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Name : Annisa Febri Aulia

St. Number : 081711733036

Task 2

A. Passive Voice

We use passive voice when : We dont know who did the task or when we know who did
the task, but we want to switch readers focus
Example : Your cat was stolen by an unknown girl
We use passive voice because : We dont want to write something flat and when we
want to enrich the sentence
Example : After her father passed away, the house was sold by her step sister
Passive voice is used by : Someone who dont know the object, writer, and etc.
Example : Her heart was broke by her own crush

B. Modal Verbs

No Types of Modal Verbs Example

1 Can You can make someone happy
You cannot drink it just like that!
2 Could You could get some water there
You could not do it to her
3 Will She will come at the right time
She will not come at the right time
4 Must You must not turn on the phone while you are studying
You must check the direction before!
5 Should You should call her
You should not bring scissor to school

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