12 0.978 0.213 4.704
0.819 12.5 0.976 0.839 1.192
0.225 13 0.974 0.231 4.332
0.233 13.5 0.972 0.240 4.166
0.242 14 0.970 0.249 4.011
0.250 14.5 0.968 0.259 3.867
0.259 15 0.966 0.268 3.732
0.259 15.5 0.964 0.269 3.723
0.276 16 0.961 0.287 3.488
0.284 16.5 0.959 0.296 3.376
0.292 17 0.956 0.306 3.272
0.301 17.5 0.954 0.315 3.172
0.309 18 0.951 0.325 3.078
0.317 18.5 0.948 0.335 2.989
0.326 19 0.946 0.344 2.905
0.334 19.5 0.943 0.354 2.824
0.342 20 0.940 0.364 2.747
0.350 20.5 0.937 0.374 2.674
0.358 21 0.934 0.384 2.605
0.367 21.5 0.930 0.394 2.539
0.375 22 0.927 0.404 2.475
0.383 22.5 0.924 0.414 2.414
0.391 23 0.921 0.424 2.356
0.399 23.5 0.917 0.435 2.300
0.407 24 0.924 0.440 2.271
0.415 24.5 0.910 0.456 2.194
0.422 25 0.906 0.466 2.148
0.431 25.5 0.905 0.476 2.103
0.438 26 0.898 0.488 2.049
0.446 26.5 0.895 0.499 2.006
0.454 27 0.891 0.510 1.963
0.462 27.5 0.887 0.521 1.921
0.469 28 0.883 0.532 1.881
0.477 28.5 0.879 0.543 1.842
0.485 29 0.875 0.554 1.804
0.492 29.5 0.870 0.566 1.767
0.500 30 0.866 0.577 1.732
0.508 30.5 0.862 0.589 1.698
0.515 31 0.857 0.601 1.664
0.522 31.5 0.853 0.613 1.632
0.530 32 0.848 0.625 1.600
0.537 32.5 0.843 0.637 1.570
0.545 33 0.839 0.649 1.540
0.552 33.5 0.834 0.662 1.511
0.559 34 0.829 0.675 1.483
0.566 34.5 0.834 0.679 1.473
0.573 35 0.819 0.700 1.429
0.581 35.5 0.814 0.713 1.402
0.588 36 0.809 0.726 1.377
0.595 36.5 0.804 0.740 1.351
0.602 37 0.799 0.754 1.327
0.609 37.5 0.793 0.767 1.303
0.616 38 0.788 0.781 1.280
0.623 38.5 0.783 0.795 1.257
0.629 39 0.777 0.810 1.235
0.636 39.5 0.772 0.824 1.213
0.643 40 0.766 0.839 1.191
0.649 40.5 0.760 0.854 1.171
0.656 41 0.755 0.869 1.150
0.663 41.5 0.749 0.885 1.130
0.669 42 0.743 0.900 1.111
0.676 42.5 0.737 0.916 1.091
0.682 43 0.731 0.933 1.072
0.688 43.5 0.725 0.949 1.054
0.695 44 0.719 0.966 1.036
0.701 44.5 0.713 0.983 1.018
0.707 45 0.707 1.000 1.000
0.713 45.5 0.701 1.018 0.983
0.719 46 0.695 1.036 0.966
0.725 46.5 0.688 1.054 0.949
0.731 47 0.682 1.072 0.933
0.737 47.5 0.676 1.091 0.916
0.742 48 0.669 1.109 0.902
0.749 48.5 0.663 1.130 0.885
0.755 49 0.656 1.150 0.869
0.760 49.5 0.649 1.171 0.854
0.766 50 0.643 1.192 0.839
0.772 50.5 0.636 1.213 0.824
0.777 51 0.629 1.235 0.810
0.786 51.5 0.623 1.262 0.792
0.788 52 0.616 1.280 0.781
0.793 52.5 0.609 1.303 0.767
0.799 53 0.602 1.327 0.754
0.804 53.5 0.595 1.351 0.740
0.809 54 0.588 1.376 0.727
0.814 54.5 0.581 1.402 0.713
0.819 55 0.574 1.428 0.700
0.824 55.5 0.566 1.455 0.687
0.829 56 0.559 1.483 0.675
0.834 56.5 0.552 1.511 0.662
0.839 57 0.545 1.540 0.649
0.843 57.5 0.537 1.570 0.637
0.848 58 0.530 1.600 0.625
0.853 58.5 0.522 1.632 0.613
0.857 59 0.515 1.664 0.601
