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Running head: SLEEP 1

Sleep is a Beautiful Thing

Vanessa Solorio

Arizona State University



The following essay is a thesis about the importance of sleep to the human body. Sleep affects

the individual at a physical and emotional level. I do present research and experiences that has

made me appreciate the value of sleep.

Keywords: thesis, research, sleep, wellness, analysis, balance


Sleep is the bodys way of storing energy and restarting, one-third of our lives is spent

sleeping and even then, over 50 million people experience sleep disorders. The

miscommunication between the body and brain is most likely to cause an imbalance and that can

lead to complications in health. Being a teenager in college, I wanted to explore the different

aspects of sleep and reflect on my personal choices. As I am merging into adulthood, I am

noticing that my body needs to be in the healthiest state in order to function at its fullest

potential. Sleep needs to be taken more seriously in this equation and here are some examples on

how those complications can have a simple fix through communicating and listening to your

body. Sleep is important for an individuals overall wellness and can be threatened through food

choices, lack of knowledge and lifestyle habits.

The body works with the mind to send signals and functions, one important system in the

body is the digestive system. Food intake and the amount of sleep are the bodys primary source

for energy. When the body lacks sleep, it begins to crave a simple solution to store energy. This

is when many individuals seek sugar or caffeine to fuel the body. This particular action has

negative effects, according to My Gut Health Today, sugar and caffeine are harmful to the

digestive system in large quantities because they cause irritation and further disruption in the

sleep cycle. Furthermore, caffeine numbs the brain from realizing it is tired, so when that

caffeine rush is gone the body will crash. Irritation of the stomach lining is caused by too many

caffeinated beverages but also due to the quality and quantity of sleep. If the sleep is bad in

quality and low in quantity, then the individual will be more prone to stress. High levels of stress

and anxiety signal the stomach to produce more acid and in return will cause irritability and

discomfort. The most common digestive issue is irritable bowel syndrome. This is why it is very

important for individuals to watch their food choices, because poor diets full of caffeine can lead

to sleep disorders and distress to the body. It also works the other way around where less sleep

can increase the chances of a person being obese or diabetic.

In todays era, technology surrounds our everyday activities and interactions. Almost

everyone is guilty of checking their phones before going to bed, but not everyone knows how

harmful this action can be. A study done by the Lighting Research Center in Troy, NY found that

light from gadgets prevents the release of the hormone melatonin which tells our brain that it is

time to go to sleep. Tanya Lewis from Business Insider further demonstrated the effects by

personally putting a stop to her electronic usage after work. She documents her week and the

success but also the struggle. She found that her interaction with people increased as well as her

night sleep. Young adults and teenagers are the most vulnerable to this finding and reality. The

truth is that the majority of human interaction is associated with technology. It has become part

of our culture to check our phones throughout the day. I have learned to reflect on my habits

when it comes to technology and how it threatens the way I sleep. I have learned that the light

associated with our phones triggers our brains in a bad way and it can lead to extreme

consequences in our body. To further reflect on this information I decided to document my own

week. I followed my everyday routine with the purpose of finding where I lack balance and

when I am the most successful. I learned that my life is busy which in return forces my body to

become flexible. This is something I cannot avoid because I have school, a job, and a social life.

I notice that my sleeping schedule is all out of place so something that I want to improve is my

sleeping patterns. I want to stop confusing my brain when it comes to bedtime. I also came to the

conclusion that my diet affects the amount of sleep my body receives. Mind and body work


Sleep is sometimes seen as the least important aspect in an individuals wellness, that is

why many people put it off. Putting off sleep can lead to many possible consequences, including

sleep disorders. About 40 million people in the United States suffer from sleep disorders and

according to Psychologist Anywhere Anytime, the most common sleep disorders are insomnia,

sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and narcolepsy. If you are like me, you most likely do not

know the definition of each one of those listed. Insomnia includes the following symptoms:

difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up too early, or even sleep state

misperception. In many of these cases, the person also starts suffering from anxiety which affects

their mental health and increases the symptoms. It is a cycle of unbalanced series of events, as

the factors that cause the problem may also be the effects. Insomnia can result from stress, jet

lag, or as I mentioned before diet choices. Chronic insomnias most common cause is depression,

which highlights the interconnection between the body. Overall, this disorder can affect not only

your mood, but can also jeopardize your mental and physical health. Sleep Apnea is a disorder

that interrupts sleep with irregular breathing. In many cases, people who suffer from sleep apnea

are obese. An unhealthy BMI that leads to mild sleep apnea can be overcome though weight loss.

Restless leg syndrome is a disorder that includes tingling sensations in the legs that make a

person move for relief. Narcolepsy is the next big disorder and that can be described as sleep

attacks at different times of the day. Knowing your bodys weaknesses and the importance of a

strong overall wellness can prevent the probability of sleep disorders.

I learned that these common sleeping disorders can become deadly and alter the lifestyle

of an individual, but with the proper treatment, an individual can successfully cope with the

disorder and live a normal life. Taking care of your body now will have a positive impact on

your body later. With all the research I conducted, I learned that next time I want to procrastinate

and pull and all-nighter, I should think of how negatively I am impacting my body. I want to

improve my sleep habits because I want to reach overall wellness and decrease my chances of

disorders when I get older. Health and wellness should be the most important aspect of our lives

and it should require more attention from us. Rest and sleep is essential in being the best version

of ourselves, so next time do not hesitate in taking a 30-minute nap between classes.

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