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Christ Proclaimed Month 2017 Dynamics:

Live Genesis and Generation Christ reflects or shows our stand and belief for God's
creation as well asto fully live our lives as to how God wanted us to. These are not just
programs but more of our way of life. It is with the help of these programs that we live out
Christ in each of us.

Our SFC Vision: Every Single Man and Woman all over the world experiencing Chirst.
Our SFC Vision is our roadmap on how to live Christ-like lives not just during our SFC activities
or whenwe are with our co-SFCs but we should live Christ-like lives each and every day so that
every single man and woman can truly experience Christ. This is the inspiration behind Christ
Proclaimed Month November. We seek to actively encourage and inspire our SFCs to be
Christ to everyone they meet wherever they are and whatever they are doing EVERYDAY!

Objectives of Christ Proclaimed Month:

1) Wear Christ: Proclaim Christ by our statement shirts.

2) Witness Christ: Be walking witnesses to Christ's love so other single men and women may
experience Christ.
Aside from wearing the assigned shirt during a WEAR CHRIST, WITNESS CHRIST day, an SFC is
tasked to do a specific act of kindness everyday also known as the Thirty Dares in Proclaiming
(Please see separate sheet for the list of activities for the whole month.)

3) Proclaim Christ: Proclaim the greatness of Christ through specific activities.

1. Chapter Assembly

Generation Christ Assembly
Live Genesis Assembly (materials to follow)
2. Household
Live Genesis: Hero Tales; Life Saving Heroes Around the World;
Guardians of Paradise; Restoring Eden
Generation Christ: Imitators of Christ and Treasures in Heaven

We can proclaim Christ through the following aspects:

Live Genesis:
A. Love for Life: allow everyone to experience Christ in the way we live our life with the
basis that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit through Generation Christ.
B. Love for Environment: allow everyone to see how we can better care for our
environment which is God's gift to us and that we are merely stewards of His lovely
C. Love for Country: allow us to realize that we are given responsible freedom in being
socially active citizens and also to take pride in our country/ place of residence.
D. Live for Hope: to be able to use our own gifts to be a blessing to others as well.

Generation Christ:
A. Live Simply: Simple Life.
B. Live Freely: Break Free, Pure Love, Real Man/ Real Woman, Faithful Love and Pure Inside
C. Live Fully: Christ Proclaimed

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