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The present investigation, has as its overall purpose, study the life within the family, and
therefore of society, a problem which for too long has always been in our society.

The problem of violence or domestic violence, as it is commonly known, does not

distinguish social areas, age, sex, and their effects are reflected through different
modalities, exercised within the household; and that have an impact on society as a whole,
this problem should be eradicated from their causes more determinants.

To bring about a change in this situation is required in a home, the rethinking of the roles of
father and mother in front of the children, in order that the latter in a future meet the
expectations of their parents.

We must go, then in search of the causes that are the seed of a ambiente hostile family and
that consequently produce a mis-education in our nios. If we become aware that each of us
is the violence that is generated in our home, work, on the street or wherever that let us live
together, we will not be able to contribute to the cessation of violence in this country so

Therefore , our research has raised, recommendations to assist institutions, which are
ensuring the rights of the family. We have also raised awareness of the families on the
physical damage that causes violence in the home

This work will be based more on the information and news around us as this will help us to
conclude more quickly with our goal


It is a good idea to talk about violencia intrafamiliar because it is a current problem related
to the violencia widespread that causes global disorder, by what we believe appropriate
through this report to conciencia all people and all readers, Teachers, colleagues, friends
and family to rescue one of the most important pillars of "The Family", to raise awareness
that is a common problem in most families, and that if the home lives problemas of
violence, these are reflected in the sociedad.

That is why the cultura knowledge and benefit us to poder understand this type
of comportamiento that leads to violence, and to achieve a cambio, that the union,
the brotherhood and el amor fraternal is what could eradicate violence within the family
circle, this is a latent problem, there is an urgent need to have men and women committed
to making a change; the fact that we know what it is and what it means, violencia
familiar we will have a wide range of datos statistical knowledge about, in our country, as

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well as at the world level, interpret and identify what We want to say the data and present
this type of violence in our homes and in the future, think about where we could go with
this problem.

Statement of the Problem

The violence is more extensive in this includes both la mujer how to minors, men, the sick
and the elderly. To which we will focus more on the women and children; in recent years
there has been a series of programs and leyes in the defense of human derechos del
nio and the mujer however, that ensures the well-being? Do these programs and laws
will be sufficient to close the physical and psychological abuse that occur day to day
against them?

Research Question

That knowledge can have on the physical violence in the community 27 May


Determine the physical violence Family violence in the area 27 May to strengthen the
knowledge of the community, by extending the Community Information

Specific objective:

Identify the causes of physical violence

Learn about factors that influence the physical violence
Recognize the risk factors

Development of the experience

Physical violence Family Violence

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The Origins
To our way of seeing the violence and if we were to go back to the emergence of this, we
would be in a serious problem, since their presence in almost all animal species present
makes us think that it has been broadcasting as a feature phylogenetically determined. In
this sense, the ability to make use of it has proved to be an evolutionary element of great
weight; even among the same litter congeners are more likely to survive the resulting
biologically more developed and/or are in a better position to compete for food, but beyond
the growth, are more likely to have the that may be imposed in the competition for the
female for mating, the female sex also selects the male stronger and with more
effectiveness is imposed on the rest of the group and this is the positive edge that we see the
violence in humans at the beginning, because it is clear to us that without resorting to She
would never have appeared as a species in our environment.
In this form of analysis and to refine our interests, to focus on the man implies a series of
real difficulties, the ancestors of what we know today for our fellow men appear inaccurate,
its existence can only be rebuilt by skeletal remains and utensils that have resisted the
passage of millions of years, in addition to be taken to infer the confluence a series of
characteristics that came appearing in the form of mosaic and were structured into our
current morphology.
Without fear of being able to appear as detractors of the paleo-anthropological knowledge
that has been accumulated up to our times, we do not fear to assert that el conocimiento on
the origins of man, even today is more fraught with questions than answers, but we do not
intend to dwell more than to enter some elements that we believe should be taken into
account to satisfy our interests necessarily reduced.
What is violence?

Talk about the violence, it is not easy, because in it are enclosed in a series of vari-ables
complex that lead to acts of violence.

But from our knowledge and experience of life what we understand by violence?

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The violence is defined as a deliberate behavior that may result in physical or psychological
harm to other human beings, animals or things (van-vandalism).

