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Education Services 2020

Sequence of Events
Date: October 30th 2017
Arrival Time: 7:30
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events:
I introduced myself to the substitute and he is super nice. And also insightful, he always wanted to
tell me something about what we were doing. He introduced me to the class as well. All they did was
sit and work on something on their website. He had me take the attendance to the office. Then for
second hour, I went into Mrs. Prindles class and that is 8th grade. They had a day to do an experiment
and it was putting sugar into a test tube and putting it over a flame and watching the example of a
chemical change. Which is what theyre learning about in 8th grade right now, physical and chemical
changes? Which is weird but cool because thats what the 5th graders were learning about too, but
more basic. And the eighth graders are learning more specific details about it too. Then I went back
to the other classroom and they did the same thing, on the computer, watching a video and
answering questions. I hope some of them took advantage and tried to learn from the video. Also,
turns out one of my friends sisters is in the third block class. Another thought I had was, its sort of
hard for me to stand for a long time. My knees are worse some days and today they seem to be
struggling, It feels amazing to sit. And as I am typing right now, my elbows are getting achier and
achier. And last hour I am here for is 4th, which they did the same thing, just watching a video, I have
spoken to some of the kids, kinda asking what theyre learning about and such. Right now the 7th
graders are learning about space science, and I am reconsidering my passion for science, maybe Id
want to teach it at a lower level. Cause I remember liking the 5th grade science.
Date: October 31st HALLOWEEN
Arrival Time: na
Departure Time: na
Sequence of Events:
Court, again.

Date: 11/1/17
Arrival Time: 7:25
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: McCollough started off the morning by having them watch a video about mars,
she mentioned that she likes them to have bell ringers. So she can have time to take attendance and
kind of get the class started and materials ready. Then they worked on a project where they got to
choose between many different tasks or mini projects that had a certain amount of points and they
would have to do enough to add up to 30 points. I thought this was a smart idea because it can let
the children choose what they want to do, and it can account for all different learning styles. I walked
around the room the entire time and asked the kids about their projects and certain aspects of it and
stuff like that, it was nice because I got to know a lot of the kids better and was able to talk with them
and about their learning/ curriculum. Then in the 8th grade classroom, Prindles, they began another
science experiment. All they did was go over physical and chemical changes homework and they
listed the materials, hypothesis and testable question for the experiment. They gathered materials
and then they dismissed class. Something I noticed that made me kinda happy was that whenever I
am walking through the hallway, If a student that knows me sees me theyll wave or smile.
Date: 11/2/17
Arrival Time: 7:35
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: Starting out the day with a small worksheet related to what theyre learning
(planets). Its funny because I am learning a lot about the planets too, just by walking around in the
classroom and talking with the kids. It was a worksheet with all of the letters of the alphabet and they
had to think of a word beginning with each letter that related to the planets in our solar system. Then
they partnered up a few times and exchanged words. Then they had more worktime for their
projects. In the 8th grade classroom today, we did the science experiment where we mix substances
and decide whether a chemical or physical change has happened. But today I had a very VERY
insifghful conversation with my host teacher for second hour (Mrs Prindle) she gave me a lot of good
perspective on 7th versus 8th grade, and science class versus ela. It looks like I would like 8th grade ela
the best.
Date: 11/3/17
Arrival Time: 7:20
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: she had them do a warmup that was research of exoplanets and they had to
create a google slide with some information on it. They silently worked on their laptops. Then
afterwords they would present the planet if they wanted to. Lots of them were planets that coul
possibly sustain life, but thousands of lightyears away. First hour we didnt get to what we were going
to do today, which was some moon project thing and the teacher said they would just do it on
Monday. In the 8th grade class today there was a substitute, I introduced myself to her, told her what
I would do to contribute. The 8th graders just had an activity on the computer, silent work time.
Reading and then filling out a chart based on the reading. The sub was very kind and the class
listened to her and respected her. There wasnt much for me to do in this class today but thats
alright. I still learned that maybe leaving 8th graders with a sub is easier than possibly other grade
levels. And this does tend to be a slightly more rambunctious class, they listened and were silent. If
they had a question they would go up to her and ask her, I heard pleases and thank yous, Im
impressed and relieved that it wasnt a struggle.
Date: 11/6/17
Arrival Time: Little bit late, saw Natalie
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: When I got there, Natalie was waiting for me, her Anna and I spoke a bit about
our experiences so far and things we have found out. Then I went in for first hour and the 7t graders
were working on a worksheet. Anna had offered to have me come in for second hour and talk with
her host teacher about curriculum and stuff, we printed some copies of worksheets and talked about
how students were improving. It wasnt very eventful. I met the ELA and Social Studies teachers from
the thunderhawks. Also, I told mrs mccollough about how I wanted to do ELA more than science and
she offered for me to go to the aviators ela teacher and look at their classroom and class work. They
are working on a business project, a part of the research unit. I got to ask Mrs. Sickle (the ela teacher)
some questions about curriculum and worktime. She said she is barely having time for instruction
and the kids are mostly usually working on projects. Learning about this will heavily help me with my
curriculum project that we are working on right now. Its hard to tell how much worktime the
students may need until youre right there doing it. I appreciate all that happened today and during
this internship so far, I have learned a lot. And hopefully will continue to.

