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Inocencio, Johanna Lyn E. S-1R 09174736396

1. What is your general impression of HUME 10?

HUME 10 became one of the most enrolled GE subjects

here in UPLB maybe because of the interesting topics it
covers about adolescents. I was engaged to enroll in HUME 10
mainly because I want an easy subject to take given that I
have overload units this semester. But as the semester went
on, I realized that HUME 10 is more than just a GE subject
that you need to take in order to graduate. Throughout the
semester, I saw the dedication and passion of every
professor. I appreciate their efforts to make students to
really grasp something from them. I saw their commitment to
be students confidant when difficulties arise. They are
more than just willing to help every student to overcome
whatever they are going through.

2. Among the topics discussed, which are the most significant to

you as an adolescent? Why? What have you learned and realized?
How have they become relevant to you?

All topics discussed in HUME 10 are significant for me

as an adolescent. One of the topics I really appreciate is
the topic about Body Image. Teenagers are very susceptible
to criticism, teasing, or negative comments. Some teenagers
lose confidence in their appearance if they receive negative
or insulting comments about their looks, racial or ethnic
features, physical abilities, or body changes associated
with puberty. With all of the focus on the body's
appearance, adolescents like me may need to be reminded to
give equal value to other important aspects of themselves,
such as personality, inner strengths, mental aptitudes, and
artistic and musical talents, which, along with body image,
contribute to overall self-image. There are certain things
that I cannot change about my appearance or physical
capabilities, but having a good body image does not require
a perfect body. I can develop a healthy body image by taking
care of my body, appreciating its capabilities, and
accepting its imperfections.

Another topic that is significant for me is Hygiene. As

UP students, sometimes I lack care on my well-being. One
personal benefit of good hygiene is having better health.
Keeping my body clean helps me prevent illness and infection
from bacteria or viruses. Like in our example, the simple
act of washing my hands regularly is an effective way to
keep germs from spreading. I would be much more likely to
get sick if, instead of washing my hands, I just wiped them
off on my pants and went to lunch as soon as class was over.
Maintaining good hygiene also helps me have better self-
esteem. In other words, once I take care of how I look, I
feel better about myself.

I also find the topic about Emotions really interesting

and helpful. I learned that emotional responses dont
necessarily have much to do with the current situation, or
to reason, but you can overcome them with reason and by
being aware of your reactions. Emotional decisions are
sometimes seen as made in the heat of the moment, but
emotions play a greater part in most decisions than we may
be aware. Very few, however, would argue that the decision
is made solely on the basis of logic. HUME 10 thought me
that the best decisions are made using both logic and

Another thing I find vital in HUME 10 is the discussion

on Sexually Transmitted Infection. I want to spread
awareness to my friends and classmates about it and help
them in case they will encounter it. STIs nowadays are
prominent to adolescents and the number of infected people
is tremendously increasing. And today, education regarding
STI is very vital.

I have a sister undergoing puberty and the topic about

Changes during Puberty is very helpful for me as her sister.
I can help and guide my sister as she undergoes puberty and
I can give tips on how to take care of herself. With my
knowledge I got from HUME 10, I think Im credible enough to
educate my sister and guide her as she faces this stage. I
can understand her even better with the help of my

Parenthood is also one of the topics I find relevant.

Good parenthood is the practice of taking good care of ones
offspring and ensuring that they grow up in a safe and happy
environment, are well educated and know the difference
between right and wrong. Parenthood is crucial to human
development in so many different ways. That is why it is so
important that parents strive to be the very best parents
that they can be. But as students, we should focus now on
becoming a responsible person we are ought to be. Being a
parent has its own season and it demanded responsibility and

3. Has HUME 10 helped you better understand some personal issues?

What are they, and how has HUME 10 helped in providing
clarification about them?

HUME 10 helped me to have a better understanding on

some personal issues like anger management. Anger is a
completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when
it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to
problemsproblems at work, in personal relationships, and in
the overall quality of life. People who express their anger
without restraint often claim that their anger takes over,
and that they can't help their actions. It may feel as if
anger is beyond your control, but in reality everyone can
learn to control their response to anger.

In addition, anger has some biological basis. The role

that chemistry plays in anger is by the epinephrine and non-
epinephrine. Without these two chemicals the body would not
be able to give off any reactions when you become angry or
try and show any other emotions that involves adrenaline.
Epinephrine allows you to engage into the flight to fight
reaction which determines how you handle the situation that
you are in, by either walking away from the problem or
engage aggressively. Non epinephrine is known as the
adrenaline rush which in some cases can lead to aggression
in situation. It gives them the strength to defend
themselves in extreme situations.
One thing I learned from Hume 10 is that if you find
yourself getting worked up and starting to argue, there are
things you can do to prevent things getting out of hand. If
you are angry, its usually better to say so, rather than
pretend you are not.