As a general rule, it is considered violent to the unreasonable person, who refuses to talk
and is determined to act violently. Usually dominant character-selfish mind, without any
exercise of empathy. Everything that violates what is reasonable is susceptible to be
catalogd as violent if it is imposed by force.

Some forms of violence are sanctioned by law or society.

Violence is the product of a number of factors, characteristics or situations that surround a

person or groups of persons in a given space; increasing the likelihood of developing
aggressive behavior or conduct problems.

But what are the risk factors for violence?

There are several types of risk factors for violence both on a personal level and at the level
of the different environments in which people interact. Among these types of factors are

Personal risk factors

Are understood as personal risk factors those features or mani-manifestations of the people,
that can lead to acts of violence both toward himself and toward other people.

The risk that a person commits acts of violence, exists when presents some of the factors or

History of anger or uncontrollable explosion of fury

History of having been the victim of abusive people
Aggressive or abusive behavior toward other
Use of the insults or offensive language
Cruelty to animals
Use and abuse of alcohol or drugs
Having attempted suicide in the past
Depression or mood changes significant

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Tendency to blame others for their personal problems

Recent experience of humiliation, loss or rejection
Obsessive interest in weapons or explosives
Little relation with the other, marginalization of the group.
Participation in cults or gangs
Too much time not busy in healthy activities

Environmental risk factors

In the familyrisk factors in the family are those features or manifestations of family
life or of one or more members that may have an impact on the occurrence of
violent acts both to himself, as did members of your family or community.Among
the risk factors in the family we have the following:

History of possession or use of weapons in the family

Alcohol or drug abuse by family members
Family Conflicts
Economic problems
Discrimination of a member of the family for the rest of the members
Inequality of roles in the home
Severe punishment or inconsistent
Lack of support from parents or other adults
Irresponsible Paternity / Maternity
The absence of parents (immigration)
At the Educational Centerin the educational centers often observed features or
manifestations of children and young people, that can generate violent acts
themselves, with peers, teachers, or with the goods and properties.Within these
features that show the children and young people in educational centers, are:
Academic failure.
Discipline problems repeatedly
Aggressive behavior and social isolation or hyperactivity

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Repeated absences without excuse, fighting, or bad behavior

Suspensions or expulsions by aggressive behavior
Manifestations of anger or frustration
Possession and/or use of weapons

Types of violence

The violence has basically two types of manifestations: physical violence and
psychological violence. The following describes the physical violence Family Violence

Definition of physical violence

Is any action that results in a non-accidental damage, using physical force or some kind of
weapon or object that can cause injury, whether internal, external or both. In general, the
physical violence is a result of the aggression; aggressiveness is a biological component
present in the man who leads him to commit a physical damage.

An aggressive person, if you cannot be controlled, you can get to commit acts of physical

The physical violence or body, is also considered an invasion of the physical space of the
other person, which can be done in two ways: one is through direct contact with the body of
another person by means of hitting, pushing, and the other is to restrict their movements by
enclosing it, injuring him with weapons or firearms, sometimes forcing her to have sex and
causing his death.

In this way the physical violence creates an immediate impact on the body of the victim,
however, it is the emotional aspect which suffer the most; in fact all violence, as a final
objective, affect emotionally to the victim, as this causes the person to wear

The case of physical violence seen with greater frequency, is the women of the hands of
their partner; which makes against the children, etc.

The physical violence can occur in any area: family, school, work, in the community, etc.

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Among the causes of this type of behavior are:

The alcoholism, according to statistical records the majority of the cases of physical
violence occur in women who are abused by their partners, which are in a state of

Lack of awareness of the inhabitants of the society, thinking that the best way of doing
things is through beatings, shootings, etc.

Not knowing how to master the impulses, sometimes you can lose patience, and not being
able to control impulses, you end up generating violence.

Lack of understanding toward children, many times mothers, do not take into account that
children are innocent creatures that often do things without thinking. There are mothers
who physically abuse their children generating violence.

Drug addiction, young men who fall into this vice and how to buy it, they are able to give
blows and even get to kill someone.

Among the consequences of physical violence are: Serious injury, homicide, suicide, fear,
anxiety, shame, hatred, etc.

Characteristics of the Aggressor

The aggressor, on a regular basis, has the following characteristics

Is jealous, imagine that the wife is unfaithful.

Try to keep your partner in isolation.
The controls in all their movements.
It has a double identity, while displaying aggressive in the house, it is ''good'' with
other people.
You may have or have had problems with the law.
Has an explosive temper, becomes angry easily.

