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Computer science 6th

Time allowed: 20 Minutes Total Marks: 12

Section-A (Marks 12)
Q.1 circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark.

i. _________________ were used in first generation.

a. Vacuum tubes b. Transistors
c. IC chips d. Microprocessor
ii. IBM 7090 and Honey well 800 were examples of ____________________.
a. First generation b. Second generation
c. Third Generation d. Fourth generation
iii. Fifth generation was started in ________.
a. 1982 b. 1987
c. 1991 d. 1984
iv. _________________ are commonly known as personal computers.
a. Microcomputers b. Minicomputers
c. Supercomputers d. Mainframes
v. ATM stands for____________________________.
a. Automated Time Machine b. Automatic Tell Machine
c. Automated Teller Machine d. Automatic Time Machine
vi. The basic unit of memory is_________.
a. Bit b. Byte
c. MB d. KB
vii. _________________ is light sensitive device.
a. ATM b. Light pen
c. Touchpad d. Data Projector
viii. _________________ is an output device.
a. Light pen b. Data projector
c. Touchpad d. Mouse
ix. _________________ is example of word processor.
a. MS Excel b. Corel Draw
c. MS Word d. Oracle
x. _________________ is the basic component of system software.
a. OS b. Application software
c. Microsoft d. MYCIN
xi. _________________ is example of operating system.
a. LINUX b. MS Excel
c. MYCIN d. Data
xii. _________________ are known as graphics programs.
a. Desktop publishers b. Databases
c. Spreadsheet d. Word processors
Time allowed: 2:40 hours Total Marks: 43
Section-B (Marks 27)
Q.2 Attempt any nine parts .The answer to each question should not exceeds 3 to 4 lines. (93=27)
i. What do you know about second generation computers?
ii. Define fourth generation computers.
iii. What do you know about minicomputers?
iv. What is webcam?
v. What is light pen?
vi. What is a pixel?
vii. What is photo printer?
viii. Write down the basic units of memory.
ix. What is data projector?
x. What is an operating system?
xi. What are desktop publishers?
xii. Define Data and information.
Section-C (Marks 16)
Note: Attempt any two questions .All questions carry equal marks (28=16)
a. What do you know about fifth generation computer? (04)
b. Write three main differences between Mainframe and super computer. (04)
a. What do you know about touchpad? (04)
b. What is Graphic tablet? (04)
a. Define system software and application software. (04)
b. Give examples of five operating system used today? (04)

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