4. Are there other personal issues that you wish HUME 10 could
help address? If so, what additional topics would you suggest for
future classes?

Mental health is one of the issues I wish HUME 10 could

address. Mental illness, particularly depression, has been
predicted to be one of the major health burdens of the
coming decades. Considering that depression is one of the
main causes of chronic illness in the developed world, it
baffles me that we are still not arming our children with a
very important, arguably the most important, tool to help
navigate them through their adult years. That is to give
young people an understanding of their mental health.

Mental health for young people in this country is

poorly provided for. Some schools deal with students' issues
through counselling services. Others have pastoral sessions
to reflect on problems. Charities and the government at
local level are increasing their support. But it's still
patchy. We recognize that a child's physical health
education is important enough to have attention devoted to
it weekly, on a national scale. Many communities struggle
with the stigma of mental health diagnoses and treatment.
While people will openly seek treatment for a broken arm or
heart disease, their decision to seek treatment for a mental
health illness is often kept secret and many times, avoided
entirely due to stigma.

It is, of course, not a new insight that physical and

mental health concerns must be addressed if schools are to
function satisfactorily and students are to succeed at
school. It has long been acknowledged that a variety of
psychosocial and health problems affect learning and
performance in profound ways. Such problems are exacerbated
as adolescents internalize the unbearable effects of
performing poorly at school and are punished for the
misbehavior that is a common correlate of school failure.

Helping students make the most of their education is

everyones goal. Students struggling with depression or
other mental illnesses have a harder time feeling motivated,
learning, concentrating, taking tests, etc. But with timely
and proper treatment, mental health challenges can be
addressed and students can reach their academic potential.

5. Were there any improvements in your relationship with

yourself, your peers, your family, or your intimate friend?

Yes, there is a lot of improvement that I observed with

my relationship with myself, peers, family and boyfriend.
Relationships come with plenty of opportunities to worry.
Worry is often a sign that there is a problem in the
relationship that needs to be addressed, but it might also
signal a personal struggle that resides more in me. So, I
make sure to ask myself what my exact worry is. Rather than
accepting that I am just anxious about my relationship, I
try to get more specific. For instance, I might realize that
my parents are not giving enough attention and care for me.
Once that Im already aware of my specific concern, I ask
myself whether if it is reasonable. This can sometimes be
difficult to figure out. It can help to think about what my
assessment of the situation would be if it were happening to
someone else. Sometimes, I ask a trusted friend for their
thoughts. As much as possible, I try to address any
reasonable causes for concern directly, and doing my best to
work it out together.

Good relationships have open lines of communication --

where each people feel heard and respected. One of the best
ways to strengthen relationship is to increase listening
skills and those of other people. Until we can hear each
other, we cannot build strong relationships. Most people
value people in the relationship, although many people are
not aware of the importance of improving their self and
perspective. It takes hard work to make a successful
relationship. The work you put into making your relationship
stronger, however, can be well worth the effort.

6. With whom do you usually discuss personal issues like problems

with your parents, friends, bf/gf, school issues or intimate
issues that have something to do with sexuality?

There will always be problems in our lives, but

sometimes we don't have the capacity to handle them all by
ourselves. Getting a 360-degree view is impossible when all
you can see is what's going wrong. No one was created to
navigate this world on their own. And talking with another
person can give us perspective. I realized that I can
minimize my problems by discussing them with the people I
trust. No matter the pain and sorrow of past relationships,
everyone should risk inviting someone into their lives and
sharing their problems with someone.

I always discuss personal issues with my best friend

because she is the one who knows me so well. I have never
felt judged by her because she assures me that things I have
felt, cried about, been angry about, or even overjoyed about
have been justified since she hears my explanations. One of
the greatest things about opening up to her is that she also
trusts me to listen to her issues and joys too.

With all of the listening she does, I love that she

isn't afraid to give her opinion if she feels the need. I
value her opinion highly, and it is always welcome. I just
simply love that she let me get everything out first. She
doesn't judge. She doesn't interrupt. She is just the friend
I need.

All of the advice she gave me isn't simply what she

would do. She know me so well that she would take the time
to listen, analyze, and combine her wisdom with how she see
me reacting. It is such a breath of fresh air to know that
she have my best interests at heart, and that she explains
her advice if it ends up being something that isn't
necessarily me.

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