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You made the guilt of abuse to your partner.

Projects its own errors to his companion.
It does not take responsibility for their actions.
He had a bad childhood.
Has economic problems.
Drink alcohol, smoke.
Is aggressive with their children when they make some 'mischief''.
Abused verbally (Insults, shouts, "swear words''
He grew up in a family where he saw abuse. You can be more violent when your
partner is pregnant or has given birth.
You have a tendency to deny the abuse, minimizes it and sometimes it is agreed.
Press to your partner to leave the house, if the partner moves out of the house makes
it possible for him to return. Apologizes.
It is selfish, it ignores the feelings of others.
Believes that men have rights to certain privileges (extremely macho)
Live threatening his wife.
Physical Violence: This is an action or conduct intentionally, in which an individual
goes beyond the personal space of another using his strength to cause damage and
physical injury.


In general terms, the actions and reactions of violence can be caused by various reasons and


These are situations, vices, addictions or environments that facilitate and condition a violent
act, for example:

The alcoholism: a number of cases, records that a large percentage of women who
are assaulted by their peers, are under the influence of alcohol.

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The ignorance and the ignorance: Lack of awareness of the inhabitants of a

society: they believe that this is the best way of doing things: strikes, shootings,
beatings, etc.
Poor education: Source of ignorance that there is no better way to resolve things:
they do not know that the best way to resolve a social phenomenon is talking and
looking at what causes that and then to try to resolve it.
Not being able to control impulses: many times we are impulsive, thus generating
violence, we do not know how to solve things.
The lack of understanding between the partners, the incompatibility of
characters: The intra-family violence is a major cause of violence, a child who
grew up in an environment of conflict and little has to be harmonious, insurance, a
person problem and with few personal principles.
Lack of understanding toward children: to know that children are creatures who
do not know what they are doing, they are innocent. Many mothers abuse their
children, and thus generated violence.
Drug addiction: This is another cause of the violence, many people take drugs to
be able to be what they are not in reality, to escape from the reality, causing a lot of
violence: if you do not have money to buy your """" kill and beat until his own

The violence is rooted in the lack of consideration toward the society in which we live, if
we create greater awareness in ourselves, if we analyze that violence is not the best way to
achieve the goals, our society will grow and develop.

Physical consequences:


Is the act of physical aggression, planned or incidental, that leads to the aggressor to
provide the highest level of violence and extreme that there is for the sole purpose of
getting a purpose unreasonable, irrational and most of their violence. Numerous studies
report that the majority of women who die from homicide are killed by their current or
former partner.

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In cultures where it is practiced the custom of dowry (goods that brings the woman to
marriage, which give to the husband and his parents or third parties, in view of his
marriage), this can be deadly for women whose parents cannot meet the demands of gifts or
money. The violence that begins with threats may end in "suicide" forced, death by injury
or murder.

(B) Serious Injury

The injuries suffered by women or men (less frequently) because of the physical and sexual
abuse can be extremely serious. Many incidents of aggression gives rise to lesions that may
vary from bumps and bruises (Ecchymosis) Fractures to chronic disabilities, which in the
end can even result in the death of the victim. A high percentage of the injuries required
medical treatment.

C) injuries during pregnancy

Recent research has identified violence during pregnancy as a risk to the health of both the
mother and the unborn fetus. The research on this sector have indicated higher levels of
various conditions, the consequences range from mild cause suffering to the fetus and the
mother as to cause the death of one of them or both.

D) Injury to children

Children in violent families may also be victims of abuse. Frequently, the children are
injured while trying to defend their mothers, as well the consequences range from minor
physical injuries to cause fatal injuries, and if these are mild, with the time will be
transformed into serious because the psychological health of the child is already damaged.

E) unwanted pregnancy and at an early age

Violence against women can produce an unwanted pregnancy, whether for breach or to
affect women's ability to negotiate the use of contraceptive methods. For example, some
women may be afraid to raise the use of contraceptive methods with their partners for fear
of being battered or abandoned. So in our social reality , specifically in the rural zone
stimulates guides and encourages the use of contraceptive methods among the forms of

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contraception has shown that the use of condoms help in no more than 30% to
contraception, because the man does not use them, or they simply do not know how to use
them properly, and the contraceptive method of the blisters , would be the best way to
prevent unwanted pregnancies in these realities , however for reasons of idiosyncrasy, there
are some women who use them hidden from your partner and/or spouse, because there is
the belief in this that this situation would facilitate a situation infidelity and/or deception on
the part of your partner in The absence of the man.

