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Benjamin Tee Xin Rui,

Open Day Science Exhibition PIC,

Seri Temasik Secondary Schools,
Lot 88703, Jalan Kenari, Bandar Putra,
81000 Kulaijaya, Johor,
Art Club Teacher, Bakery Club Teacher and Chess Club Teacher,
Seri Temasik Secondary Schools,
Lot 88703, Jalan Kenari, Bandar Putra,
81000 Kulaijaya, Johor,
Malaysia 12th September 2017

Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,
Application to Excuse Students from CCA for Open Day Rehearsal
As per above stated, I am applying to request student members of your club to be excused
from their CCA on 13th of September 2017, Wednesday from 2.00 3.45 p.m. to prepare
for Open Day Science Exhibition. The list of students stated as below:
1. Chong Shin Shing 3G Art Club
2. Yap Jun Ming 3G Art Club
3. Tay Wen Wei 3G Art Club
4. Yong Sheng Khai 3G Art Club
5. Tay Xin Yi 3G Bakery Club
6. Wong Zi Hui 4G Chess Club
7. Chai Loke Min 4G Chess Club
2. The purpose of this preparation is for the students to practice the set of experiments
they are in charge of during Open Day. Besides that, student need to practice on how to
demonstrate for their experiments, divide roles and time for duty as well as discussion on
decoration of the lab.
3. It is with deep gratitude that this application is to your consideration and it will be
great if it is approved. Thank you in advance regardless of the status.
Yours sincerely, Approved by,

_______________ ________________________
(Benjamin Tee Xin Rui) ( )
p/s: Mr. Michael Liew, Miss Hajjah, Miss Hilka

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