0.862 59.5 0.508 1.698 0.589
0.866 60 0.500 1.732 0.577
0.870 60.5 0.492 1.767 0.566
0.875 61 0.485 1.804 0.554
0.879 61.5 0.477 1.842 0.543
0.883 62 0.470 1.880 0.532
0.887 62.5 0.462 1.921 0.521
0.891 63 0.454 1.963 0.510
0.895 63.5 0.446 2.006 0.498
0.899 64 0.438 2.051 0.488
0.903 64.5 0.431 2.097 0.477
0.906 65 0.423 2.145 0.466
0.910 65.5 0.415 2.195 0.456
0.914 66 0.407 2.246 0.445
0.917 66.5 0.399 2.300 0.435
0.921 67 0.391 2.356 0.424
0.924 67.5 0.383 2.414 0.414
0.927 68 0.375 2.475 0.404
0.930 68.5 0.819 1.136 0.880
0.934 69 0.358 2.605 0.384
0.937 69.5 0.350 2.674 0.374
0.940 70 0.342 2.747 0.364
0.943 70.5 0.556 1.696 0.590
0.946 71 0.326 2.904 0.344
0.948 71.5 0.317 2.989 0.335
0.951 72 0.309 3.078 0.325
0.954 72.5 0.301 3.172 0.315
0.956 73 0.292 3.271 0.306
0.959 73.5 0.284 3.376 0.296
0.961 74 0.276 3.488 0.287
0.964 74.5 0.267 3.606 0.277
0.966 75 0.259 3.732 0.268
0.968 75.5 0.250 3.868 0.259
0.970 76 0.242 4.011 0.249
0.982 76.5 0.233 4.209 0.238
0.974 77 0.225 4.332 0.231
0.976 77.5 0.216 4.511 0.222
0.978 78 0.208 4.705 0.213
0.980 78.5 0.199 4.915 0.203
0.982 79 0.191 5.145 0.194
0.983 79.5 0.182 5.396 0.185
0.985 80 0.174 5.673 0.176
0.986 80.5 0.165 5.977 0.167
0.988 81 0.156 6.315 0.158
0.989 81.5 0.148 6.691 0.149
0.999 82 0.139 7.178 0.139
0.991 82.5 0.131 7.597 0.132
0.993 83 0.122 8.145 0.123
0.994 83.5 0.113 8.777 0.114
0.995 84 0.105 9.517 0.105
0.995 84.5 0.096 10.389 0.096
0.996 85 0.087 11.431 0.087
0.997 85.5 0.078 12.716 0.079
0.998 86 0.070 14.302 0.070
0.998 86.5 0.061 16.362 0.061
0.999 87 0.052 19.083 0.052
0.999 87.5 0.044 22.913 0.044
0.999 88 0.035 28.637 0.035
1.000 88.5 0.026 38.299 0.026
0.9998 89 0.017 57.295 0.017
0.9999 89.5 0.009 114.931 0.009
1.000 90 0.000 1.000 0.000

s supportedon four side with provision for torsion at corners (IS456 - 2000)
short span cofficient axfor value of Ly/Lx
Long span
cofficiet ay
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 2 for all value
of ly/lx

0.047 0.051 0.053 0.06 0.065 0.032

0.039 0.039 0.041 0.045 0.049 0.024

0.051 0.055 0.057 0.064 0.068 0.037

0.039 0.041 0.044 0.048 0.052 0.028

0.057 0.063 0.067 0.077 0.085 0.037

0.044 0.047 0.051 0.059 0.065 0.028

0.065 0.071 0.075 0.084 0.091 0.047

0.049 0.053 0.056 0.063 0.069 0.035

0.056 0.059 0.06 0.065 0.069 -

0.043 0.044 0.045 0.049 0.052 0.035

- - - - - 0.045
0.057 0.063 0.068 0.08 0.088 0.035
0.076 0.08 0.084 0.091 0.097 -
0.057 0.06 0.064 0.069 0.073 0.043

- - - - - 0.057
0.065 0.071 0.076 0.087 0.096 0.043

0.079 0.085 0.089 0.1 0.107 0.056

Modification factore
fe= 240

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