Adolescents who are abused or who have been abused as children, they are less likely to
develop a sense of self-esteem and belonging to those who haven't experienced abuse.

Are more likely to be neglected and engage in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex in
early or without protection. A growing number of studies indicates that girls who are
sexually abused during childhood are at much higher risk of unwanted pregnancy during

This increased risk of unwanted pregnancy poses many problems. For example, it is well
documented that Childbearing during early or middle adolescence, before girls are
biologically and psychologically mature, is associated with adverse health outcomes for
both the mother and the child. Infants may be premature, low birth weight and small for
gestational age.

When there is an unwanted pregnancy, many women try to solve his dilemma by abortion.
In countries where abortion is illegal, expensive or difficult to obtain, women may resort to
illegal abortions, sometimes with fatal consequences, at this point we speak of three
different acts of violence, which inflicts the mother to fetus or embryo, which inflicts the
man's own mother and the unborn child (very frequent in our means) and that causes the
mother to be autoinflinge abortion.

F) Vulnerability to disease

If you are compared with non-abused women, women who have suffered any kind of
violence are more likely to experience a number of serious health problems.

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It has been suggested that the increased vulnerability of battered women may be due in part
to the reduced immunity due to stress that causes the abuse. On the other hand, also has
taken responsibility to self neglect and a greater propensity to take risks. It has been
determined, for example, that battered women are more likely to smoke than those without
a history of violence.

Analysis and interpretation

Chart 1

You can see that the majority in the community does not suffer from violence

Chart 2

In this chart shows us that the reason for abuse in a 40 percent are from other people ,in a
20% the acts of physical violence are by discussions of couple , also in a 20% of child
abuse are by economic factors, and finally also in a 20% are out of jealousy

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But the problems are not solved with blows but with sincere words, with love, patience,

Chart 3

Who is the aggressor in this chart with the 11% the aggressor is the husband, 33% are
with other people and with the majority with a 56% the aggressor is the person with whom
to leave the place of experience this shows that the place of violence in the home

Chart 4

The frequencywith the minimum 8% abuse is monthly this means once a month ,with the
25% abuse is weekly and with a 67% abuse is inter daily this means that physical violence

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is almost on a daily basis which shows us that violence is causing a lot of damage in our

Chart 5

Reasons for silence with the 14% the reason for silence is for the children .with the 29%
the cause is by the parents and with the majority d a 57% the reason to silence the abuse is
the family

All victims are a reason for silence but this should not be so none of these reasons must
stop in order to put a stop to violence

Chart 6

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Childhood trauma of violence with the 10% people lived with violence in their childhood
and with 90% of the people did not suffer from any kind of violence. Which indicates that a
harmonious and happy home

Chart 7

Civil status in the civil state with 40% indicates to us that they were married and 60%
that it would be the majority live in free union

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We already know that the violence is a social phenomenon very dangerous, knowing that
tens of people die as a result of shots and blows, is to know that we must be careful. We
must bear in mind that we must try to reduce the violence.

The first step is to know how to control us, know how to manage our negative impulses that
make us so much harm. So our society will go in an increase of peace and non-there will be
as many innocent deaths and shots.
Due to the affections desbastadora that generate within families, puts in danger the or the
form of the same, i.e. according to the skills of the individual, as well as acts within the
society that surrounds it. It affects all members of a family.
The authentic education is the desarrollo integral of the person; this is why you must
provide, in addition to knowledge, values, beliefs and actitudes face up to distinct
The comunicacin is prevention because it enables us to find a space, be protagonists, learn
to respect the other; enables the ability to accept the error as an incentive to search for other
valid alternatives and helps to overcome the difficulties that arise.


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Drs. Alvarez Eduardo, Lic. Mallogio Marta, Mr. Medina Cistern Ignacio, Obst. Megare
Monteverde or Zulma, Dr. Luis.
Journal of the Society of medicina buenos aires internal n
Graciela Ferreira, Argentine Association of prevention of family violence- Articles
from inters n14,
Sebastian Rossel, sociologist, -
Magazine Psychologies in Buenos Aires, Year 2, No. 19
Sebastian Poblete

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