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Lesson: English (Letter T)

Learning Goal(s):
Recognize letter t with the sound and learn how to write it.

Learning Activity:
Engage children by bring real turtle and let them explore what is this and with what letter its start then show them different flash cards that
start with letter T for example (Turtle, tomato and tree).
-Activity 1 (Trace on letter T and color the turtle).

Activity 2 (create tree by using colors paper)

Activity 3(Different flash cards, children have to choose the picture starting with letter T then stick it).
4 Ws Lesson Steps
Tell Me
Who will participate? Children have to tell me what animal they saw its turtle
All children have to tell me what they see then we will know that its turtle. and then I will ask them its start with letter what? They
will tell me T. Tell me something start with letter T?
Where will we do this activity?
Outside the classroom.
Show Me
When will we do this activity and for how long? Show me how we write letter T on the mat while they are
Its take around 20 minutes. setting

What materials will teachers and students need? Help Me

Flash cards, green and brawn papers. Children help me to do the activity by following teacher

Let Me
Give them good explanation about the topic and

Forecasting Checklist:
Do children need additional background knowledge to get the most out of this activity?
Going through the flash cards together before they start the the activities.
Are there particular behavioral expectations that I should introduce or review?
I will tell them if they will listen and participate with me they will get star.

Are there materials that children will need to learn how to use or practice using?
No, only how to stick the colors papers.
Are there times during the lesson when children are waiting or watching? How can I adjust the activity so that children are actively
Have discussion and let them speak, give example and tell me what they understood
If I am working with a small group, do children in other parts of the room know what they should be doing? How can I prepare them
to be able to work and play without my immediate support?
Yes I have to give them work to do it or move to do other activity. (before we move to do the activities time I tell them that who well finish
have to go back and set on the mat.
What should children do if they finish early? What should they do if they require more time?
If they finish early recap with them what they done and have discussion see if they achieve the goal or not yet, if they require more time I
have to remind them of the time and count for them to let them finish on time.
Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use assessments of LO)

WWW What Went Well - The most thing they was engaged with Children was able to do the activities without
it is the real turtle. any difficulty this mean that they learn and
- All the activities went well. listen to what I said.

EBI Even Better If Use assessment to chick if they are able to do it

Use differentiation or not.
This mean to create more open activity for

Ordering number from 0-5 lesson

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