Date: 11/7/17
Arrival Time: 7:25
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: Today she started the 7th graders off with a simple question about the root word
luna and the moon. Then we went over the worksheet and answered the questions and the kids
would correct them if needed. Then we moved on to the back of it and it was an interactive type
thing where they all have foam spheres and the lights were off and there was a lightbulb and they
would move the ball around to see the different moon phases. They went through each phase and
described it and took notes and colored in the worksheet as needed. Then I went to the 8th grade
classroom and they just did a review worksheet and I helped her clean up the labs from the previous
day and also cut out some laminated papers (thats always fun). I walked around and made sure they
were all on task. Then I went back to 7th grade and she made me print off some papers and by that
time I wasnt as shy in the day and I was talking more and more with the students, some of them are
willing and excited to talk with me and some of them dont really want to look at me but its just the
way middle schoolers are.
Arrival Time: 7:28
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: First block did an activity with their partners where they had two separate
worksheets and they had to answer the questions on the one they had and the other had the answers
on the back and they had to give them hints if they needed help to answer. She noticed that the
activity finished kind of fast so for 3rd hour she made modifications to increase the time in the lesson.
All she did was add a 10 minute video of Bill Nye talking about what theyre doing right now in class.
The activity was good because it can show both sides of the students understanding. Them being able
to identify it and explain it. And for second hour I stayed with McCollough and I did the teacher
interview, then she went out to do some errands and I stayed and did some work that was some time
I needed. In third hour I decided to stay with her so I could continue to phasilitate her classroom,
because now I knew the questions on the sheet, I knew what kids were generally confused about and
I could answer their questions. Another thing I wanted to mention that she told me was that when
she creates her seating chart she tries to put one lower achieving student next to a higher achiever so
then whenever they do partner work they can be balanced in their work and maybe help each other
Date: 11/9/17
Arrival Time: 7:30
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of events: We started out the day with a warm up question and then the students in 7th
grade did an activity where they did the moon phases with oreos, I liked that because I got to eat
some. It was fun to pass them out and the materials beforehand because the students didnt have
any idea and they got super excited when it was oreos. It took about almost three packages of oreos
so Mrs McCollough probably had to buy..a LOT of oreo packages. There were some students who
struggled with the understanding and I helped them out (I hope) it felt like I explained it well and told
them it was important to study. Then for second hour I was on my way to miss days classroom but I
ran into Natalie, so her and I spoke a while and walked around, it was nice. Then I went to Prindles
class and talked with her a little more about students and grade levels I would enjoy to teach. Then
back to McColloughs class to help her more with the oreo activity, it was fun for me because I also re-
learned the moon phases and more about the moon and I got to really interact with the students. Its
kinda funny because some call me Miss Stoller, some call me Miss Teacher and some kid called me
Miss Flower-shirt because I was wearing A floral shirt that day. I feel like I could really connect to 7th
and 8th graders and help them to be the best they can but maybe Id like to teach even higher levels.
Date: 11/10/17
Arrival Time: 7:30
Departure Time: 10:10
Sequence of Events: We started out the 7th graders with a review activity, quizlet live. They seemed
to really enjoy it and get sort of competitive but not to the point where theyd be upset if they lost. Its
cool to compare and contrast the 7th graders and the 5th graders. The 5th graders were way more
excited and uppity with the quizlet live, yelling and moving around. The 7th graders were more
mature and ready to focus and work together. But I could also see a difference as in the 5th graders
seemed to treat each other all equally but the 7th graders might be less enthusiastic if they get
partnered with a certain person or people. Thats something to consider. I think I would be okay with
having an older class where some students didnt like each other because I would just try to let them
all get along. Then they took their quiz, it was a good time to get some work done is what
McCollough said. And then after the quiz, bill nye! And in the 8th grade classroom, same thing, they
took a test and then after they did some experiment with glow sticks and stuff. I think I want to talk
to Ms Bono to see if I may intern with her. I will report back here and tell what happened.

So she had a sub in today, (who didnt seem very welcoming to my company) but I remained as kind
as usual. So I made a quick stop by the library and visited my favorite books, and figured out that the
reading level was pretty low, so I decided to finally move away from them and decide that I need to
begin looking at horror books at higher reading levels.

Today I made a report against this one students shirt that had references to hookah and implied
trippy drugs I suppose and he had to go and put on a sweatshirt, I ran into him in the hall and he said
I have to wear this now, because of you. I changed the topic and asked him where the 8th grade
eagles hall way was, he didnt know, then as I was walking away I said I like your sweatshirt I felt
kinda giddy to be able to have that authority and sort of gear it to not be so negative. This experience
has kind of showed me a little more how I may be as a teacher, maybe I will be one of those who is
kind of sarcastic and goofy. But I want the students to know that I do love themso they dont get

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