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BIOS 105 Week 1 iLab

BIOS 105 Week 1 Quiz
1. (TCO1) Which of these is NOT a survival need:

2. (TCO1) Which of the following is the correct order of elements in a control system:

3. (TCO1) The dorsal body cavity houses the:

4. (TCO1) A section that divides the body on the longitudinal plane into equal right and left parts
is called:

5. (TCO1) The ribs are located in the:

6. (TCO1) Which of the following orientation and directional terms have the same meaning (in
humans) :

7. (TCO2) The reaction A + B AB is an example of a(n) :

8. (TCO2) An atom with an atomic number of 14 will have __________ electrons in its valence

9. (TCO2) When a pair of electrons is shared equally between two atoms, the bond formed is
called a(n) :

10. (TCO2) The organic compounds that function in building tissues and acting as enzymes are

11. (TCO2) Which of the following is an example of an inorganic molecule

12. (TCO2) Water is useful in body processes because:

BIOS 105 Week 2 Quiz

1. (TCO3) The molecule that is made during transcription is:

2. (TCO3) What are the correct base-pairing rules for DNA:

3. (TCO3) Which cell structure forms an internal framework inside the cell and is made of
microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments:

4. (TCO3) The movement of fluid through the cell membrane from a high pressure area to a
lower pressure area is called:

5. (TCO5) Melanocytes are found in the:

6. (TCO5) Which of the following is an indication of melanoma:

7. (TCO5) Which of the following is a vital function of the skin:

8. (TCO5) Which of the following relationships is incorrect:

9. (TCO4) The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, and in
the walls of blood vessels is:

10. (TCO4) Which of these characteristics best describes cardiac muscle tissue:

11. (TCO4) Identify the type of tissue that is found in lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone marrow:

12. (TCO4) Which of the following is NOT connective tissue

BIOS 105 Week 3 iLab Muscular and Skeletal System

Complete the following steps before answering the questions below:
1. Review the following clinical illustrations in ADAM:
Clinical Illustrations
Skeletal System- upper limb- radial head injury
fracture types
bone building exercise
Muscular System upper limb- active vs inactive
2. Review the Joints Case Study at the anatomy and physiology place.
3. Answer the questions below. You may use your text and any other resources you wish, please be
sure to cite your sources! Submit your answers as a word document to the week 3 dropbox.
1. List two factors that keep bones healthy. Describe in detail how these factors impact bone health.
2. Describe the process of healing a fracture
3. In the case study, what type of joint did Torin injure? What is the range of motion of this joint?
4. How does the saying use it or lose it apply to muscles? What type of exercise is the best way to
improve muscle strength? muscle size? In your answer be sure to explain how the different types of
exercise work to increase strength or size!
5. Why do all muscle cross a joint? Define the attachment points of muscle to bone.
BIOS 105 Week 4 iLab Nervous and Endocrine System
Nervous and Endocrine System Work Sheet
View the following case studies on the Anatomy and Physiology place website:
Chapter 7 Nervous System;
Chapter 8- Special Senses
Chapter 9 Endocrine
Try to answer the questions in the case study and be sure to check the correct answers! However you
will not need to submit your answers to these questions, only the questions on the worksheet ( see
Submit your answers as a word document to the Week 4 dropbox
BIOS 105 Week 5 iLab Cardiovascular System Worksheet
. Track a drop of blood from its entry into the right atrium until it leaves the left ventricle. Be sure
to include all anatomical landmarks, including the major vessels and valves the blood passes
through on this journey.

2. Name the elements of the intrinsic conduction system in the correct order. Which one is called
the pacemaker?

3. Match the following

4. Define systolic and diastolic pressure.

5. What is normal blood pressure?

6. What is considered high blood pressure?

7. What factors influence blood pressure?

BIOS 105 Week 6 iLab Digestive and Respiratory System
1. Trace the path of an oxygen molecule from the air outside you to your tissues.
2. Trace the path of food from ingestion to defecation. Briefly describe what happens at each
stop on the journey.
BIOS 105 Week 7 iLab Reproductive System
Before answering the questions below, log in to ADAM and review the following Clinical
Animations about the Reproductive System
a. Conception
b. Fetal Development
c. Formation of twins
d. vasectomy
Next, view the clinical illustration
a. Ectopic Pregnancy
Answer the following questions

1. How is a vasectomy performed? Be sure to cite the specific anatomical structures involved. How
does this prevent pregnancy?
2. Where does fertilization take place?
3. At what stage of fetal development does implantation take place?
4. What is an ectopic pregnancy?
5. Distinguish between a identical and non-identical twins. Do all identical twins develop the same

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